Sustainable Development of Quality Bamboo Resource for Employment Generation and Socio-Economic Development in NE India PROJECT COMPLETION REPORT
Y.C. Tripathi Pawan K Kaushik T.C. Bhuyan
RAIN FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education (An Autonomous Body of MoEF, Govt. of India) Jorhat – 785001, Assam (INDIA) 2011
-2© ICFRE (2013) All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.
Published by Director, Rain Forest Research Institute Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education PB 136, Jorhat – 785001, Assam (INDIA) Telephone: 91 376 2305101 Fax: E-mail:
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This report is published with the financial support from National Bamboo Mission, Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperation, Govt. of India
Tripathi Y. C., Kaushik, P. K., Bhuyan, T.C. 2013. Sustainable development of quality bamboo resource for employment generation and socio-economic development in NE India. Rain Forest Research Institute. Jorhat, Assam, India
Front cover: Initial Stages of Bamboos and intercrops under Agroforestry (Photo credit: Pawan K Kaushik & R. Bhattacharyya)
Back cover: Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balocooa Bordumsa R & D Plot under National Bamboo Mission Project of RFRI (Photo credit: R. Bhattacharyya)
Cover page Design: Pawan K Kaushik
CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgement Overview 1. Introduction 1.1 Phytogeography of Northeast Region 1.2 Distribution of Bamboos
10 11 14 14 14
1.3 Species Diversity in India and Northeast
1.4 Demands as Timber Substitute
1.5 Augmenting Bamboo Production
1.6 Promoting Bamboo cultivation outside Forest Area
Sub-Project – I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region 18 2. Objectives 2.1 The Statement of Problem 18-19 2.2 Objectives of Sub-Project-I 19 20 3. Review of Literature 3.1 Bamboo Production under Agroforestry 20 3.2 Bamboo based Agroforestry for Restoration of Degraded Lands 21 3.3 Bamboo based Agroforestry for Sustainable Landuse 21 3.4 Growth & Yeild of Bamboo under Agroforestry 22 3.5 Management of Bamboo Agroforestry Plantations 22-23 4. Plan of work 24 4.1 Work Plan of Sub-Project-I 4.1.1 Species Selected 24 4.1.2 Activities 5.
Methodology 5.1 Methodology for Sub-Project-I 5.1.1 Site Selection
24 26 26
5.1.2 PRA for selection of Bamboo and intercrop species
5.1.3 Field lay out and Plantation designs
5.1.4 Training and onsite field demonstration
5.1.5 Establishment of Nursery for Planting Stock
5.1.6 Production of Planting Stock of Bamboo and Intercrop
5.1.7 Ground work and field preparation at trial sites
5.1.8 Establishment of Agroforestry trial Plantations
5.1.9 Observations, Data Recording and Performance Appraisal
6. Results & Discussion Sub-Project – I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region
-46.1 Performance of French bean under different bamboo species 6.1.1 First year observations
6.1.2 Second year observations
6.2 Performance of Bhindi under different bamboo species 6.2.1 First year observations 6.2.2 Second year observations 6.3 Performance of Turmeric under different bamboo species 6.3.1 First year observations 6.3.2 Second year observations 6.4 Performance of Colocasia under different bamboo species 6.4.1 First year observations 6.4.2 Second year observations 6.5 Performance of Ginger under different bamboo species 6.5.1 First year observations 6.5.2 Second year observations
44 46 48 50 52 53 54 55
6.6 Observations on growth parameters of different bamboo species under various crop 56 associations 6.7 Studies on shoot emergence in Bambusa balcooa 58-60 BIBLIOGRAPHY 61-63 Sub-project–II: Development of clump management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culms and edible shoots 1. Introduction 65 2. Objective 67 3. Work Plan 68 4. Methodology adopted 68 4.1 Site Selection 68 4.2 Species selected for the experiments 68 4.3 Soil Analysis 69 4.4 Design 69 4.5 Soil mounding, Soil loosening, Mulching 70 5. Review of Literature 71 6. Results and Discussion 76 1. Fertilizer effect A. Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Palashbari 76 B. Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Titabor 83 C. Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Sotai 90 2. Effect of soil Mounding, Soil loosening and Mulching 97 A. Palashbari 97 B. Titabor 98 C. Sotai 99 7. Conclusion 100
101-105 106-108
Sub-Project – I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Site Location in the four N. E. States Site- specific selection of Bamboo and Intercrop species through PRA Yield of French bean under 1 year old Bamboo at Boko Yield of French bean under 1 year old Bamboo at Satra Yield of French bean under 2 years old Bamboo at Boko Yield of French bean under 2years old Bamboo at Satra Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old Bamboo at Satra Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old Bamboo at Satra Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old Bamboo at Satra Yield of Turmeric under 2 years old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Turmeric under 2 years old Bamboo at Satra Yield of Colocasia under 1 year old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Colocasia under 2 years old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Ginger under 1 year old Bamboo at Boko Yield of Ginger under 2years old Bamboo at Boko
26 28 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Sub-project–II: Development of clump management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culms and edible shoots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Experiment a. of Fertilizer at Palashbari Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of Bamboo species on overall response of treatments a. Experiment of Fertilizer at Titabor Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2009) over control ( T1) Data of different parameters of B nutans (2009) over control ( T1) Data of different parameters of B balcooa(2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2010) over control ( T1)
76 76 76 78 78 78 80 80 80 82 83 83 83 85
-615. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2011) over control ( T1) Data of Bamboo species on overall response of treatments in comparison to control a. Experiment of Fertilizer at Sotai Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2009) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2010) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B tulda (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B nutans (2011) over control ( T1) Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B balcooa(2011) over control ( T1) Data of Bamboo species on overall response of treatments in comparison to control
Sub-Project – I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.
Conceptual Designs of Agroforestry field trials Layout of Bordumsa (AP) Field trial site Layout of Rupa Field trial (Dukumpani) site Layout of Satra Field trial site Layout of RMRS,Boko Field trial site Layout of RMRS,Boko Project site Layout of Mongsemyimti Field trial, Nagaland Layout of Jalukie Field trial site at Nagaland Layout of Nowagang site at Tripura Layout plan of Demonstration plot , Rangbonghat Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboo at Boko Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboo at Satra Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboo at Boko Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboo at Satra Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboo at Boko Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboo at Satra Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboo at Boko Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboo at Satra Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboo at Boko Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboo at Satra Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboo at Boko
28-30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
85 85 87 87 87 89 90 90 90 92 92 92 94 94 94 96
-722. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
Yield of Turmeric under 2 years old bamboo at Satra Yield of Colocasia under 1 year old bamboo at Boko Yield of Colocasia under 2 years old bamboo at Boko Yield of Ginger under 1 year old bamboo at Boko Yield of Ginger under 2years old bamboo at Boko
52 53 54 55 56 57
Diameter of Bamboo after 12 months of transplanting 28. 57 Culm height of bamboo after 12 months of transplanting 29. 58 Collar diameter of bamboos in different spacing after 15 months 30. 58 Culm height of bamboos in different spacing after15 months. Sub-project–II: Development of clump management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culms and edible shoots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
Experiment of Fertilizer at Palashbari Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2011) Overall performance of treatments on bamboo species in comparison to control (%) a. Experiment of Fertilizer at Titabor Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2011) Overall performance of treatments on Bamboo species in comparison to control (average change in percentage) a. Experiment of Fertilizer at Sotai Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2009) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2010) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B tulda (2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B nutans(2011) Percentage increase /decrease of treatment over control for B balcooa(2011)
77 77 77 79 79 79 81 81 81 82 84 84 84 86 86 86 88 88 88 89
91 91 91 93 93 93 95 95 95
-830. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Overall performance of treatments on Bamboo species in comparison to control (%) a. Effect of management practices at Palashbari Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2009) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2010) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2011) a. Effect of management practices at Titabar Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2009) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2010) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2011) a. Effect of management practices at Sotai Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2009) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2010) Effect of management practices on Bamboo species (2011)
96 97 97 97 98 98 98 99 99 99
(Bambusa tulda and Bambusa balocooa) Bordumsa R & D Plot under National Bamboo Mission Project of RFRI
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PREFACE Besides being an important source of livelihood, bamboos find a key role in the industrial sector providing employment and income to the millions. With the increasing population pressure, natural stands of bamboo are being indiscriminately cut for livelihood and commercial purposes. The common practice of jhum cultivation in the northeastern states has resulted in genetic erosion of several bamboo species, over exploitation of some species for fuelwood and cottage industry has endangered others. Flowering of bamboo in a larger part of the northeast India during 2002-2007 has resulted in loss of natural population of bamboo thus leading to a situation of resource crisis. For bridging the demand-supply gap there is a need for increasing bamboo productivity through large-scale commercial plantations has become warrantable and need to be promoted in outside forest areas. The farmers and other commercial growers may take up the plantations if bamboo can be cultivated in association with other local crops under agroforestry or otherwise prefer for block plantations with appropriate clump management techniques for enhanced productivity. In view of these facts, the projects proposal entitled “Sustainable development of quality bamboo resource for employment generation and socio-economic development in NE India” was put forward which was sponsored by the National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi. The project envisaged survey, selection of site, propagation of planting material, establishment of field trials to study bamboo-crop interactions and response to clump management techniques. The Project Completion Report comprises the results of various field experimental trials useful for the farmers and commercial growers. It is hoped that the research outcomes of the project may serve as a practical guide and would be extremely useful for all stakeholders. Project Coordinator
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT On behalf of the Principal Investigators and other members of the project implementing team, I take this opportunity to convey our sincere thanks to the Director General, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE), Dehradun for his kind endorsement to this important and interesting project. We solemnly acknowledge the generous attitude of the National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi for granting approval and sanction to the project thus providing us an opportunity to carry out studies on „Sustainable development of quality bamboo resource for employment generation and socio-economic development in NE India‟. We offer our honest gratitude to Shri N K Vasu, the then Director, Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat for providing all necessary facilities, valuable suggestions and encouragement throughout the work and Dr. N S. Bisht, the present Director of the institute for kind perusal and creative suggestions for the improvement of the manuscript. It is our pleasant duty to thank Ms. Imtienla Ao, the then Group Coordinator (Research), RFRI for her help and constant support during the course of the project work. The progress of project work had been monitored from time to time by the officials visiting from National Bamboo Mission. We acknowledge the Deputy Director General, NBM and the Sr. Forestry Consultant who periodically examined and suggested to improve the work. We heartily thank the research and field supporting staff viz. Shri Bibhuti Deka, Shri G. Thakuria, Shri Niren Das, Shri Bhabesh Gogoi, Shri Kumud Bora, Shri Navajyoti Borah, Shri Rajarshi Bhattacharyya, Shri Arnob Gogoi, Shri Simanta Saikia, for their hard and sincere efforts in execution of various project activities and assistance extended in collection, tabulation and Analysis of field data. We also extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Vishavjit Kumar, Scientist C, Praveen Verma, RO, Shri Alok Yadav, Scientist C, Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist C for extending their cooperation in organizing trainings and field activities. We express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Thiru Selvan for his support extended during preparation of the manuscript. Our sincere thanks to the farmers who consented to establish field trials in their farmlands, provided land and participated in planning of field trials under the project. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all the technical and para-technical staffs of the RFRI, Jorhat for their help and cooperation throughout the implementation of the project works.
Y.C. Tripathi Project Coordinator
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OVERVIEW Bamboos generally dominate secondary vegetation developing after shifting cultivation and clearing of forests and are grown in homesteads, community lands, crop fields, bamboo gardens and stream banks in north eastern states. Common species grown in Bamboo Gardens are B. tulda, B. nutans, B. pallida, B. balcooa, B. longispiculata, Oxytenanthera abyssinica, O. albociliata, Dendrocalamus giganteus. The clump forming species Dendrocalamus hamiltonii is the dominant bamboo species in the lower plains and mid hill slopes of most of the NE states. Bambusa pallida is the dominant bamboo species at higher elevations of Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh. Non clump forming bamboos (Meloccana baccifera and Schizostachyum polymorphum) are more prevalent in the plains and lower hills of Mizoram, western Meghalaya, south Tripura, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. Arundinaria grows extensively in temperate conifer forest belts in Arunachal Pradesh and Phyllostachyus sps. is largely cultivated in Ziro (Apatani valley), Twang, Shillong, Kohima and several other places. In humid tropics, bamboos occupy large area of land compared to other planted trees. On farmer‟s land bamboos are planted or allowed to grow along farm boundaries, drainage channels, courtyards, homesteads or small scale farm lands and managed as groves following some agroforestry model and uncultivated wastelands. The land near bamboo clump can be effectively utilized by growing agricultural crops, horticultural crops or forestry species. The uncertain weather conditions coupled with increasing cost of raising agricultural crops on marginal lands render wide scope for bamboo based agroforestry. In NE India, bamboo is the most important income generating crop for local farmers. There is a high demand of bamboo in different markets. It is normally marketed either as commercial bamboo (live culms which are more than 2.5 m in length) or as industrial bamboo (culms less than 2.5 m. in length). Bamboo of 2 m and 1 m length, known as bahi and sarava, respectively, are sold in the northern states. However, in most states, bamboo with lengths varying from 3 to 9 m finds use in construction of houses. Bamboo based industries provide income, food, and housing to over 2.2 billion people worldwide. There is a 3-5 year return on investment for a new bamboo plantation versus 8-10 years for rattan. Bamboo shoots provide nutrition for millions of people worldwide. Bamboo's are extensively used in building small farm houses, goat sheds, piggery enclosures, small baskets and string making. Large bamboo pipes are used as water conveyers in the farm irrigation/drainage system. In view of these versatile uses of the valuable resource, agencies like National Bamboo Mission, National Mission on Bamboo Application and International Network for Bamboo and Rattan Research, Beijing among others are promoting bamboo based agroforestry. National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi has launched a scheme for development of bamboo based agroforestry models in different agro-climatic zones of India. The project work led to the means for promoting bamboo in outside area with enhanced productivity through agroforestry and clump management techniques useful for the farmers and commercial growers. The project was financially supported by the National Bamboo Mission, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
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Project No: RFRI/EP/19
Project Title: Sustainable development of quality bamboo resource for employment generation and socio-economic development in NE India
Sub-project–I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region.
