Raimond GRIMBERG, Rozina STEIGMANN, Nicoleta IFTIMIE, Adriana

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Nicoleta IFTIMIE, Adriana SAVIN. Nondestructive Testing Department,. National Institute of Research and Development for Technical. Physics, Iasi, Romania. 1 ...
Raimond GRIMBERG, Rozina STEIGMANN, Nicoleta IFTIMIE, Adriana SAVIN Nondestructive Testing Department, National Institute of Research and Development for Technical Physics, Iasi, Romania



Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements



Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


Introduction  GPR is a non-intrusive technique used to obtain information about

the medium below the surface of the earth.  The technique relies upon transmission of electromagnetic energy

into the earth, and subsequent reflection of the energy at interfaces of differing dielectric permittivity.


Introduction  There are a wide range of domains that have used GPR such as  Archaeology  Geology  Civil engineering,  Military applications  Forensic



Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


GPR principles  GPR systems uses an impulse time domain waveform and

receives the reflected signal in a sampling receiver.  Models of the GPR situation range from a simple single frequency evaluation of path losses to complete 3D time domain descriptions of the GPR and its environment.  Modeling techniques include single frequency models, time domain models, ray tracing, integral techniques and discrete element methods.  The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) technique has become one of the popular techniques.


GPR principles

Block diagram of a generic GPR system 8


Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


The equipment and the studied samples

The GPR system in test site 10

Studied samples

Ballasted ammunition 11

Studied samples

Caliber 76 mm explosive projectiles ammunition


Studied samples

120mm HE mortar shell fitted with proximity fuze 13

Studied samples

100mm artillery shells 14

Studied samples

122mm CARGO 15

Studied samples

Anti-tank mine MAT 62B 16


Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


Signal processing

Scan of Cargo projectile- raw data

Simulation using FTDT software GPRMAX 3D


Signal processing  A-scan processing  The mean value of A scan must be near zero

1 A 'n = An − N


∑ An

n =1

 Noise reduction

An − A 'n−1 A 'n = An + K

An -unprocessed data sample A’n - processed data sample n – the sample number N – total number of samples.

A’n -averaged value An - the current value

The general effect is to reduce the variance of the white noise.


Signal processing  B-scan processing  Imaging with GPR data is frequently hampered by clutters.



Signal processing  B-scan processing  The principal problem for a correct interpretation of GPR

images consists in the extraction of unwanted signals as the ones due to transmission of forward wave from Tx to Tr and those due to reflection on the air-soil interface.  We define a window of L pixels and subtract from all the pixels

in this window the mean of the pixels in it.

g ( x, y ) = f ( x, y ) −

1 L


L 2

∑ f ( x + i, y ) L

i =−


g – filtered image f - raw data L - the window size

This method works well if the magnitude of the ground reflection is uniform across the GPR map. 21

Signal processing  B-scan processing  We propose a method in which spatial variations in

both the ground reflection magnitude and delay are simultaneously estimate using nonlinear optimization. Because these variations are relatively smooth functions of position, we model them using low-order polynomials.


Signal processing  B-scan processing  The measured data are split into Nseg spatial segments.  Over each segment we approximate the spatial

resolution in both the amplitude and time delay of the ground reflection by weighted sums of Chebyshev polynomials, the domain of the segment was normalized to the interval [-1,1].


Signal processing  B-scan processing  Let Ai(x) denote the spatially ground reflection

amplitude and Bi(x) the time delay of the ground reflection peak over segment ith. We approximate Ai(x) and Bi(x) as a sum 4



n= 0

Ai ( x ) = ∑ ain Tn ( x ) ; Bi ( x ) = ∑ bin Tn ( x )  Tn(x) are the Chebyshev polynomials defined by the

recursive relation Tn+ 1 ( x ) = 2Tn ( x ) − Tn −1 ( x ) , T0 ( x ) = 1 ; T1 ( x ) = x

n>1 24

Signal processing  B-scan processing  Because the reflection coefficient at the air-soil

interface is typically complex, we can represent the coefficients as imag real imag ai =  aireal , a , a , a , ... i0 i1 i1 0

bi =  bi0 , bi1 , ...


Signal processing  B-scan processing The frequency-domain ground reflection in spatial segment ith can be estimate as

Giest ( x , f ) = Ai ( x ) H ( f ) exp ( −2π jfBi ( x ) )

 H ( f )- windowed frequency response of the radar H

H ( f ) = H ( f )W ( f )

( f )- average frequency spectrum of the raw GPR data within the segment

W ( f )- a window applied when creating the time-domain data

We have used a Hanning window.


Signal processing  B-scan processing  The time domain reflection estimated becomes giest ( x , t , ai , bi ) = Ai ( x ) h ( t − Bi ( x ) )  h ( t ) is the inverse Fourier transform of H ( f )  The measured ground reflection over segment ith can be expressed as gimeas ( x , t ) = giest ( x , t , ai , bi ) + ni ( x , t )  ni(x,t) - the modeling error


Signal processing  B-scan processing  The coefficients

ai and biare found by a least-square error

process, which requires a nonlinear optimization of


 aˆ i , bˆi  = arg min gimeas ( x , t ) − giest ( x , t , ai , bi ) a   i



 Once the weighting coefficients

are estimated, the amplitude term Ai(x) and the delay Bi(x) of segment ith are evaluated.  Parameter estimation was performed using a nonlinear least square error minimization function, in the Matlab 2009b Optimization Toolbox



Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


Results  GPR images of Cargo projectile

Original raw data After A-scan processing and ground removal


Results  GPR images of Cargo projectile

Original raw data After migration 31

Results  GPR images of Cargo projectile

Top view 32

Results  GPR image of two 76mm caliber projectiles

Top view 33

Results  GPR image MAT62B antitank mine

Top view 34


Introduction GPR principles The equipment and the studied samples Signal processing Results Conclusions Acknowledgements


Conclusions  GPR has started to be used, with good results, in different types of application, from which, UXO must be nominated.  This fact is more important for the countries that have been theatre of war.  To can interpret correct the images delivered by GPR, due to the high level of noise and of clutters, it is very important to solve the forward problem using FDTD procedure.


Conclusions  Applying specific procedures of signal and image processing, the shape of UXO become visible, the type, caliber, number and their coordinate can be determined from simple measurements on the results.  These procedures allow the emphasizing of antitank mines from plastic, even if the weight of metallic parts is very small.


Special thanks to the Colonel Stefan Lazar, former Chief Inspector of Inspectorate for Emergency Situations “Mihail Grigore Sturdza” Iasi, Romania.

This paper is partially supported by the Romanian Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation under PN II Program – Project 32-134/2008 SysArr and Bilateral Project MENDE Ro-Sk/2011. 38

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