import will be displayed on in the Files Recently Imported list box with the most recent at the top. Files that fail are
Quick Reference V 1.0.0 by Chris Oakley
The PlayoutONE Auto Importer is an ancillary tool to PlayoutONE itself. It’s used to constantly monitor a specified folder for new files and when it detects them it then imports them to the PlayoutONE database. This is useful for up to date news, sport and other audio files that need to be transferred to the PlayoutONE database without manual interjection.
You can install the Auto Importer on any machine on your network and even on machines without PlayoutONE installed. As long as Auto Importer has access to the folder containing your PlayoutONE database then it will function. NOTE: The audio path for PlayoutONE is picked up from the PlayoutONE database so if you are planning on using Auto Importer then you need to ensure that the audio path is set correctly in so much that it can be access from the remote machine. For example if your audio path is set to C:\PlaytoutONE\audio and you install the Auto Importer on another machine on your network then it’s going to import audio to the C:\PlayoutONE\audio folder on the wrong machine. The best way to combat this is to use UNC paths and shares like \\PlayoutONE_Machine\audio which will get to the ‘audio’ share on the PC named ‘PlayoutONE_Machine’ on your network.
Settings Data Folder This is the folder that holds your PlayoutONE database. Again if you’re on a remote machine then you may be best using UNC paths and shares. Path to Check This is the folder that is checked every 10 seconds by the Auto Importer for new files. If it takes more than 10 seconds to import all files then the next 10 second period will be skipped whilst the import continues. New files will then be picked up on the next pass. Normalise What it says. It will peak Normalise all audio imported to 100%. Find Extro This tells the Auto Importer to look for an acceptable end point for the imported audio based on the db setting you provide in the adjacent Extro Threshold field. Find Silence Much like the Find Extro this will use the threshold you set to look for top and tail silence on the imported audio and will set the Trim In and Trim Out points for this audio. NOTE: If the audio being imported has Timers stored in its meta data then these will be found and used instead of the Find Extro and Find Silence where appropriate. These Timers have to have been setup previously in PlayoutONE else they will not be utilised.
The Import Files are checked every 10 seconds. When files are imported the success or failure of the import will be displayed on in the Files Recently Imported list box with the most recent at the top. Files that fail are put into a folder called failed in the folder that the Auto Importer is located. If this folder does not exist it will be created – permissions allowing. A log file is also kept of these imports in the Auto Importer program folder and it is date and time stamped. You may want to purge these every so often. The recent files list is cleared when files are detected for import. If the folder is empty then the most recent files list remains for reference.