examples to show how hormones may produce developmental constraints on
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AMER. ZOOL., 37:482-490 (1997)
Hormonal Mechanisms as Potential Constraints on Evolution: Examples from the Anura1 TYRONE B. HAYES
Laboratory for Integrative Studies in Amphibian Biology Group in Endocrinology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology and Department of Integrative Biology, University of California Berkeley, California 94720-3140 SYNOPSIS. Developmental constraints are limitations on phenotypic variability resulting from developmental mechanisms that produce biases in phenotypic variants and hence evolution. These constraints ultimately limit the available phenotypes on which selection can act. Because hormones play important roles in many developmental processes, there is a great potential for hormonal mechanisms to produce (or act as) developmental constraints. In the current study, I present two examples to show how hormones may produce developmental constraints on evolution in the Anura. One example (a universal constraint in the Anura), examines evidence that thyroid hormones are required for sex differentiation and reproduction in frogs. The thyroid hormone requirement for these processes may prevent the evolution of neoteny in anurans. The second example (a local constraint) examines the mechanisms underlying sexual dichromatism in the genus Hyperolius (Hyperoliidae) and shows how the evolution of sexual dichromatism is limited by the hormonal mechanisms regulating pigmentation.
amples of developmental constraints in the Anura, both of which involve hormonal mechanisms regulating development. The "Evolutionary constraints are restrictions first example is presented as a universal or limitations on the course or outcome of constraint, in that it may affect all anurans evolution" (Arnold, 1992, p. S85). These and prevent a developmental pattern (neoconstraints can be manifested in a variety teny) from emerging in anurans. The secof ways including genetic, selective, phys- ond example is a local constraint, regulating ical, and developmental. Developmental sexual dimorphism in the hyperoliid genus constraints are evolutionary constraints pro- Hyperolius. The arguements presented here duced by the "structure, character, compo- are based on data from several recent and sition, or dynamics of the developmental ongoing research projects in my laboratory system" (Maynard Smith et ah, 1985; p. and are intended to present one interpreta265). These restrictions imposed by the de- tion and to put the developmental endocrivelopmental pattern, thus, limit the varia- nology of amphibians into an evolutionary tion in phenotypes on which selection can framework. act. Because many developmental processes Developmental constraints preventing the are regulated by hormones, the develop- evolution of neoteny in anurans mental endocrinology of a species may bias "Neoteny" describes species with the the direction of evolutionary trajectories by ability to reproduce while maintaining their imposing developmental constraints. The larval morphology. All members of four current study examines two potential ex- families of urodeles are obligatory neotenes, and every family of urodeles has ' From the Symposium Developmental Endocrinol- neotenic populations in at least one species ogy of Non-Mammalian Vertebrates presented at the (Duellman and Trueb; 1986), except RhyAnnual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 26-30 December 1996, at Al- acotritonidae (which contains only four species). On the other hand, no anurans are buquerque, New Mexico. 2 E-mail:
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scribed non-metamorphosing populations of anurans (Borkin et al., 1982), none were reported to reproduce as larvae and were, thus, not truly neotenic. Among caecilians, four of the six families of caecelians have larval life stages, all species of the remaining two families are live-bearing, and none are known to be neotenic. In the current study, I suggest that a developmental constraint, in the form of a hormonal requirement, may have prevented the evolution of neoteny in the Anura. In other words, there is no selective disadvantage in neoteny in anurans, but anurans have inherited a developmental pattern that does not allow reproduction without metamorphosis; i.e., ". . . there is no reason to suppose that the developmental mechanisms in question evolved because of the particular phenotypes that they make readily accessible." (Maynard Smith et al., 1985, p. 269). Sexual reproduction requires at least three processes: Sexual