Ramayana Ebook - Ramayana Audio

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Ramayana is the story of one of the world's greatest heroes — Rama ... Ramayana—Bala Kanda, the book of Rama's youth, and Ayodhya Kanda, — the book.
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Vedic Audio Knowledge Productions presents a dramatic reading of the unabridged

Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam translated from the Sanskrit by

N. Raghunathan Vighneswara Publishing House, India

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The Ramayana of Valmiki Introduction: A Listener’s Guide—Volume I

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elcome to the historic first audio recording of the unabridged Ramayana. The Ramayana is the story of one of the world’s greatest heroes — Rama — whose purpose was to purify the world of ignorance and negativity. Cognized by the illustrious sage Valmiki, the Ramayana was chanted in Sanskrit, the language of the Vedic civilization of ancient India. The date of composition of the Ramayana cannot be fixed, since in the tradition of Vedic knowledge, Vedic literature was handed down orally for thousands of years, singer to singer, generation after generation. Of the many branches of Vedic literature, the Ramayana belongs to the Itihasa branch, which also contains another great epic, the Mahabharata. The Ramayana was written in poetry of unsurpassed dramatic power and richness and contains over 24 thousand couplet verses, or slokas, making it one of the longest epic poems ever written (after the Mahabharata). The translation chosen for this recording is the Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam, by the renowned Indian journalist, N. Raghunathan (published in 3 volumes by Vighneswara Publishing House, India). His translation is a literal one, not a paraphrase, and with his direct and simple style, using rhythmic prose, rather than poetic meter (which often does not translate well), he has captured the essence of the original. His translation also adapts beautifully from the written to spoken word. The reader, Richard Ross, an artist and singer with a life-long interest in Vedic literature, was chosen out of many for this project for his refinement of speech and beauty of voice. We hope you will enjoy listening to Volume Produced by I, which contains the first two books of the Ramayana—Bala Kanda, the book of Rama’s youth, and Ayodhya Kanda, — the book Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) about Ayodhya, the capital306 city of Rama’s realm. E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA





To order here cassettes, (888) 867-4396 For your listening enjoyment, arecalla toll-free: few suggestions: International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com • You can listen to these discs anywhere, although you might best appreciate them by lisproduction by express permission of tening to them in aThis quiet, settled is atmosphere. Vighneswara House • Pronunciation note: In most cases onPublishing these discs, the ‘a’ at the end of Sanskrit names 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560of 055Rama, India Lakshmana, and Bharata, and terms is sounded (as in Vasishta). On the names exclusive copyright holder of the book a soft or almost silent final ‘a’ is used, as is the custom in Ayodhya, Rama’s ancient capiSrimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. tal in northern India. • This booklet contains the Table of Contents from the text, and features a capsule description of each canto. This will help you to see the contents of each disc, gain an overview of the story in its entirety, and locate and re-listen to the many profound “stories within the story” (such as “Vishwamitra’s Story”) that are contained only in the unabridged Ramayana. Enjoy!

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Table Of Contents

Note: Each file is notated with the Kanda (book number) first, followed by the Canto (chapter number). For example: “1-005” refers to Bala Kanda (Book I) Canto #5. This production is organized into thematic sections with a music interlude at the end of each section.

Book I—Bala Kanda

Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 1-001 1-002 1-003 1-004 1-005 1-006 1-007 1-008 1-009 1-010 1-011

1-012 1-013 1-014 1-015 1-016

1-017 1-018 1-019 1-020 1-021 1-022 1-023 1-024 1-025 1-026 1-027 1-028 1-029 1-030 1-031 1-032 1-033 1-034

Sankshepa Ramayana: The Epic In Brief The Killing Of A Curlew: Poetry From Compassion. Brahma Asks Valmiki To Make A Poem Of Rama’s Life How He Composed It How He Propagated It Ayodhya Described King Dasaratha And His People His Ministers The King’s Longing For Sons: Sumantra Recalls An Old Prophecy The Story Of Rsyasrnga How He Is Enticed To Anga Desa And Married To The King’s Daughter Rsyasrnga Goes To Ayodhya To Help The King Perform A Sacrifice For The Birth Of Sons Dasaratha To Perform The Horse-Sacrifice Preparations For The Sacrifice The Sacrifice Described The Assembled Gods Ask Vishnu To Be Born As A Man And To Slay Ravana Rsyasrnga’s Sacrifice And The Distribution Of The Divine Milk Broth Among Dasaratha’s Queens The Incarnation Of Celestials As Monkeys And Bears by Vishnu Incarnates As Rama AndProduced His Brothers Viswamitra’s Request Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Dasaratha Unwilling306 To E. Send Rama With Viswamitra Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Vasishta PersuadesTo Him Send Rama orderTo cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Rama And Lakshmana Go(641) With469-2802 The Sage International: • www.RamayanAudio.com At Kamasrama This production is by express permission of Tataka’s Forest The Story Of Tataka Vighneswara Publishing House The Slaying Tataka 19,Of 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Viswamitra Imparts Knowledge Of Celestial Weapons To Rama exclusive copyright holder of the book The Siddhasrama Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. The Story Of Vamana Maricha Repulsed And Subahu Slain Rama With The Sages Starts For Mithila The Story Of Kusanabha’s Daughters Their Marriage To Somadatta Viswamitra’s Family History




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1-035 1-036 1-037 1-038 1-039 1-040 1-041 1-042 1-043 1-044 1-045 1-046 1-047 1-048 1-049 1-050 1-051 1-052 1-053 1-054 1-055 1-056 1-057 1-058 1-059 1-060 1-061 1-062 1-063 1-064 1-065 1-066 1-067 1-068 1-069 1-070 1-071 1-072 1-073 1-074 1-075 1-076 1-077

