Aug 22, 2011 ... The hot topic of Tamilnadu educational news is that “Samacheer Kalvi” that is
equitable education system is implemented on 9th of August.
!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'( )#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+( ,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$( 1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+( !"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'( ( ( )#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+( @4746?(ABCC(!+=#+'(( ,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$( Every child comes with the message that God is not yet 1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+( discouraged of man - Rabindranath Tagore( !"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'( )#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+( ,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$( 1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+( !"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'( )#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+( ,-#./0+$(1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$( 1&2+(!"#$%&'()#*+(,-#./0+$(1&2+( ! ! !
38 Children 7 Staff
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children." - Nelson Mandela
National (India) News Anti-corruption institution called Lokpal, supported by LOKAYUKTA at the state level. It is completely independent of the government and free from ministerial influence in its investigations. Anti-corruption social activists proposed it as a more effective improvement to the original Lokpal bill, The JAN LOKPAL Bill aims to effectively deter corruption, redress grievances of citizens. Lokpal can either directly impose penalties, or refer the matter to the courts. Penalties can include removal from office, imprisonment, and recovery of assets from those who benefited from the corruption.
State (Tamilnadu) News !!The hot topic of Tamilnadu educational news is that “Samacheer Kalvi” that is equitable
education system is implemented on 9th of August. Previously 34,342 primary, 8,718 middle and 9,243 high and higher secondary schools affiliated with the Tamil Nadu State Board; 4,400 schools are affiliated with the Matriculation board; 41 schools affiliated with the AISC board and a few schools affiliated with the OSLC board. These schools follow different syllabuses up to high school 10th Standard. After a long struggle, the new education policy to have a single-board system is implemented on 9th August 2011.!
Request for Admission The teacher of Adi Annamalai Higher secondary school shares us the information that he is known to a child, whose family situation is very critical, the second wife of his father tortured him, and he is badly in need of somebody’s support for his survival. He requested to share the information to the management that to give an accommodation for this boy in our home. This will help the needy neglected boy, with a chance to live with a big family (Rainbow Life Family)
Children’s Performance The children Gopalakrishnan and Barani are selected as best children of this month for their good habit practice in our home. Venkatesan and Vijayalakshmi are providing with counseling to improve their self cleanliness and concentration in the studies.
Children Birthday Celebration Ragul’s birthday celebrated his 8th birthday on 22nd August 2011 and Prabagaran celebrated his 14th birthday on 23rd August.
Health, Medical Attention Illness
Action Taken
Present Situation
Child Name
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB
Non Reactive, Negative
Other Comments Dr. Annamalai
Smear 05.08.2011
Arul Kumar
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Reactive, Negative
Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
V. Rajeswari
Tridot, Mantoux Test, Sputum & AFB Smear
Non Reactive, Negative
The mother died of AIDS
Throat Pain Consult with Dr. Srinivasan, MBBS, DLO
Throat Swelling
Consult with Dr. Srinivasan, MBBS, DLO
Skin Disease, (ringuard)
Dr. Ramakrishnan Under Medication
Mr. Kavimani, MNA.,
Head Ache
Mr. Kavimani, MNA.,
Head Ache
Mr. Kavimani, MNA.,
Arul Kumar
Abdomen Pain
Mr. Kavimani, MNA.,
Cold, Cough & Running Nose
Dr. Ramakrishnan Cured
Skin Allergy
Medical Officer Primary Health Center, Adi Annamalai
Skin Allergy
Mr. Kavimani,
Volunteer Mrs. Anais Chardine, from LFDC, France, spares her time in Hariksha and Rainbow Life Children Home. She is treated with local physician and hospitals. As health became poor, consulted with the insurance company and they arranged an ambulance from Tiruvannamalai to Chennai. She got admitted in the Apollo Hospital, Chennai on 12th August. Then after a short treatment she travelled back to France on 15th August.
Celebrations The children are participated the cultural programs on 15th August Independence day celebration, got won and awarded with prizes.
On 26th of this month the school annual day celebrated in Sri Srinivasa Higher secondary school. Our children are participated in various cultural activities and provided with prizes.