Sub-project–II: Development of clump management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culms and edible shoots.
Funding Agency: National Bamboo Mission, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, Govt. of India.
Implementing Institute: Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat (Assam)
Name and Designation of Project Coordinator: Dr. Y.C. Tripathi, Scientist-F, Chemistry Division, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun
6. Name (s) and Designation(s) of Principal Investigators Sub Project - I: Pawan K. Kaushik, Scientist-D, RFRI, Jorhat Sub Project -II: Dr. T.C. Bhuyan, Scientist -B, RFRI, Jorhat 7.
Date of commencement of the project: March, 2008
Date of Completion of the project: March, 2011
Total Budget of the project: Rs. 49.0 lakhs (Budget released from NBM: Rs. 37.07 lakhs
Total expenditure on the project: Rs. 33.96 lakhs
List of equipment procured under the project (with cost): Sl. No.
Name of Equipment
1. 2. 3. 4.
Movie Camera Handy Saw Weeder-cum-Rotary Tiller Printer (Color Laser)
01 01 01 01
Cost (Rs. in lakh) 0.57 0.30 0.70 0.21 Total 1.78
12. Other institutional support in terms of equipment and infrastructure: All logistic and infrastructural facilities available in the institute were utilized.
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Phytogeography of Northeast Region
The forests of northeast India are rich in biodiversity and timber, while the cultural complexity of the region is extraordinary. The North Eastern region of India covering nearly 2,62,379 sq km area has been divided into two biogeographic zones – Eastern Himalaya and North East India, based on floristic composition, the naturalness of the flora and the local climate (Rodgers and Panwar, 1988). The Eastern Himalaya comprising of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim is more mosaic due to high degree of precipitation resulting from direct confrontation of monsoon laid wind blowing from Bay of Bengal by abruptly rising hills. The North east India biogeographic zone (Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Tripura) is most significant one and represents the transition zone between the Indian, Indo-Malayan, Indo-Chinese biogeographic regions as well as a meeting place of Himalayan mountains with that of Peninsular India (Rao, 1994). The North Eastern Region of India lies between 22oN and 29o5‟N latitude and 88o00‟E and 97o30‟E longitudes, and shares international border with Bhutan, China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The region is the geographical „gateway‟ for much of India‟s flora and fauna, and as a result, the region is one of the richest in biological values with vegetation types ranging from Tropical rain forest in the foothills to Alpine meadows and cold deserts. The North-East region of India contains more than one-third of the country‟s total biodiversity. The region represents important part of Indo-Myanmar biodiversity hotspot, one of 25 global biodiversity hotspots recognized. The region has at least 7,500 flowering plants, 700 orchids, 58 bamboos, 64 citrus, 28 conifers, 500 mosses, 700 ferns and 728 lichen species. Bamboo is an essential component of forest ecosystem. In the hilly and mountainous area as well as riverbanks it protects the slopes from erosion as an effective soil binder. 1.2
Distribution of Bamboos
Bamboo is represented by 75 genera and 1250 species across the world. Bamboos are found in great abundance in tropical Asia (320 species) and America (179 species) and are unevenly distributed in the various parts of the humid tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. Being native to Southeast Asia, countries like, India, China, Myanmer, Thailand and Indonesia hold prominent bamboo resources. Nearly 138 species of bamboo occur in India, 30 in Nepal, 33 in Bangladesh, 30 in Sri Lanka, 90 in Myanmar, 50 in Thailand, 31 in Indonesia, 44 in Malaysia, 55 in Philippines and over 300 in China (Sharma, 1980). India has abundant bamboo resources of about 24 genera and 138 species. Of these, 3 genera are exotic and the others are indigenous. The major genera occuring in India include Arundinaria, Bambusa, Cephalostachyum, Chimonobambusa, Dendrocalamus, Dinochloa, Gigantochloa,
- 15 Indocalamus, Melocanna, Naohouseaua, Ochlandra, Oxytenanthera, Plaioblastus, Phyllostachys, Pseudostachyum, Schizostachyum, Semiarundinaria, Sinobambusa, Teinostachyum and Thamnocalamus. The exotic genera Guadua, Pseudosasa and Thyrsostachys are also in cultivation. India possesses 25% of the species found in the world and 43% of species found in Asia and has rich species diversity. Thus, India supports world‟s largest reserves of bamboos. Bamboos grow extensively in the Western Ghats and in the North eastern States. There are about 1,00,300 km 2 of bamboo forests in India (15.67% of total forest cover) which yield about 4.5 m tons of bamboos per annum (Gaur 1987). Out of the 138 species found in India, only 13 species including Bambusa arundinacea, B. balcooa, B. polymorpha, B. tulda, B. vulgaris, B. nutans, Dendrocalamus brandisii, D. hamiltonii, D. strictus, Melocanna baccifera, Ochlandra scriptoria, O. ebracteata and O. travancorica are used commercially in various states (Haque, 1984). Most of the species are monocarpic with the flowering cycle varying from 1-60 years. 1.3
Species Diversity in India and Northeast
In general, the genera Bambusa and Dendrocalamus occur under the tropical conditions, while Arundinaria occurs in the temperate region. The most important bamboo of the semievergreen forests of the Andaman is Oxytenanthera nigrociliata. In the eastern region comprising of Assam, West Bengal, and North-East Himalayas, the commercially important bamboos are Bambusa tulda, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii and Melocanna baccifera. Recently, two new species of bamboos viz., Dendrocalamus sahnii and Pleoblastus simonii have been identified from Arunachal Pradesh. According to an assessment (Bahadur and Jain, 1981) about 26 species found in India are rare and barring a few intermediate types, these rare/endemic bamboos have been grouped into the following three categories. 1. Species having restricted distribution but found in large numbers in a few localities or a single locality: Arundinaria manii, A. ralloana, Bambusa atra, Dinochloa maclellandii, Indocalamus walkerianus, Ochlandra beddomei, O. ebracteata, O. setigera, O. sivagiriana, O. talbotii, Phyllostachys assamica etc. 2. Species having wider distribution but found only in very small numbers: Bambusa arundinacea var gigantia, Chimonobambusa densifolia, C. jaunsarensis, Dendrocalamus strictus var argentea, Oxytenanthera bourdillonii, Phyllostachys mannii, Semiarundinaria pantlingi, Sinobambusa elegans etc. 3. Species having very restricted geographical distribution but found only in very small numbers: Bambusa mastersii, Cephalostachyum capitatum, Dendrocalamus hookeri var. parishii, D. sahnii, Dendrocalamus strictus, Gigantochloa tekserah, Schizostachyum rogersii etc.
- 16 The first groups of plants are not vulnerable due to their larger populations in nature. But the second group is more vulnerable than the 1st group due to small number of individuals in their natural habitat. The third group is highly vulnerable due to very small population over a narrow geographic range. Any strong disturbance to the habitat may lead to the extinction of the third group. Therefore, adequate conservation measures of this group are necessary in the in-situ condition. The first two groups also require protection as their existence is also threatened in the course of time. Ex-situ conservation measures should be taken up in different locations in order to raise the gene pool of the rare, endangered and endemic bamboos. Northeast region of India is very rich in bamboo diversity. It includes as many as 63 species under 15 genera (Biswas, 1988). Thomas et. al. , (1985) have reported 55 species under 15 genera. This shows that approximately 50% of the total bamboo species reported from India is represented from this region. A total of 88 species (including cultivated ones) have been reported from this region. The Northeastern states together support about 63 species (Sharma, 1992). As far as bamboo species are concerned, the richest Indian State having species diversity is Manipur with 53 species (Sobita Devi and Sharma, 1993), followed by Arunachal Pradesh with 50 species. The most widely distributed and economically very important species are Bambusa bamboos and Dendrocalamus strictus. These species are found growing in the deciduous forests of the southern tip of the Peninsular India and extending upto the lower Himalayan regions. Among the genera found in India, Pseudoxytenanthera, Dinochloa and Bambusa grow widely in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The other important genera having lesser distribution in the Western Ghats and the North eastern region are Arundinaria, Indocalamus, Pseudoxytenanthera and Schizostachyum. The genera having wider distribution in the Northeastern India are Phyllostachys, Melocanna and Gigantochloa. Bamboos find immense importance in every bit and pieces of life in Northeast India having great variable genetic resource of bamboo grown in almost every place of the region. Among them, five species viz., Bambusa balcooa, B. tulda, B. pallida, B. nutans and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii are being used by local population effectively and hence, economically very important. These five species are widely distributed across the tropical and semi-tropical area of the northeast India. First four species exclusively grow in homesteads or on-farm while D. hamiltonii grows in forest as well. Performance of growth characters of these species varies in diverse locality. 1.4
Demands as Timber Substitute
Shrinking resources of forest wood and conservation concerns have highlighted the need to identify substitutes for traditional timbers. It is in this context bamboo assumes special significance. Bamboos are long-lived, wood-like evergreen plant belonging to the grass family Graminae or Poaceae. It is well known for its versatile use. It is known to be one of the fastest growing plants in
- 17 the world and its growth rate ranges from 30–100 cm per day. Sometimes bamboos are called “Giant grass” (Campbell, 1926) which have rhizomes. They are well represented naturally in all the continents except Europe. Bamboo can be grown quickly and easily, and sustainably harvested in 3 to 5 years cycles. It grows on marginal and degraded land, elevated ground, along field bunds and river banks. It adapts to most climatic conditions and soil types, acting as a soil stabilizer, an effective carbon sink and helping to counter the greenhouse effect. Since long past human beings have been playing an important role in the distribution and introduction of bamboos in new areas. Bamboos provide basic necessities of life namely fuel, food, shelter, clothing particularly to the rural poor. Formerly it was called as poor man‟s timber because its usages were associated with the economically weak section of societies and indigenous people but now it is being seen in new perspective not only as an alternative for wood but also as effective species to sequester carbon due to its fast growth. Different species of bamboo act as a source of raw material for cottage industry in rural areas and large scale paper and pulp industry. India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaya, Japan, Philippines and New Guinea are some of the important natural bamboo areas of the world. There have been more than 1500 usage of bamboos being reported, worldwide. 1.5
Augmenting Bamboo Production
In addition to subsistence and livelihood, the real benefits of bamboo accrue from value-added products. Handicrafts (mats, baskets, tools, toys and utensils) and furniture are established possibilities, produced in finished form or supplied as components to small enterprises for further processing (for example, supply of mats for production of bamboo mat board). There are emerging industrial and large-scale applications too in the manufacture of wood substitutes and composites, energy, charcoal and activated carbon. Building and structural components represent vast possibility for enterprise, value addition, income and employment. Dependency on bamboos has become more during last few decades due to increase of population especially in the rural areas and therefore, better and sustainable management of the existing bamboo forests coupled with higher productivity are needed. Diversion of bamboos from the rural small industrial sector to the large industries for the manufacture of paper and pulp not only has affected the livelihood of the rural population but also lead to the depletion of the resource in the natural forests due to most unscientific large scale extraction. In most northeastern states, next to agriculture, it is bamboo-based economic activities that generate a large amount of employment. Consistent supply of quality bamboo is a key to the growth and development of bamboobased industrial sector. The current demand of bamboo for various purposes is estimated at 26.69
- 18 million tons as against the supply of 13.47 million tons. Even the current supply is largely used for subsistence purpose. There is in fact a severe shortage of quality bamboo materials. Hence, need for augmenting bamboo production is stressed to meet the subsistence and industrial demand for which large scale plantation of commercially significant bamboos would be required. Availability of good quality planting stock is considered to be an essential pre-requisite for raising large-scale bamboo plantation and increasing the production of economically important bamboos for various end uses. In many areas, bamboo resources have dwindled due to overexploitation and poor management. This issue needs to be addressed through well-organized cultivation, on the lines of homestead, small-holder and plantation-based cultivation. The role of bamboo in community agroforestry as a means of generating income for the rural poor is very important. 1.6
Promoting Bamboo Cultivation Outside Forest Area
Continued subsistence use of bamboo by the rural masses, deprives these communities of the financial benefits which bamboo bestows upon them. As such augmenting bamboo production seem to be the starting point. Initiatives have been taken at various levels to promote the growth of bamboo sector with a view to realize its potential in poverty alleviation and creation of sustainable livelihood opportunities for unemployed youths. In order to achieve the target of enhanced productivity of bamboos, introducing bamboo outside forest areas and undertaking large scale scientific cultivation of bamboo on farmlands has become an issue of immediate attention. In this context, growing bamboo under area specific agroforestry system would be a economically viable option for the farming communities. Till date, no validated bamboo based agroforestry system has so far been developed in India. In addition improper management of bamboo plantations results in very low survival, low productivity, poor culm quality, increased infection by pests, heavy losses of the harvested culms etc., which can be overcome by adopting proper clump management practices. Hence, improving the yield and quality of the bamboo is of immediate need. Promoting bamboo cultivation on farmlands by scientifically validated cultivation practices including cultivation under agroforestry with proper post plantation nurturing and management may prove to be helpful in optimizing the productivity and economic returns from bamboo cultivation. The project thus, was aimed at developing the economically beneficial bamboo based agroforestry models and optimum management practices for promoting bamboo on farmlands in the northeast region thereby increasing productivity. 2.