The Story Of The Ganga Uma Curses The Gods The Birth Of The War God Sagara’s Penance Sagara’s Sons Dig Up The Earth Kapila Destroys Them Amsuman Learns Of Their Death Bhagiratha’s Penance The Descent Of The Ganga The Redemption Of The Sagaras The Ocean Churned For Nectar Diti’s Penance The Founding Of Visala Ahalya’s Fall Ahalya’s Redemption Meeting With Janaka Satananda Begins Viswamitra’s Story Vasishta Entertains Viswamitra The King Covets Vasishta’s Cow The Cow Sabala Creates Armies And Destroys The King’s Forces Viswamitra Destroys Vasishta’s Hermitage Viswamitra Vanquished By Brahmic Power Trisanku Seeks Viswamitra’s Help Vasishta’s Sons Curse Trisanku Trisanku’s Sacrifice Viswamitra Defies The Gods Ambarisha’s Sacrifice Sunahsepa Rescued By Viswamitra Viswamitra SuccumbsProduced To Love by Viswamitra Vedic CursesAudio Rambha Knowledge (VAK) Viswamitra306 Becomes A Brahmarshi E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA History To Oforder Siva’s Bow call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 cassettes, Rama Breaks The International: (641)Bow 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Dasaratha Hears The Good News This production is by express permission of Dasaratha Arrives In Mithila Vighneswara Publishing House Vasishta Solicits The Hand Of Sita For Rama 19, 12thChronicles Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Janaka His Family History Viswamitra Asks For The Hands Ofof Mandavi exclusive copyright holder the bookAnd Shrutakirti For Bharata And Satrughna Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. The Weddings The Encounter With Parasurama Rama Challenged Parasurama Acknowledges Defeat Rama’s Happy Domestic Life




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Book II—Ayodhya Kanda

Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 2-001 2-002 2-003 2-004 2-005 2-006 2-007 2-008 2-009 2-010 2-011 2-012 2-013 2-014 2-015 2-016 2-017 2-018 2-019 2-020 2-021 2-022 2-023 2-024 2-025 2-026 2-027 2-028 2-029 2-030 2-031 2-032 2-033 2-034 2-035 2-036 2-037 2-038 2-039 2-040 2-041 2-042

Dasaratha Wishes To Crown Rama As Heir Apparent Enthusiastic Approval Of The Assembly Dasaratha’s Counsel To His Son Rama Receives His Blessings Observance Of Vow For The Previous Night The Rejoicings Of The People Manthara Loudly Laments The Proposal Her Attempt To Rouse Kaikeyi’s Opposition She Wants Rama To Be Exiled Kaikeyi Falls In With Her Plan She Insists On The Grant To Her Of Two Boons Dasaratha Fails To Dissuade Her Dasaratha’s Lament Kaikeyi Twits Him Sumantra Is Sent To Summon Rama Rama Starts For The Court His Arrival At The Palace He Is Told Of His Exile To The Forest Rama’s Great Vow Kausalya Cries Out Kausalya And Lakshmana Try To Dissuade Rama Rama Speaks Of All-Powerful Destiny Lakshmana’s Rage Rama Attempts To Pacify Kausalya’s Grief His Mother Invokes Blessings On Him Rama’s Attempt To Dissuade Sita From Accompanying Him Produced by A Chaste Woman’s Duty Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Perils Of The Forest Life 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Sita’s Insistence On Going To order Rama Agrees To Her Wishcassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 International: (641)To 469-2802 Lakshmana Too Is Permitted Go • www.RamayanAudio.com Rama Distributes Hisproduction Wealth To is The Needy permission of This by express The People Censure Dasaratha Vighneswara Publishing House Rama Consoles Dasaratha And Gives His Full Consent 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Sumantra Rails At Kaikeyi Siddharta Tries Toexclusive Dissuadecopyright Kaikeyi holder of the book Vasishta’s Anger At Kaikeyi Tree by Bark Sita To Wear Srimad ValmikiOffering Ramayanam N.To Raghunathan. The People Enraged Dasaratha’s Loud Lament Kausalya Mourns Her Fate People Denounce Dasaratha Dasaratha Taken To Kausalya’s Chambers




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2-043 2-044 2-045 2-046 2-047 2-048 2-049 2-050 2-051 2-052 2-053 2-054 2-055 2-056 2-057 2-058 2-059 2-060 2-061 2-062 2-063 2-064 2-065 2-066 2-067 2-068 2-069 2-070 2-071 2-072 2-073 2-074 2-075 2-076 2-077 2-078 2-079 2-080 2-081 2-082 2-083 2-084 2-085 2-086 2-087 2-088

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Kausalya’s Renewed Lament Sumitra Consoles Her As Citizens Cling To Them, Rama And Party Leave The Car And Walk With Them Rama Leaves The Citizens Behind By A Simple Trick The Citizens Return To Ayodhya The Lament Of The City Women The Grief Of The Countryside Guha Comes To Meet Them Guha And Lakshmana Keep Vigil In The Night The Crossing Of The Ganga Rama Laments His Fate Arrival At Bharadwaja’s Hermitage Crossing Of The Yamuna They Make Their Residence At Chitrakuta Sumantra’s Return Rama’s Last Words To Dasaratha Dasaratha’s Renewed Lament Sumantra Again Tries To Console Kausalya Kausalya Taunts Dasaratha Dasaratha Pacifies Her By Abasing Himself The King Recalls His Past Sin Dasaratha’s Death Wailing In The Women’s Apartments Body Of The King Placed In A Tub Of Oil The Perils Of Anarchy Messengers Sent To Bharata Bharata’s Bad Dream Bharata Starts For Ayodhya He Reaches Ayodhya Produced by His Grief His Censure Of Kaikeyi Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) His Denunciation Of Kaikeyi 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA His Vow Not To Accept The Kingdom To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Dasaratha’s Obsequies International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Bharata And Satrughna Bemoan Dasaratha’s Loss This production is by express permission of Kubja Disgraced Bharata Rejects His Ministers’ AdviceHouse Vighneswara Publishing The Roads Safe For Travel 19, 12th MainMade Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India The Assembled Council Ask Bharata To Rule The Realm exclusive copyright holder of the book The Army Starts For The Forest Bharata For The Forestby N. Raghunathan. SrimadLeaves Valmiki Ramayanam Guha Comes He Voices His Suspicions Guha Praises Lakshmana’s Loyalty He Is Asked About Where Rama Lay For The Night They All See The Bed Of Leaves On Which Rama Had Lain




