International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) Web Site: Email:
[email protected] Volume 5, Issue 1, January - February 2016 ISSN 2278-6856
Secure Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANETs) –A Review Ratul Dey1, Himadri Nath Saha2 1
University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 303807, India 2
Institute of Engineering & Management, Y-12 Electronic Complex Sector-V, Saltlake Kolkata:- 700091
Keywords: Ad-hoc Network, Routing, Security, Attacks, MANET.
like packet forwarding, routing, and network management, in ad-hoc networks those functions are carried out by all available nodes. This is very difficult for the core of the security problems specific to ad-hoc networks. As opposed to dedicated nodes of a classical network, the nodes of an ad hoc network cannot be trusted for the correct execution of critical network functions. In wireless network there is a high demand for security. [3,4] The malleable behavior our wireless routing protocol wireless routing network focused of attack of malicious agent. The remaining paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes different routing protocol for MANET. Section 3 describes vulnerabilities on routing protocol Section 4 defines different secure routing protocols and finally conclusion.
A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) consist of a set of mobile hosts that carry out basic networking functions like packet forwarding, routing etc. without the help of an established infrastructure. Nodes of an ad-hoc network rely on one to another in forwarding a packet to its destination, due to the limited range of each mobile host’s wireless transmissions. Security in MANET is an essential component for basic network functions like packet forwarding and routing [1,2].
In MANET there are different types of routing protocols for routing the packets. Each routing has own rule to packet transfer method. In mobile ad-hoc network in different circumstances different protocol are use, like (1) Proactive Protocol (2) Reactive protocol (3) Hybrid protocol
Mobile Ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self configuring, multi hop wireless network. Security in mobile ADHOC network is a big challenge because there is no centralized authority which can supervise the individual nodes operating in the network. The attacks can come from inside the network and also from the outside. This article surveys classifies the secure routing protocol in MANET, and also discussing presently proposed method of mitigating those attack. In the routing protocol of the MANET while forwarding data packets to other nodes, some intermediate node extract useful information packets and can’t forward the packet to the next node. Some node may modify the content of packets during the data transmission session. So that any one node can manipulate the original data.
MANET Routing Protocol
Proactive Protocol
Reactive protocol
Hybrid protocol
Fig. 2: MANET Routing Protocols
Fig. 1 Mobile ad-hoc network Network operations can be easily threatened if communications are not embedded into basic network functions at the early stages of their design. Routing network using dedicated nodes to support basic functions
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2.1 Proactive Protocol In this routing protocol [4,5] network have unique routing table for send the data packets and want to establish connection to other nodes in the network. This protocol one type of demand-based operation which utilize network order to energy and bandwidth more efficiently. Pattern on a demand basis rather than maintaining routing between all nodes at all time. This is the flip-side of Page 74
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[email protected] Volume 5, Issue 1, January - February 2016 ISSN 2278-6856 demand-based operation. In cases where the additional latency which demand-based operations may be unacceptable, if there are adequate bandwidth and energy resources, proactive operations may be desirable in these situations. [6,7,8]There are different type of proactive protocol like, Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV), Fisheye State Routing (FSR), Source Tree Adaptive Routing (STAR), Optimized Link-State Routing (OLSR), Cluster head gateway switch routing (CGSR), Wireless routing protocol (WRP), Global state routing (GSR). 2.2 Reactive protocol Reactive protocol searches for the route in an on-demand manner and set the link in order to send out and accept the packet from a source node to destination node. [4, 7] Route discovery process is used in on demand routing by flooding the route request (RREQ) packets throughout the network. 2.3 Hybrid protocol It is a one special type protocol that separates the network into several zones, which makes a hierarchical protocol as the protocol ZHLS (zone-based hierarchical link state). [9,10] This protocol which effectively combines the best features of proactive and reactive routing protocol Hybrid routing protocol is based on GPS (Global positioning system), which allows each node to identify its physical position before mapping an area with table to identify it to which it belongs. Reactive protocols obtain the necessary route when it is required, by using route discovery process. In proactive protocols, nodes periodically exchange information to maintain up-to-date routing information. Hybrid routing protocols combine basic properties of both approaches [11,12]. There are different type of Hybrid protocol like, Zone routing protocol (ZRP), Zone-based hierarchical link state routing protocol.