2.1. The Statement of Problem At present bamboo is mainly grown in forest plantations or in different forests as a naturally regenerating resource which grows in combination with other wild species. The plantations/natural
- 19 forests are extensively managed and the bamboo clumps are continuously subjected to a host of biotic and abiotic stresses resulting into poor yield and quality of bamboo shoots and culms. The people of Northeast region depend a lot on bamboo to meet their daily needs of food, shelter and livelihood. Development of economically viable agroforestry models for growing selected commercially important bamboos alongwith agricultural/horticultural crops and enhancing productivity of culm and edible shoots through proper clump management may improve the productivity and quality of bamboo, increase the economic returns from bamboo cultivation and encourage farmers to undertake commercial cultivation of bamboo on their farmlands. Agroforestry models for growing Poplars, Eucalypts, Casuarinas etc. with agricultural crops have been developed and are popular among farmers throughout India. But suitable area specific models for growing the prioritized species of bamboo along with agricultural/horticultural crops grown in Northeastern region are yet to be developed. There is a need of research and demonstration of location specific agroforestry models for enhanced economic returns and production of quality bamboo culms and edible shoots on farmlands. Poor stand management and unscientific harvesting of bamboo results in very low percent survival of plants, low productivity and poor culm quality. Harvesting at longer time intervals causes yield loss and clump congestion, which leads to twisted culm formation, creates problems for extraction of bamboo culms and deteriorates their quality. Over-exploitation of clumps causes poor culm growth and mortality of mother clumps. The project thus envisaged to develop suitable agroforestry models by including commercially important bamboos and cash crops to promote bamboo cultivation outside forest areas for increased production of bamboo ensuring the optimum land use and to standardize proper management practices for economically important bamboos to attain higher productivity and quality. Following are the subproject-wise objectives of the project: 2.2
Objective – I (Sub-project – I): Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in Northeastern region.
- 20 -
Bamboo is not only an ideal economic investment that can be utilized in many different manners but also has enormous potential for alleviating many problems. The increasing rate of tropical deforestation makes the search for alternative natural resources important. Immensely important are the concept of multiple use of land with multipurpose tree species by increasing the desired level (33%) of tree cover. The characteristics of bamboo make it a perfect solution for the environment and social consequences of tropical deforestation. Its biological characteristics make it a perfect tool for solving many environmental problems such as erosion control and CO2 sequestration. On account of extensive rhizome-root system and accumulation of leaf mulch, bamboo serves as an efficient agent in preventing soil erosion, conserving moisture reinforcement of embankments and drainage channels etc. (Zhou et al, 2005). 3.1. Bamboo Production under Agroforestry The basic tenet of agroforestry is that polycultures can share in the resilience of natural ecologies; possible benefits for the farmer include wider economic opportunity, increased habitat for beneficial species, and lower management costs. By designing bamboo into mixed-use agroforestry complexes we can maximize its functionality while integrating it with other production crops. In agroforestry systems where each plant receives individual care, bamboo shows promising results. This system is especially important and significant for developing country like India. Under this system because of using various intercrops, products are obtained even in the early stages of plantation and the income is much higher than any other system. Information on cultivation of bamboo under agroforestry systems is scanty. Bamboo (Bambusa bambos) is reported to hold the second position in terms of profitability (Benefit-Cost ratio) among the crop groups when cultivated in mixed cropping home gardens in Kerala, (Krishnankutty, 2004). The high B/C ratio of bamboo was due to negligible inputs and high farm price. Seshadri (1985) observed that growing of soybean as an intercrop of bamboo during the first six years is technically feasible and economically viable. He also reported that the period of intercropping can be extended further in wider spacing of the bamboo culms and judicious manipulation of the bamboo canopy. Balaji (1991) reported that the scope of bamboo in agroforestry is very wide because of the uncertain weather condition and increasing cost of labour involved in agriculture these days. In an investigation on systematic bamboo plantation intercropped with mango, cashew nut, jack fruit, kokum and rubber in the konkan region of Karnataka, bamboo is reported to be the most profitable among the crops studied and cashew nut and mango ranked next to bamboo (Wagh and Rajput, 1991).
- 21 -
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Bamboo based Agroforestry for Restoration of Degraded Lands In order to restore degraded agricultural lands in central India, Behari (2001) developed successful seven agroforestry models with three bamboos (B. bambos, B. nutans and D. strictus). The inter crops are: Soybean (Glycine max), Niger (Guizotia abyssinica), Moong (Phaseolus aureus), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Urad (Phaseolus mungo), Pigeon pea (Cajanas cajan) and Mustard (Brassica campestris). Shanmughavel and Francis (2001 & 2002) recommended intercropping of Pigeon pea, Soybean and Turmeric in bamboo (B. bambos) plantations based on comparative growth and yield. The Land Expectation Value (LEV) i.e., the land area in sole system required to produce the same yield as in one ha of intercropping, for bamboo-turmeric system is 1.2. However, pigeon pea and soybean provided most benefits in terms of productivity (Shanmughavel and Francis, 2001). Intercropping ginger under three fertilized edible clump forming bamboos was beneficial for both the components under degraded soil condition of N E India (Jha and Lalnunmawia, 2004) The feasibility of bamboo (D. brandisii) in abandoned paddy fields in Coorg, Karnataka have shown that bamboo at 6m x 6m spacing intercropped with ginger had the highest NPV (Net Present Value) and LEV (Land Expectation Value). This may be attributed to low input costs associated with bamboo farming and higher market value of the produce over a longer period (Viswanath, Dhanya, and Rathore, 2007). 3.3
Bamboo Based Agroforestry for Sustainable Landuse
Agroforestry system with bamboo species constitute a sustainable land use option for the Dong Cao Catchment in Northern Vietnam where bamboo (56% of which are B. bluemeana), Acacia mangium and Tephrosia candida were chosen as test species for simulating and comparing filter effects of different agroforestry systems with intercropping, hedgerows or fallow rotation (Nguyen, 2004). In that study bamboo accounted for a higher percentage of the income than did trees in the total household economy. It made up 7-14 % of the income compared to 1-10% from trees. Intercropping with bamboo showed reduced run-off and lower erosion in comparison to similar agroforestry systems with Acacia mangium and Tephrosia candida. Bamboos of different heights and growth characters may be used as windbreaks and thereby protect gardens and other agricultural systems from the damaging effects of either winds or the frosts that roll off the hillside. Increased crop productivity can be achieved by carefully arranging bamboo hedgerows in the landscape. Application of bamboo in agroforestry is economically rewarding when vermin-compost was produced under edible bamboo (D. asper) stand (Anon, 2006) (Table 3-5). The Merino Farm at Gahr Mukteswar, UP is one agency that carried out bamboo agroforestry in a scientific manner. After 6th year of operation by Merino Century Laminating Co. Ltd., the net production was 370 t/yr and 45.856 t/yr for vermin-compost and bamboo culm with a net revenue of Rs. 2,51,600 and Rs.
- 23 83,667, respectively from 4.0 acres of plantation at 5m x 5m. After deduction of total plantation establishment and maintenance cost (Rs. 1,92,000), the net profit became Rs. 1,43,267 after 6th year. The consolidated profit for 7th year onwards was expected to be Rs. 3,35,267 i.e., Rs. 83,817 per acre. Being perennial grasses, bamboos have higher root length densities than the dicots. Thus in mixed species system, bamboos may out-compete the field crops or other tree crops grown in association. 3.4
Growth & Yield of Bamboo under Agroforestry
Very little information is available on growth and yield of different species of bamboos under agroforestry system (Patil & Patil, 1988). In many places, bamboo is grown basically as a homestead species and is well suited to be grown around houses and compounds. It is also seen in farmlands in isolation or on farm boundaries, since it finds one use or the other in the daily routine of the farmer. Its low gestation period, fast growth, diversified uses and easy marketability are pointers to its potential as an agroforestry species. Different types of integrated farm models using bamboo have been suggested for different agro situations as given below: Bamboo + tea (Camellia sinensis) Bamboo + some viable timber trees like Gmelina arborea and/ or agricultural crops Bamboo + fish pond and/or poultry Bamboo + edible fungi and/or medicinal plants Looking into the vast potential of bamboo for socio-economical development of rural communities, there is a need to develop suitable bamboo based agroforestry models for the different agroclimatic zones in India. Most of the R&D efforts on cultivation, harvesting, developing agroforestry models with bamboo are mainly on D. strictus and B. bambos. In past, practically no research efforts made on development of bamboo based agroforestry models of bamboos for northeast region. 3.5
Management of Bamboo Agroforestry Plantations
In agroforestry plantations, there are inter-specific competitions that can be overcome by planting crop 8-9m away from the bamboo clumps. Trenching (30-40 cm wide and 50-60 cm deep at 5-6m away from the clumps) to spatially isolate bamboo roots from the rest of the crops is recommended, if crops are to be planted at shorter distances. Bamboo root competitiveness is usually a function of its rooting intensity with crown radius. Larger clumps have wider foraging zones usually extending to about 8 to 9 m. Therefore, canopy reduction treatments such as pruning and culm thinning are appropriate to surmount inter-specific competition. Pruning up to a height of 1.5 m above the ground is recommended in plantations of 4 yr and above. Removal of dry and dead culms from the centre of the clump to reduce congestion is also recommended. The success under bamboo system may be ascribed to the nutrient pumping or mining action of the bamboo, slow decomposition of its silica-rich litter and the extremely high biomass of bamboo fine roots. Bamboo
- 24 recovers much of the nutrients leached deeper into the soil profile and deposits them at or near the soil surface as above ground litter and dead fine roots. The bio-geo-chemical role of bamboo is behind the sustainability of this agroforestry system (Christanty et al 1997). The success of bamboo based agroforestry system in restoring degraded lands lies in the fact that this system is associated with silvicultural and agricultural operation in continuity and under this system the disturbed sites can be rejuvenated in successional stages.
- 25 -
Work Plan of Sub-Project-I Different crop combinations along with the species of bamboos mentioned below were tried in different localities/agroclimatic-zones of the region. Interactions between different species of bamboo and different agricultural crops were investigated to evolve location specific agroforestry models that would ensure enhanced productivity and high economic returns. 4.1.1 Species selected: Bambusa balcooa, B. bambos, B. nutans, B. pallida, B. tulda and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii 4.1.2 Activities Survey, Sites Selection and Site preparation: Suitable sites for the R & D Plots were selected after an extensive survey in the selected states viz., Assam, Nagaland, Tripura, and Arunachal Pradesh keeping in view the criteria for selection of lands owned by an individual as well as a community. A total area of 3 ha land in each states was targeted as per the requirement for the R & D Plots with different geometrical arrangements and crop associations. Sites were prepared keeping in view the basic and future requirements for establishment of the R & D Plots. Plots were prepared by following the suitable designs proposed for the specific field trials. By conducting participatory appraisal with regard to suitability of preferred crop associations, designs for agroforestry models were prepared. Bamboo plants were raised in nursery and the other plant materials for intercropping were obtained from reliable sources. Farmers‟ training and demonstration were also organized on bamboo propagation, cultivation and management. Data sheets were prepared for collection of data on various parameters in reference to agroforestry research. The parameters include:
Survival, growth and productivity of crops. Shoot emergence, shoot mortality, culm production, culm development, and clump expansion. Production of bamboo shoot and culm. Establishment of R&D Plots of Bamboo based AF models: The R&D Plots were established as per the proposed designs at different selected sites in the region. various
- 26 bamboo based agroforestry models were established taking into account the preference of farmers and local demands. Assessment of adaptability level of the viable models: Though, the project period of three years is too short to assess the adaptability level of the models, even though, based on their current status and future prospects, SWOT Analysis was done to explore views of the farmers with regard to positive and negative aspects of intercropping under bamboos outside forest area during a training-cum-workshop organized for the farmers at th end of the project period. The exercise followed the sessions on experience sharing on bamboo cultivation in farmlands. SWOT Analysis Issue:
Bamboo for Intercropping in Farmlands/Wastelands in NE Region
The issues in relation to management of intercropping trials/practices were discussed with the farmers during the training-cum-workshop program and their views were recorded in order to know the reasons for sustaining the practice through exploring likings and dislikes. After a detailed discussion during „two-way experience sharing‟ sessions, the brainstorming session was moderated on following points: -
Willingness to take up bamboo under agroforestry Unwillingness to spare cultivable farm lands for bamboo plantations Preference of bamboo to other cash crops Willingness to continue with intercropping Willingness to participate in such programmes
The outcome was compiled as below which is an important information documented under the project:STRENGTHS Suitable conditions for bamboo cultivation in NE Region Bamboos have the potential to ensure income generation
WEAKNESSES Farmers does not prefer to spare their cultivable lands for bamboo Farmers does not allow the mixed/block planting on farmlands, but on boundaries only
OPPORTUNITIES Awareness of propagation and plantation techniques Availability of seed and plant materials of preferred crops locally.