differentiation, sexual maturation, and appropriate reproductive cycling. Sexual differentiation involves both primary and secondary sex differentiation. In primary sex differentiation, the bipotential gonads differentiate into either testes or ovaries (in non-hermaphrodites). Following gonadal differentiation, hormones from the gonads regulate secondary sex differentiation {e.g., reproductive tract in males and females, thumb pads and gular pouch in male anurans, sexual dichromatism). Sexual maturation involves the production of gametes. Once sexually mature, animals typically enter reproductive cycles, periods of reproductive activity interspersed with periods of inactivity. In anurans, all of these processes are affected and regulated by sex steroids. Exogenous sex steroid treatment affects gonadal differentiation in many species of anurans, suggesting a role for endogenous sex steroids. The effects of steroids may vary greatly between species, however (Hayes and Licht, 1995). For example, 17[J estradiol (E2)-treatment in larvae produces 100% females in Xenopus laevis at metamorphosis (Witschi and Allison, 1950; Gallien, 1953, 1955; Chang and Witschi, 1955; Hayes, unpublished), but testosterone-treat-
X. laevis
FIG. 1. Effect of [0.37 JJLM] testosterone (T), [0.37 JJLM] 17(3 estradiol (E2), and [3.1 mM] thiourea (Thio) as compared to the control (Con), on the sex ratio in the African Clawed Frog (Xenopus laevis; top) and the African reed frog (Hyperolius viridiflavus; bottom). In both studies, larvae were treated by direct administration of the compounds to the aquarium water at 28°C throughout larval development (6-8 weeks). Each treatment was replicated three times, each replicate contained 30 animals, and water was changed and new hormone or thiourea added daily. Sex was determined after complete tail resorption based on gonadal morphology and histology. Asterisks show treatment groups in which the sex ratio deviated significantly from 50:50 based on a G-test statistic (Sokal and Rohlf, 1981). Figure modified from Hayes et al, 1997.
ment has no effect (Mikamo and Witschi, 1964; Hayes, unpublished., Fig. 1). On the other hand, E2 does not affect the sex ratio in the African reed frog {Hyperolius viridiflavus), but testosterone produces 100% males (Richards, 1982; Hayes et al, 1997; Fig. 1). In addition to their effects on primary sex differentiation, sex steroids regulate a number of secondary sex characteristics. In males, development of the vocalization apparatus (gular pouch: Hayes et al., 1997; and larynx: Sassoon et al., 1987) and thumb pad development are androgen-dependent (Chang and Witschi, 1955). Androgens also potentially regulate sexually dimorphic growth and behaviors in the African bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus, Hayes and Licht, 1992) and E2 induces female-type dorsal coloration in a species of sexually dichromatic reed frog {Hyperolius argus; Hayes et al., 1997). Also, sex steroids initiate sexual maturation. For example, in fe-
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males, E2 induces vitellogenin and thus egg production in females (Clemens, 1974). Finally, steroids also regulate reproductive cycles in anurans (Licht et al., 1983). Despite the direct regulation of sexual differentiation and reproductive processes by sex steroids, new evidence suggests that exposure of tissues to thyroid hormones may be required prior to sex steroid exposure for gonadal differentiation, secondary sex differentiation, sexual maturation, and possibly reproductive cycling. These data, reviewed below, suggest that several components of reproduction (primary sex differentiation, secondary sex differentiation, and reproductive cycling) require thyroid hormones (which also induce metamorphosis) in order to occur normally: All tissues must transform to the adult type (metamorphose) before they can respond to sex steroids. Several studies have addressed the role of thyroid hormones in primary sex differentiation, with mixed results (see Hayes, 1997 for review). Administration of the goitrogen, thiourea, to larvae blocked thyroid hormone production and hence metamorphosis and also resulted in skewed sex ratios (100% females) in Xenopus laevis (Hayes, 1997; Hayes and Chen, 1997a; Fig. 1). These data suggest that thyroid hormones may be required for testicular development in Xenopus laevis (Hayes, 1997). Establishing a role for thyroid hormones in gonadal differentiation in a single species does not allow generalizations to all of the Anura, so we (Hayes et al., 1997) examined sex differentiation in a second species, the African reed frog Hyperolius viridiflavus. This species is ideal for comparative studies for at least two reasons: 1) It is unrelated to Xenopus laevis (H. viridiflavus is a member of the family Hyperoliidae, and X. laevis a member of the Pipidae) and 2) in H. viridiflavus, E2 has no effect on primary sex differentiation, but testosterone-treatment results in 100% males (the opposite of X. laevis; Richards, 1982; Hayes et al, 1997; Fig. 1). Treating Hyperolius viridiflavus with thiourea resulted in 100% males (Fig. 1). Thus, in an unrelated species with a completely different sex determining system
