Raman spectroscopy as a method for mineral identification on lunar ...

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Oct 25, 1995 - fiber bundle that carried the laser beam and returned the scattered radiation could be .... tracted from a highland soil, is of mare basalt origin.

RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. El0, PAGES 21,189-21,199, OCTOBER 25, 1995

Raman spectroscopyas a method for mineral identification on lunar robotic explorationmissions AlianWang,BradleyL. Jolliff,andLarryA. Haskin Department of EarthandPlanetarySciences andMcDonnellCenterfortheSpaceSciences WashingtonUniversity,St. Louis,Missouri

Abstract. The sharp,nonoverlapping Ramanbandsfor plagioclase, pyroxene, andolivine wouldbe advantageous for on-surface, activemineralogical analysisof lunarmaterials. A robust,light-weight, low-power, rover-based Ramanspectrometer witha laserexciting source,entirelytransmission-mode holographic optics,anda charge-coupled device (CCD) detector couldfit withina