Short rotation-returns in less time-Instant income generation
Being uncultivated degraded land intercropping and its maintenance becomes expensive.
Availability of market
THREATS Theft of bamboo plants after transplanting. The closer spacing 7mx7m for most of the species may not allow crops to yield adequately after 4 years of plantation. The cultivable lands, if spared, may be spoiled due to huge rhizome base of clumps and may be highly expensive to
- 27 -
Native to many bamboo species which are most suitable as food and preferred by many ethnic groups
Degraded lands not preferred for agriculture are generally located at a distant place, hence intensive management becomes difficult
Many communities are traditionally associated with bamboos
Young shoots are preferred as food
revert back. Damage to the plantations by both man and animal by removal/destroying of tender shoots. Farmers land will be spoiled if the facilitating agency discontinue extending maintenance and material support as provisioned
Though the yields are reduced, additional income can be generated by intercropping of vegetables etc. 5.
METHODOLOGY Methodologies adopted for targeted work plan under the two Sub-projects are detailed as under: Sub-project–I: Development of suitable agroforestry models for promoting bamboo cultivation outside forests in NE region.
5.1.1 Site Selection Field survey was conducted in all the agroclimatically and phytogeographically distinct states of northeast India and interaction was done with local farming communities. Based on site visits and willingness of respective farmers, all together 12 plots comprising 2 ha each were selected on farmlands in four states namely Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Tripura of northeast region for establishing envisaged bamboo based agroforestry trials. Details of the entire selected sites are presented in Table-1. Table-1: Site Locations in the four NE States States Arunachal Pradesh Assam
Sites Selected Balemu Bordumsa Rupa Boko Doither Rongbong Ghat Satra (Sotai) Monsenyimti Jalukie Peren Village
District West Kameng Changlang West Kameng Goalpara District Karbi Anglong District Jorhat District Mokokchung Peren Peren
- 28 Tripura
Arundhati Nagar, Agri Research Farm Golirai Bari Nowagang
West Tripura West Tripura North Tripura
PRA for Selection of Bamboo & Intercrop Species Participatory appraisals were conducted in respective villages of all the selected sites involving the participating farmers for selection and finalization of bamboo and intercrop species based on farmers‟ preference, agroclimatic and local needs for establishment of agroforestry demonstration trials. Details of location-wise selection of bamboo and intercrop species are depicted inTable-2.
- 29 -
Table-2: Site-specific Selection of Bamboo and Intercrop Species through PRA Sl. No.
Location of the Bamboo Species site
Horticultural and other plants
Agricultural crops in Rotation Quadrat studies (size 2m x 2m)
Boko, Kamrup
Orange, Som
Ladyfinger ,Coriander and other seasonal vegetables Maize, Colocasia and seasonal vegetables.
Rongbong Ghat, KarbiAnglong Sotai, Jorhat
Arecanut & Mango.
Bambusa tulda, B. balcooa & D. strictus Mongsemyimti, Bambusa tulda, B. Mokokchung balcooa & B. nutans Jalukie, Peren B. balcooa
Zinger, Turmeric and Brinjal.
Arecanut & Pineapple Pineapple
Traditional Jhum cultivation
Peren, Peren
B. nutans
Orange, Mango
Mustard and Colocasia
B. balcooa & B. tulda
Arecanut & Orange
Bambusa tulda & B. nutans Bambusa tulda & B. nutans SARS, Agartala Melocanna baccifera, W. Tripura B. tulda Nowagang, N Melocanna baccifera Tripura Goliraibari, W. Melocanna baccifera Tripura
Arecanut & Orange
Seasonal crops & vegetables preference given by local farmers Seasonal crops & vegetables preference given by local farmers Tomato, maize, cucumber.
Balimu , West Kameng Arunachal Bardumsa, Changlang Pradesh Rupa, Bomdila
Bambusa tulda, B. balcooa & B. nutans B. balcooa & B. tulda
Kiwi & Orange Arecanut & Mango Arecanut & Pineapple Arecanut & Mango
Turmeric & Zinger
Seasonal crops & vegetables preference given by local farmers Millet, Maize and paddy Millet, Maize and paddy
5.1.3 Field Layout and Plantation design: In line with the outcome of the participatory appraisal exercise, field layout and conceptual plantation designs were prepared for the agroforestry trials to be followed at all the selected sites with minor modifications suited to site conditions. As per design, the planting stock requirement of selected bamboo and intercrop species were worked out.
- 30 -
5.1.4 Trainings and On-site Field Demonstrations: In-house Training programme on Bamboo Propagation, Cultivation and Management was organized on May 12-14, 2008 for the participating farmers from different sites selected under the project. Lectures were delivered by experts besides conducting practical sessions for field demonstration on propagation, cultivation and management aspects of important bamboo species. This was followed by a series of on-site training programs for the farmers of the respective sites/villages.
Motivation of farmers through Organizing On-stations training and On-site field Demonstrations:
Establishment of Nursery and Production of Planting Stock
- 31 A central nursery was established at Sotai village, Jorhat with active participation of local farmers and technical support of the project team. The bamboo plants were raised in nursery and the other plant materials for intercropping were obtained from reliable sources in the locality to fulfill the requirement of the particular design. Culm cuttings of different bamboo species viz., Bambusa balcooa, B. nutans, B. tulda, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii were collected from the Bamboo Germplasm Bank of RFRI and used for multiplication and production of required planting stock. Propagules (seeds, cuttings,etc.) of selected intercrop species were arranged from local market/private nurseries and various other sources and brought to the central production nursery for propagation and multiplication so as to raise required number of planting stock.
Dr. Mohinder Pal, Sr. Forestry Consultant, NBM, New Delhi on visit to the Nursery
5.1.6 Designing of Agroforestry Field Trials Based on the appraisals, designs of agroforestry field trials for different locations were prepared.
- 32 -
- 33 N
s N
Bamboo Species –
Bambusa tulda (T) Bambusa nutans (N)
8m N
6m N
5m N
6m T
7m T
5m T
5m 6m T
8m m represent meter
5M B
-Masumbi -Orange,seeded -Orange, beeded
- 34 -
(Machilus bombycius)
- 35 -
- 36 -
Layout of Nowagang Site in Tripura
= Meloccanna.baccifera = Bambusa tulda = Areca nut = Mango = Assam lemon = Mousumbi = Lime = Banana
- 37 Intercropping trials were also conducted under an existing Bambusa balcooa plantation systematically planted in 2007-08 by RFRI
5.1.7 Ground Work & Field Preparation at Trial Sites Clearance of land, ploughing, demarcation of plots/subplots, etc. were done on all the selected sites in the four northeast states for lying out of targeted agroforestry trails. As the farmers were not intended to provide their cultivable lands for raising bamboos, the project team had to select the unutilized wastelands as the trial site in most of the cases. The selected sites were prepared for bamboo planting by cleaning of bushes and preparing lands to make them suitable for intercropping. Being at distant places, the sites were prepared in phases and trials were established in all the sites. By the end of first year, seven field trials for intercropping with bamboo could be established suitably for conducting agroforestry research. In spite of full efforts to motivate the farmers to continue the trials and managing the situations, the remaining five sites were abandoned due to the reasons beyond control like switching over of the farmers to rubber plantations at Village Nowagang and Village Golirai Bari, due to damage by the villagers for the want of pasture land near Agartala Agriculture Farm in Tripura; land slide at Balemu in Arunachal Pradesh and unwillingness shown towards intercropping by one farmer at Peren in Nagaland even after planting of bamboos.
- 38 -
Field preparation and Layout
- 39 -
Boko site
Bordumsa Site
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5.1.8. Establishment of Multi-location Bamboo Plantations under Agroforestry Trial plantations were established at all the selected sites taking bamboo as tree component and horticulture species as intercrops in accordance with the species preferences emerged out of the participatory appraisal exercise. Seasonal intercropping was also done as per experimental plan and plantation schedule.
Jaluki, Nagaland
- 41 5.1.9
Observation, Data recording and Performance appraisal Data on growth and productivity of bamboo and intercrop in reference to agroforestry were collected on the data sheets prepared for the purpose. The parameters include: Physicochemical status of soil including texture, permeability, moisture, pH and nutrient profile. Survival, growth and productivity of crops, rooting patterns of different crops. Shoot emergence, shoot mortality, culm production, culm development, and clump expansion. Production of bamboo shoot/culm/mix of shoot and culm. Performance and yield of seasonal intercrops. Monitoring and Data Recording Data on various biophysical interactions and growth and yield parameters were collected using suitable sampling techniques and following quadrat methods.
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6. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Sub Project – I The data collected from various field trials under intercropping were tabulated and interpreted for performance of different bamboo-crop associations, as detailed below:6.1 Performance of French bean under different bamboo species 6.1.1 First year observations At Boko (Assam) a study was conducted on production of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of French bean was found highest with 1.2 Kg/sq m in control. Table 3: Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Bambusa nutans
R1 0.63
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa tulda
Yield per sq m (Kg) R2 R3 Mean 0.70 0.38 0.57 0.67 0.58 0.60 0.35 0.35 0.37 0.49 0.35 0.43 0.57 0.79 0.70 0.73 0.82 0.90 1.15 1.50 1.20
It is observed from Table 3 that there is a significant variation in the productivity of French bean under different bamboos planted at different spacing. Among the three species of bamboos, production of French bean was found highest under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m). followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx7m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m). The table is also explained through a histogram depicted in Fig. 11.
- 43 -
Fig – 11: Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Similarly a study was conducted at Satra (Sotai, Assam) on production of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of French bean was found highest with 1.4 Kg/sq m in control. However, among the three species of bamboos, French bean yields better when intercropped with Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) followed by Bambusa tulda (8mx8m) and Bambusa balcooa (4mx4m) (Table-4)
Table 4: Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1
Dendrocalamus strictus
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa balcooa
Dendrocalamus strictus
Bambusa tulda
- 44 It is observed from Table 4 that there is a significant variation in the productivity of French bean under different bamboos planted at different spacing. It is also explained through a histogram (Fig. 12).
Fig. 12: Yield of French bean under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.1.2 Second year observations On the basis of the trial at Boko (Assam) observations were recorded on production of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of French bean was found highest in control with 1.25 Kg/sq m. However, among the three species of bamboos, French bean yielded better when grown under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx7m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (Table -5). Table 5: Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa tulda
- 45 It is observed that there is a significant variation in the productivity of French bean under different bamboos planted at different spacing (Table-5). The above table is explained through a histogram in Fig. 13.
Fig – 13: Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) At Satra (Sotai, Assam) also observation were recorded on production of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of French bean was found highest in control with 1.46 Kg/sq m. Table 6: Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1
Dendrocalamus strictus
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa balcooa
Dendrocalamus strictus
Bambusa tulda
- 46 It is observed that there is a significant variation in the productivity of French bean under different bamboos planted at different spacing (Table 6). Among the three species of bamboos intercropped with French Bean, production of French bean was found highest under Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) followed by Bambusa tulda (8mx8m) and Bambusa balcooa (4mx4m). The result of the trial is also revealed through the histogram in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14: Yield of French bean under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.2 Performance of Bhindi under different bamboo species 6.2.1 First year observations Based on the data collected from the field, it is observed that there is a significant variation in the production of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of Bhindi was found highest with 2.0 Kg/sq m in control. Among the three species of bamboos, Bhindi yielded better when grown with Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) (1.6 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx7m) (1.4 Kg/sq m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (1.2 Kg/sq m). Table 7: Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 Mean 5mx5m 1.30 1.10 0.90 1.30 5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx7m 5mx7m 5mx7m
1.10 1.50 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.65
0.80 1.60 0.90 1.30 1.40 2.50
1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.80 1.85
1.10 1.50 1.20 1.40 1.60 2.00
- 47 -
It is observed from Table 7 that there is a variation in the productivity of Bhindi under different Bamboos planted at different spacing. The data in Table 7 is depicted by a histogram in Fig. 15.
Fig – 15: Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam)
At Satra (Sotai, Assam) the production of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted at different spacing revealed that the productivity of Bhindi was highest with 2.2 Kg/sq m in control. With regard to three species of bamboos, Bhindi yielded better under Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) followed by Bambusa tulda (8mx8m) and Bambusa balcooa (4mx4m) (Table -8). The histogram also depicted significant variations in the productivity of Bhindi under different Bamboos planted at different spacing (Fig. 16).