(based on the response to steroids), it appears that one sex (male or female, depending on the species) depends on thyroid hormone exposure for differentiation. Although more work is needed to elucidate fully the mechanisms of hormone action on gonadal differentiation, the production of skewed sex ratios in thyrostatic tadpoles of two unrelated species suggests a general role for thyroid hormones in anurans: The production of normal sex ratios cannot occur in the absence of thyroid hormones. There is also evidence of a role for thyroid hormones in the development of secondary sex characters in anurans. Thyroid hormones directly induce the testosterone receptor in the larynx of developing male Xenopus laevis (Cohen and Kelley, 1996; Robertson and Kelley, 1996). Subsequent exposure to androgens from the testes then induces development of the larynx necessary for vocalizations by males. Thus, in the absence of thyroid hormones, this important secondary sex character and behavior would not be possible. Furthermore, recent work in my laboratory (Hayes et al., 1997) showed that estrogens administered to larvae prematurely induce a change in the dorsal color pattern in the sexually dichromatic species Hyperolius argus. Normally, both male and female H. argus metamorphose with a bright green dorsum. Females develop a reddish brown dorsal color with large white spots several months after metamorphosis. Exogenous E2 induces female coloration in both males and females at metamorphosis, but does not produce this effect in larvae if thyroid hormone production is inhibited (thiourea + E2). Likewise, although exogenous testosterone induced gular pouch development, this effect does not occur if animals are concurrently treated with thiourea. Thus, steroid regulation of this secondary sex character requires prior (or possibly concurrent) exposure to thyroid hormones. Thus, in several examples, steroid regulated secondary sex characters cannot develop without exposure to thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones may be required for sexual maturation and subsequent reproductive cycling in anurans, also. Thyroid hormones induce expression of the E2 receptor
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FIG. 2. Effect of [0.37 u.M] 17|3 estradiol (E2) on vitellogenin mRNA expression in reproductively mature Xenopus laevis (A), pre-metamorphic tadpoles (B), and post-metamorphic sexually immature juveniles (C). Estradiol was administered directly into water in all cases. Expression was analyzed using northern blot hybridization. Total RNA was extracted from tissues using the guanidine thiocyanate method and ultracentrifugation (Chirgwin et ai, 1979). Samples (15 u.g total RNA) were run on an agarose gel, transferred to a nylon transfer membrane, and probed with a vitellogenin cDNA (obtained from J. Tata, National Institute for Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, UK) labeled with32 P using an Amersham Megaprime DNA-labeling kit. Panel A (top; left to right) shows the absence of expression in adult male livers, expression in adult females, and up-regulation following daily treatment of adult females with E2 for ten days. Expression was tissue-specific and not produced in the kidney of Ej-treated females (panel A, far right). Panel B shows the absence of vitellogenin expression in control pre-metamorphic tadpoles and tadpoles treated with E2 for ten days. For tadpoles, the livers of 30 animals were pooled for RNA extraction. Finally, Panel C shows the absence of vitellogenin expression in male and female juvenile post-metamorphic animals, but the induction of vitellogenin following daily treatment with Ej for ten days. Liver tissue from ten post-metamorphic individuals was pooled for each sex to obtain RNA for controls and E2-treated animals. Expression of Pr28, a non-hormone-inducible gene coding for a ribosomal protein (Shi and Liang, 1994) was used as a control and revealed that all lanes were loaded equally (data not shown). Figure modified from Hayes and Chen, 1997ft.