Staff Management Mrs. Karunya Karthiga. K, with educational qualification 12th Standard, joined as a warden for the girls on 9th August, due to the personal reason that she is not able to manage her 7 month baby, she worked up to 22nd August and she went for holidays, then she announced her resignation on 24th August. Mrs. Kalaivani. P, 10th Standard, joined as a cook assistant on 8th August, she performed her task well, due to the personal reason she is not able continue the job and left on 31st August. Mr. Kavimani, Boys Home Warden, joined on 1st June and performed his task well, due to his personal reason he decided and left the job on 31st August 2011.
Repair & Maintenances In the girls home the kitchen waste water overfill through the study hall wash basin hole, immediately plumber called and it made it ready. On 23rd August 2011 the school van got repaired, immediately the van taken to the mechanic shed the front wheel bearings are replaced and made it correct. On 24th August the school van oil service (replacement of the engine oil) done.
Parents / Relatives / Visitors Twenty two parents visited the children in our home, out of this, 12 Boys relatives and 10 girl’s relatives are visited. 7 Boys and 9 girl’s parents are not visited, during the parents / relative visit they insisted that during the festival celebration they want to take the children with them. They shared their sentiment feelings that they feel that the father’s mother’s of the children (who are all passed away) are been with them. We refuse the request because many of the relatives / parents are not visiting the children, to avoid the home sick for the children who are having no visitor. The Sub Inspector of Police, CID Q Branch, Tiruvannamalai visited our children home on 10th August 2011 for authentication; he verified all the registers and records. He tasted the mid time food of our children home, then he suggested that the food and cleanliness of the home is good and satisfactory. Then in a week time Sub Inspector of CID Branch, Vellore and Striking Force Sub Inspector of Police, Tiruvannamalai visited our home. They collected the needed information, documents, registers, Government Recognition and Registrations Copies for their references.
Material Gifts On 1st August Ragul & Nivas relative Ganesan provided Groundnut ! kg, Grapes " kg, Apple 2 Nos, Mango 1, Tiger Biscuit 3 Packs, Snacks Sweet & Hot – each 10 nos. Mrs. Buvaneswari, Girls Home – House Owner provided 20 Nos, of Five Star Chocolates on 21st August, to the children. On 22nd August Mr. Devaraj paid for the night dinner expenses for our home children for the remembrance day of the brother’s death.
Yes-E Garments proprietor Mr. Jijin, Karungalikuppam provided 120 numbers of small note books on 22nd of this month. Mr. Marichan, Vijayakanth(Actor) Rasigar Mandram, to celebrate the birthday of the actor on 25th August provided 1 kg cake and 50 Nos. of laddu (sweet). Mannankatti (prabakaran & banupriya – relative) provided snacks (murukku) ! kg and stuffed rice 1 kg on 27th August. Usha (Balamurugan’s mother) provided the Fried Rice (snacks) ! kg and 100 Nos. (1 pack) of chocolates on 28th August. Indira (Agila, Barani – relative) provided Mixer (snacks) 200 gm, Murukku 5, 2 packs of biscuits, Banana 1 Dozen on 28.08.2011. Ganesan (Ragul, Nivas – Relative) provided Pomegranite ! kg, Orange ! kg, Apple ! kg, Sweet Box ! kg.
Proceedings for Government Recognition The continues effort is under progress to obtain the building license from the Thasildhar. As the girls home has two owners, One owner is residing nearby town and one is living in the abroad country, so the Thasildhar suggested to get the notary certificate regarding the property. We made arrangements with the sister in local and prepared the required notary certificate. But the office refuses to accept the certificate, he said that the certificate has to get it from the brother who lives in the abroad, the embassy has to certify this certificate. So the girls home building license is pending. As the Thasildhar is satisfied and the needed infrastructure and documents available for the boys home, he issued the building license for the boys home.
Sponsorship Parameswari is provided with Rs. 500/- as packet money. She got exited and shared that she thought that John uncle is supporting her ambition nursing education, and then her brother got admitted in the home with complete support. The packet money gives her confidence to her that her brother and sisters will survive and came up against the critical family situation. She expressed cordial thanks for the packet money.
Said Demise V. Rajeswari relatives took her on 3rd August to their house as the mother got AIDS, due to the combined medical complaints the mother died. We received a call on 4th August that the mother passed away due AIDS, so they are not able to bring back her immediately. After all the rituals the child came back on 15th August. !