Table 8: Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species
Spacing R1
Yield per sq m (Kg) R2 R3 Mean
Dendrocalamus strictus
Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa tulda Control
4mx4m 5mx7m 3mx3m 8mx8m 8mx8m
1.00 1.60 0.90 1.75 2.00 2.00
1.25 1.30 0.94 1.90 1.90 2.50
1.05 1.30 1.16 1.81 1.35 2.10
1.10 1.40 1.00 1.82 1.75 2.20
- 48 -
Fig. 16: Yield of Bhindi under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.2.2 Second year observations The data collected from the field during the 2nd year also observed significant variation in the production of Bhindi intercropped with different bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of Bhindi was found maximum in the control (2.1 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) and Bambusa nutans(5mx7m) and minimum under Bambusa balcooa (5mx5m) (Table 7). The same is also evident in Fig. 7. Table 9: Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 Mean 5mx5m 0.89 0.95 1.16 1.00 5mx5m 0.95 0.87 0.88 0.90 5mx5m 1.00 1.35 0.95 1.10 5mx7m 1.30 0.75 0.95 1.00 5mx7m 1.18 1.30 1.12 1.20 5mx7m 1.25 1.50 1.45 1.40 1.19 2.25 2.86 2.10
- 49 -
Fig – 17: Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) The data collected at Satra (Sotai, Assam) also showed that there is a significant variation in the production of Bhindi under different Bamboos planted at different spacing. The results, showed that the productivity of Bhindi was found highest with 2.1 Kg/sq m in control followed by Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) and Bambusa tulda (8mx8m)with lowest under Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (Table 10). The histogram in Fig. 18 has also shown significant differences. Table 10: Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 5mx7m 1.30 1.50 1.34 4mx4m 0.94 0.98 1.08 5mx7m 1.32 1.39 1.31 5mx7m 0.95 0.99 0.82 8mx8m 1.64 1.82 1.58 8mx8m 1.65 1.58 1.63 2.15 1.95 2.20
Mean 1.38 1.00 1.34 0.92 1.68 1.62 2.10
- 50 -
Fig. 18: Yield of Bhindi under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.3 Performance of Turmeric under different bamboo species 6.3.1 First year observations Based on the data collected at Boko (Assam), it is observed that there is a significant variation in the production of Turmeric under 1 year old different bamboos planted at different spacing. The results, revealed that the productivity of Turmeric was found highest with 1.13 Kg/sq m in control. The intercropping of three species of bamboos with Turmeric yielded best under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) (1.09 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx7m) (0.85 Kg/sq m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (0.80kg/sq m). The data collected from field are tabulated hereunder in Table11. Table11: Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 Mean 5mx5m 0.89 0.72 0.49 0.70 5mx5m 0.57 0.65 0.64 0.62 5mx5m 0.85 0.93 0.92 0.90 5mx7m 0.76 0.85 0.79 0.80 5mx7m 0.90 0.86 0.79 0.85 5mx7m 1.25 1.05 0.97 1.09 1.00 0.89 1.50 1.13
It is observed from Table 11 and Fig. 19 that there is a variation in the productivity of Turmeric under different bamboos planted at different spacing.
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Fig - 19: Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) At Satra (Sotai, Assam) the study on production of Turmeric under 1 year old Bamboos planted at different spacing depicted that the productivity of Turmeric was found highest with 1.15 Kg/sq m in control. However, among the three species of bamboos, Turmeric yields better under Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) followed by Bambusa tulda (8mx8m) and Bambusa balcooa (4mx4m) (0.52 kg/sq m). Table 12: Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species
Spacing R1
Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa tulda Control
Yield per sq m (Kg) R2 R3 Mean
4mx4m 5mx7m 3mx3m 8mx8m
0.50 0.72 0.45 1.25
0.65 0.73 0.50 0.90
0.41 0.80 0.49 1.12
0.52 0.75 0.48 1.09
1.20 1.00
1.05 0.95
0.96 1.50
1.07 1.15
It is observed from Table 12 and Fig. 20 that there is a significant variation in the productivity of Turmeric under different Bamboos planted under different spacing.
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Fig. 20: Yield of Turmeric under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.3.2 Second year observations Data collected from the field showed that there is a significant variation in the production of Turmeric under 2 year old bamboos planted at different spacing. From the results, it was observed that the productivity of Turmeric was highest with 1.15 Kg/sq m under control. Turmeric when intercropped with bamboo yielded best under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) followed by Bambusa nutans(5mx7m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m). The data obtained the field are tabulated in Table 13. The results are also presented in Fig 21. Table 13: Yield of Turmeric under 2 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Spacing Yield per sq m (in Kg) R1
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa tulda
- 53 -
Fig.21: Yield of Turmeric under 2 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Based on the data collected from the field, it was observed that there is a significant variation in the production of Turmeric under 2 years old different bamboos planted at different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam). From Table 14, it was observed that the productivity of Turmeric is highest with 1.10 Kg/sq m (control) followed by turmeric under Dendrocalamus strictus (8mx8m) (0.98 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa tulda (8mx8m) (0.95 Kg/sq m) and Bambusa balcooa (4mx4m) (0.45 Kg/sq m) (Table 14). Fig 22 also depicts the same variation pattern. Table 14: Yield of Turmeric under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) Bamboo species Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa Balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa Balcooa Dendrocalamus strictus Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 5mx7m 0.60 0.65 0.67
Mean 0.64
4mx4m 5mx7m 3mx3m 8mx8m
0.43 0.55 0.35 0.95
0.48 0.60 0.31 0.99
0.44 0.59 0.30 1.00
0.45 0.58 0.32 0.98
0.97 1.00
0.92 1.25
0.96 1.05
0.95 1.10
- 54 -
Fig. 22: Yield of Turmeric under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Satra (Sotai, Assam) 6.4 Performance of Colocasia under different bamboo species 6.4.1 First year observations The field trial at Boko (Assam) conducted on production of Colocasia under 1 year old bamboos planted under different spacing showed that the productivity of Colocasia was maximum in control with 1.2 Kg/sq m. The intercropping of Colocasia with bamboo was best under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) (0.92 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx5m) (0.86 Kg/sq m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (0.56 Kg/sq m) (Table -15 and Fig. 23). Table 15: Yield of Colocasia under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
Spacing 5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx7m 5mx5m 5mx7m
R1 0.65 0.57 0.70 0.50 0.83 0.95 1.00
Yield per sq m (Kg) R2 R3 Mean 0.72 0.67 0.68 0.44 0.52 0.51 0.65 0.81 0.72 0.55 0.63 0.56 0.88 0.87 0.86 0.91 0.90 0.92 1.50 1.10 1.20
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Fig. 23: Yield of Colocasia under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) 6.4.2 Second year observations The observations recorded in 2 years old bamboo planted at different spacing with Colocasia revealed that the productivity of Colocasia was found highest with 1.20 Kg/sq m in control. The intercropping of Colocasia with bamboos yielded best under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx5m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m) (Table 16). The histogram Fig. 24 also revealed the variation pattern. Table 16: Yield of Colocasia under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx7m 5mx5m 5mx7m
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 Mean 0.60 0.55 0.68 0.61 0.42 0.38 0.43 0.41 0.63 0.75 0.57 0.65 0.43 0.50 0.45 0.46 0.73 0.75 0.80 0.76 0.84 0.80 0.85 0.83 1.18 1.40 1.02 1.20
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Fig.24: Yield of Colocasia under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) 6.5 Performance of Ginger under different bamboo species 6.5.1 First year observations As per Table 17 and Fig. 25 significant variation is observed in the productivity of Ginger under different Bamboos planted under different spacing at Boko (Assam). Among the three species of Ginger planted with bamboos it was observed that highest yield is obtained under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx5m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx7m). While the highest yield of 1.80 Kg/sq m was recorded with control crop of Ginger. Table 17: Yield of Ginger under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Bambusa nutans Bambusa balcooa Bambusa tulda Bambusa balcooa Bambusa nutans Bambusa tulda Control
5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx5m 5mx7m 5mx5m 5mx7m
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1 R2 R3 Mean 0.98 0.92 0.95 0.95 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 1.10 0.96 1.03 1.03 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 1.31 1.21 1.26 1.26 1.5 1.3 1.40 1.40 1.71 1.90 1.79 1.80
- 57 -
Fig 25: Yield of Ginger under 1 year old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) 6.5.2 Second year observations At the end of 2nd year on the basis of observations it was known that there is profound variation in production of Ginger at Boko (Assam) (Fig. 26). From the results, it was also observed that the productivity of Ginger was highest with 1.85 Kg/sq m in control. Among the three species of bamboos, Ginger yielded better under Bambusa tulda (5mx7m) (1.49 Kg/sq m) followed by Bambusa nutans (5mx5m) (1.32 Kg/sq m) and Bambusa balcooa (5mx5m & 5mx7m) (0.86 Kg/sq m) (Table 18). Table 18: Yield of Ginger under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) Bamboo species
Yield per sq m (Kg) R1
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa tulda
Bambusa balcooa
Bambusa nutans
Bambusa tulda
- 58 -
Fig. 26: Yield of Ginger under 2 years old bamboos planted in different spacing at Boko (Assam) 6.6
Observations on growth parameters of different bamboo species under various crop associations
The average diameter of culms varied from 0.7 to 1.25 cm when grown in combination to different crop associations being minimum with Bambusa balcooa (3mx4m) +Kesseru and maximum under the control with B. balcooa. The average diameter of culm was found to be significantly higher with B. balcooa (10mx10m) + Som; Bambusa nutans (5mx5m) + Orange. It was found that in all the controls with B. balcooa , B nutans and B tulda , the average diameter of the culm was quite significant. The Litchi and Kesseru in combination with B. balcooa and B. tulda respectively did not favour the increase in the diameter of culm.
- 59 -
Fig.27: Diameter of Bamboo after 12 months of transplanting
Fig.28: Culm height of bamboo after 12 months of transplanting The culm height was recorded to be maximum with B. balcooa in control and B. balcooa (10mx10m) with Som while minimum culm height was observed with B. tulda when grown with Litchi. It was also observed that B balcooa performed better in all the spacing and combinations followed by B. nutans. B tulda showed somewhat poor culm height in all the combinations. Observations were recorded for different bamboo species namely B tulda, B nutans & B balcooa for their collar diameter at different spacing of 5mx5m; 5x6m; 5x7m and control (10mx10m). There was significant variation with regards to collar diameter in all the spacing. The collar diameter ranged from 2.8mm for B nutans at 5mx5m. spacing to 7 mm for B balcooa in 5mx7m. spacing and control. It was seen that larger spacing favoured the growth of B. tulda.
- 60 -
Fig.29: Collar diameter of bamboos in different spacing after 15 months On the basis of the field trial carried out in three species of bamboo namely B. tulda, B. nutans and B balcooa it was found that the height was maximum (2.60 m) for B balcooa at a spacing of 5mx6m followed by B. tulda at the spacing of 10mx10m (2.50m) In all the spacing B. balcooa performed the best, while B. tulda performed better at higher spacing.
Fig 30: Culm height of bamboos in different spacing after15 months. 6.7
Studies on shoot emergence in Bambusa balcooa
Data were recorded from Rongbong Ghat field trial, at the monthly interval from March to September in two consecutive years i.e. the current year and the last year. However, one more year has to be considered to study in details.
- 61 Observations: 1. Shoot emergence in B. balcooa starts in the month of March and lasts up to the month of July. It is also observed in the month of August but is very rare. 2. June - July is observed as the peak period for Shoot emergence 3. Only young Culms (generally one year old) are responsible for Shoot production. 4. One individual clump give rise to maximum 3 shoots. 5. No. of shoots emerged in a clump depends upon the no. of Culm in the Clump. Shoot emergence is directly proportional to no. of culms in a clump. However, up to certain limit it decreases probably due to increase in Culm density i.e. the no. of Culms per unit area). 6. The nos. of shoots can be considerably increased when the clumps are managed by putting soil over the rhizomes of the clumps and is found to be maximum when treated with soil mounding with FYM. Even the season of emergence can be increased (last up to the end of August).
Control (C ) Soil mounding (S1) Soil mounding +FYM (S2)
Av. No. of Culms / per clump
Av. No. of Shoots/ per clump
Av. Nos of damaged Shoots/ per clump
Total no of Shoots emerged / per clump
Mar 0
Apr 0.37
May 0.81
June 1.43
July 1.37
Aug 0.31
Sept 0
Based on the data collected from the field in 2008, it can be observed that there is a significant variation of shoot emergence under different treatments. The average no. of shoots per clump is higher in soil mounding + FYM (S2) method as compared to soil mounding (S1) method and Control. Similarly, in case of month-wise, average no. of shoots per clump is higher in Soil Mounding + FYM (S2) method as compared to soil mounding (S1) method and Control in the month from April to July. However, in August, the average no. of shoots per clump is higher in Soil Mounding (S1) method as compared to Control and Soil Mounding +FYM (S2) method. The figures of the above table are depicted in the following charts: -
Month wise Shoot emergence in 2008
Av. No. of Clum
Mar (a)
9 8
April (b)
Mar (a)
May ( c)
April (b)
June (d)
May ( c)
July (e)
June (d)
Aug (f)
July (e) Aug (f)
Sept (g)
0 Control ( C )
Soil filling (S1)
Soil filling + FYM (S2)
Sept (g)
Av. Nos of damaged Shoots
Total no of Shoots emerged
In the year 2009, a similar study was conducted and it was observed that there is a significant variation of shoot emergence under different treatments. The average no. of shoots per clump is higher in Soil Mounding + FYM (S2) method as compared to Soil Mounding (S1) method and Control. Treatment
Av. No. of Culms
Av. No. of Shoots
Av. Nos of damaged Shoots.
Total no of Shoots emerged.
