review on offline signature verification methods based on artificial ...

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Initially the scanned signature image is preprocessed to be suitable for extracting features. Then the preprocessed image is used to extract relevant geometric ...
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763




IT Department, ITM Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India; 2 I-Gate Global Solution Limited, Noida, U.P, India; 3 IT Department, ITM Bhilwara, Rajasthan, India Email:

ABSTRACT Signature can be used as a biometric is implemented in various systems as well as every signature signed by each person is distinct at the same time. It is very important to have a computerized signature verification system. In case of offline signature verification system dynamic features are not included obviously, but we can use a signature as an image and apply image processing techniques to make an effective offline signature verification system. Author wants to illustrate two techniques reviewed by him on Offline signature Verification. Those techniques are mixed of Energy with Angle and Energy with Chain Code. Keywords : Neural Network, Angle, Energy Density, Chain code, FAR and FRR. I. INTRODUCTION or person identification, the usage of biometrics is very general and important in daily routine. Signature can be used as a biometrics as every signature is distinct in nature. As signature has already taken and accepted as an identification of the person who signed in so many systems, it is very much important to keenly observe the signature before having any conclusion about the signee. This gives opportunity to develop a computerized signature verification system. But, in many cases only image of a signature is available so offline signature verification seems more important than online signature verification system. The main thing of consideration is that a signature of a person may vary according to the mood, health etc. even the genuine signer may not sign in the same manner as his/her signature as it is. A change is observed every time. Then this seems somewhat difficult to distinguish between genuine signature and a forgery.

signatures, because of the age, geographic location, illness, and perhaps the emotional state of the person, accentuates the problem. All these joined together, cause large intra-personal variation. A robust system has to be developed which should not only be able to consider these factors but also able to detect various types of forgeries. The systems should neither be too coarse nor too sensitive. It should have an acceptable trade-off between a low False Rejection Rate (FRR) and a low False Acceptance Rate (FAR). The proposed systems should also find an optimal storage and comparison solution for the extracted feature points.


Basically, approaches to signature verification divided into two categories according to the acquisition of the data: Online and Off-line. On-line signature records the motion of the stylus while the signature is produced, and includes position, and possibly velocity, acceleration and pressure of pen, as functions of time. Online signature verification systems use this information captured during acquisition. These dynamic characteristics are specific to each and every individual and sufficiently stable . Off-line signature is a 2-D image of the signature. Processing Off-line is complex due to the absence of dynamic characteristics. Difficulty also lies in the fact that it is hard to break signature strokes due to highly stylish and unconventional writing styles. The quality and the variety of the writing pen may also affect the nature of the signature obtained. The non-repetitive nature of variation of the

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The problem is approached in two steps. Initially the scanned signature image is preprocessed to be suitable for extracting features. Then the preprocessed image is used to extract relevant geometric parameters that can distinguish signatures of different persons. The next step involves the use of these extracted features to verify a given image.

A. Motivation The motivation behind the review is the growing need for a full proof signature verification scheme which can guarantee maximum possible security from fake signatures. The idea behind the review is also to ensure that the proposed scheme can provide comparable and if possible better performance than already established offline signature verification schemes. There may be a case where the type of verification system used for training differs from classification using network. Though the test sample is of a genuine person, it might not be possible to prove with either of these systems alone. B. Research Objectives


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763

Signature verification is an important research area in the field of personal authentication. The recognition of human handwriting is important concerning about the improvement of the interface between human-beings and computers. If the computer is intelligent enough to understand human handwriting it will provide a more attractive and economic man-computer interface. In this area signature is a special case that provides secure means for authentication, attestation authorization in many high security environment. The objective of the signature verification system is to discriminate between two classes: the original and the forgery, which are related to intra and interpersonal variability. The variation among the signatures of same person is called Intra Personal Variation. The variation between originals and forgeries is called Inter Personal Variation. Our review is concerned with the techniques of off-line signature verification. The static information derived in an off-line signature verification system may be global, structural, geometric or statistical. We concern with offline signature verification which is based on geometric centre and is useful in separating skilled forgeries from the originals. The algorithms used have given improved results as compared to the previously proposed algorithms C. Applications of Off-Line Signature Verification The handwritten signature has many purposes and meanings. It can be used to witness intentions (e.g. signing of a contract), to indicate physical presence (e.g. signing in for work), as a seal of approval or authorization and as a stamp of authenticity. Thus, numerous applications for the off-line signature verification are available.