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2-089 2-090 2-091 2-092 2-093 2-094 2-095 2-096 2-097 2-098 2-099 2-100 2-101 2-102 2-103 2-104 2-105 2-106 2-107 2-108 2-109 2-110 2-111 2-112 2-113 2-114 2-115 2-116 2-117 2-118 2-119

Crossing The Ganga Stay With Bharadwaja For The Day Army Entertained By Bharadwaja They Take Leave Of Bharadwaja The Forests On The Flanks Of Chitrakuta Description Of Chitrakuta Mandakini Described Lakshmana’s Angry Outburst Against Bharata Rama Praises Bharata’s Rare Qualities Bharata Frantically Seeks Rama Frantic Search For Rama The Kacchit-Sarga — Rama Questions Bharata Rama Is Told Of His Father’s Death He Offers Water Libations He Sees His Mothers Rama And Bharata’s First Converse Rama States His Case Bharata States His Case Rama Refutes Him Jabali Presents The Rationalist View Rama’s Panegyric On Truth Vasishta Recounts The Story Of The Ikshvakus Rama’s Command To Bharata Rama’s Sandals To Rule In His Place Bharata Takes The Sandals His Return To Ayodhya Rama’s Sandals Crowned The Sages Speak Of Khara’s Hostility’ Anasuya Praises Sita’s Fidelity She Presents Her With CelestialProduced UnguentsbyAnd Ornaments Rama And Party EnterVedic The Audio Dandakas Knowledge (VAK)




306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com

This production is by express permission of Vighneswara Publishing House 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India

exclusive copyright holder of the book Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan.

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Introduction: A Listener’s Guide—Volume II

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ama’s epic tale continues in Volume II featuring the next three books of the Ramayana: Aranya, Kishkindha and Sundara Kandas. As the story builds in dynamism in these sections, it is fitting that Volume II features a new voice—that of talented Shakespearean actor Stephen White, who adds a dramatic power and depth to the production. Some of the most beloved scenes of the Ramayana unfold in Volume II, beginning with Book III—Aranya Kanda, the Book of the Forest Life—including Rama’s meeting with the wise rishis of the forest, the gaining of Agastya’s divine weapons, Rama’s slaying of the 14,000 Rakshasas at Janasthana, the allure of the golden deer, and Ravana’s abduction of Sita. Next, Book IV—Kishkindha Kandas—continues with the alliance with Sugriva, king of the monkeys, Rama’s friendship with Hanuman, the slaying of Vali, and the world-wide search for Sita by Rama’s Vanara allies. Volume II concludes with Book V—Sundara Kanda—including Hanuman’s great leap across the ocean, his discovery of Sita and his faith-restoring message to her, the burning of Lanka, and Hanuman’s triumphant return to Rama with a message from Sita. This synopsis is only the outer value of the Ramayana. The deeper action resides at a much subtler level within our own consciousness. The impulses of the Ramayana are actually structures of our own consciousness, our own Self. At this level, the Ramayana can be experienced as the “blossoming of totality,” the living reality of the absolute level of life within boundaries. All the characters in the Ramayana are then by possibilities and tendencies. The vanaspects of our own nature, playingProduced out all its Audio Knowledge (VAK) quishing of ignorance andVedic the re-establishment of Rama’s realm is really our own E. Madison, “inner” drama, within our306own Self. Fairfield, IA 52556 USA To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 On all levels, weInternational: hope your experiences and delight will continue to deepen as you (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com listen to the story of totality on the move—the Ramayana, Volume II.





This production is by express permission of Vighneswara Publishing House

19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India

exclusive copyright holder of the book Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan.

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Table Of Contents

Note: Each file is notated with the Kanda (book number) first, followed by the Canto (chapter number). For example: “1-005” refers to Bala Kanda (Book I) Canto #5. This production is organized into thematic sections with a music interlude at the end of each section.

Book III—Aranya Kanda

Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 3-001 3-002 3-003 3-004 3-005 3-006 3-007 3-008 3-009 3-010 3-011 3-012 3-013 3-014 3-015 3-016 3-017 3-018 3-019 3-020 3-021 3-022 3-023 3-024 3-025 3-026 3-027 3-028 3-029 3-030 3-031 3-032 3-033 3-034 3-035 3-036 3-037

Hermit Settlements of Dandakaranya The Encounter with Viradha Viradha Tries to Carry Off Sita The Brothers Cut Down Viradha’s Arms and Bury Him in a Pit, as He Desires Rama Sees Indra in Sarabhanga’s Ashrama The Sages Ask for Rama’s Protection At Sutikshna’s Hermitage They Take Leave of Sutikshna Sita’s Advice Against Cruelty Rama Insists on His Duty to the Oppressed Mandakarni’s Under-Water Residence. Rama Sees All the Hermits Visit to Agastya Agastya Asks Rama to Live at Panchavati Meeting with Jatayus Panchavati Built The Onset of Spring Shurpanakha’s Coming Lakshmana Disfigures Her Khara Despatches Fourteen Fighters Against Rama Rama Kills Khara’s Picked Fighters Produced by Shurpanakha Taunts Khara Khara Resolves to Fight Rama Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Khara’s Army on the 306 March E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Rama Singly Confronts Khara’s Army To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Khara Marches on Rama (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com International: Dushana’s Forces Wiped Out This production is by express permission of Rama Slays Trishiras Khara’s Chariot Destroyed Vighneswara Publishing House Khara’s and19, Rama’s Verbal Exchanges West, Bangalore 560 055 India 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram Rama Slays Khara exclusive copyright holder of the book Maricha Seeks to Dissuade Ravana from Carrying Off Sita Srimad Shurpanakha Meets Valmiki Ravana Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Shurpanakha Arraigns Him Shurpanakha Incites Him to Abduct Sita Ravana Goes to Maricha Again Ravana Seeks Maricha’s Help Maricha Condemns Ravana’s Plan