Control (C )
Mar 0
Apr 0.12
May 0.56
June 2.62
July 2.43
Aug 0.81
Soil Mounding (S1) Soil Mounding +FYM (S2)
Similarly, in case of month-wise, average no. of shoots per clump is higher in Soil Mounding + FYM (S2) method as compared to Soil Mounding (S1) method and Control in the month from May to August. However, in August, the average no. of shoots per clump is higher in Soil Mounding (S1) method as compared to Control and Soil Mounding +FYM (S2) method. The figures of the above table are explained through the following charts: VARIATION OF SHOOT EMERGANCE IN DIFFERENT TREATMENTS IN 2009 16
Av. No. of Clum
Month wise emergence of shoots in 2009
Mar (a) April (b)
14 May ( c)
Mar (a)
June (d)
July (e)
April (b) May ( c) June (d)
Aug (f)
Sept (g)
0 Control ( C )
Soil filling (S1) TREATMENTS
Soil filling + FYM (S2)
Av. Nos of damaged Shoots Total no of Shoots emerged
July (e) Aug (f ) Sept (g)
- 63 -
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Sub-project- II : Development of clump management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culms and edible shoots.
Project Coordinator: Dr Y. C Tripathi, Scientist E Name of PI: Dr T.C. Bhuyan, Scientist B Project duration: 3 years Date of Start: March, 2008 Budget out lay: 6.36 lakh. Expenditure incurred: 2.92 lakh Equipments procured: Clinometre, Cliper
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1. Introduction: Bamboo, once considered as „poor man‟s timber‟ is now a product of export in global market. Bamboo could be a real strength for socio-economic upliftment of rural poor. It has many remarkable properties, which includes the Strength, Straightness, Lightness Combined with hardness, Range in sizes, Abundance, Easy propagation, Short maturity period and Variety of uses. So far, there are about 1500 documented applications of bamboo ranging from medicine, food, handicraft, building materials, agricultural implements, paper & pulp etc. Therefore, it is rightly pointed out that the bamboo is the „Wonder plant of the 21st century. Hence, bamboo is considered as an important resource in the India in the context of socio-economic, cultural – ecological – climatic – functional amelioration. It is a fast growing, wide spread, renewable, versatile, low or no cost, environment – enhancing resource with potential to improved livelihood security in the years to come, in both rural and urban areas. India is one of the richest countries in bamboo resources with about 145 species under 23 genera out of the total 1250 species under 75 genera found in the world. More than 50% of the bamboo species occurs in Eastern India. The genera Bambusa and Dendrocalamus are generally found under tropical conditions, whereas Arundinaria occurs in temperate region. The principal genera under the bamboos are Arundinaria, Bambusa, Chimonobambusa, Dendrocalamus, Dinochloa, Gigantochloa etc. Dendrocalmus stictus is predominantly found in the dry deciduous forests and cover 45% of total bamboo species in India. The genus Bambusa generally occupies the moist deciduous forests. The most commercially important species are Bambusa balcooa, B. tulda, B. nutans, B. pallida, B. bambos, B. polymorpha , Dendrocalamus brandisii, D.hamiltonii ,D.giganteus D.stictus, Melocanna baccifera, Ochlandra travancorica, Schizostachyum dullooa, Thyrsostachys oliveri etc. Generally, sandy loams to loamy clay type of soil derived from river alluvium or the underlying rock are suitable for bamboo cultivation. Usually bamboo prefers well-drained soils for its luxuriant growth. Most of the bamboos thrive well between annual temperature ranging from 8.8ºC – 36ºC and annual rainfall of 1270– 4050mm. However, some of the bamboos are found in the higher rainfall zones also. It can survive even limited frost during winter. Bamboos are generally growing from 0-4000 m.from MSL. As per the FSI report 2011, bamboo covers about 13.96 million hectares area in India. Arunachal Pradesh has the maximum bamboo bearing area (1.6 m.ha.) followed by Madhaya Pradesh (1.3 m.ha.), Maharashtra (1.15 m.ha.) and Orissa (1.03 m.ha.). It is found in almost all parts of country from tropical to the temperate regions and alluvial plains to the high mountains except the Kashmir region where bamboos do not occur naturally. Occurrence of pure bamboo was observed maximum in Mizoram (226 sq. km) followed by Arunachal Pradesh (217,
- 68 Manipur (192 and Nagaland (101 The dense bamboo forest found maximum in Arunachal Pradesh (8681 followed by Mizoram (6116 and Manipur (5825 The total estimated green weight of bamboo at national level is estimated to be 169 million tons. The bamboos are also abundantly growing in the outside forests and weight come s near to 10.20 million tones. The Eastern plains contribute maximum weight (4.07 million tons) followed by North East (1.07 million tons) and Eastern Deccan (0.09 million tons). Due to insufficient supply of wood for different uses, people are in search of a viable alternative material that can replace wood. Bamboo is such a versatile crop which has multifarious uses and can act as economic catalyst only when avenues are made available for its extraction and utilization. However, consistent supply of bamboo is the main key for the growth and development of bamboo based industrial sector. The National Mission on Bamboo Technology and Trade Development has assessed the current demand for various applications as 27 million tons against the existing availability of 13.47 million tons in India. The average per hectare annual productivity of bamboo in India is about 1MT/ha which is much lesser than the world‟s average. These hardy woody plants with their multifarious uses are mostly harvested from natural forests and homesteads. Bamboo sector is currently facing a number of problems like poor management, low productivity and overexploitation of available stock and loss of bamboo cover due to gregarious flowering. In modern times however, the pressure exerted by burgeoning populations and expanding industries such as rayon, pulp and paper has placed considerable stress on resource has been response to this, and realizing immense potential of bamboos, many states having bamboo resources started facilitating and encouraging the establishment of the large scale bamboo plantations. Cultivation of bamboos on large scale in the past has been limited by lack of knowledge concerning satisfactory technologies on propagation, cultivation and management aspects. The potential scope of bamboo is very high but it remains largely unrealized in India. As bamboos are now being grown increasingly and intensively in plantations, the need for a better understanding of bamboos has become essential and urgent. The multifarious uses of bamboo that contribute to the income of the rural people throughout the world, especially in the tropics, are well known. Bamboo shoot production is one of the major sources of income for farmers in China, Thailand, Japan, the Philippines, Laos and Korea. Bamboo shoot industry is thriving well and fast expanding in Asian countries. However, edible bamboo species are not commercially raised for shoot production in India.
Bamboo shoots are young bamboo stems, eaten as vegetable for thousands of years in many Asian countries. Bamboo shoots form a part of traditional cuisine, fresh, dried, shredded or pickled.
- 69 Edible shoots are rich in vitamins, amino acids, protein and cellulose and low in fat. There is however also a growing market for processed (fermented, roasted and boiled) and packaged shoots and an opportunity for establishing commercial processing units on small as well as large commercial scale. Bamboo shoots may be harvested at many stages – before they break the surface of the soil, shortly afterwards or once they have reached a meter or more in height. The stage of harvest determines their fiber content and tenderness, with younger shoots being more palatable. The fiber content also determines the way they are handled or processed. The essential requirements for successful shoot production are availability of bamboo forests and plantations of the right species for producing bamboo shoots and availability of basic management strategies of the bamboo clumps among others. By careful management of bamboo plantations a maximum number of shoots can be encouraged to grow each year. In India, the short shoot production period may be one of the major hurdles for large scale processing and consumption. The cultural measures for shoot stand differ from those for timber stand because the former needs better site conditions in terms of light, heat and water. A shoot stand also consumes more mineral nutrients from the soil than a timber stand and hence, the application of organic or chemical fertilizers is important. Shoot cultivation normally requires better soil, water and light conditions and more intensive management. Irrigation is indispensible for intensively managed shoot stands in absence of rain during shooting period. The lack of appropriate technology for enhanced production in shoot and Culm production from the individual species and also commercialization of processing unit hinders people for taking up large scale bamboo shoot cultivation.
Keeping these factors in mind an experiment is carried out in three different locations of Assam considering the different agro-climatic region and availability of bamboos in the area.
2. Objective: Development of Clump Management practices for economically important bamboo species for enhanced production of quality culm and edible shoots.
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3. Work Plan: Clump management trial and demonstration will be conducted under 3-4 year old plantation of selected species of bamboo. Accordingly, suitable trials will be laid in three different places in Assam. Management trial will be laid out as per experimental detail and treatments. Observation and data collection on shoot emergence, culm development, clump expansion and production of bamboo culm/shoot/mix of shoot and culm will be recorded for all the treatments.
4. Methodology adopted: 4.1 Site Selection: Initial survey carried out in different bamboo growing areas of Assam. During the survey, it was noticed that there is no plantations with known age of the clumps of desired species. Therefore, uniform diameter clumps were considered for giving treatments with fertilizer. The average approx.diameter of clumps of selected species are Bambusa balcooa 4.34 m, Bambusa tulda 3.27m and Bambusa nutans 3.09m.The clumps selected in the farmer‟s field in all the three sites, after due consultation and consent of the farmers since there were no natural bamboo available for the selected species.Initial meeting were also held with the farmers in the selected locations and clumps selected in two to three households which come in a contiguous in a manner.
The sites are: 1) Agchia, Palasbari in Kamrup District (Location-Alt.-155m, N- 26°07´23.8´, E- 091°34´16.2´´) 2) Madhapur, Titabor, Jorhat District (Location-Alt.-341m, N-26°31.956´, E- 094°10.853´) 3) Sotai, Jorhat District (Location-Alt.-182m, N-26°45´49.2´´,E-094°18´13.7´´)
4.2 Species selected for the experiments: Considering the commercial importance and local demand for edible shoots and culms as well as availability of clumps, the following three species were selected for experimental purpose. 1) Bambusa tulda ( Local Name: Jati) 2) Bambusa balcooa (Local Name: Bhaluka) 3) Bambusa nutans (Local Name: Mokal) 7 treatments in 3 replications in 3 sites have been considered for application of Fertilizer Urea, SSP and MoP and FYM and also given treatments with soil mounding, Soil loosening and mulching . The fertilizer applied in a circle that radiates nearly 1.5 m from periphery of the clumps after mixing the fertilizer at a depth of 6 inches. Watering also done immediately after
- 71 applications. Minimum 5 new culms taken into consideration for data recording. Observation made on different parameters before and after fertilization in different treatments. Recorded the initial data for the one year old bamboo viz. Clump diameter, number of first year culms, culm height, length of internodes (at 5th internodes), and diameter of culms (at 5th internodes). The first year bamboo marked with single band of white paints and recorded the numbers. Subsequently, it was marked with two rings and three rings in 2nd and 3rd year. Soil samples collected from three sites for analyzing the available nutrients particularly NPK and organic carbon. Application of fertilizer applied during the pre emergence of new shoots during the year i.e April and May.
4.3 Soil Analysis: Soil Sample
% of organic Nitrogen (N) carbon ©
Potassium (K)
Phosphorus (P)
Sotai, Jorhat
0.52 %
Titabor,Jorhat 5.69
0.84 %
Palasbari, Kamrup
0.69 %
13.00 (Low) 26.40 (Medium) 19.00 (Low)
228.48 (Medium) 376.32 (Medium) 241.92 (Medium)
250.00 kg/ha (Low) 470.00 kg/ha(Medium) 313.60 kg/ha (Medium)
It is observed that the Nitrogen and Potassium content was poor and phosphorus is medium in the Sotai site whereas the content of Nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium are medium except low in potassium at Polasbari. The organic carbon content shows higher in Titabor site in comparison to other two sites.
Three replications in each species in all the three sites with seven treatments given as follows: Total Clumps considered for trial is 21. 4.4 Design: RBD Fertilizer application (NPK and FYM)
100 gm
200 gm
300 gm
400 gm
500 gm
1000 gm
50 gm
100 gm
150 gm
200 gm
250 gm
500 gm
20 gm
40 gm
60 gm
80 gm
100 gm
200 gm
10 kg
10 kg
10 kg
10 kg
10 kg
10 kg
After weighing the particular doses of fertilizer, it is mixed with 10kg decomposed cow dung and applied uniformly in trench around the clumps.
- 72 4.5 Soil mounding, Soil loosening, Mulching Eight clumps each in three sites are also taken for other management trial with treatment combination viz. Factor 1: Soil Mounding and without mounding Factor 2: Soil loosening and without loosening Factor 3: Mulching and without mulching Design: Factorial RBD Treatments: 3 Treatment combination: 8
F3 with loosening
TC 1
F2 with mulching F3 without loosening
TC 2
F1 with mounding F2 without mulching
TC 3
F3 with loosening
Treatment combination
TC 4
F3 without loosening F2 with mulching F1 without Mounding
F3 with loosening
TC 5 TC 6
F3 without loosening F3 with loosening F2 without mulching
F3 without loosening
TC 7
TC 8
- 73 -
5. Review of Literature: A bamboo shoot is the young culm harvested at the time or shortly it appears above the soil surface. When the bamboo shoot pierces the ground, critical bio-chemical processes start. These lead to rapid growth, as well as concurrent hardening, as the shoot elongates and turns into a woody culm. Bamboo shoot has high nutritional value and low fat, and is a good source of fibre. There is, however, also a growing market for processed (fermented, roasted and boiled) and packaged shoot presenting an opportunity for establishing commercial processing units. In Manipur, bamboo based food processing units produce canned bamboo (in brine, in curried vegetable and in syrups), shoot candies, shoot chutneys, sweet pickles, fermented shoots (Soibum & Soidon) and bamboo shoot powder for local and overseas markets (Singha et al., 2008). Most bamboo species produce edible shoots.
