Quilters' Sew-ciety News

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Oct 7, 2013 ... Hawaiian block, basting, and needle-turn applique. ... Maley was drawn as the winner for September and took home 10 Propeller blocks.
Quilters’ Sew-Ciety PO Box 6245 Rochester, MN 55903 Change Service Requested

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News October 2013, No. 424 October 7, 2013 - Linda Halpin presents “Borders on Parade” at both meetings. Bring your camera! This program

examines dozens of variations on border treatments, with tips on how wide to make borders, making edges that don't ripple, etc. Check it out @ www.lindahalpin.com

Quilters’ Sew-ciety was founded in 1977, and provides a means for quilters to exchange ideas, further the art of quilt making and promotes the joys of quilting. "Browse our Quilters Sew-ciety web site at http://www.qsrochester.org for the latest Quilt Show information, Lotto Blocks, newsletters, and more.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Quilter’s Sew-ciety Newsletter October 2013 No. 424

Program and Education Items Upcoming Education and Programs October 7: Linda Halpin presents “Borders on Parade” at both meetings. Bring your camera! This program examines dozens of variations on border treatments, with tips on how wide to make borders, making edges that don't ripple, etc. Check it out @ www.lindahalpin.com November 4: Upcoming Workshop – It’s the workshop that it seems everyone at QS has been waiting for! Nancy Lee Chong will be joining us in November and registration for both classes is now open. The registration forms can be found on the QS website or at the QS meeting. Sunday’s (November 3) class is Hawaiian Applique. Early bird registration is $40/per person and after October 1, it goes up to $50. Kit fee to be determined. Class Description: Awesome in their symmetry and beauty, Hawaiian quilts are surprisingly easy to make. Nancy has been making Hawaiian quilts since 1978; she knows them intimately. In the one-day class, you will have hands-on experience with cutting out a Hawaiian block, basting, and needle-turn applique. All skills levels are welcome.

Tuesday’s (November 5) class is Hand Applique Landscapes. Early bird registration is $40/per person and after October 1, it goes up to $50. Kit fee will be $25.00 and you’ll need to decide between the newly designed Hawaiian landscape (so new, we don’t have a photo yet) or the Alaskan landscape. Class Description: There are too many gorgeous landscapes in our world not to include them in our quilt-making. Learn how to turn your landscape photograph into a pattern, how to interpret that photograph in fabric, then learn Nancy's stress-free needle-turn techniques for hand applique. In the one-day class Nancy will provide a landscape pattern for your use. All skill levels welcome.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Hi all, It was so fun to hear about our members' small quilt groups at our last meeting. I enjoy learning more about our members, their creativity, friendships and how they share their talents!! And now it's time for our Quilt Show! I'm excited as I know it will be great! I hope everyone has a chance to attend and view projects from our talented membership. Also, if you haven't already, please sign up for a volunteer slot or two using the link on our Quilt Show page on the qsrochester.org web site. It's a wonderful way to meet other members, be a part of the Show and just to have fun! See you there! With Fall coming, it always puts me in the mood to play with orange, yellow, rust and brown fabrics. (Maybe I should start that Fall wall hanging that's been "properly aging" in my UFO collection.) So, for our October meeting, please share any Fall and/or Halloween quilts at Show and Tell; even if you've shown them before. It would be fun to see them and may inspire someone else for their fall project! Happy Quilting! Linda Edd QS President 2013