In this method, two features are used for training. Aspect ratio is used as a global feature and energy density is used as local feature. Aspect ratio is the ratio of Height (maximum vertical distance) to length (maximum horizontal distance) of the signature. It is calculated after skew removal. Energy density is defined as the total energy present in each segment. 100 segments of each signature are done and energy density is obtained by counting the total number of 1s in each segment (i.e. Total White Pixels). Thus, the “feature vector” of size 101X1, for energy density method, is final database. This final database is fed to the neural network to perform the desired function i.e. training or classification. b.

Chain Code

Fig. 1 Connectivity of a Pixel


Fig. 2. Direction Changes in a Part of a Signature

Chain code is based on the direction of the connecting pixels. Each pixel is observed for next connected pixel and their direction changes mapped by giving a numerical value A signature is treated as an image transport a certain to every possible direction. There are generally 8 pattern of pixel that relate to a specific individual signature connectivity is taken into consideration as shown in the Fig. verification problem , therefore is concerned with 1. But in this technique 4 connectivity i.e. 0, 1, 2 & 3 is used. examining and formative whether particular signature truly As another 4 directions i.e. 4, 5, 6 & 7 are simply the belongs to a person or not. signature verification is a different negation of 0, 1, 2 & 3 directions. To obtain chain-code top pattern recognition problem as two genuine signature of a left corner is considered as origin and scanning is done left to person are precisely the same the difficulty also sterns from right, top to bottom (refer Fig. 2). Each pixel has observed the fact that skilled forgeries follow a genuine pattern separately and direction vector for that pixel is noted down. unlike fingerprint which vary widely for two different This process is carried out until the last pixel has scanned. person. signature verification can be divided into two classes, Now, the frequency of occurrence in a particular direction is namely, off- and on-line verification. calculated for each segment and the histogram for each segment is used it to train the neural network. II. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK

III. PROPOSED APPROACHES Various approaches were done by various people to achieve highest accuracy as well as FAR & FRR. Till now the accuracy, FAR and FRR features were compared on the basis of Energy Density, Angle, Chain Code and mix of Energy Density with Angle and mix of Energy Density with Chain Code features. The details of these techniques are depicted as below. a. Energy Density

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In this method first the Pre-processing image is resized and partitioned into four portion or cell using the equal horizontal method after that each partition(cell) are divided in to 3 row and 3 column of equal size so we have total nine sub cell of each cell. After that consider the sub cell one by one and calculate the angle of each with pixels by considering the bottom left corner after that calculate the mean value of the angles this process is repeat for all the


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763

sub cells. Once the value of angle, for each sub cell, is found, then calculating the mean value from that, to determine the value of angle for that cell or partition. This process is repeat for the reaming three partitions, so at the end we have the angle vector of size 1*4. This is given as an input to the neural network. For example the data base used consist 100 signature samples. For one sample we have angle vector of size 1*4 so for all 100 sample we have feature vector of size 100 *4 which is used as a final data base for training the neural network and also for classification.


original digitized signature image under consideration. Then from (b) to (e) result of binarization, denoising, thining and skew removal is shown respectively. (f) describes the result of segmentation process for which 100 segments is made for each signature and further processing is done with each segments found after this step. After complete preprocessing both the energy density and directional feature is computed and fed to an artificially intelligent network for training and classification.


