CS2353. Figure 3: QuickCap NX provides precise physical models of process
effects. Proven Parasitic Capacitance. Extraction. QuickCap NX has
demonstrated ...
QuickCap NX 3D Field Solver
Overview QuickCap NX is the gold standard 3D Field Solver solution for advanced 14nm FinFET and beyond process technologies. `` Field solver solution for early process
technology node exploration and parasitic modeling development `` Advanced random-walk algorithm offers self-capacitance, coupling capacitance and distributed capacitance extraction for test structures and critical nets `` Supports detailed process modeling of complex geometries and process effects for accurate analysis of device and interconnect parasitics at 14nm and below `` Used by Foundries for high-accuracy 3D FinFET modeling using uniquely detailed silicon profiles `` 3D graphical viewer allows visibility into the exact process profile being modeled `` Faster runtime enabled by multicore processing, tiling, bounded nets and hierarchical extraction for increased designer productivity
QuickCap NX is a high-accuracy 3D parasitic field solver for foundry process technology development and circuit analysis. QuickCap NX includes key capabilities that address critical design challenges that occur in 14-nm process technologies and below. QuickCap NX is also used by foundries for modeling complex FinFET middle-of-line (MEOL) parasitic effects at 14-nm and below. With its advanced process modeling features, a parallel execution mode and reference-level SPICE netlist generation and reduction capabilities, users can shorten the development cycle by more accurately predicting silicon performance.
Tech File Tech File
QuickCap NX
Figure 1: QuickCap NX 3D field solver solution enables early process exploration and characterization
As geometries shrink and clock
FinFET modeling at 14-nm
frequencies increase, designers need
Several changes are introduced by
Powerful Geometry Processing Engine
more accurate parasitic values to reduce
FinFET transistor architecture at 14nm
The geometry pre-processor capability
risk of design failure. The growing need
and below. FinFETs are able to achieve
“gds2cap” translates the 2D layout data
for more accuracy makes it necessary to
better control over the source-drain
into a 3D representation and reduced
account for precise fringing electrostatic
channel because the gate encloses
SPICE netlist with resistance and
fields and process effects in test
the channel on three sides, resulting in
capacitance. The gds2cap capability
structures and analyzing critical cells,
higher mobility, greater drive strength,
includes a flexible polygon-processing
blocks and nets. QuickCap NX provides
lower switching currents, and lower
engine that handles multiple conformal
robust, consistent and accurate 3D
leakage currents. This 3D architecture
dielectrics, non-Manhattan geometries,
capacitance extraction with capacity
also introduces more complex
non-planar metals, metal fill, process
to handle moderately sized blocks or
geometries and many new capacitive
effects (OPC, CMP, Trapezoidal
long critical nets. QuickCap NX’s proven
elements that require highly accurate
wire), device recognition, resistance
modeling capabilities allow users to
modeling. QuickCap NX’s geometry
extraction and exclusion of device
perform accurate noise and timing
pre-processing engine provides a highly
capacitances. QuickCap NX takes the
analysis for robust design development
accurate physical profile of the FinFET
3D representation and the netlist output
and improved silicon success.
for modeling, and its graphical viewer
from the gds2cap interface, produces an
allows users to see exactly how the
output file containing self and coupling-
device will be modeled. Finally, the core
capacitance values and replaces the
Advanced 3D Modeling and Process Development
3-D field-solver engine of QuickCap
capacitance values in the netlist with
QuickCap NX includes the ability to
NX accurately extracts the capacitance
accurately computed values from
create 3-D physical models which
values from the model. Combined,
QuickCap NX.
precisely match actual process
these capabilities allow QuickCap NX
technology profiles. The unique
to provide the necessary precision to
capability allows foundries and early
model FinFET devices at 16-nm and
technology adopters to engage earlier
below, and as a result it has been
to explore device parasitic capacitance
adopted by leading foundries for this
effects in new technology nodes and
accelerate the development schedules. An exclusive technology file encryption feature provides foundries with a secure method of sharing critical process information with their customers, allowing them to enhance the accuracy
of their analysis and speedup the
migration to new nodes. In addition,
M0 Gate
multicore capabilities and hierarchical processing significantly improve
runtime, and a powerful 3D graphics viewer simplifies the development and
Detailed Silicon Profile based 3D Modeling
Accurate Middle-of-line Parasitic Extraction
debug of new complex circuit structures and technology files. As a result,
Figure 2; QuickCap NX is used by foundries for advanced 14-nm FinFET modeling
QuickCap NX is broadly used in process studies, characterization and correlation across several generations of process nodes, and to support highly accurate device-level SPICE simulations.
QuickCap NX
As drawn
Width expanded = f (layer) Thickness = f (local density)
OPC width = f(w,s)
Sidewall shape = f(z)
Sidewall OPC = F(w,s,z)
Figure 3: QuickCap NX provides precise physical models of process effects
Proven Parasitic Capacitance Extraction QuickCap NX has demonstrated close correlation to silicon measurements at various process nodes. Its advanced modeling, including modeling of optical
Key Features Summary `` 3D modeling of FinFET devices at 14-nm and below `` Accurate extraction of self-coupling and distributed capacitance `` Robust and accurate handling of
and copper effects as well as indie
complex geometries including non-
process variations, enable increased
Manhattan structures, conformal
accuracy. The validation of QuickCap
dielectrics and floating metal
NX’s silicon accuracy by foundries has
`` Advanced process effects for in-die
Input yy GDSII or scripted text yy Output yy Back annotated SPICE netlist yy Capacitance summary in a matrix yy Platform/OS yy 64 bit Solaris and Linux For more information about Synopsys products, support services or
lead to its wide use in early process
process variation, optical and copper
training, visit us on the web at:
technology development and device
www.synopsys.com, contact your
`` 3D graphics viewer
local sales representative or call
For advanced users, QuickCap NX also
`` Dial-in accuracy and error bounds
provides a dial-in accuracy and errorbounds reporting on each net, providing the flexibility and control for their target application needs.
reporting for each net `` Low memory usage independent of accuracy `` Runtime independent of net length `` Exclusion of device capacitance and
Handling Large Layouts
optional inclusion of device fringe
QuickCap NX provides multiple
techniques to enable critical net analysis
`` Parasitic reduction
in designs too large to fit in memory.
`` Flat and hierarchical processing
Runtime or memory use can be
`` Tile or bounded net analysis
reduced by using tiling, bounded nets,
`` Multicore processing
hierarchical processing,
`` Technology file encryption
multicore processing or a combination of these techniques.
Synopsys, Inc. 700 East Middlefield Road Mountain View, CA 94043 www.synopsys.com ©2012 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is available at http://www.synopsys.com/copyright.html. All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 11/02.rd.CS2353.