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3-038 3-039 3-040 3-041 3-042 3-043 3-044 3-045 3-046 3-047 3-048 3-049 3-050 3-051 3-052 3-053 3-054 3-055 3-056 3-057 3-058 3-059 3-060 3-061 3-062 3-063 3-064 3-065 3-066 3-067 3-068 3-069 3-070 3-071 3-072 3-073 3-074 3-075

Maricha Tells Him of His Own Experience with Rama Maricha’s Earnest Advice Not to Antagonise Rama Ravana Tells Maricha, ‘Do or Die’ Maricha Agrees Under Coercion They Go to Rama’s Hermitage Sita Asks Rama to Catch the Deer Rama Kills Maricha Lakshmana, Goaded by Sita’s Taunts, Goes in Search of Rama Ravana in Hermit Guise Appears Before Sita Ravana Reveals His Identity Sita Rebuffs Ravana Ravana Carries Off Sita Jatayus Warns Ravana Ravana Cuts Off Jatayus’s Wings Ravana Takes Away Sita by Force Sita Taunts Ravana Sita Drops Her Jewels Among the Monkeys Ravana Displays His Opulence to Sita Sita Sent to the Ashoka-Vana Rama, Hastening Home, Meets Lakshmana Rama Reproaches Lakshmana for Leaving Sita Lakshmana Explains Why He Left Sita Rama’s Distracted and Vain Search Lakshmana’s Efforts to Cheer Him Rama Asks Lakshmana to Go Back to Ayodhya Leaving Him to Die in the Forest Rama’s Lament Raghava Threatens to Destroy the Universe Lakshmana Pacifies Rama Lakshmana on the Working of Karma Produced by They Come Upon Jatayus Death and Vedic Cremation of Knowledge Jatayus Audio (VAK) Lakshmana 306Disfigures E. Madison,Ayomukhi. Fairfield, IAEncounter 52556 USA with Kabandha Kabandha’s Arms Cut Down To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 The Cause of His Curse International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Kabandha Asks Rama to Make Friends with Sugriva This production express Place permission of Kabandha Tells Themisofby Sugriva’s The Brothers Meet Shabari Vighneswara Publishing House The Brothers GoMalleswaram in Search of Sugriva 19, 12th Main Rd, West, Bangalore 560 055 India




exclusive copyright holder of the book Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan.

Book IV—Kishkindha Kanda Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 4-001 4-002 4-003

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The Pampa Described Sugriva Sends Hanuman to Meet Rama Rama Praises Hanuman’s Eloquence

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4-004 4-005 4-006 4-007 4-008 4-009 4-010 4-011 4-012 4-013 4-014 4-015 4-016 4-017 4-018 4-019 4-020 4-021 4-022 4-023 4-024 4-025 4-026 4-027 4-028 4-029 4-030 4-031 4-032 4-033 4-034 4-035 4-036 4-037 4-038 4-039 4-040 4-041 4-042 4-043 4-044 4-045 4-046 4-047 4-048 4-049

Rama and Sugriva Become Friends Rama and Sugriva Form a Compact Sugriva Promises to Search For Sita Sugriva Cheers Up Rama Rama and Sugriva Exchange Views Vali and Mayavi The Cause of Vali’s Enmity Sugriva Has Proofs of Rama’s Strength Sugriva’s First Encounter with Vali The Hermitage of the Seven Saints Sugriva’s Second Challenge Tara Fails to Dissuade Vali from Fighting Vali Struck Down by Rama Vali Reproaches Rama Rama’s Justification Tara Comes to the Battle-Ground Her Mourning Hanuman Consoles Her Vali’s Last Message to Brother and Son Tara’s Lament Sugriva’s Grief Vali’s Cremation Sugriva’s Coronation The Brothers in the Prasravana Cave The Rains Hanuman Reminds Sugriva of His Duty Autumn Comes. Rama is Angry with Sugriva Lakshmana Sent to Sugriva to Remind Him of His Duty Sugriva Consults His Ministers Tara Goes to Lakshmana to Pacify Him by Produced Lakshmana ThreatensVedic Sugriva Audio Knowledge (VAK) Tara Pacifies Lakshmana 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Sugriva’s Apology To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Sugriva Directs Hanuman to Send Out Recruiters International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Sugriva Meets Rama production is by express permission of Billions of ApesThis Arrive Panasa to Search for Sita in the EastPublishing House Vighneswara Angada is Sent to the South 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Sushena Goes to the West copyright holder of the book Shatavali is Sent toexclusive the North Rama Gives Srimad Hanuman His Ring Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. The Apes’ Enthusiasm How Sugriva Came to Know All the World Three of the Search Parties Return Angada’s Party Faces Difficulties Angada Enthuses Them




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4-050 4-051 4-052 4-053 4-054 4-055 4-056 4-057 4-058 4-059 4-060 4-061 4-062 4-063 4-064 4-065 4-066 4-067