in the liver of adult female Xenopus laevis (Rabelo and Tata, 1993; Rabelo et al., 1994). Estrogens from the ovary induce vitellogenin (egg yolk protein) synthesis and secretion by the liver only after the liver has been exposed to thyroid hormones (Wangh and Schneider, 1982). Furthermore, premetamorphic tadpoles are unable to produce vitellogenin even after exposure to exogenous E2 (May and Knowland, 1980; Hayes
and Chen, 1997b; Fig. 2): Without thyroid hormones, X. laevis is unable to synthesize vitellogenin and produce eggs. Thus, even if sex differentiation for both sexes could occur in the absence of thyroid hormones and metamorphosis, reproduction would not be possible as the secondary sex characters in males, and egg production in females, are thyroid hormone-dependent. The potential thyroid hormone require-
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ment for primary and secondary sex differentiation and for sexual maturation may preclude the evolution of neoteny in anurans. It is not clear if thyroid hormones are also necessary for reproductive cycling or if they have a role in spermatogenesis. But, if thyroid hormones are universally required for even one of the stages of sexual differentiation or reproduction, the current hypothesis is supported. In fact, it appears that thyroid hormones may be required for several stages in these processes. The possible requirement of thyroid hormones for primary and secondary sex differentiation and sexual maturation couples the capability of anurans to reproduce with metamorphosis, because anurans do not show any capability to undergo "partial" metamorphosis (some tissues and structures transform but not others) when exposed to thyroid hormones. This last point is important, because if partial metamorphosis were possible, then one could imagine that thyroid hormones could stimulate reproductive tissues and structures without stimulating other aspects of metamorphosis as a mechanism for producing neotenic anurans. To further support the above hypothesis, however, one has to show that urodeles (in which neoteny has evolved many times) do not require thyroid hormones for sex differentiation and reproduction: As stated in Arnold et al. (1989; p. 411), ". . . it is conceivable that coupling restricts the spectrum of outcomes and that decoupling or recoupling might sometimes precede the origin of novelties." Here, I suggest that a decoupling of the hormonal requirements for metamorphosis and reproduction in urodeles produced the novelty that allowed neoteny to evolve multiple times. The fact that at least 40 species of urodeles (at least one species in every family except Rhyacotritonidae) display neoteny and reproduce in larval form suggests that thyroid hormones (and complete metamorphosis) are not required for reproduction in this order. Like anurans, urodeles do not show any ability to undergo partial metamorphosis in the presence of thyroid hormones. There are varying degrees of neoteny (Cryptobranchids simply lack eyelids and some elements of the skull and retain
gill slits, while Sirenids completely lack a pelvic girdle and hind limbs, retain full gills, etc.), but this is not accomplished because some tissues (and structures) respond to thyroid hormones and others do not. At least two mechanisms result in neoteny in urodeles. Some neotenic species do not synthesize thyroid hormones (facultative neotenes, such as Ambystomatids) and no tissues transform, while other species lack thyroid hormone receptors (obligate neotenes, such as Cryptobranchids and Sirenids) and some tissues transform in the absence of thyroid hormones. The loss of the ability to respond to thyroid hormones in obligate neotenes (Noble, 1924; Gutman, 1926; Kobayashi and Gorbman, 1962) suggests that sex differentiation and reproduction occur without thyroid hormones. In facultative neotenes, exposure to exogenous thyroid hormones or stress induces metamorphosis, suggesting that thyroid production is impaired in these species (Swingle, 1924; Kezer, 1952; Gorbman, 1957; Dundee, 1957, 1961; Dent and Kirby-Smith, 1963; Gabrion and Sentain, 1972; Norris and Platt, 1973, 1974; Brandon, 1976; Galton, 1992). Furthermore, it appears that thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion fail as a result of a lack of signal from the pituitary (Blount, 1950; Dent and Kirby-Smith, 1963; Norris and Platt, 1973) or possibly an inability of the pituitary to respond to stimulation from the hypothalamus (Taurog et al., 1974). In these facultative neotenic species, sex differentiation and reproduction are carried out normally, despite the absence of thyroid hormones. Finally, non-neotenic salamanders arrested with thiourea or NaCl4 both of which inhibit thyroid hormone production), show accelerated gonadal development even though somatic tissues do not change, experimentally producing neotenic larvae (Wakahara, 1994; Yamaguchi et al, 1996). Together, the above evidence suggests that thyroid hormones are not required for sex differentiation or reproduction in urodeles. The lack of a requirement for thyroid hormone, thus, does not limit possible developmental patterns and has allowed neoteny to evolve several times in the urodeles. These ideas represent a single interpre-
