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Single RAID Drive Failure vs. RAID Failure
RAID systems are not commonly known as failure-prone storage solutions. In fact, outside of the previously mentioned RAID 0, the "Redundant" in RAID speaks to the automatic backup capabilities of the system, when combined with parity information. The reality is, even with RAID 1, the likelihood of complete RAID hard drive failure within 3 years of installation, according to recent tests, is only 0.25%. This percentage may even be lower, in fact, because of the fact that the course of action upon a first RAID hard disk failure is typically to replace that disk. Typically, while a single hard drive failure merely causes degraded performance, which in percentage terms is much worse depending on the configuration (RAID 10, as an example, would have far less degradation than RAID 1, as it simply has more hard disks to work with). RAID Catastrophe Where RAID hard drive failure can cause catastrophic data loss is when more than one drive fails at once. This is typically quite rare, but does happen, as often larger RAID configurations such as RAID 6 or greater are often run with one failed hard disk for months before the original drive loss is noticed.
RAID controller failure can also cause complete system failure, but this is quite uncommon as well. But no matter the probability of either failure, if your RAID system has encountered a failure, it is key to remember to not panic, and definitely DO NOT do anything which could compromise the data on the drives. Good RAID Repair Tools?
A RAID array, whether RAID 0, 10 or 50, is by nature a very complex storage solution. The subtleties of the format are such that it is always better to deal with a professional data recovery technician, as opposed to a boxed software solution. While even our data recovery technicians do use RAID failure diagnosis software, we never use automatic RAID repair software. In most cases, these applications are actually worse for your RAID array than doing nothing. Panic While it sounds very obvious, you’d be surprised how many RAID drive failure repairs become impossible because of this simple human emotion. No matter how skilled an IT administrator is, 99 times out of 100, they are unlikely to be able to fix a failed RAID array. The result can frequently be panic, and even more data loss than originally expected. Whenever a RAID array needs repairing, its best to consult a professional. Sit back, analyze the situation, but whatever you do, DO NOT attempt to initiate RAID recovery on your own. Seek Professional Advice
Any RAID repair specialist worth his salt is likely willing to provide you with some free advice. Sometimes, merely making a call can ensure your simple RAID drive failure doesn't turn into a catastrophic raid array loss. As experts with all RAID array manufacturers, we at HDRG have seen time and time again that the worst issue in most RAID array failures is human intervention. Panic and software repair tools are the two major enemies of effective RAID restoration, and are unfortunately the first two things that IT administrators look to when a server appears to be lost. Don't be a victim of this. Contact details: Hard Drive Recovery Group Phone : 1-866-341-4374 website : http://www.harddriverecovery.org/raid-data-recovery.html Google Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B14QGv7pBoAfM2dzTldPOUQ4QzQ?usp=sharing Related Contents: data recovery raid raid data recovery raid 5 data recovery data raid recovery raid 6 data recovery raid data recovery service raid 10 data recovery raid data recovery services raid 1 data recovery data recovery raid 5 raid 5 data recovery software data recovery raid 0 raid server data recovery raid array data recovery raid recovery services raid recovery raid 5 recovery raid recovery software raid file recovery qnap raid 5 recovery raid failure recovery nas raid recovery
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