RALEIGH 27601 - Independent Weekly

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BuKu. 110 E.Davie x Fayetteville inside. Dickey's BBQ. 170 East Davie St inside. Calavera. 444 S.Blount St .... Mantra Indian Cuisine. 116 N West St inside.
RALEIGH 27601 Square Rabbit Quizno's Wilmoore Café Busy Bee Café Slim's Distillery TirNaNog Irish Pub Cherry Huffman Architects Clyde Cooper BBQ BuKu Dickey's BBQ Calavera Artspace (outside) ArtSpace (inside) Vick's Pizza Amplified Art Benelux Café Big Eds (parking lot) Marriot Starbucks Progress Energy-box office Lincoln Theater (parking garage entrance) Progress Energy Hair Shop Sam & Wally's Eatery Sheraton Hotel Enterprise News & Observer parking Nash Square (north side) Nash Square (south side) Berkeley Café Five Star Humble Pie Design Box Brewsters Deep South

S Wilmington x Martin One Exchange Plaza Mall 223 S.Wilmington 225 S.Wilmington 227 S.Wilmington St 218 S.Blount S Blount x Martin E.Davie x Fayetteville 110 E.Davie x Fayetteville 170 East Davie St 444 S.Blount St E Davie x Blount 201 E.Davie x Blount 331 Blake 3325 Blake 309 Blake 220 Wolfe E. Lenoir x Wilmington 500 Fayetteville Street 2 East South St x Wilmington 126 E.Cabarrus Street 500 S Wilmington x Cabarrus 400 S.Wilmington 401 Fayetteville x Davie 2 Hanover Sq x Salisbury 408 Fayetteville St S McDowell x Davie S McDowell W Hargett W.Martin 217 W.Martin St. 511 W.Hargett St 317 S.Harrington 323 W Martin 301 W.Martin x S.Dawson 430 S.Dawson x W.Cabarrus

City Market City Market City Market City Market City Market City Market Charter Square (Wilmington St side) -


(main entrance) -

. -

outside outside inside inside inside inside outside outside inside inside inside outside inside outside inside inside outside outside outside outside inside outside outside outside inside outside outside outside outside outside inside inside inside outside inside inside

Tasty Beverage Belk Dining Hall Peace Perk Café Side Street Restaurant Education Bldg (cafeteria) NC Dept of Administration Albemarle Building Legislature parking garage Administration Bldg Daily Planet Café Court of Appeals Secretary of State Bldg Sono The Oxford Port City Java (outside) x Raleigh City Museum (outside) Mecca Restaurant Longview Church Dos Taquitos Centro Crema on Fayetteville Cafe Carolina Christian Science Reading Room Sitti Landmark Tavern The Remedy Diner London Broil Transportation Dept Father and Sons (parking deck) Police Dept The Borough Hillsborough Place 313 Legends Flying Saucer

327 W.Davie St Franklin x Blount Peace x Blount 322 E.Lane Street 301 N.Wilmington St 431 N Salisbury W Lane Jones x Salisbury W Jones (Ns,btw Sals & McD) 11 West Jones Street W Morgan x Salisbury S Salisbury x Morgan 319 Fayetteville St 319 Fayetteville St 234 Fayetteville x Martin 220 Fayetteville 13 E.Martin St 200 E.Hargett St 106 S.Wilminton 121 Fayetteville St 150 Fayetteville St 201 Fayetteville x Hargett E Hargett x Wilmington 117 E.Hargett 137 E.Hargett 110 E.Hargett N Wilmington x NewBernPLc 107 W.Hargett S McDowell x Morgan Dawson x Morgan S.Dawson x Morgan 313 W.Hargett St 330 W.Hargett St 328 W.Morgan x Harrington

The Depot #106 WPU Campus WPU Campus-library -

(cafeteria) NC Museum of Science -


Alexander Square #110 Wachovia Bldg

Dawson on Morgan Condos -

outside inside inside inside inside outside outside inside outside inside outside outside inside inside outside outside inside outside inside inside inside outside outside inside inside inside outside outside outside outside outside inside inside inside

