Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science Department. COURSE NO ...
Computer Graphics w/Open GL, 3rd Ed. by Hearn/Baker (adopted 8/06); and.
Open GLĀ ...
Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science
University of Wisconsin-Stout Jarvis Hall Science Wing 231 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790
Fundamental hardware, software, mathematics, data structures and algorithms for computer graphics. Prerequisite: CS-244 Data Structures, MATH-275 Linear Algebra, and of the following: MATH-154 Calculus II, MATH-158 Calculus III, or PHYS-281 University Physics I.
Interactive Computer Graphics: A Top-Down Approach with Shader-Based Open GL, 6th Ed., by Angel/Schreiner (adopted Fall 2013) OpenGL Programming Guide, 8th Ed., by Shreiner (adopted Fall 2013) Previous: Inventor Mentor, 1st Ed. by Wernecke (adopted F00) Computer Graphics w/Open GL, 4th Ed. by Hearn/Baker (adopted F11) Open GL Programming Guide, 5th Ed., by Woo (adopted F06) Computer Graphics w/Open GL, 3rd Ed., by Hearn/Baker (adopted F06) Interactive Computer Graphics, 1st Ed., by Angel (adopted F97) Open GL Programming Guide, 2nd Ed., by Woo (adopted F99) Open GL Programming Guide, 2nd Ed. by Neider (adopted F96) Graphical Kernel System for Turbo PASCAL by Mikkelson (adopted F96) Guide to Modula-2, 1st Ed., by Christian (prior to F96) Computer Graphics, 1st Ed., by Hearn (prior to F96) Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics, 1st Ed., by Rogers (prior to F96)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: As a result of taking this course the student shall: 1. Understand how to implement graphics systems from low level device drivers to higher level applications programs. 2. Be able to construct computer graphics using the appropriate mathematics, data structures, algorithms and models. 3. Become acquainted with a current standard graphics programming tool such as GKS, CORE or RGL. 4. Have enhanced his/her abilities in linear algebra, data structures, and program design. COURSE OUTLINE: 1. Overview of graphics hardware and software. 2. Two-dimensional graphics systems--algorithms and data structures for points, lines, curves, clipping, windowing, and transformations. 3. Three-dimensional graphics systems--algorithms and data structures for surfaces, hidden line removal, perspective, and transformations. 4. Solid modeling--algorithms and data structures for solids, hidden surface removal, shading, and color.
Overview of advanced topics in computer graphics such as image processing and image enhancement.
Updated 8/2015 Revised 11/2013 1985