September 9, 2013 Meeting Minutes Quilters’ Sew-ciety Day Meeting Minutes Sue Zahasky, Day Facilitator, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. at Bethany United Methodist Church. Quilters’ Sew-ciety membership benefits were reviewed and Sue reminded everyone to check in at the update table in the lobby to confirm that their Directory information is correct and check Yes or No on Facebook inclusion. Myth buster of the month from the website www.womenfolk.com – Mistakes in antique quilts were made on purpose to demonstrate humility. False, it is almost impossible to make a perfect quilt. Mistakes then, as now, do occur when piecing and quilting but not purposely. Sandy Stiles made a motion to accept the August minutes as printed in the newsletter, Carolyn Jensen seconded and the members voted in the affirmative.  Show & Tell: 4 wall, 1 bed, 1 lap, 2 jackets, 2 table runners and 1 Nook cover were shared. 20 items for the Small Quilt Auction whetted our interest to bid at our upcoming quilt show.  New members & guests: Welcome to returning member Gloria Schlink and 2 guests.  Lotto Block: Michelle Willihnganz introduced the October lotto block, a variation of the 9 Patch dedicated to deer hunting season complete with deer tracks available with the pattern/instructions. Vernida Maley was drawn as the winner for September and took home 10 Propeller blocks.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Day Program: Lucy Horn introduced 3 small quilt groups from our QS membership: The Cut-Ups, Tea Time Quilters and The Dear Janes. Members presented the focus of their weekly meetings and as varied as the membership is in each group there are common threads running through each: a sharing of life experiences that led to friendships, sharing quilt related skills and techniques, inspiring new ideas, charity projects, traveling to quilt shows and retreats. Small quilt groups are an additional way to further the joy of quilting while making new friends and strengthening old bonds.  Door Prize: A $5.00 gift certificate from Quilt Sew-ciety to be applied toward membership dues or a guild class.  Motion to adjourn: at 3:08 Betty Drier made a motion, seconded by Carol Best, to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted by, Julie Tebay, Day Secretary Quilter’s Sew-ciety Evening Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Bonnie Bosma, Evening Facilitator, at Bethany United Methodist Church. Bonnie welcomed all and reviewed the many activities for members. The July minutes were approved with these spelling corrections: Gloria Bahr, Shellie Krusemark, Betty Drier.  Announcements and Education/Program: See this evening’s many announcements and upcoming programs in their separate sections of this newsletter.  Show and Tell: Quilters shared 2 wallhangings, 4 bed quilts, 1 small bed quilt and 5 Linus project/neonatal quilts.  7:45-8:00 Break Time had special requests: Please verify your mailing address, phone number and email address at the Information table in preparation for the new online newsletter edition and please also pay for your Raffle Quilt tickets. Attendees also could see the library, socialize and view this evening’s Show and Tell quilts up close and personal.  The following were introduced. Guests: Ginger Smith, Sue Johnson, Megan Valen, Char Thompson, Vicki Walker. New members: Becky Mann, Jenifer Jensen, Carol Post, Gloria Bahr, Karen Ereth. Welcome!  Lotto Blocks: were won by Bernita Maley. Lotto block co-chairs are offering an original design for October, designed by an enthusiastic husband: Deer Paw. Use woods-colored greens and autumnal golds to make the background block; the deer paw will be provided.  A $5 Quilters’ Sew-ciety gift certificate Door Prize was won by Margaret Baker. Program: Quilters’ Sew-ciety Small Quilt Groups, continued. Lucy as coordinator and the Tea Time Quiters (meet weekly, Thursday afternoons) graciously returned for the evening meeting and were joined by two more groups: the Needlepushers, who have been meeting for over 20 years on Monday mornings and the FAQ’s (Fiber Arts Quilt group, meet Wednesday mornings, twice a month) who have a specific goal: to challenge themselves to learn new techniques. This year the FAQ’s are using the book Art Quilt as a source of ideas and exercises. Look for their work at this Fall’s QS Quilt Show. Betsy Monroe closed the program with a few of her original design landscape quilts. Thanks to all for an excellent program.  Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was made at 9:05 p.m. by Elizabeth Harty and seconded by Sue Zahasky. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Nichols, Evening Secretary

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Kathy Gaines, via Sue Zahasky, Day meeting, reminded everyone that there are still a few positions left to be filled for the 2014 Board of Officers and Standing Committees. Any position not filled will be left vacant! Thoughtfully consider what your contribution could be to your Quilters’ Sew-ciety. The slate of officers will be read at the October meeting. Karen Gonzalez, Evening, mentioned specifically that an Education Elect person is still needed to work with Diane Hellie next year. The Education chair has sometimes been a small quilt group – what about yours? A few more members for the 2014 Nominating Committee are also requested.

Lucy Horn, Small Quilt Groups. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway for those interested in joining a small quilt group. September saw the addition of another small group of 5 members and the placement of 2 members in an ongoing art quilt group. New day and night groups are in the works; contact Lucy or check the sign-up sheet if interested.

Paula Triebenbach. The newsletter is converting to electronic delivery starting with the December or January issue. This service will be more timely and less expensive. Paper copies will still be available for those who wish to receive their newsletter in that form. Correct distribution information is crucial, so all members need to stop at the information table and check their address, phone number and email information during the breaks at QS meetings in October and November. Or send Paula your corrected info.

Carol Best. Facebook is coming! The goal is to promote QS programs and activities to a wider viewer base. To protect your privacy, photos of members will not be included. When correcting your newsletter information (see above), please also check “yes” or “no” about permission to post your quilt-related projects on the upcoming QS Facebook page.

Pam Geerdes, Festival of Trees. Five tree skirt blocks and 50% of the tree ornaments have been received and all look great. The rest are due by the Oct. 7 QS meeting. The Hiawatha Homes Foundation Festival of Trees benefit runs Nov. 26 through Dec. 1, including Thanksgiving Day. Put it on your calendar and watch for detailed information in the local newspapers and on the QS website.