The Rikshabila Svayamprabha’s Hospitality The Apes Get Out of the Cave The Apes, Having Exceeded Their Time Limit, Resolve to Starve to Death Hanuman Dissuades the Apes Angada Starts on His Fast Sampati Sees the Apes’ Dharna Angada Tells of the Apes’ Plight Sampati Grieves for Jatayus Sampati Tells How His Son Met Sita and Ravana Sampati Relates His Fall Sampati Tells of Nishakara’s Sympathy Nishakara’s Advice Nishakara’s Prophesy Comes True The Apes Debate on Who is to Cross the Sea The Chief Apes Say What They Can Do Jambavan Persuades Hanuman Hanuman Agrees to Cross the Sea




Book V—Sundara Kanda Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 5-001 5-002 5-003 5-004 5-005 5-006 5-007 5-008 5-009 5-010 5-011 5-012 5-013 5-014 5-015 5-016 5-017 5-018 5-019 5-020 5-021 5-022 5-023

Hanuman Leaps Across the Sea Lanka’s Beauty Hanuman Impressed by Its Strength Its Lovely Mansions The Sleeping Apartments Ravana’s Palace Produced by Mansions Won from Kubera The Pushpaka Described Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Ravana’s Opulence 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Hanuman Sees cassettes, Ravana call Asleep To order toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Hanuman Recommences His• www.RamayanAudio.com Search International: (641) 469-2802 Vain Search in the Private Grounds This production by express permission of Hanuman Resolves to is Search the Ashoka Pleasance The GroveVighneswara and the Shimsupa Tree House Publishing Hanuman’s Sight of Sita 19, 12th MainFirst Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Hanuman on Sita’s Virtues exclusive copyright holder of the book The Ugliness of the Rakshasas Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam bySee N. Raghunathan. Ravana and His Women Come to Sita Sita’s Fright Ravana Speaks Enticingly Sita Rebuffs Him Ravana’s Renewed Threat The Rakshasis Frighten Sita

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5-024 5-025 5-026 5-027 5-028 5-029 5-030 5-031 5-032 5-033 5-034 5-035 5-036 5-037 5-038 5-039 5-040 5-041 5-042 5-043 5-044 5-045 5-046 5-047 5-048 5-049 5-050 5-051 5-052 5-053 5-054 5-055 5-056 5-057 5-058 5-059 5-060 5-061 5-062 5-063 5-064 5-065 5-066 5-067 5-068

Their Brutal Badgering Sita Grieves that Even Suicide is Impossible Sita Contemplates Suicide Trijata’s Dream Sita Seeks to Hang Herself But She is Deterred by Auspicious Omens Hanuman’s Dilemma Hanuman Attracts Sita’s Attention by Praising Rama Sita Finds It Unbelievable Hanuman Gets Down from the Tree Sita Still Doubts Hanuman’s Words Hanuman Answers Her at Length He Gives Her Rama’s Signet Ring Sita Says It Would Not Be Becoming of Her to Go with Hanuman The Episode of the Crow Sita Gives the History of the Jewel Hanuman Takes Leave of Sita He Lays Waste the Ashoka Pleasance Ravana’s Household Troops Slain by Hanuman Hanuman Proclaims His Purpose He Slays Jambumali He Slays the Ministers’ Sons He Slays Five Army Chiefs The Great Fight with Aksha Kumara Indrajit Sent Against Hanuman Hanuman Impressed by Ravana’s Personality Hanuman is Questioned Hanuman’s Exhortation to Ravana Vibhishana’s Advice Against Killing Hanuman Hanuman Breaks His Bonds Produced by The Burning of LankaVedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Hanuman is Satisfied that Sita is Safe 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA He Takes Leave of Sita To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Hanuman Returns International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Hanuman Tells of His Doings in Lanka ThisTaking production is byThem express permission of Hanuman Favours Sita with Jambavan Does Not Agree with Hanuman and Angada Vighneswara Publishing House The Apes Ravage the Honey-Grove 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India The Drunken Apes Beat Up the Guards exclusivetocopyright the book Sugriva Tells Dadhimukha Send theholder Apes toofHim Hanuman and OthersValmiki are Back Srimad Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Hanuman Relates His Adventures Rama Asks for More News of Vaidehi Hanuman Relates All that Sita Had Told Him Sita’s Last Words




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Introduction: A Listener’s Guide—Volume III

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fter seven years in production, this project is now complete with this final volume of the grand epic that is the Ramayana. Never did we imagine that this production would take so long to complete, but never did we imagine the extraordinary richness, power and depth that would unfold within us during the retelling of Rama’s sublime drama. Perhaps you have had similar experiences as you have explored the pathways of the Ramayana. Now it is time for Rama to come home—home, victorious, to Ayodhya and home to our full acknowledgment of the wholeness of his (and our) Being. The Ramayana builds to a stunning climax in Book VI — Yuddha Kanda, where Rama and his allies battle Ravana and his seemingly undefeatable forces. The battle waxes hot and long, but you may enjoy listening to each wave of the battle as waves of purification of some aspect of yourself. As this process unfolds, your own invincibility is cultured. Then the final seventh book, Uttara Kanda, elevates the entire story to cosmic dimensions. This book reveals all the secrets — who the characters really are, and their purpose in playing out their roles in the divine play of Rama Lila. In the process, you may also gain deeper insights into your own role in this grand play of life. And so Rama’s story comes to an end. Or does it? The epic began as Rama’s unknown sons, Kusha and Lava, sing to Rama his history. In the end, the story curves back upon itself as Rama asks his sons, whom he now knows, to unfold the rest of his story — a circular loop, bringing out the never-ending, eternal play of the Ramayana. Perhaps, as it has been said, the Ramayana is an ever-present reality happening at Produced every point in creation. If so, we hope youbyfind this “cosmic biography”, which nourVedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) ishes the light of life, inside your very own Self. Enjoy! 306 E. Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Volume III also features a Madison, new voice—Michael Sternfeld—who was the producer To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 and director on Volumes I & II. His extensive knowledge International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.comand experience of the Ramayana enriches this final stroke of the production.





