Rademacher and Gaussian averages in Learning. Theory. Olivier Bousquet. Max Planck Institute. Tübingen .... version Bartlett, B. and Mendelson (2002).
Rademacher and Gaussian averages in Learning Theory
Olivier Bousquet Max Planck Institute T¨ubingen
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25th March 2003
• Motivation
• Rademacher and Gaussian averages
• Unit balls in Banach spaces
• Examples
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Motivation I There are relationships between • Empirical processes • Probability in Banach spaces • Geometry of Banach spaces • Learning theory Some examples • Concentration inequalities (cf Lugosi / Massart) – Empirical processes – Combinatorial parameters (VC entropy, VC dimension)
• Combinatorial parameters (metric entropy/shattering dimension) (cf Mendelson) • Capacity measures • Margin/Regularization O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
The Learning Problem
Formalization • (X, Y ) ∼ P pair of random variables, values in X × Y, P unknown joint distribution. • Given n i.i.d. pairs (Xi, Yi) sampled according to P , find g : X → Y such that P (g(X) 6= Y ) is small More generally, ` measures the cost of errors. Minimize L(g) = E [`(g(X), Y )]
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Motivation II
Notation: P f = E [f (X, Y )], Pnf =
1 n
i=1 f (Xi , Yi ).
In general, L(gn) − Ln(gn) ≤ sup(P − Pn)f . f ∈F
For algorithms looking for small error functions, with high probability, L(gn) − Ln(gn) ≤
(P − Pn)f .
f ∈F,P f 2 ≤c
Expectations of these quantities measure the capacity of the function class. O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Motivation III
Regularization algorithms (dual to large margin algorithms) min Ln(f ) + λ kf k f ∈F
Interesting classes have the form {f ∈ F : kf k ≤ B} ⇒ Geometry of balls in Banach spaces
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Rademacher Averages
For bounded functions sup P f − Pnf f ∈F
can be controlled by the random Rademacher average # " n 1X σif (Xi) Eσ sup f ∈F n i=1 or the random Gaussian average "
1 f ∈F n
Eσ sup
n X
# gif (Xi)
(cf Lugosi’s talk)
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Modulus of Continuity With more care (and Talagrand’s inequality), one can get # " n 1X −1 2 P f − Pnf ≤ K P f + cK E sup σif (Xi) + · · · . n 2 f ∈F,P f ≤r i=1 for some r. • If P f 2 is related to P f then one can get a better bound from this • What is the right value of r ? "
1 r=E sup f ∈F,P f 2 ≤r n
n X
# σif (Xi)
Call this value r∗ capacity radius (“fixed point of the modulus of continuity”) • Idea goes back to Massart (2000), Koltchinskii and Panchenko (2001). This version Bartlett, B. and Mendelson (2002) O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Empirical version
" P f − Pnf ≤ K P f + cK Eσ −1
1 sup f ∈F,Pn f 2 ≤r n
n X
# σif (Xi) + · · · .
with r satisfying " r = Eσ
1 sup f ∈F,Pn f 2 ≤r n
n X
# σif (Xi)
Call this value rn∗ empirical capacity radius
Bartlett, B. and Mendelson, to appear.
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Margin and Regularization
• Normalize the weight vector w such that w.x = 1 for closest points. • Margin proportional to 1/ kwk • Give linear penalty to errors SVM algorithm equivalent to n 1X min (1 − Yiw.Xi)+ + λ kwk2 , w n i=1 O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Kernel Spaces
The SVM algorithm does this after mapping the data to a high dimensional euclidean space (cf Ben-David’s talk) Actually it solves n
1X min (1 − Yif (Xi))+ + λ kf k2 , f ∈H n i=1 in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space H generated by k(x, x0) (H = span{k(x, .) : x ∈ X }). Equivalent problem min Ln(f )
kf k≤B
⇒ estimate the capacity of balls in the RKHS H. O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Duality of Rademacher Averages
Rademacher average "
1 f :kf k≤1 n sup
n X
# σif (Xi)
Reproducing property f (Xi) = hf, k(Xi, ·)iH By duality "
1 E sup f :kf k≤1 n
n X i=1
# " n
σif (Xi) = E σik(Xi, ·)
n #
⇒ This is a general phenomenon for regularization in a Banach space
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Computing Capacity Measures
Some notation
1 f ∈F n
Rn(F) = Eσ sup " φn(F, r) = Eσ
n X
σif (Xi)
1 f ∈F:Pn f 2 ≤r n sup
n X
# σif (Xi)
rn∗ (F) = φn(F, rn∗ (F))
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Convex Hull
• Motivation: Boosting type algorithms Choose a base class of {−1, 1} functions, make linear combinations and penalize by the sum of the weights
• Global Rn(conv F) = Rn(F) However entropy can be much larger
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Convex Hull
• Local
p φn(conv(F), r) ≤ inf 2φn(F, 2) + c rN (F, )/n , >0
Proof idea: approximate convex hull by linear subspace (span of an -net)
rn∗ (conv F)
c 21 ∗ ≤ inf exp Knrn(F) log >0 n
+ 4
rn∗ (F) .