Implementation of the proposed approach is basically divided in two parts i.e. Training and Classification. Training belongs to preparing and training of neural network for doing the classification work with an optimum accuracy. The proposed signature verification system takes an image of the signature as input and verifies whether the input image matches with the genuine training signature image available in the database or not. The system can be broadly categorized on the basis of method used for pre-processing and feature extraction from the image database and final input given to the neural network. Raw Signature Database is gathered from 10 people and 110 Genuine & 110 Forgeries from each individual is collected (i.e. 2200 Signature Samples) and digitized using scanner, 300 dpi resolution. The first step for pre-processing is Binarization. It is used to produce binary image i.e. to convert colored (if any) image in black & white (i.e. in 0 or 1) format. In this paper global threshold is used for this purpose. Noise is filtered out using median filter. Thinning is done after noise filtering. Morphological operation is applied (in MATLAB) to performs the desired thinning. Rotation of signature patterns by a non predictive angle is one of the major difficulties. In this paper simply the concept of trigonometry is used for skew removal. Fig. 4 shows the effect of different stages of pre-processing. The next step of pre-processing is to extract the signature only from the whole image, by removing the image of extra paper remained. After signature extraction again resizing is carried out, and then segmentation process is completed to extract the local features of the signature (i.e. energy density or directional feature of each segment according to the method under test). Author has used 100 segment of each signature sample for further processing. In energy density method author has also used aspect ratio as a global feature to improve the performance of the system. Aspect ratio is extracted just before the resizing and segmentation.

(b) Binarization

Original Signature Image

(c) Denoising

(d) Thinning

(e) Skew Removal


In proposed directional feature with energy method for offline signature verification system author simply merge the above two methods altogether to observe the effect of the merging. Energy, aspect ration and directional feature of a thinned and binarized signature image is calculated and fed as an input to a feed forward back propagation neural network for training and classification again this preprocessing is done in the same manner. Fig. 3 shows the effect of some of the preprocessing steps. (a) shows the

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(f) Segmentation : 100 segments done for each signature Fig. 3. (a) to (f) Output of Different Stages of Pre-processing

Fig. 4. Proposed Architecture of Neural Network for mix of energy


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763

and Chain code method .

Nm,n shows Neuron where, m = Layer Number & n = Neuron Number Wi,j,k represents Weight where, i=Layer No.., j=Neuron No., k=Output No.of the particular Neuron The proposed ANN scheme for mix of Chain code with energy feature uses a multi layer feed forward network employing a back propagation learning algorithm with 16 Neurons in input layer and 1 Neuron in output layer. One hidden layer is present with 16 Neurons. The transfer function used for all the three layers are Hyperbolic Tangent Sigmoid (tansig). The proposed architecture of Neural Network is shown in Fig. 4. Here, default value of bias is chosen. Total 501 inputs i.e. 100 for energy of each segment, 400 as direction feature and 1 show aspect ratio is given to this neural network. In case of angle mix with energy feature the signature of 10 person is gathered which consist of 50 genuine and 50 forged signature of an individual person. (i.e. 1000 Signature Samples). Rest all process is same as the previous technique.


increasing training samples for all of the methods. For performance evaluation author used some common parameters like time required for training, accuracy, FAR (False Acceptance Ratio) i.e. the percentage of forgeries accepted as genuine & FRR (False Rejection Ratio) i.e. the percentage of rejecting the genuine signatures. A comparison for all the three methods has done on the basis of above mentioned parameters. Table I, II, III & IV respectively elaborate the comparison of all the methods. TABLE I: Comparison of Energy Density and Directional Features methods on the basis of Time Required for Training No. of Training Samples Elapsed Time (50% (in sec.) Genuine ( Energy Sr. & 50% Density No. Forgery) Method) 1 10 6.156 2 20 6.453 3 30 6.593 4 40 7.312 5 50 6.625 6 60 7.671 7 70 7.797 8 80 6.313 9 90 6.704 10 100 6.969

Result Elapsed Time (in sec.) ( Directional Feature Method) 7.375 7.89 8.39 9.282 10.718 8.172 8.281 8.594 9.188 9.125


Fig.5 Proposed Architecture of Neural Network for mix of energy and angle method

The proposed ANN scheme (Fig.5) for mix angle with energy feature uses a multi layer feed forward network employing a back propagation learning algorithm with 4 Neurons in input layer and 1 Neuron in output layer. One hidden layer is present with 40 Neurons. The transfer function used for all the three layers are Hyperbolic Tangent Sigmoid (tansig). Total 4 inputs is given to this neural network.