dropping all data packets passing through it as like matter and energy disappear from the path in a black hole. If the attacking node is a connected node of two networks then it totally separated as the two networks. 3.1.2 Cooperative black hole attack This attack is similar to Black-Hole attack, but more than one malicious node tries to disrupt the network at the same time. It is one of the most critical attack and can totally disrupt the operation of an Ad Hoc network[16]. Mostly the only solution becomes finding alternating route to the destination, if at all exists. 3.1.3 Grey-hole attack It too drops data packets, but node’s malicious activity is limited to certain conditions or trigger. Two most common type of behavior [17]. Node dependent attack drops data packets destined towards a certain victim node or coming from certain node, [18] while for other nodes it behaves normally by routing data packets to the destination nodes correctly. Time dependent attack [19] drops data packets based on some predetermined/trigger time while behaving normally during the other instances. 3.1.4 Jellyfish attack In this attack instead of blindly dropping the data packets, it delays them before finally delivering them. It manipulate the order of packets according to they are received and sends it in random order [17,19]. This disrupts the normal flow control mechanism used by nodes for reliable transmission. Jellyfish attack can result in significant end to end delay so there degrading QoS. 3.2 Control Traffic Attack
3. VULNERABILITIES ON ROUTING PROTOCOL Presently there are a wide variety of routing protocols, but these protocols are not secured and face many attacks [13,14], which gives rise to the vulnerability in the network and might highly affect the efficiency of the system. In mobile ad-hoc network any node can affect by the different type of attacks. Mainly in MANET there are two type of attack 1) Data traffic attack. 2) Control traffic attack. In data traffic attack data packets are affected like, Black hole attack, Cooperative Black hole attack, Greyhole attack, Jellyfish attack etc. In control traffic attack control packets are affected, like Worm-hole attack, Hello flood attack, Bogus registration attack, Rushing attack, Sybil attack and Blackmail attack etc. 3.1 Data Traffic Attack: 3.1.1 Black hole attack: In this attack a malicious node acts like a Black hole, [15]
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3.2.1 Wormhole attack If link become the lowest path to the destination then these malicious node always chosen, while sending path to the direction. The wormhole attack is possible even if the attacker has not compromised any hosts, and even if all communication provides authenticity and confidentiality [20]. In the wormhole attack, an attacker records data packet at one location in the network, tunnels them to another location, and retransmits them there into the network. The wormhole attack is a serious threat in many ad hoc network routing protocols. The wormhole attack can done by a single node and it connect more than one node as a worm hole link. 3.2.2 Hello flood attack In this attack every node sent their packets towards this node hopping to the better route destination. Node broadcast a single high power transmitter to all it’s Page 75
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[email protected] Volume 5, Issue 1, January - February 2016 ISSN 2278-6856 neighbor [21]. Then attacker node not generate any traffic, so the basis of performance node take the packet and perform as selective replay attack. 3.2.3 Bogus registration In bogus registration attack, attacker distinguish it self as a node and generate wrong information to the neighbor [21,22]. When packet transmitted then disturb the neighbor nodes. 3.2.4 Rushing attack In this mobile ad-hoc network each node before transmitting data first set the path source to destination. Sender node broadcast route request and neighbor node route reply with proper routing information, and again new selected node doing same method [22]. Rushing attack quickly forward with a broadcast massage to the neighbor so, when actual request come neighbor node just discard the request, due to previous request accept. 3.2.5 Sybil attack Sybil attack shows the fake multiple identities, show multiple node in the networks [23]. So one single node can assume as the multiple nodes and can hamper multiple nodes at a time. 3.2.6 Blackmail attack In the blackmail attack attacker nodes accused an innocent node as harmful node [24]. When the routing table try to identify perfect node according to the vote then if attacker node in sufficient number of those MANET it can give the wrong information according to the path.