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tation, but one that is supported by the available data. More comparative studies are needed, however. For example, the role of thyroid hormone in vitellogenesis has been examined only in a single species (X. laevis). Likewise, the role of thyroid hormones in the development of secondary sex characters has been examined in only two anuran families (Pipidae and Hyperolidae). Furthermore, the role of thyroid hormones and molecular mechanisms regulating sex differentiation and reproduction in urodeles is even less well studied. Developmental constraints regulating sexual dichromatism in African reed frogs (Hyperoliidae) The family Hyperoliidae provides another example of how hormonal mechanisms have potentially imposed developmental constraints on evolution (in this case, a local constraint within the anuran family, Hyperoliidae). In most anuran species, juveniles at metamorphosis look like small versions of the adults; however, several species of Hyperolius show ontogenetic changes in dorsal color patterns. The Hyperoliidae are also one of as little as four anuran families that contain species that display permanent sexual dichromatism in dorsal coloration. The sexual dichromatism is interesting because anurans are not typically visually oriented with respect to mate choice: Breeding occurs at night and most communication is vocal, thus, it is unlikely that sexually dimorphic coloration resulted from sexual selection. We (Hayes et al., 1997) compared development and the effects of exogenous steroid hormones in two species, Hyperolius viridiflavus (which is sexually monochromatic) and Hyperolius argus (which is sexually dichromatic). In H. viridiflavus, both sexes metamorphose with gold dorsal coloration featuring a mid-dorsal and two dorsal lateral brown stripes. Both sexes change to a bright green with yellow spots (each with a red dot in the middle) within three months of metamorphosis. In H. argus, both sexes metamorphose with a bright green coloration and females later develop orange toes and a reddish dorsal color with large white spots.
In Hyperolius argus, E2 treatment induced the female-typical coloration in males and females at metamorphosis, whereas females normally do not show this color change for more than three months after metamorphosis and normal males never display this color pattern. Although testosterone prematurely induced gular pouch development, this hormone had no effect on dorsal coloration, in this species. In H. viridiflavus, however, exposure to either testosterone or E2 induced the adult coloration. Thus, both androgens and estrogens affected coloration in this sexually monomorphic species in which both sexes normally undergo an ontogenetic change in color patterns, whereas only estrogens were active in H. argus in which only females undergo an ontogenetic change. At least two mechanisms may explain the effectiveness of both androgens and estrogens in Hyperolius viridiflavus but only estrogens in H. argus. One possibility is that H. viridiflavus has androgen receptors in addition to estrogen receptors in its skin. Another possibility is that H. viridiflavus has high levels of aromatase in their skin and convert the androgen to estrogen. These possibilities remain to be tested; however, regardless of the specific mechanism, the difference between the species produces sexual monochromatic animals in one species {H. viridiflavus) and sexual dichromatic animals in the other (H. argus). It is unclear what evolutionary mechanisms would favor sexual dichromatism in anurans. As discussed earlier, sexual selection is unlikely, because most anurans, including the Hyperoliidae, breed at night and depend more on vocal signals rather than visual signals for species and sex recognition. One possibility is niche-partitioning and differential selection on males and females (Shine 1989). For example, male Hyperolius argus may be more at risk because they remain in the breeding ponds longer, vocalizing, and trying to attract females. Perhaps the green color provides a camouflage coloration in the vegetation around the breeding ponds that decreases their chances of being preyed upon. Proper phylogenetic and/or behavioral ecology data are required for testing these types of hypotheses further,
