Presented byThe Wren Foundation. Rabbit Run 5K. & Children's Fun Run. Day:
Saturday. Date: April 28, 2012. Time: 8:00 AM. Location: CCCC Campus.
Presented byThe Wren Foundation
Rabbit Run 5K & Children’s Fun Run
Day: Saturday Date: April 28, 2012 Time: 8:00 AM Location: CCCC Campus
Pittsboro, NC
Entry Fees: $20 (until Wednesday, April 25) $25 Race Day $10 (for Children’s Fun Run)
Register online at
• A wards will be given to Overall Male & Female Finishers and the Top 3 finishers in each age group • T-Shirts and other fun goodies will be available to those who pre-register • P roceeds from this event will go to help fund scholarships for deserving students and other educational needs at CCCC
Rabbit Run 5k, April 28, 2012 Registration Form You can also register online at:
Runner Entry Information (please print) Name: ________________________________________________________________ Age: ___________ Address: _________________________________________________ City: _______________________ State: ____________________________________________________ Zip: ________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ Sex:
Shirt Size: S
(circle one)
(circle one)
Race & Payment Select Race Event: ________ 5K ________ Fun Run
$20 - Early Registration fee (on or before April 18) $25 - After April 18 including day of race $10 - Childrenʼs Fun Run
Payment: ________ Check (make checks payable to: “CCCC Foundation”) ________ Cash ________ Credit Card (Register Online at: Mail Form & Payment to: CCCC Foundation | Attn: Emily Hare | |1105 Kelly Drive | Sanford, NC 27330
Release I know that running/walking/obstacles in a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run/walk/obstacles unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the obstacle run/walk. I assume all risks associated with running/walking/obstacles in any Go Time! events by Hackman Events LLC. This includes - but not limited to - falls, contacts with other participants, the effects of the weather including high heat and/or humidity, low temperature, traffic and conditions of the road, all risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this release and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf or on behalf of my estate, waive and release GO TIME, HACKMAN EVENTS LLC, CENTRAL CAROLINA COMMUNITY COLLEGE, WREN FOUNDATION, CCCC FOUNDATION,COLIN AND MICHELLE HACKMAN and all sponsors of the race, any other persons assisting with the race, the officers, Board, Board members, agents, servants, employees, and their successors and assigns of each and every of the above from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in the run/walk even though the liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons referred to in this waiver. I also grant permission for the use of any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of my participation in this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that if the race is canceled because of circumstances beyond the control of the race committee and sponsors, including, but not limited to unsafe weather conditions or governmental ban, my entry fee will not be refunded. This release must be signed by all participants and/or by the parent or guardian if participant is under 18.
Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ (Signature of parent or guardian if participant is under 18)
Print Name: ___________________________________________________________ Any questions? Please contact: Emily Hare | 919-718-7230 |
[email protected]