The main monopodial species used
commercially in China is Phyllostachys pubescens, known colloquially as „Moso‟. Other widely used species are: P. praecox, P. propinqua, P. dulcis, P. irridenscens, P. vivax, P. prominens, P. flexuosa and P. bambusoides. Some of the best sympodial bamboo shoot-species of China are Dendrocalamus asper, D. latiflorus and Bambusa beecheyana. In Thailand, bamboo shoots are consumed in fresh, pickled and dried forms. Though most of the species growing there produce edible shoots, the best ones are D. asper, Thyrsostachys regia (T. siamensis), D. giganteus, D. merrillianus, B. tulda and Pseudooxytenanthera albociliata. Out of these, T. regia is largely cultivated rather than a forest plant (Tewari, 1993). In Taiwan, management of P. edulis and D. latiflorus has reached a high degree of specialization. In India, the tender shoots of Dendrocalamus giganteus, D. hamiltonii, D. membranaceous and D. strictus are consumed either as vegetable or as pickle. The tender shoots of Bambusa balcooa are cooked and eaten, but are also generally preserved after fermenting and drying (Awasthi and Tewari, 2008). Singh (2006) listed 50 native bamboo species used for edible purpose from North East (NE) India and accoding to him Bambusa bambos, B. tulda, D. giganteus, D. hamiltonii, D. membranaceus and Melocanna baccifera are the dominant species from delicacy, taste and consumption point of view. Kennard and Freyre (1957) studied the edibility parameter of shoots of 27 species belonging to 10 genera and found Bambusa polymorpha as the best. This species produces shoots with a distinctly sweet taste in the raw state. In Central and Eastern India, tribal collect bamboo shoots from natural bamboo forests having mostly pure patches of D. strictus. Considering market potentiality of young shoots in NE States, M. baccifera has been identified as most commercial important species in Mizoram; Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, M. baccifera and B. balcooa in Meghalaya and D. hamiltonii and Chimonobambusa hookeriana in
- 74 (Bhatt et al., 2005). An 2002-2005 estimate (Singha et al.,2008) has shown that 5685 t/yr of fresh bamboo shoots are sold in markets of NE region excluding Assam and Sikkim with largest value (2188 t/yr) in Manipur followed by Arunachal Pradesh (1979 t/yr). Among the bamboo species D. hamiltonii is consumed in largest quantities (1854 t/yr) followed by D. giganteus (1095 t/yr) and M. baccifera (845 t/yr), lowest quantity (1.7 t/yr) with Schizostachyum dullooa. The net income appears to be Rs. 18.85 and Rs. 22.90 million for fresh and processed bamboo shoots respectively in the region. The financial investment and physical efforts in the form of Man Days for collection, processing, transportation, sale etc, required for merchandising these products in the region accounts for Rs. 18.91 and Rs. 17.48 million respectively for fresh and processed shoots. In Kerala, six bamboo species viz, Bambusa bambos, B. tulda, B. brandisii, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, D. longispathus and D. strictus produce shoot during June to September. If regularly irrigated, the duration of shoot emergence can be increased. In B. bambos and D. hamiltonii, the average number of shoots and production were 23 and 30-50 kg and 53 and 20 – 40 kg respectively per clump in 4 yrs. The INBAR (International Network on Bamboo and Rattan) has selected six species which are most suited for the development of bamboo shoot industry in India. These are: Bambusa balcooa, Dendrocalamus giganteus, D. hamiltonii, D. strictus and Melocanna baccifera (Nath et al., 2008). Other promising edible shoot producing species are: D. sikkimensis, Chimonobambusa hookeriana, D. longispathus, B. bambos, B. tulda, Phyllostachys bambusoides etc. D. asper is the introduced species highly regarded for culinary purposes. There are presently three large scale processing units at Dimapur, Nagaland, (900 t/yr), Jorhat, Assam (200 t/yr), Bongaigoan, Assam (300 t/yr) with clustered level processing technologies and also branding and marketing support. Shoot industry holds the promise of rapid growth. Bamboo shoots carry the potential of value added economic activity and provide employment and income generation at rural and community level through cultivation and processing. The 900 TPA processing unit in NE costs at Rs. 1.20 crore with IRR estimates to be 30%. According to the Planning Commission estimate bamboo shoot market was around 5.0 crore in 2001 and with potential of 25% growth per annum it captured a market worth 300 crores. If adequately exploited and implemented, the bamboo edible shoot farming may guarantee the livelihood support to a vast population of our country. Zhaohua and Yang (2004) elaborated the quick development of bamboo shoot sector in Lin‟an County of China and how it became one of the pillar industries that had significant impacts on the local socio-economic and rural development from 1985 to 2002. In that County of 3126 km2, the shoot species bamboo plantation have been enhanced to 6700 ha through 10 years efforts and upto 20,000 ha i.e., 10.7 times in 2002 with
- 75 Phyllostachys praecox and P. vivax. The total shoot production was 144481 tons in 2003 excluding dried bamboo species and P. pubescens. The corresponding production value also increased from 2.19 to 328.05 million Yuan in 2002 and 418.37 million Yuan in 2003 (i.e., 191 times more) excluding the processed shoot values. By that time year-round full-time workers in the processing factories of the County have also been raised to 30,000. Bamboo comes into production in 3 to 4 yr and reaches maximum productivity in 7 to 8 yr. In USA, Oregon Bamboo Co. in Myrtle Creek, OR produced 2 to 10 t shoots per acre and the distributors pay upto $2 per lb which retail for about $6 per lb (Anon, 1997). As stated earlier, during late nineties, China produced 3.2-4.0 and 0.27-0.30 million tons of bamboo shoots from plantation (Phyllostachys pubesense, Phyllostachys bambusoides etc.) and natural forests respectively. There is report on large scale consumption also (10,000 – 20,000 t/yr) in China, Japan and Thailand. Total export from Thailand and China were 29.5 million $ in 1994 and 540.0 million $ in 1998 respectively. United States imported 30,000 tons of canned shoots each year during early nineties from Taiwan, Thailand and China. It would generally take 30,000 acres of badly managed or 3000 acres superbly managed land to produce 30,000 tons (Lewis, 1996). The short shoot production period is the major constraint for large scale processing factory and marketing. The availability of tender shoots in NE India varies from 42 to 84 days in a year. Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) is working on extension of the duration of shoot emergence through diverse means so as to maximize the supply duration to the processing units. Management of bamboo groves aims at maximizing the yield of one product or alternatively to optimize yield of individual products to increase their combined monetary output. All clump management practices must also aim to sustain long-term productivity of the stand (Virtucio, 1996). Inappropriate or inadequate culm management jeopardizes bamboo resources worldwide (Yao, 1994; Fu and Banik, 1995; Perez et al., 1999). Congestion of clumps stresses bamboo plants to the extent that they may flower and finally die. Even simple management practices such as removal of dead and dying culms found to have increased productivity of congested clumps (Sharma, 1980; Lakshmana, 1994). Optimum standing-culm density varies with bamboo species and is usually much higher for smaller diameter species than for medium and bigger-diameter species (Kleinhenz and Midmore, 2001). Optimum standing-culm densities for individual species also vary with growing conditions. In commercial bamboo forests of P. pubescens and P. makinoi in Taiwan, growers maintain greater standing-culm densities under „poorer‟ conditions to promote higher culm yields and lower standing-culm densities under „richer‟ conditions to promote greater culm diameter. Siddiqui (1994) and Shi et al. (1993) recommended standing-culm densities of 1700 – 1900 culms/ha under
- 76 standard conditions but Patil et al. (1994) suggested a standing-culm density of 15000 – 21000 culms/ha on marginal land. Like total and above ground biomass, shoot biomass may also vary substantially within individual species, even when cultivated at the same site. Due to high genetic variability, shoot production may vary enormously. Kiang et al. (1976) measured yields of edible shoots ranging from 7.4 to 20.3 kg/clump/yr i.e., 0.74 to 2.03 t/ha/yr with 100 clumps/ha in different strains of D. latiflorus growing in one site. Although D. latiflorus may have a yield potential up to 41 t/ha of edible shoots per year. For a well managed reasonable stands (2225 culms/ha for larger and 900012000 culms/ha for small to medium sized 3-4 yr old), the ranges of production are 10-20 t/ha and 10-30 t/ha in monopidial and sympodial bamboos respectively (Kishwan & Nautiyal, 2008). It is well known that annual yield of a bamboo clump depends on the number of new culms produced each year.
Young culms contribute greatly to the health of the clump through
photosynthesis in their new leaves. The foods they synthesize are partly consumed by leaves but the greater proportion is transported to the rhizomes, stored as energy and is converted into next year‟s new shoots (Zhaohua and Yang, 2004). Thus a „too old‟ or „too young‟ age structure of a stand may constrain stand productivity through decreases in the photosynthetic capacity of the canopy or in the photosynthetic active leaf area, respectively (Kleinhenz and Midmore, 2001). Lakshmana (1990) showed that 1 year old standing culms contributed 77% to annual production of new culms in B. arundinacea while 2-yr old culms 20% and culms of above 2 yr old only 3%. A good clum structure for plantation devoted to shoot production is in the ratio of 4:4:2 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd yr respectively and 50-60% of the shoot can be harvested every year. At harvesting, a shoot may contain 80-90% moisture and the edible content is typically around 30%. So removal of all new shoots cause loss of clump vigour and root stock becomes depleted of nutrients and for larger yields it is advantageous for the intending farmer to have plantations of varying ages if consistent supply of fresh shoots is required. It is a marketing advantage to have a number of plantations producing shoots in sequence. In contrast to other soil physical and chemical properties, nutrient availability can be managed comparatively easily through fertilization. It is generally agreed that fertilization can have dramatic impacts on bamboo productivity under „poor‟ site conditions and under minimal management. Nutrient management must not only satisfy requirements for yield but also for quality of harvested parts. Very little research has been conducted on the effects of fertilizer application on many quality parameters of fresh edible shoots and bamboo timber. There is, however, a general trend that with more N, P and K applied, total yields of shoots
are higher but their diameter is
- 77 reduced (Hong and Jiang, 1986; Hong, 1994). For edible shoots, higher N decreases but P increases sugar content in P. pubescens (Hong, 1994). According to Zhu et al. (1991) N, P and K enhances amino acid content, N increases hydrolytic acids and lower free tyrosine of canned shoots. As already mentioned, a shoot stand consumes more mineral nutrients than timber stand. Thus it is also essential to rake away some portion of the leaf-litter and mulch regularly in order to facilitate penetration of manures, fertilizers and water into the root area around the clump. Silicon has a special role in the nutrition of bamboo. However, for production edible shoots, Si may prevent shoot development and reduce quality by increasing fibre content (Hamada, 1982; Hong, 1994; Fu and Banik, 1995). As for many other crops, bamboo responds more favourably to split application of nutrients throughout the year than to a single annual dressing (Raina et al., 1988). Regular heavy fertilization and manuring at least one month prior to the shoot production period have been suggested by many experts (Zhaohua and Yang, 2004; Thanarak, 1996; Fang et al. 1997a; Fu et al. 1991b; Farrelly, 1984). There is no consensus on the preferable fertilizer form for bamboo shoot production. Although response in bamboo plants is slower immediately after application, organic fertilizers exert a longer-lasting effect on fertility of bamboo soils than inorganic fertilizers (Wang et al., 1985). For intensive production of shoots and timber, a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers integrated with other crop management practices, may be the optimum solution. Liu and Pan (1994) reported 14.7 times more output in P. praecox shoot production with high application rates of inorganic fertilizers @ 750 kg N/ha than untreated plants in China. Lin (1995) recommended applying fertilizers as spot dressings around clumps for immediate effects before the shoot season and broadcasting fertilizers away from clumps for longer-term effects after the shoot season. There is no published diagnostic criterion for nutrient levels in bamboo. However, monitoring and maintaining certain concentrations of nutrients such as N in leaves may be an alternative to fertilization schemes based upon fixed fertilizer rates and application schedules. It is seen that 1-yr old leaves are the suitable test tissues (Zhao and Wu, 1997). Important management techniques employed in bamboo stands are tillage, use of covers and mulches, and culm management. These measures are aimed at improvement of soil conditions mainly. Application of nutrients to the soil through fertilization is another important management technique which shows remarkable impacts on bamboo productivity in India (Lakshmana, 1994), Japan (Suzuki and Narita, 1975), China (Hong, 1987), Malaysia (Ahmad and Haron, 1994), and Indonesia (Widjaja, 1991). Seedlings and young plants require less nutrients than mature plants, due to their absolute lower nutrient absorption capacity.
- 78 Tapping of available resources, technology development and value addition may lead to develop huge market potential for bamboo shoots in India for boosting export and socio-economic upliftment.