RALEIGH 27603 Contemporary Art Museum Helen Wright Center Amtrak (train station) Capital City Ice Market NC Farmers Market China Wok Volume 11 Caws for Paws Homeless Shelter A&C Super Market BP Gas Station International Foods International Foods Salvation Army Thrift Store Panda House Southland Ballroom Peace Camera Administration Bldg Agriculture Bldg First Baptist Church parking Bliss Salon Mellow Mushroom Glenwood Towers 712 Tucker Apartments Havana Deluxe Helios Coffee Zely & Ritz Cupcake Shoppe Independent Weekly Raleigh Beverage Market Boylan Bridge Brew Pub Moonlight Pizza Roast Grill Flex Mantra Indian Cuisine NapperTandy's(outside)

401 W.Martin (Ss,btw Wes&Har). S Harrington x Cabarrus S Harrington x Cabarrus Saunders x South Centennial Pkwy x Lake Wheeler (Market Shoppes Bldg) Lake Wheeler x Tryon 658 Maywood Avenue 1634 S.Saunders x Maywood 1420 South Wilmington resource room S.Wilmington x Chapanoake Chapanoake Square S/C 3310 Olympia 421 Chapanoake Road Villa Latina S/C 421 Chapanoake Road Villa Latina S/C 205 Tryon x Durham Rd 1462 GarnerStaBlvd x 401S North Station S/C 614 N.West St x N.Harrington 421 W.Peace St 116 W.Jones St.-snack bar (ground floor) 2 W. Edenton St Hillsborough x Salisbury (parking lot) 508 Saint Mary's St Glenwood x Peace 509 Glenwood Ave Tucker x Boylan 437 Glenwood Avenue 413 Glenwood Avenue 301 Glenwood Ave The Glenwood Center 104 Glenwood Ave . 709 W.Jones St 5 Glenwood Ave 201 S.Boylan x Hargett Morgan x Boylan 3 S.West St. 2 S.West St. 116 N West St 126 N West x Jones [SEc]

outside outside inside inside inside inside outside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside outside outside inside outside outside outside outside outside inside inside outside outside inside outside outside inside outside inside inside inside outside

42nd Street Oyster Bar Natty Greens 518 West Raleigh Wine Shop Heat Harry's Guitar Shop Goodnight's Dix Grill

508 W.Jones x West 505 W.Jones St West Jones x Glenwood Glenwood x W.Jones Glenwood Ave @ North St 616 Glenwood Ave. 861 W.Morgan St Cafeteria Drive

Glenwood South Cardinal Bldg

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RALEIGH 27604 Pie Bird 18 Seaboard Phydeaux Ace Hardware Peace China Archdale Office Bldg. Dobbs Office Bldg Legislative Office Bldg Jersey Mikes Miami Subs Big Boss Tavern American Way Thrift Store Habitat ReStore Hospitality Inn Subway Guitar Center McKays Books El Mondado Taj Mahal Lee's Kitchen Green Road Library Sawasdee Thai Buffaloe Brothers WRVA office Torero's

702 N Person x Pace W.Franklin x Semart W.Franklin x Semart W.Franklin x Semart W.Franklin x Semart 512 N.Salisbury 430 N.Salisbury St. 300 N.Salisbury 64 E x New Hope Rd 64 E x Trawick 1249 Wicker Drive Crabtree Blvd x 2200 Capital 2420 N.Raleigh Blvd 2800 BrentwoodRdxCapital 2820 Brentwood Rd 3100 Capital Blvd 3514 Capital Blvd #100 4020 Capitol x Buffaloe Capital x Calvary Capital x Calvary 4101 Green Rd Capital x Old Buffaloe 3111 Capitol x Huntleigh 3100 Smoketree Ct Atlantic x Millbrook

Seaboard Station S/C Seaboard Station S/C Seaboard Station S/C Seaboard Station S/C (downstairs) (downstairs) Wilders Grove S/C Gateway Plaza S/C across from StoneyBrook Ashton Square S/C MiniCity Marketplace 1 S/C MiniCity Marketplace II S/C Capital Plaza S/C Capital Square S/C Highwoods Bldg Millbrook Collection S/C

outside inside inside outside inside inside inside inside inside outside inside outside inside inside outside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside outside

RALEIGH 27605 St. John's MCC Church Peace Street Market Exxon Cameron Village Library (bus stop) Talbot's Starbucks North American Video Village Deli Cantina 18 Village Draft House Noodles and Company Cafe Carolina Cameron Bar & Grill Royal Food Mart Employment Security Café Zoe's Kitchen Oberlin Court Apartments