Betsy Monroe, Evening. The BAG Ladies (Baltimore Album Quilt Guild) invite you to join them at TJ Max Plaza on 3rd Wednesday mornings. For details on where & when, contact Betsy Monroe.

Evening: Karen Greenslade introduced Getting to Know You member Judy Plank.

Vernida Maley. The Senior Citizens Center is sponsoring a bus to the American Quilt Society quilt show in Des Moines, IA, October 3rd. It will leave at 6:15 AM from the Recreation Center, returning from Des Moines at 4:30PM. The cost is $25.00. Contact the Senior Center for more information.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Sue Zahasky. Our QS 2014 Quilt Show raffle quilt won the Grand Champion award at the Olmsted County Fair and placed 4th at the Minnesota State Fair. Wow! Evening: Cathy Robinson encourages us all to increase our participation in the Olmsted County Fair. Many in the audience stood as we recognized members who had submitted entries to the 2013 fair.

Quilt Show Information and Announcements  

Raffle Quilt: Please submit payment for the 10 raffle quilt tickets which you sold (or bought!) at $1 each to Darline Niess, 4713 Harvest Court NW, Rochester, MN 55901-8254. Door Prizes: Karen Greenslade mentioned some of the door prizes which have been donated: Sulky threads, transfer pens, a book and stabilizer.

Volunteers: Pam Geerdes. There are still plenty of volunteer spots, Friday evening and especially Saturday. Please wear your QS nametag and arrive 15 mn. before your shift. There will be white gloves and aprons available. There is no room for storage of your purse, so lock it in the car and wear an outfit with pockets for cash and keys. Volunteers receive a small pin and entry to the Preview on Thursday.

Small Quilt Auction has 45 quilts to date. You can submit your quilt as late as Thurs. morning, Sept 26.

Quilts in the show: Betsy Monroe reports 127 registered quilts, not including the Small Quilt Auction or the Challenge items. Drop off is Weds, Sept 25 at Kelleys Quality Sewing Center; no plastic bags, please.

Challenge Project Turn-In: You can turn in your challenge project any time, up until Gathering Day, September 25, 2013, at Kelley’s Quality Sewing. We look forward to seeing what you have created.

Please let us get to know You!

This month we get to meet another charter member of our guild. Hi! I am Sharon Landsworth and I live in Rochester, MN. I am a charter member of Quilters' Sew-ciety. I was introduced to quilting by my neighbor, Joy Burson. She took a quilting class through Community Education and after each class she was right on my doorstep to show me the new patchwork block she had made! I was impressed - until she said she took this new fabric and cut it up into shapes just to sew it back together again! I have to admit that I questioned her sanity. But next thing I knew, I was taking that same class and was hooked! (Did I say I had questioned "her" sanity?) They told me in class that if it wasn't hand pieced and hand quilted it wasn't a quilt. I guess I broke the rules by machine piecing, but I did hand quilt about 24 quilts. When I attended a quilt show in 1997 I saw my first long arm quilting machine. I just knew I needed one of those!

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


(Though my husband wasn't quite as swayed in that direction!) I knew I couldn't buy one just for the fun of it, so set out doing some research, wrote a business plan, got a bank loan and all along trying to convince my husband what a great idea this was! Well, it took 2 years but I purchased my long arm quilting machine and set up my new business, Quilted Comforts, in 1998 - with my husband's blessing!! I have now been in business for 15 years and have quilted about 1,000 quilts! I still get excited with each new quilt that comes in and am so thankful that I can live my dream. As a way of giving back to the community, I donate quilts to the Veterans Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, and Quilts of Valor. I enjoy sharing my passion for quilts and the quilting process with others. I have found that quilts and their memories bind us all together. What a joy it is to be a quilter!

We'd like to get to know all of our members better-please consider and fill out the form from the website or see me at a meeting and obtain one or just write one up based on what you've read from others in the newsletter and email it to me at [email protected] Thank you-Happy Quilting..Karen Greenslade

Check this out! Thank you so much to those of you who have turned in your ornaments and tree skirt blocks. We have received 82 ornaments and all the tree skirt blocks. Marjie and I are busy sewing the tree skirt and Carol Best will be quilting it. We are excited! Thanks to all of your hard work, we are going to have a beautiful tree this year. If you have not turned in your ornament please hand it in on October 7 th. Try to make it to the Festival of Trees this year. It is held during the week of Thanksgiving and benefits Hiawatha Homes. Their website has all the details. Hope to see you there.