4. DIFFERENT SECURE ROUTING PROTOCOLS For the secure routing protocol first need proper authentication need to digital signature of each and every authenticated nodes [25,26]. It also need to mutable information of the control packets. It also often complemented with the use of one-way hash functions. Identify wormhole and the tunnel [27,28]. These routing schemes provide authentication services which guard against modification and replaying of routing control messages and uses different cryptographic primitives for providing secure routing. 4.1 Basic Routing Protocols This protocol maintained by the originating node hashing the messages and signing the resulted message digest, which is verified by the recipients of a route request, by computing the hash of a message using the agreed upon hash function [29,30]. The advantage is that the protocol can combat external attacks by checking for the authenticity. The advantage of this protocol is that it extends the ICMP router discovery packet format to include the MAC and IP address of the sender, and
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authentication information that can be used to verify the broadcast beacon [31,32]. But the disadvantage of it is that it requires nodes to have shared secret keys for generating message authentication codes which are used to authenticate the routing control messages and the scheme is based on the assumption that the nodes in the network mutually trust each other and it employs public key cryptography for providing the security services. 4.2 Trust based Routing Protocols Trust is a value that can calculated on the basis of nodes action when it needed. Trust used to prevent from various attacks like wormhole, black-hole, Dos, selfish attack etc. Trust can be implemented in various ways such as by reputation, from opinion of nodes etc. This routing security schemes which fall in this category assign quantitative values to the nodes in the network, based on observed behavior of the nodes in question. The trust values are then used as additional metrics for the routing protocols [33,34]. The advantage is that it is robust against individual attackers and capable of adjusting its scope between local and network wide topology discovery. It can also operate well in networks where the topology and membership is changing very frequently. 4.3 Incentive based Routing Protocols In ad hoc networks, devices have to cooperate. Autonomous devices tend to abstain from cooperation. Incentive schemes have been proposed as a means of fostering cooperation under these circumstances. In order to work effectively, incentive schemes need to be carefully tailored to the characteristics of the cooperation protocol they should support [16,35,36]. These routing schemes implemented using credits that are given to nodes that cooperate and forward packets. In turn network services such as routing is provided only to those nodes that have good credit. If a node at an unfavorable location
may not get enough packets to forward and thus may never be able to get credits to forward its own packets. 4.4 Detection and isolation based secure routing scheme This protocol can detects flooding, black hole, gray hole, wormhole and blackmail attacks. On detection the protocol takes immediate actions to blacklist these nodes from the network, thereby decreasing the number of malicious nodes in a network, hence improving the other QoS parameters [37,38]. This protocol detects and isolates misbehaving nodes in MANET. It is an enhancement of DSR routing and based on selection of selfish and unselfish nodes. The advantage is that the trust and routing calculation process is evaluated by experience, observation and behavior of other nodes, present in the network [39,40]. This protocol can effectively detect selfish nodes and isolate wormhole nodes that drop Page 76
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[email protected] Volume 5, Issue 1, January - February 2016 ISSN 2278-6856 packets.
5. CONCLUSION From extensive studies on existing secure MANET routing protocols, it has been observed that these protocols do not adequately mitigate attacks by misbehaving nodes which not only modify packets but also selectively drop some or all the packets. These misbehaving nodes cause various network communication problems. These studies have finally motivated us to search for an alternative design towards more efficient, secure routing protocols for MANET to be used in adversarial environment.
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AUTHOR He completed B-Tech from West Bengal University of Technology, India on Computer Science Engineering and Technology from CSET and completed M.Tech form West Bengal University of Technology, India on Computer Science Engineering and Technology from Institute of Engg & Tech, Kolkata. His area of interests is Wireless sensor networks, Data Mining, Image Processing. Himadri Nath Saha has completed his Bachelor of Engineering from Jadavpur University and has received his Master of Engineering from Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology. After completing his Master of Business Administration he has completed his PhD in Engineering from Jadavpur University.
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