805 Glenwood Ave. 804 W.Peace Street St Mary's x Peace Clark x Woodburn Cameron x Sutton 501 Oberlin Road 2031 Smallwood 500 Daniels St 446 Daniels St 428 Daniels St 403 Daniels St 401 Daniels St 2018 Clark Avenue Hillsborough x Ashe Ave 700 Wade Ave 1028 Oberlin Rd 1009 Wade Ave x Oberlin

Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C Cameron Village S/C -

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RALEIGH 27606 Pearl Chinese Restaurant Gorman Street Pub (bus stop) Sammy's Tap Ruckus Cloos Coney Isl Hot Dogs BaDa Wings El Cerro Restaurant DP Dough Cup-a-Joe Dalat Oriental 6 Twelve Convenience McKimmon Center WestgroveTowers 2nd floor The Goat MayTag Coin Laundry North American Video Champion Sports Bar Planet Fitness Hot Point Deli Fiesta Mexicana

Avent Ferry x Gorman Avent Ferry x Gorman VarsityxCapabilityxResearch Avent Ferry x Centennial Avent Ferry x Centennial 2233 Avent Ferry Rd 2233 Avent Ferry Rd Avent Ferry x Centennial Avent Ferry x Centennial Avent Ferry x Centennial Avent Ferry x Centennial Avent Ferry x Western Gorman x Western 4700 Westgrove St 5111 Western Blvd. 15 Jones Franklin Western x Jones Franklin Western x Jones Franklin Western x Jones Franklin 1284 Buck Jones Rd Tryon x Jones Franklin

Avent Ferry S/C Avent Ferry S/C NCSU Centennial Campus MissionValley S/C (lower) MissionValley S/C (lower) Mission Valley S/C(lower) Mission Valley S/C(lower) MissionValley S/C (lower) MissionValley S/C (lower) MissionValley S/C (lower) MissionValley S/C (upper) Mission Valley S/C (upper) NCSU Behind K-Mart (Wstrn Blv) (bet Hillsboro & Western) Plaza West S/C Plaza West S/C Plaza West S/C Swift Creek S/C

inside inside outside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside outside outside inside inside outside inside inside inside inside outside

RALEIGH 27607 Players Retreat Brooks Hall Talley Student Center Stewart Theater Biltmore Hall (bus stop) NCSU Library (bus stop - service road ) School Kids Sadlack's Heroes Planet Smoothie Sylvia's Pizza El Rodeo Porters Hillsborough St Textbooks Mitch's Tavern Global Village Shakedown Street Pearl Crowley's Mini Mart Whole Foods-cashier exit Whole Foods-dining exit Sushi Thai Whichwich Sandwich Buffaloe Brothers Rex Hospital Ramada Inn Wade Park Blvd Backyard Bistro NCSU Vet School-IAMS Ctr Neomonde Deli Cate Park Center-1st floor Royal Bean Jasmin Bistro The Brick House Beansprout Chinese

105 Oberlin Road 50 Pullen St x Stinson NCSU School of Design Cates Ave x Morrill NCSU Cates Ave x Morrill NCSU Faucette Dr Hillsborough x Lampe (across from Global Village} Broughton x Hillsborough NCSU Hillsborough x Pogue (across from Wachovia) 2712 Hillsborough St 2116 Hillsborough St. 2302 Hillsborough St. 2304 Hillsborough St 2400 Hillsborough St 2412 Hillsborough Street 2420 Hillsborough St 2426 Hillsborough St. 2428 Hillsborough St 2500 Hillsborough St 2526-104 'Hillsborough x Pogue Medlin Rd x Dixie Wade x Faircloth Ridgewood S/C Wade x Faircloth Ridgewood S/C Wycliff x Lake Boone Lake Boone S/C Wycliff x Lake Boone Lake Boone S/C Wycliff x Lake Boone Lake Boone S/C 4420 Lake Boone Trail Patient Tower ATM room 1520 Blue Ridge x Westchase 5430 Wade Park Blvd #100 . 1235 Hurricane Alley Way Hillsborough x William Moore 3817 EAST Beryl Rd 3800 Hillsborough St Meredith College 3801 Hillsborough St Wonder Bread Bldg 2430 Hillsborough St 3801 Hillsborough St Wonder Bread Bldg 3721 Hillsborough St Wonder Bread Bldg

inside outside inside outside outside outside inside outside inside outside inside outside outside inside outside inside inside inside outside outside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside inside outside inside inside outside inside inside