6. Results and Discussion: 1. Fertilizer effect: A. Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Palashbari Table1: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters for B. tulda (2009) over control(T1) TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) -0.540540541 2.702702703 0.540540541 0 2.702702703 1.081081081
CULM diameter (MM) 6.513128474 5.296109372 -6.548265508 0.581358206 0.255542069 3.925765029
Internodal length (CM) 1.691331924 1.479915433 4.016913319 -0.634249471 0.845665962 8.033826638
Total no. of new culms 71.42857143 85.71428571 64.28571429 142.8571429 114.2857143 128.5714286
Table-2: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters for B. nutans (2009) over control(T1) TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) -0.558659218 0.558659218
CULM diameter (MM) -3.633662029 -2.144400919
Internodal length (CM) -1.62469537 4.833468725
Total no. of new culms 17.64705882 32.35294118
2.234636872 1.117318436 4.469273743 2.234636872
1.958665406 -4.839254356 -7.65568013 -14.03822775
7.75792039 4.752233956 2.640129976 -7.148659626
0 97.05882353 97.05882353 35.29411765
Table-3: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters for B. Balcooa (2009) over control(T1) TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) -5.14019 -5.60748 -3.27103 -3.73832 -6.07477 -6.07477
CULM diameter (MM) 0.615751 1.559197 -2.6764 3.366808 -1.40592 -0.53383
Internodal length (CM) 1.983003 -1.983 2.832861 0.283286 -0.56657 0
Total no. of new culms -33.33333333 -30.3030303 51.51515152 -3.03030303 6.060606061 33.33333333
- 79 -
The initial treatment was applied on 2009 & 2010, therefore the effect will be seen from 2010 onwards.
- 80 Table-4: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda (2010) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Total no. of new culms
Table-5: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans (2010) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) -8.98618
CULM diameter (MM) 1.579508
Internodal length (CM) -2.15272
Total no. of new culms 175
Table-6: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa(2010) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Total no. of new culms
- 81 -
- 82 Table-7: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda (2011) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Total no. of new culms
Table-8: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2011) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M) TR1T2
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Total no. of new culms
Table-9: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa(2011) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Total no. of new culms
- 83 -
- 84 Table-10: Data(change in percentage) of bamboo species on overall response of treatments
B. tulda B. nutans B. balcooa 32.9791271 122.883598 -24.189815 30.5961417 103.571429 -17.161195 16.344086 87.1693122 49.3476431 101.54649 125.396825 9.29082492 95.6862745 156.613757 6.41835017 41.6034156 224.338624 44.212963
Above figure and tables (Table-4,5,6 & Fig-4,5,6) indicates that the parameter “total numbers of new culms” of B. tulda is significant above control i.e. T1 at the treatment level T5 (122.58%). However, in case of B. nutans and B. balcooa , T7 shows the better result 316% and 30 % respectively than control. It indicates that we expect much better result in case of B. balcooa if increase the fertilizer level. Table-7,8,9 and figure-7,8,9 shows that increasing rate in B. balcooa is 70 % which is much higher than previous year after application of 2nd dose. However, the effect of treatments on other parameters is not significant in comparison to control. If we consider the overall performance of these bamboo species with regards to fertilizer response in Palashbari site the B. nutans shows much higher performance than other two species (Figure-10).
- 85 -
B. Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Titabor Table-11: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2009) over control(T1) TREATMENTS TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) 0.881262 1.113173 2.411874 1.855288 2.96846 4.638219
CULM diameter (MM) 0.101606 2.183732 7.924462 3.028331 8.362638 8.648404
Internodal length (CM) -0.95782 6.951989 -1.74431 -6.04637 6.652217 -3.15773
number of new CULMS -50 -29.16666667 12.5 37.5 -16.66666667 45.83333333
Table-12: Data of different parameters of B. nutans(2009) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) -2.05128 -0.51282 -2.5641 -0.51282 -2.05128 0
CULM diameter (MM) 11.61185 12.55679 13.42904 6.687261 13.13829 13.89242
Internodal length (CM) 2.998696 4.030856 3.650587 -0.04346 2.998696 0.391134
number of new CULMS -39.28571429 -32.14285714 -35.71428571 10.71428571 21.42857143 3.571428571
Table-13: Data of different parameters of B. balcooa(2009) over control(T1)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
number of new CULMS
- 86 -
- 87 Treatment was applied on 2009 and 2010 therefore we expect the result from 2010 onwards. Table-14: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2010) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) -34.3101 0.31746 -0.65934 3.687424 -1.48962 -1.88034
CULM diameter (MM) -33.2805 4.471887 5.286082 2.14314 2.34607 7.523263
Internodal length (CM) -31.16355 -1.220504 0.895037 0.471928 2.034174 0.634662
number of new CULMS -35.29411765 -35.29411765 5.882352941 47.05882353 76.47058824 82.35294118
Table-15: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2010) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 0 1.70068 1.887755 1.581633 3.010204 5.408163
CULM diameter (MM) 14.52329 10.99346 12.94111 12.8872 17.43642 13.40315
Internodal length (CM) 2.362777 1.126863 0.327154 2.344602 1.308615 2.268266
number of new CULMS -58.62068966 -24.13793103 -37.93103448 24.13793103 -20.68965517 50
Table-16: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa(2010) over control(T1) TREATMENTS TR1T2
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
number of new CULMS
- 88 -
- 89 Table-17: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2011) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 3.29982259 -0.437610881 2.424600828 3.181549379 0.768775872 0.295683028
CULM diameter (MM) -6.474854886 2.2175219 6.539564802 -0.143907127 -10.02424207 -0.29843827
Internodal length (CM) -2.376903302 -4.05378683 -0.810757366 -5.477555863 -0.336167688 -1.522641883
NEW CULMS -20.8333333 -29.1666667 -4.16666667 25 87.5 41.66666667
Table-18: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2011) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 8.504398827 3.421309873 1.906158358 0.586510264 5.083088954 3.861192571
CULM diameter (MM) 10.15167136 5.858805391 8.519787864 9.602756648 13.77209358 9.527524683
Internodal length (CM) 1.552795031 2.443064182 -1.552795031 -0.207039337 -2.070393375 -1.242236025
NEW CULMS 50 3.846153846 7.692307692 15.38461538 61.53846154 92.30769231
Table-19: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa(2011) over control(T1) TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) 2.271805274 -3.651115619 0 -1.054766734 0.567951318 3.448275862
CULM diameter (MM) 9.594618517 6.240042485 6.620640821 3.168702425 8.603292618 9.58488228
Internodal length (CM) 0.229885057 -4.310344828 8.477011494 2.729885057 -2.471264368 -4.195402299
NEW CULMS 15.78947368 55.26315789 73.68421053 50 105.2631579 228.9473684
- 90 -
- 91 Table-20: Data of bamboo species on overall response of treatments in comparison to control TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
B. tulda B. nutans -35.3758 0.997053 -31.2092 -2.57833 4.738562 -5.60323 36.51961 15.40327 49.10131 17.9957 56.61765 52.0667
B. balcooa 19.197729 61.931551 50.190405 61.603656 84.509861 187.76668
Fig-20: Overall performance of bamboo species with regards to treatment in comparison to control (average change in percentage)
Considering the above tables and figure (Table-14,15,16& Fig-14,15,16) indicates that the parameter “total numbers of new culms” of B. tulda is significant above control (T1) at the treatment level T6 and T7 . However, in case of B. nutans and B. balcooa , T7 shows the better result than control during 2010. During 2011 it is also observed that the performance over control increasing in the treatment T7 for B.nutans and B. balcooa. If we consider the overall performance of among three bamboo species with regards to fertilizer response in Titabor site the performance of the B. balcooa is higher than other two species (Figure-20).
- 92 -
C.Experiment of fertilizer as treatment at Sotai Table-21: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2009) over control(T1)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Table-22: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2009) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 0.709219858 -3.546099291 0 3.546099291 1.418439716 -2.836879433
CULM diameter (MM) -9.356725146 -19.90971955 -13.27528066 -17.05724164 -9.040850301 6.857472148
Internodal length (CM) -0.643776824 -1.716738197 5.579399142 -1.502145923 -7.510729614 11.53433476
NEW CULMS -35 -35 -35 35 -10 -5
Table-23: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa(2009) over control(T1) TR1T2 TR1T3 TR1T4 TR1T5 TR1T6 TR1T7
CULM HEIGHT (M) -3.317535545 -5.213270142 1.421800948 -4.265402844 -3.317535545 -3.791469194
CULM diameter (MM) -7.611134192 5.035313668 14.84835895 7.428334026 -2.534275031 8.342334857
Internodal length (CM) -4.10044501 -2.320406866 -1.144310235 -0.317863954 -5.944055944 -4.1640178
NEW CULMS 45.45454545 84.84848485 66.66666667 160.6060606 136.3636364 81.81818182
- 93 -
- 94 Table-24: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2010) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 0 0 -1.081081081 -0.540540541 0.27027027 2.162162162
CULM diameter (MM) -5.929103953 2.888943593 -2.377268252 -2.059888873 -1.295892531 -4.408144605
Internodal length (CM) -1.956425078 1.704461242 -7.707129094 -1.393211798 -3.497850897 -7.766414703
NEW CULMS -30.3030303 -3.03030303 24.24242424 33.33333333 69.6969697 72.72727273
Table-25: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2010) over control(T1)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Table-26: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa (2010) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
- 95 -
- 96 Table-27: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. tulda(2011) over control(T1)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
Table-28: Data (change in percentage) of different parameters of B. nutans(2011) over control(T1)
CULM HEIGHT (M) 3.044776119 10.74626866 8.059701493 17.85074627 11.64179104 11.94029851
CULM diameter (MM) 1.950994492 6.405177326 7.550267278 20.54785228 7.113396467 14.52391936
Internodal length (CM) 0.152413209 3.83149873 2.561388654 1.397121084 2.349703641 1.820491109
NEW CULMS 29.16666667 4.166666667 12.5 16.66666667 0 12.5
Table-29: Data(change in percentage) of different parameters of B. balcooa (2011) over control(T1) CULM HEIGHT (M)
CULM diameter (MM)
Internodal length (CM)
- 97 -
- 98 Table-30: Data of bamboo species on overall response of treatments in comparison to control
B. tulda B. nutans B. balcooa -31.3895 3.611111 24.8557 0.838638 -15.8333 74.350649 22.5626 -6.11111 33.152958 22.53968 21.38889 120.99567 61.74773 -6.11111 82.792208 79.08836 2.5 48.160173
On comparison it is observed that the performance of “total numbers of new culms” in 2010 in the species B. tulda increases in the T7. Whereas the culm diameter of B. nutans increases at T7 and total culm numbers increase in T2 & T5. However T5 shows better result in case of B. balcooa. ( table-24,25,26 & Fig- 24,25,26). The performance in 2011 in case of B.tulda increases in “total numbers of new culm” over the control at T7. However the performance of B.nutans shows better result at T2 and in case of B.balcooa T5 shows higher over the control. Considering the overall performance of among three species with regards to fertilizer response in Sotai site the performance “total numbers of new culm” of the B. balcooa is higher than other two species (Figure-30).
- 99 -
2. Effect of soil mounding, soil loosening and mulching A. Palashbari
- 100 -
B. Titabor
- 101 -
C. Sotai
- 102 -
In the other experiment the management trial was laid with the treatment combination of Soil mounding, Soil loosening & Mulching. Soil mounding & Mulching were carried out during April- May, whereas Soil loosening was done during December. Since the data for the culm diameter, intermodal length & culm height shows negligible difference , therefore only the new culm number is considered for analysis. The performance in T1 ( with mounding, with mulching and soil loosening)& T2 (with mounding, with mulching and without soil loosening ) shows better result in case of B. balcooa and B.nutans. The performance of B. nutans is also showing better result in T5( Without mounding ,With mulching & without loosening ). The mulching given with rotten thatch grass shows maximum number of shoot emergence in case of B. nutans .
7. Conclusion: The response of treatments on growth parameter “new culms” is mostly considered and other parameters are not significantly important. The performance of bamboo species at three sites on response of different treatments was varied according to the existing available soil nutrients. The availability of nutrient at the selected site was of low to medium range. Due to the low range soil nutrient at Sotai,the growth performance for “ New culms” of B. tulda and B. nutans is poor in compression to B. balcooa.This may be due to higher intake of soil nutrients than the other species. B. nutans shows the satisfactory result for all the parameters as it is under establishment period at Sotai. The performance of B. nutans is higher than other two species at Palasbari site on the response of maximum treatment level. In case of B. tulda, response of parameter on T5 and T6 which is nearly 100% than control. The fig-20 reveals that the performance of B. balcooa is significantly higher on T7 not to the control but also the other treatments. It may be due to clump structure and initial growth behavior. Therefore, optimum limit of fertilizer application can be ascertained by giving higher dose of fertilizer. The combinations of fertilizer application together with management practices will give increase the culm and shoot production. The variation of three sites in terms of growth parameters is more although the climatic condition is almost same except soil nutrient. This may be affecting by some extraneous factor which cannot be possible to estimate.
- 103 -
Data Recording and Marking
Palashbari, Kamrup District
- 104 -
Titabor, Jorhat district
Sotai, jorhat district
- 105 -
Fertilizer treatments
- 106 -
Soil mounding and mulching
Soil loosening
- 107 -
shoot emergence
- 108 -
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- 111 -
Data Recording and Marking
Palashbari, Kamrup District
- 112 -
Titabor, Jorhat district
Sotai, jorhat district
- 113 -
Fertilizer treatments
- 114 -
Soil mounding and mulching
Soil loosening
- 115 -
shoots emergence