This production is by express permission of

Note: Volume III includesVighneswara supplementalPublishing material called House“Interpolations.” They are called Interpolations since 19, it 12th is uncertain whether they were part560 of 055 author Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore IndiaValmiki’s original cognition. There are three groups of Interpolations that holder appearofinthe Book VII, after Canto 23, 37, and 59, exclusive copyright book respectively. Each canto in the interpolated groups is notated differently than other tracks, by use of Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. a letter suffix. For example: 7-023A refers to Canto 1 in the first group of Interpolations; 7-023B refers to the Canto 2 in that group, and so on.

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Table Of Contents

Note: Each file is notated with the Kanda (book number) first, followed by the Canto (chapter number). For example: “1-005” refers to Bala Kanda (Book I) Canto #5. This production is organized into thematic sections with a music interlude at the end of each section.

Book VI—Yuddha Kanda

Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 6-001 6-002 6-003 6-004 6-005 6-006 6-007 6-008 6-009 6-010 6-011 6-012 6-013 6-014 6-015 6-016 6-017 6-018 6-019 6-020 6-021 6-022 6-023 6-024 6-025 6-026 6-027 6-028 6-029 6-030 6-031 6-032 6-033 6-034 6-035 6-036 6-037

Rama Embraces Hanuman Sugriva Begs Rama Not to Give Way to Depression Hanuman Describes Lanka’s Defences Rama Gives Marching Orders Rama Again Bemoans the Loss of Sita Ravana Consults with the Chief Rakshasas His Advisers’ Ignorant Boast Prahasta Also Talks Boastfully Vibhishana Alone Counsels Amity with Rama Vibhishana’s Private Advice Ravana Holds a Council Kumbhakarna Censures Him for His Precipitate Action Ravana Explains Why He Cannot Coerce Sita Vibhishana Reiterates His Advice Indrajit Taunts Him Ravana Reprimands His Brother Vibhishana Denounces Ravana and Seeks Rama’s Friendship Rama Answers the Monkeys’ Objection and Gives Vibhishana Asylum Vibhishana Advises Propitiating the Ocean Ravana Seeks to Win Over Sugriva Produced by Rama’s Three-Day Fast to Propitiate the Sea Nala Builds the Bridge Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) The Army Crosses Over 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Rama in Lanka To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Shuka and Sarana Spy Again International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com The Chief Apes Described This production More Apes and Bears Described is by express permission of Shuka Points Out Rama and Lakshmana Vighneswara Publishing House Ravana Abuses HisMain Spies Praising the Enemy 19, 12th Rd,for Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Shardula Adds to His Fears exclusive copyright holder of the book Ravana Deceives Sita Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Sita Laments the Imagined Death of Rama Sarama Tells Her It Is All a Trick Sarama Overhears Ravana’s Plans and Reports to Sita Ravana Makes Ready for a Sortie Ravana Rejects Malyavan’s Advice Both Sides Make the Army Dispositions




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6-038 6-039 6-040 6-041 6-042 6-043 6-044 6-045 6-046 6-047 6-048 6-049 6-050 6-051 6-052 6-053 6-054 6-055 6-056 6-057 6-058 6-059 6-060 6-061 6-062 6-063 6-064 6-065 6-066 6-067 6-068 6-069 6-070 6-071 6-072 6-073 6-074 6-075 6-076 6-077 6-078 6-079 6-080 6-081 6-082 6-083

Rama Ascends the Suvela Mountain Rama and the Monkeys See Lanka Sugriva’s Surprise Attack on Ravana Rama Remonstrates with Sugriva. His Ultimatum to Ravana The Assault on Lanka Single Combats The Fierce Night-Battle Indrajit’s Magic Weapon, the Nagastra Rama and Lakshmana Bound by the Nagastra Sita Shown the Bodies of the Brothers Sita’s Lament Rama Grieves Over Lakshmana Garuda Comes to the Rescue Dhumraksha Ordered to Fight Hanuman Hanuman Slays Dhumraksha Angada Fights with Vajradamshtra Angada Slays Vajradamshtra Akampana Attacks Angada Hanuman Slays Akampana Prahasta Gives Battle to the Monkeys Prahasta Slain by Nila Ravana Leads the Attack Ravana Orders His Men to Wake Up Kumbhakarna Kumbhakarna’s History Ravana’s Appeal to Kumbhakarna Kumbhakarna Pacifies Ravana Who Is Provoked by His Reproaches Kumbhakarna Is Rebuked by Mahodara Kumbhakarna Rebukes Mahodara Angada Persuades the Ape Chiefs to Fight the Giant Kumbhakarna Slain Produced by Ravana’s Lament Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) His Sons Proceed to Fight—Narantaka 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556Killed USA Devantaka and Others Slain To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Atikaya Slain by(641) Lakshmana International: 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Ravana Tightens the Security of Lanka ThisUses production is by express permission of Indrajit the Brahmastra Hanuman Fetches the Mountain of Herbs Vighneswara Publishing House Ravana Orders andWest, Others to Attack 19, 12th Main Rd,Kumbha Malleswaram Bangalore 560 055 India Kumbha and Other Rakshasas Slain exclusive copyright holder of the book Nikumbha Slain Khara’s Son Goes Out to Fight by N. Raghunathan. Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam Makaraksha Slain by Rama Indrajit Goes into Action Again Indrajit Slays the Phantom Sita Hanuman Retreats to Report to Rama Rama’s Grief at Hearing of Sita’s ‘Death’




