is: GFR b Kuf (Pglom G PBow G Ïglom _ ÏBow ). In renal transplant donors, Pglom G PBow ...... shows that, after discontinuing the PAH infusion, the half time (t ]) ...... Carcoana OV, Mathew JP, Davis E, et al: Mannitol and dopamine in patients.
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Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 6 hours Less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than 12 h
Increase in serum creatinine to > 300% (> 3-fold) from baseline (or serum creatinine ≥ 4.0 mg/dl [≥ 354 Lmol/l] with an acute increase of > 0.5 mg/dl [44 Lmol/l])
Less than 0.3 ml/kg per hour for 24 hours or anuria for 12 hours
2b 3c
Modified from RIFLE (Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, and End-stage kidney disease) criteria. The staging system proposed is a highly sensitive interim staging system and is based on recent data indicating that a small change in serum creatinine influences outcome. Only one criterion (creatinine or urine output) has to be fulfilled to qualify for a stage. b 200% to 300% increase = 2- to 3-fold increase. c Given wide variation in indications and timing of initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT), individuals who receive RRT are considered to have met the criteria for stage 3 irrespective of the stage they are in at the time of RRT. Mehta et al.,Critical Care 2007, 11:R31 (1) a
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Fi h ti drawing d i off the th tubules. t b l O l th t d ll h h l l Figure 11. S Schematic Only the jjuxtamedullary nephrons have long loops off Henley. The medullary thick ascending limb (mTAL) and the S3 part (or the straight part) of the proximal tubuli are booth situated in the outer medulla and are susceptible of ischemia.
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
**!(#'($'%)$# " (.)'3 ) ." (*",)(-#--")1(#(#!/, S@ "#& ." ),.#& (*"A ,)(- "0 -"),. ."#( -!A '(.- ) (&3 .". )(&3 *(.,. #(.) ." )/., '/&&=."$/2.'/&&,3 (*",)(- , &). A *, #( ." ),.2 ( "0 &)(! &))*- ) (&3 .". *(.,. * #(.) ." '/&& HZI@ .1( )(
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Figure 22. Sodium passively diffuses through the apical mem membrane in to the tubuli cells. It is then actively pumped by Na+/K+ATPase through the basolateral membrane to the interstitium. From there it diffuses to the peritubular capillaries, drawn by the intra-vascular colloid osmotic pressure. The tight junctions hinder sodium leakage back to the tubuli, although some leakage occurs.
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-/&.- NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Table 4. Renal variables obtained from the thermodilution and the infusion clearance techniques. Control (n= 37)
AKI (n=12)
p Value
RO2Ex Urine flow (ml/min)
0.097 ± 0.004 3.73 ± 0.39
0.163 ± 0.009 4.04 ± 0.48
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