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but clearly the patterns themselves (sexual monochromatism or dichromatism) are determined by hormonal mechanisms. Even if the color patterns are maintained by selective pressures, the expression of sexual dichromatism (availability for selection to act on) is determined by (apparently) heritable hormonal mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS
It is unlikely that selection will act on hormonal mechanisms, only the outcomes (phenotypes) that these developmental patterns produce. Because hormones coordinate events in development, however, and because developmental patterns are heritable, taxa may be constrained in terms of the patterns of development expressed. The constraints on the developmental pattern may limit phenotypic possibilities which themselves may not be maladaptive, but simply not expressed in some taxa. In addition, the constraints can be universal or local depending on when they arise, as shown in the examples discussed. "The notion of a developmental constraint is important in understanding how development influences evolution" (Resnik 1995, p. 233): A requirement of thyroid hormone for sex differentiation and reproduction in anurans may preclude neoteny in this order just as the presence or absence of the ability to respond to androgens may allow the expression of sexual dichromatism or monochromatism in color respectively in Hyperolius. The pattern of development in the Anura, i.e., the coupling of sex differentiation and reproduction with metamorphosis reflects an evolutionary history in which the developmental constraint was acquired, just as the ability to respond or not respond to androgen in the Hyperoliidae reflects the local evolutionary history of each species. Recalling that constraints are often as important in evolution as selection is important in solving evolutionary questions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
I thank Katherine K. Kim for her support. Marvalee Wake, David Wake, and Dan Buchholz provided interesting conversations on this topic and have helped shape my ideas. I also thank Yun Bo Shi who pro-
vided the PR28 cDNA, Jamshed Tata who provided the vitellogenin cDNA, and Carmen Domingo for technical assistance. Travel to Kenya (for Hyperolius) was funded in part by a University Research Expeditions Grant. Finally, I thank Robert Thommes and August Epple who organized this symposium. This work was supported by NSF Grants IBN-9513362 and IBN9508996. REFERENCES Arnold, S. J. 1992. Constraints on phenotypic evolution. Amer. Nat. 140(SUPPL):S85-S107. Arnold, S. J., P. Alberch, V. Cayi, R. C. Dawkins, S. B. Emerson, B. Fritzsch, T. J. Horder, J. Maynard Smith, M. J. Starck, E. S. Vrba, G. P. Wagner, D. B. Wake. 1989. Group Report: How do complex organisms evolve? In D. B. Wake and G. Roth (eds.), Complex organismal functions: Integration and evolution in vertebrates, pp. 403-433. John Wiley and Sons. Chichester. Blount, R. F. 1950. The effects of heteroplastic hypophyseal grafts upon the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum. J. Exp. Zool. 113:717—739. Borkin, L. J., L. Berger, and R. Gunther. 1982. Giant tadpoles of water frogs within Rana esculenta complex. Zool. Polon. 29(1): 103-127. Brandon, R. A. 1976. Spontaneous and induced metamorphosis of Ambystoma dumerilii (Duges), a paedogenetic Mexican salamander, under laboratory conditions. Herpetologica 32:429—438. Chang, C. Y. and E. Witschi. 1955. Genie control and hormonal reversal of sex differentiation in Xenopus. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. 93:140-144. Chirgwin, J. M., A. E. Przybyla, R. J. MacDonald, and W. J. Rutter. 1979. Isolation of biologically active RNA from sources enriched in ribonuclease. Biochemistry 18:5294-5299. Clemens, M. J. 1974. The regulation of egg yolk protein synthesis by steroid hormones. Prog. Bio. Physiol. Mol. Biol. 28:71-107. Cohen, M. A. and D. B. Kelley. 1996. Androgen-induced proliferation in the developing larynx of Xenopus laevis is regulated by thyroid hormone. Dev. Biol. 178:113-123. Dent, J. N. and J. S. Kirby-Smith. 1963. Metamorphic physiology and morphology of the cave salamander Gyrinophilus palleucus. Copeia. 1963:119— 130. Duellman, W. E. and L. Trueb. 1986. Biology of amphibians. McGraw-Hill, San Francisco, California. Dundee, H. A. 1957. Partial metamorphosis induced in Typhlomolge rathbuni. Copeia 1957:52-53. Dundee, H. A. 1961. Response of the neotenic salamander Haideotriton wallacei to a metamorphic agent. Science 135:1060-1061. Gabrion, J. and P. Sentein. 1972. Diminution de l'activitie thyroidienne chez les individus neoteniques de Triturus helveticus, Raz. E'tude cytologique et autoradiographie. Compt. Rendu Soc. Biol. 166:146-150.
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