• For VC classes rn∗ (F) = O(d/n), and rn∗ (conv F)
= O(n
− 21 αd+1 αd+2
for some constant α ≥ 1 (ideally α = 1), with log factors
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
• Motivation: kernel algorithms (SVM) F = {f ∈ H : kf kH ≤ 1} • Global
# " n
Rn(F) = Eσ σik(Xi, ·) ≤
v u n X 1u t k(Xi, Xi) n i=1
• Gram matrix Ki,j = k(Xi, Xj ) P P K positive semidefinite, k(Xi, Xi) = tr K = λi
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
• Local c φn(F, r) ≤ √ n
s X √ inf rd + λj /n
Proof idea: approximation by a linear subspace (span of main eigenvectors) • Radius
c ∗ rn ≤ inf d + n d∈N
d = 0 gives the trace bound √ −i Exponential decay (e.g. λi = ne ) gives 1/n bound instead of 1/ n. O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Union of RKHS
• Motivation: automatic choice of the kernel F = ∪k∈K {f ∈ Hk : kf kHk ≤ 1} • Rademacher averages √ 1 1 t Rn(F) = E sup σ Kσ ≤ n K∈K n
E sup σ tKσ
⇒ Rademacher chaos
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Union of RKHS
For one matrix
1√ tr K Rn(K) ≤ n Interesting classes of positive semidefinite matrices • Convex hull
cp log N max tr K Rn(F) ≤ n
• Quadratic hull 1/4 N
2 c X 2 Rn(F) ≤ tr Kj + K¯j 2 n j=1 • Spectral classes (commuting matrices) cp Rn(F) ≤ log n max tr K n O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Lipschitz Spaces
• Motivation: regularize by the Lipschitz norm of the functions min Ln(f ) + λ kf kL • Use duality Predual = Arens-Eells space, functions with finite support with norm X X kf k = inf{ |ai|d(xi, yi) : f = ai(1xi − 1yi )} • Relates to matching theorems/transportation (Ajtai, Komlos, Tusnady) (Talagrand)
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Lipschitz Spaces For a Lipschitz ball F = {f : kf kL ≤ 1} we have • In Rd, for d ≥ 3,
Rn(F) ≤ n−1/d
• In R2
log n n Proof idea: use majorizing measures (Talagrand) for d = 2 and a modification of Dudley’s entropy bound for d > 2 Z ∞ Rn(F) ≤ + H 1/2(F, u)du Rn(F) ≤
Entropy estimates of Lipschitz balls (e.g. Kolmogorov and Tihomirov) O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Embedding of a Metric Space
• Motivation: large margin classification in metric spaces • Isometric embedding into Cb(X ) x 7→ Φx := d(x, ·) − d(x0, ·) • The span of {Φx : x ∈ X } can be completed into a Banach space with the supremum norm. • One can define large margin hyperplanes and consider the unit ball F of the dual • Result: geometry of F = geometry of X Rn(F) = Rn(X ) where points in x are seen as evaluation functions defined on {ΦXi } O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003
Open problems
1. Improve convex hull estimates
2. Obtain capacity radius bounds for chaoses
3. Investigate interesting classes of matrices (with nice geometry)
4. Obtain capacity radius bounds for Lipschitz balls
O. Bousquet: Rademacher and Gaussian averages
Marne-la-Vall´ee, 25/03/2003