Lotto Block for October October 2013 Lotto Block: Deer Paw This block was designed by Terry Spaeth. Construct a 9-patch, using 3 1/2” squares. Please use a green leafy fabric for the corners and center. Use and orange/yellow autumnal print in between. I have made sets of deer tracks using Heat and Bond on black fabric. Two sets of these may be positioned on each of the green squares, and ironed in place using a dry iron.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Quilters’ Sew-ciety 2014 Board and Standing Committee Chair Nominations QUILTERS’ SEW-CIETY Board Nominations President: Carol Best President-Elect: Sue Zahasky Treasurer: Paula Treibenbach Secretary – Day: Jamie Kouba Secretary – Evening: Rosie Sigmiller Facilitator – Day: Susan Cleveland Facilitator – Evening: Mary Anderson Education: Diane Hellie Education-Elect: ___________________________

QUILTERS’ SEW-CIETY Standing Committee Nominations Membership – Day: Stephanie Pasch Membership – Evening: Mary Spencer Newsletter: Ann Brenke Web-master: Linda Edd Librarian – Day: Marie Wilson Librarian – Evening: Tudie Bremer & Marie Huntington Publicity: Pat Anderson Lotto Block: Joy Spaeth Sunshine: Sue Norell Getting to Know You: Karen Greenslade Hostess – Day: Mary Jo Anderson & Julie Peterson Hostess – Evening: Sue Norell Specieal Events: Laurie Cook Small Quilt Groups: Lucy Horn Historian – Day: Joyce Johnson Historian – Evening: ___________________________ Hospitality: Cheryl Anderson Nominating: 1. Karen Greenslade Nominating: 2. _______________________________ Nominating: 3. _______________________________ Facebook Manager: Dixie Schmidt

Why Quilters Love the Internet Where do you go at 3 a.m. when you can’t decide whether to use a cotton or a poly-blend batting? Who do you call when you can’t find that recipe for tea-dyeing fabric and your favorite store is closed? The Internet of course. On the Web, quilting advice and comradery is always just a few mouse clicks away. You can download free quilt patterns, find out what’s hot in the art quilt world, tap into the Web sites of your favorite quilt magazines, learn how to repair and preserve your great grandmother’s quilt, get help for machine quilting, plus hunt for out-of-print quilt patterns and books—all from the comfort of your family room, while lounging in your fuzzy robe and slippers. Quilters and quilting advice are everywhere on the Web, because quilters are a chatty, sharing bunch. You’ll be amazed at the quilt information you’ll read in cyberspace, as well as the quilts you’ll see and the quilters you’ll meet. Some really good web sites to check out!!! Sue Traudt’s World Wide Quilting Page – http://quilt.com/MainQuiltingPage.html - Sue has everything on this site: frequently-asked question files from quilting mailing lists; links to just about everything the internet offers quilters; plus lots and lots of free patterns and advice. QuiltArt – http://www.quiltart.com – QuiltArt is a mailing list devoted to discussing quilts that are less-than-traditional. But its Web site, run by Judy Smith, offers lots of information, news, and chatter for quilters of all persuasions.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013


Carman's Quilt Works

Cozy Home Stitches & Retreat Center

Longarm Quilting Carman Irelan Rochester, MN (507) 424-3127 e-mail: [email protected]

64665 240th Ave. Kasson, MN 55944 507-634-7861

Making Time For You!

Quilting Retreats Longarm Quilting Service cozyhomeretreat.com

Annie Kate's Quilts Longarm quilting service Kathy Gaines 3008 25th St. NW Rochester, MN 55901 [email protected] home: 282-6494 cell: 951-0993

Basting Pantograph Custom, freehand Binding

Classified Ads/Notices for Members For $3.75, members can submit up to 20 words for a classified ad/notice. This will have the same deadline as everything else for the newsletter – one week after the meeting date. Any questions please contact: Ann Brenke, Newsletter Editor at 507-951-8750 or [email protected]. Advertising Rates 1/8 page = $7.50, 1/4 page = $15.00, 1/2 page = $30.00, 3/4 page = $45.00, full page = $60.00. Quilt-related camera-ready ads can be submitted to the Editor by the Friday following the meeting; ads must be accompanied by full payment and sent to : Ann Brenke, 507 5th St. N.W., Kasson, MN 55944; 507951-8750; [email protected]. Checks should be made payable to Quilters’ Sew-Ciety. Note: Please submit an electronic graphic file – pdf, gif, etc. (preferred method) or camera-ready ad for the issue(s) of the newsletter if you want the same ad to appear in multiple issues. E-mail or call if you have questions about formatting your copy.

Quilters’ Sew-ciety News

October 2013