Quick Reference Sheet - Veterinary Evidence

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1. Write a manuscript. 2. Go to www.veterinaryevidence.org. 3. New users need to register before submitting. 4. Follow t
Publishing in Veterinary Evidence checklist

Quick Reference Sheet Writing a Knowledge Summary checklist 1. Read about how to do Knowledge Summaries at www.ebvmlearning.org. 2. Think of a clinical question, or get one from Veterinary Evidence ([email protected]). 3. Search Veterinary Evidence to verify that your question is unique. 4. If necessary, get free library access from RCVS Knowledge ([email protected]). 5. Download and read the Knowledge summary template and sample knowledge summary. 6. Turn the clinical question into a PICO question. 7. Devise a literature search plan. 8. Have the RCVS Knowledge library staff double check the search plan. ([email protected]) 9. Search literature databases (use toolkit No. 2) 10. Critically evaluate the articles (use toolkits No. 3 to No. 11). 11. Write the knowledge summary using the template.

Key contacts and locations Contact VE Editor-in-Chief Rich Evans: [email protected] Contact the RCVS Knowledge library staff: [email protected] Knowledge Summary toolkits: www.rcvsknowledge.org/toolkit Veterinary Evidence: www.veterinaryevidence.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RCVSKnowledge Twitter: https://twitter.com/RCVSKnowledge/media

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Write a manuscript. Go to www.veterinaryevidence.org. New users need to register before submitting. Follow the five-step online submission process. Upload your manuscript. The manuscript will be open peer reviewed. You will receive a response in 20 working days. Respond to reviewer comments. Return to Veterinary Evidence and upload your response to reviewer’s comments and revised manuscript. 10. You will receive a final editorial decision in five working days.