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6-084 6-085 6-086 6-087 6-088 6-089 6-090 6-091 6-092 6-093 6-094 6-095 6-096 6-097 6-098 6-099 6-100 6-101 6-102 6-103 6-104 6-105 6-106 6-107 6-108 6-109 6-110 6-111 6-112 6-113 6-114 6-115 6-116 6-117 6-118 6-119 6-120 6-121 6-122 6-123 6-124 6-125 6-126 6-127 6-128 6-129

Vibhishana Tells Them It Is Trickery Lakshmana to Fight Indrajit Lakshmana Interrupts Indrajit’s Black Magic Vibhishana Rebukes Indrajit The Fight Begins The Duel Vibhishana Takes Part in the Fight Death of Indrajit Lakshmana Healed of His Wounds Ravana Dissuaded from Killing Sita Rama Uses the Gandharva Astra Again The Rakshasis’ Lament Ravana Again Goes Out to Fight Sugriva Slays Virupaksha Mahodara Also Slain Angada Slays Mahaparshva Ravana’s Asura Missile Foiled Lakshmana Pierced by Javelin Hanuman Fetches the Medicinal Herbs Again Indra Sends His Car to Rama The Great Battle Ravana Retreats He Blames His Charioteer for Withdrawing Hymn to the Sun The Chariot Duel Fight to the Death Rama Cuts Down a Hundred Heads of Ravana Death of Ravana Vibhishana Laments His Brother’s Death The Rakshasis’ Grief Produced by Mandodari’s Lament Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Vibhishana Crowned King of Lanka 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Hanuman Sent to Maithili To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Sita Sees Rama International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Rama Repudiates Sita This production is by Sita, Stung to the Quick, Falls into theexpress Fire permission of The Great Gods WaitVighneswara Upon Rama Publishing House Fire Delivers Up Sita Safely 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Mahadeva’s Exhortation exclusive copyright holder of the book Indra Revives All the Dead Vanaras Rama Takes Srimad Leave of Vibhishana Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Rama Leaves for Home Rama Shows Sita the Principal Places on the Route Rama Reaches Bharadwaja’s Hermitage Rama Sends Hanuman to Bharata Bharata Questions Hanuman




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6-130 6-131

The Reunion of the Brothers The Coronation of Sri Ramachandra

Book VII — Uttara Kanda Book-Chapter Kanda-Canto 7-001 7-002 7-003 7-004 7-005 7-006 7-007 7-008 7-009 7-010 7-011 7-012 7-013 7-014 7-015 7-016 7-017 7-018 7-019 7-020 7-021 7-022 7-023 1st Interpolation 7-023A 7-023B 7-023C 7-023D 7-023E 7-024 7-025 7-026 7-027 7-028 7-029 7-030 7-031 7-032

The Sages Wait upon Rama The Story of Ravana’s Origin The Birth of Vaishravana Ancient History of the Rakshasas The Birth of Malyavan and His Brothers Narayana Resolves on Destroying the Rakshasas Mali Slain Malyavan Routed Retires to Patala Sumali’s Daughter Solicits Vishravas The Brothers Practise Austerities Sumali Instigates Ravana to Demand Lanka of Kubera Marriage of Ravana, His Brothers and Sisters Ravana Kills Kubera’s Messenger Ravana Invades Kailasa Kubera Defeated by Ravana Ravana, His Hands Caught under the Kailasa, Propitiates Shiva Ravana is Cursed by Vedavati Ravana’s Encounter with Marutta Many Kings Submit to Ravana Urged On by Narada Ravana Goes to Fight Yama Ravana Routs Yama’s Forces Brahma Saves Ravana from Yama’s Death-Dealing Rod Produced Ravana Makes Friends with thebyNivata-Kavachas




Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) 306Bali E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Ravana and The Sun-God Defeat To orderAcknowledges cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Fight with Mandhata The Litany in Praise of Pashupati This production is by express permission of He Beholds Narayana in Patala

Vighneswara Publishing House

Surpanakha 19, 12th Main Widowed Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Ravana Makes Friends with Madhu exclusive copyright holder of the book Ravana Coerces Rambha Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Sumali Slain Indrajit Fights the Gods Brahma Intercedes for Release of Indra Brahma Gets Indra Released Ravana Worships Shiva Kartaviryarjuna Humiliates Him

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7-033 7-034 7-035 7-036 7-037

2nd Interpolation 7-037A 7-037B 7-037C 7-037D 7-037E 7-038 7-039 7-040 7-041 7-042 7-043 7-044 7-045 7-046 7-047 7-048 7-049 7-050 7-051 7-052 7-053 7-054 7-055 7-056 7-057 7-058 7-059

3rd Interpolation 7-059A 7-059B 7-059C 7-060 7-061 7-062 7-063 7-064 7-065 7-066

Ravana Released Vali and Ravana Why Hanuman Did Not Know His Own Strength Brahma Grants Hanuman Boons Rama’s Daily Routine Who Was Rksharajas? Ravana Asks Sanatkumara About the All-Highest Sanatkumara Foretells Rama’s Incarnation Narada Concludes the Story Ravana’s Discomfiture at Shveta-Dvipa Rama’s Friends and Allies Return Home Apes and Bears Enjoy Themselves The Apes and the Bears Go Home The Pushpaka Placed at Rama’s Service Sita, Pregnant, Wishes to Visit the Hermitages Rama Hears of the City Folk Blaming Him for Accepting Sita Rama Summons His Brothers Sita Exiled Sita and Lakshmana Cross the Ganga Lakshmana Tells Sita of Rama’s Order Sita’s Charge to Lakshmana Valmiki Takes Sita to His Hermitage Sumantra Tells Lakshmana What Durvasas Had Foretold Durvasas Tells Dasharatha About the Future of His Family Lakshmana Back in Ayodhya Rama Tells the Story of Nrga Nrga Expiates The Tale of Nimi and Vasishta Produced by How They Had to Give Up Audio Their Bodies Vedic Knowledge (VAK) How They Got Bodies Again 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA Yayati’s Story To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Puru Takes upon Himself His Father’s Premature Old Age




