Race/ethnic differences in respiratory problems among a nationally ...

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among a nationally-representative cohort of young children ... 1The Population Research Center and Department of Sociology, University of Texas at. Austin ... some to call asthma the “other inner-city epidemic” (aside from HIV/AIDS).
Population Research and Policy Review 20: 187–206, 2001. © 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Race/ethnic differences in respiratory problems among a nationally-representative cohort of young children in the United States JASON D. BOARDMAN1, BRIAN K. FINCH2 & ROBERT A. HUMMER1∗ 1 The Population Research Center and Department of Sociology, University of Texas at Austin; 2 Department of Sociology, Florida State University, and Robert Wood Johnson

Scholars in Health Policy Program, University of California at Berkeley Abstract. Using data from a nationally-representative cohort of young children in the United States, we ask the following: (1) Are there race/ethnic and birth weight differentials in the likelihood of developing respiratory problems by age three in a nationally representative birth cohort? (2) To what extent does birth weight, vis-à-vis other key sociodemographic risk factors, mediate race/ethnic differentials in reported respiratory problems? (3) Does the effect of birth weight on respiratory problems risk differ by race? We find that non-Hispanic black children are 1.7 times as likely as non-Hispanic white children to be reported to have respiratory problems by age three, while the risk for Hispanic children is similar to that of non-Hispanic white children. Birth weight is also very strongly related to respiratory problem risk. Specifically, children born at very low weights (500–1499 g) have four times the odds of having respiratory problems of heavier children. Statistical controls for birth weight decrease the black-white differential by about 20%, while additional controls for sociodemographic factors reduce the race differential by an additional 35%. Finally, the net effect of birth weight is different for black and white children: whereas birth weight affects the risk of respiratory problems for black children only at low weights (

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