V. RESULTS (i)In case of Energy, Chain Code (as a directional feature) and mix of Energy with Chain Code features: Till now for comparison and performance evaluation of the proposed methodology the author of the proposed approches have used equal number of genuine and forgery samples for training and 100 numbers (50 Genuine + 50 Forgeries) are used for classification. Author increased the training signature samples from 10 (5 Genuine + 5 Forgeries) to 100 (50 Genuine + 50 Forgeries) and observe the effect of

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Elapsed Time (in sec.) ( Mix of Both) 7.672 8.718 9.141 9.594 11.64 8.5 8.5 11.688 9.531 9.532

Table: II Comparison on the basis FAR

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

No. of Training Samples (50% Genuine + 50 % Forgery) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Result (FAR in %) Energy Chain Mix of Density Code Energy Density with Chain Code 42 40 28 42 40 12 42 30 10 48 40 6 46 20 8 22 6 4 2 0 6 6 0 0 10 0 0 6 4 0

TABLE III: Comparison on the basis of Accuracy


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763 2 5 o, 2 5 f 0 . 12 No. of Training 3 0 o, 2 0 f 0 . 03 Result (FRR in %) Samples (50% 4 0 o, 1 0 f 0 .0 2 5

Genuine + 50 % Forgery)


Chain Code


Sr. No

Mix of Energy Density with Chain Code



















































5 0 o, 5 0 f


0 . 08

0 . 16 0 . 20 0 . 30

0 . 04 0 . 03 0 .0 2 5

0 . 08 0 . 05 0 . 10

0 . 12

0 . 08

0 . 04

Table 3: (For Sample-C). Methods of feature extraction Energy Angle Density Feature

No. of samples (Original Forgery) FRR 1 0 o, 2 0 o, 2 5 o, 3 0 o, 4 0 o, 5 0 o,

4 0f 3 0f 2 5f 2 0f 10f 50f


0 . 20 0 . 15 0 . 08 0 . 06 0 .05 0 . 18


0 0 . 06 0 . 20 0 . 25 0 . 20 0 . 24


0 . 15 0 . 10 0 . 06 0 . 06 0 0 . 16

0 0 .03 0 .12 0 .20 0. 1 0 0.20

Comparison on the basis of Time: Num ber of Samples

Time required for Feature Extraction and Training (Energy Density)

Feature required for Feature Extraction and Training (Angle Feature)


21 .9 4 Sec.

49 .8 2 Sec.

TABLE IV: Comparison on the basis of FRR (ii) In case of Energy, Angle (as a directional feature) and mix of Energy with Angle features:


36 .5 6 Sec.

92 .3 3 Sec.

Table 1: (For Sample-A)

Methods of feature extraction Energy Angle Density Feature

No. of samples (Original Forgery)

1 0 o, 2 0 o, 2 5 o, 3 0 o, 4 0 o,

4 0f 3 0f 2 5f 2 0f 1 0f

5 0 o, 5 0 f

VI. CONCLUSION Chain code method is reported very effective for recognition. The mixed method of energy with chain code is giving superior performance. Mixed of energy and angle is also performed well. Due to variation in the signature there is small change in performance. It is required to evaluate the





0 . 20 0 . 15 0 . 08 0 . 03 0 .0 2 5

0 . 10 0 . 06 0 . 16 0 . 20 0 . 20

0 . 15 0 . 10 0 . 08 0 . 06 0 .0 2 5

0 . 02 0 . 03 0 . 04 0 . 10 0 . 10

0 . 12

0 . 16

0 . 06

0 . 14

Table 2: (For Sample-B). Methods of feature extraction Energy Angle Density Feature

No. of samples (Original Forgery)

1 0 o, 4 0 f 2 0 o, 3 0 f





0 . 06 0 . 20

0 . 05 0 . 16

0 . 10 0 . 05

0 0 . 03

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Sr. No

No. of Training Samples (50% Genuine + 50 % Forgery)

Result (Accuracy in %) Energy Chain Mix of Density Code Energy Density with Chain Code



















































mixed method performance on same signatures databases. The


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, M ay-2013 ISSN 2278-7763


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