Sub Conscious Reader's Corner Cup-a-Joe East Village Grill

3209 Hillsborough St. 3201 Hillsborough St. 3100 Hillsborough St. 1 Dixie Tr x Hillsborough St


outside inside inside inside

RALEIGH 27608 Capital Creations BP Gas Station High Park Bar & Grill Hunt & Gather Community Service Center Point Rialto Theater Lilly's Pizza Third Place

1842 Old Wake Forest Rd. Whitaker Mill x Wake Forest 625 Whitaker Mill x Bernard Whitaker Mill x Bernard 401 E.Whitaker Mill Rd. Glenwood x Fairview 1620 Glenwood/5points 1813 Glenwood/5points 1811 Glenwood/5points

Harris Park S/C High Park Village S/C High Park Village S/C 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points 5 Points

inside outside inside outside inside inside outside inside inside

RALEIGH 27609 Bali Hai Carolina Ale House Jerry's Artarama Shaba-Shabu Raleigh Community Hospital Italian Kitchen Courtney's Restaurant Mami Nora's Retails Carolina Ale House Falls Tap Room It's a Grind Park & Market Brueggers Coquette Renaissance Hote Mura Which Wich Q Shack Colony Theater Amante Pizza Taza Grill Fresh Market Saints and Scholars Weinburgs Deli Rapid Fitness Six Forks Square Six Forks Square

2414 Wake Forest 512 Creekside Drive 3060 Wake Forest x I-440 Holly Park S/C 3060 Wake Forest x I-440 Holly Park S/C 3400 Wake Forest Rd (admitting) Wake Forest x Hardimont Aldi S/C 407 Six Forks Rd Wake Forest x McNeil 1608 N.Market Drive North Market Square S/C F.O.N. x Pacific The Falls S/C Millbrook x F.O.N. Quail Corners S/C Millbrook x F.O.N. Quail Corners S/C 141 Park at North Hills St #110 North Hills East S/C 110 Park at North Hills St #??? North Hills East S/C The Circle at North Hills North Hills S/C #4301 6 Forks x Lassiter Mill North Hills S/C 6 Forks x Lassiter Mill North Hills S/C #4121-110 6 Forks x Lassiter Mill North Hills S/C #4120 6 Forks x Lassiter Mill North Hills S/C #4120-135 Six Forks x Millbrook Colony S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest North Ridge S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest North Ridge S/C (lower) 5601 Six Forks (middle building) 5501 Six Forks (left building)

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RALEIGH 27610 Wake Tech Ed (lower bldg) Wake Med Education

Holston Lane (1st floor) 3024 New Bern Ave

Wake Med Center G level lobby

inside inside

RALEIGH 27612 Fairfield Inn (lounge counter) Barnes & Noble Vincent's Pizza Eckerds Harmony Farms Grocery Bunkey's Car Wash Kadhai Restaurant Schiano's Pizza Sawasdee Thai Starbucks Gold's Gym Fat Daddy's Bar & Grill Blinco's West Poplar Library Jersey Mikes Subs Salsa Fresh Waraji Japanese Restaurant Edwards Mill Bar & Grill Caribou

Summit Pk Ln 4401 Glenwood Ave Creedmoor x Lynn Creedmoor x Millbrook Creedmoor x Millbrook 6328 Glenwood Ave Glenwood x PleasantValley Glenwood x Pleasant Valley Glenwood x PleasantValley Glenwood x PleasantValley PleasantValley x Glenwood 6201 Glenwood Ave. 6711 Glenwood Avenue Duraleigh x Delta Lake Dr Duraleigh x Delta Lake Dr Duraleigh x Delta Lake Dr Duraleigh x Delta Lake Dr Edwards Mill x Duraleigh Charles B Root x Duraleigh

CrabtreeVM S/C(outparcel) Lynnwood Collection S/C Creedmoor Crossing S/C Creedmoor Crossing S/C Pleasant Valley Promenade S/C Pleasant Valley Promenade S/C Pleasant Valley Promenade S/C Pleasant Valley Promenade S/C Pleasant Valley Promenade S/C Duraleigh Village S/C Duraleigh Village S/C Duraleigh Village S/C Duraleigh Village S/C Old Raleigh Village S/C Old Raleigh Village S/C

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RALEIGH 27613 Hibachi Sushi Chow Pizza Bar Brig's Restaurant Bottle Mixx O2 Fitness Margaux Restaurant Jersey Mikes Exceptional Coffee House Lynnwood Grill Thornhill Apts Planet Fitness Fitness 19 Manchester's Grill Schiano's Pizza

8345 Creedmoor Rd 8311 Creedmoor Rd Creedmoor x Brennan Creedmoor x Brennan Creedmoor x Brennan Creedmoor x Brennan Creedmoor x Brennan Glenwood x PleasantValley 4821 Grove Barton x Hilburn Lynn x Hillburn 8201 Rowlock Way Leesville Rd x Fairbanks Dr Leesville Rd x Fairbanks Dr Leesville Rd x Strickland

Towne North Plaza S/C Towne North Plaza S/C Brennan Station S/C Brennan Station S/C Brennan Station S/C Brennan Station S/C Brennan Station S/C Village at TownRidge S/C "Target" S/C

Pinecrest Point S/C Pinecrest Point S/C Leesville Towncenter S/C

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RALEIGH 27614 Living Arts College Papa Johns Brueggers Moes Southwest Milton's Pizza

3000 Wakefield Crossing Drive (student entrance) Capital x New F.O.N. Wakefield Commons S/C Capital x New F.O.N. Wakefield Commons S/C Capital x New F.O.N. Wakefield Commons S/C Capital x New F.O.N. Wakefield Commons S/C

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RALEIGH 27615 Kings Wok Chubby's Tacos Jersey Mikes O2 Fitness Landings Apartments North Regional Library (front) Fork and Barrel Quizno's Winston's Grill Aladdin's Eatery Antonio's Gourmet Market Upper Crust Jubala Village Coffee Duffy's Irish Pub New York Bagels Whole Foods Neomonde Deli Eastern Buffet Salsa Fresh Poppyseed Market Great Harvest Bread Milton's Pizza AIHF Sawmill Tap Room Gold's Gym (back door) LaRancherita Grand Asia Buffet

Litchford x Harps Mill Litchford Village S/C FallsRiverAve xShadowlawn FallsRiverAve x Durant FallsRiverAve x Durant FallsRiverAve x Durant Falls Valley Dr x F.O.N. (F.O.N. x 540) 7108 Wood Bend Dr (fitness center) 7009 Harps Mill Rd F.O.N. x Hunting Ridge Falls Village S/C F.O.N. x Hunting Ridge Falls Village S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C F.O.N. x Spring Forest Sutton Square S/C 8460 Honeycutt Rd Lafayette Village S/C 8450 Honeycutt Rd Lafayette Village S/C 8450 Honeycutt Rd Lafayette Village S/C 8021 Falls of Neuse F.O.N. x Strickland Bent Tree Plaza S/C Six Forks x Strickland Market @ Colonnades S/C Strickland x Six Forks Harvest Plaza S/C Strickland x Six Forks Harvest Plaza S/C Strickland x Six Forks Harvest Plaza S/C Lead Mine x Harvest Oaks Harvest Oaks Plaza S/C Lead Mine x Harvest Oaks Harvest Oaks Plaza S/C Six Forks x Strickland SixForksStation S/C 8300 Health Park Dr x Forum Dr(cafeteria) 7701 Leadmine Rd Greystone Village S/C Six Forks x Sawmill Celebration at Six Forks Six Forks x Sawmill Celebration at Six Forks Six Forks x Sawmill Celebration at Six Forks

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RALEIGH 27616 Barnes & Noble Medical Arts Massage School Panera Spring Cafe Jamaica Marketplace

OldWakeForst x TriangleTownBlvd TriangleTownCenter (mall) 6541 Meridien Dr #113 (3rd bldg on left) Capital x Old Wake Forest Triangle Plaza S/C Spring Forest x Hargrove 5500 Atlantic Springs Spring Forest Square S/C #109

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RALEIGH 27617 Moes Southwest Carolina Ale House Wild Wings Which Wich Barnes & Noble Caribou Coffee Brueggers Earth Fare Trali

Glenwood x Brier Creek Glenwood x Brier Creek Glenwood x Brier Creek 8512 Brier Creek Pkway #117 Glenwood x Brier Creek Glenwood x Brier Creek Glenwood x Brier Creek Lumley x Brier Creek Lumley x Brier Creek

Alexander Place S/C Alexander Place S/C Alexander Place S/C Brier Creek Commons S/C Brier Creek Commons S/C Brier Creek Commons S/C Brier Creek Commons S/C Brierdale S/C Brierdale S/C

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