International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com

This production is by express permission of

A Dog Appeals to Rama for Justice Vighneswara Publishing House Its Case Against the Brahmana Mendicant The Owl and the Vulture 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India

exclusive holder of the book Sages from the Yamuna Waitcopyright upon Rama Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Shiva’s BoonSrimad to Lavana Lavana’s Atrocities Shatrughna Ordered to Slay Lavana and Rule Madhuvana Rama Tells Him How to Fight Lavana Shatrughna in Valmiki’s Hermitage The Birth of Rama’s Sons

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7-067 7-068 7-069 7-070 7-071 7-072 7-073 7-074 7-075 7-076 7-077 7-078 7-079 7-080 7-081 7-082 7-083 7-084 7-085 7-086 7-087 7-088 7-089 7-090 7-091 7-092 7-093 7-094 7-095 7-096 7-097 7-098 7-099 7-100 7-101 7-102 7-103 7-104 7-105 7-106 7-107 7-108 7-109 7-110 7-111

Shatrughna Intercepts Lavana’s Entry into His City Shatrughna Challenges Lavana to a Duel Lavana Slain Shatrughna Goes to See Rama after Twelve Years Shatrughna Listens to the Singing of Rama’s Story Shatrughna Returns after a Week A Brahmana Child’s Death Narada Says that the Cause is Shambuka’s Tapas Rama Questions Shambuka The Erring Shambuka Slain Agastya Tells How He Got the Jewel Sveta Tells of His Transgression History of Ikshvaku’s Son Danda Danda Misbehaves with Bhargava’s Daughter How the Dandaka Came to be Cursed Rama Returns to Ayodhya On Bharata’s Advice Rama Decides Not to Offer the Rajasuya Sacrifice Lakshmana Recounts Vrittra’s History Ashvamedha as Expiation for Brahmana-Murder How Indra was Redeemed Rama on the Story of Ila Ila’s Transformation Ila and Budha Ila Recovers His Manhood by Ashvamedha Rama Invites Brahmanas and Kings to the Asvamedha A Year of Feasting Valmiki and Disciples Come to the Sacrifice The Boys Sing the Ramayana Sita to Swear to Her Innocence Produced by Valmiki Testifies to Sita’s Chastity The Earth Vedic OpensAudio and Sita Enters (VAK) Knowledge Rama in His Is Consoled 306 Grief E. Madison, Fairfield,by IABrahma 52556 USA The Passing of Dasharatha’s Queens To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Yudhajit’s Message International: (641) 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Bharata’s Sons Conquer the Country of the Gandharvas by Lakshmana’s express permission Two This Citiesproduction Establishedisfor Sons of Time, the Destroyer, Waits upon Rama Vighneswara Publishing House Brahma AsksRd, Rama to ComeWest, BackBangalore to Heaven 19, 12th Main Malleswaram 560 055 India Durvasas Comes to See Rama exclusive copyright holder of the book Lakshmana Departs for Vaikunta AllSrimad Ayodhya Wishes to Go with by Rama to Heaven Valmiki Ramayanam N. Raghunathan. Shatrughna Sent For Rama and His People Start on the Last Journey A New World Made for Rama’s Devotees Epilogue




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Biographies The Translator: N. Raghunathan (1893 — 1982)

r. N. Raghunathan was a brilliant writer, a profound scholar in English and Sanskrit, and the doyen of Indian journalism. After thirty years as Assistant Editor of The Hindu, the well-known national English daily of Madras, he retired as Chief Editorial Executive in 1957. At the age when most individuals would have retired comfortably, Mr. Raghunathan undertook the monumental task of translating both Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam from Sanskrit into English. After a decade of work and well into his eighties, and with failing health, Mr. Raghunathan devotedly completed his translation of the Ramayana shortly before passing on at age 89. There is perennial vitality in the Ramayana, and N. Raghunathan’s translation in English, faithful to the original and attuned to modern ears, should help to enliven the age-long tradition of Vedic knowledge and inspire those outside the tradition with the secret of the eternal charm of Sita and of the hero in whom goodness and greatness were uniquely combined.





The Producer/Director: Michael Sternfeld

rt inspired from the depths of consciousness has been Michael Sternfeld’s life-long passion. Michael began his performing career as a professional dancer with the Chicago Moving Company, and over the next twenty years went on to produce, direct and/or perform in over four hundred theater, music, dance, video and performance art events. After returning to graduate school Produced by to earn an M.A. in Vedic Studies, he discovered the Ramayana. He went on to co-direct a full theatrical proVedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) duction of the Ramayana, created an educational program for students 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA called RamQuest, and developed Hero’s Quest, an outdoor theme To order cassettes, call toll-free:The (888) 867-4396 park based upon (641) themes from• www.RamayanAudio.com the Ramayana. He has also produced International: 469-2802 numerous books, isincluding collection of of stories from the Thisaudio production by expressa permission Upanishads and several volumes of Panchatantra stories for children. His work on this producVighneswara Publishing House tion was awarded the “2004 Outstanding Project of the Year” by the National Endowment for 19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India the Humanities and Humanities Iowa. Michael continues to lecture, teach, and publish in the areas of myth and world literature. exclusive copyright holder of the book


Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan.

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The Readers Richard Ross (Volume I)

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ichard Ross is an artist, singer, and actor whose work celebrates the revival of Vedic knowledge — knowledge which, when applied to the arts, illumines the link between the higher states of consciousness and artistic fulfillment. For the past twenty five years he has been a member of Purusha, a group o single men dedicated to creating enlightenment for themselves and peace and prosperity for the world.


Stephen White (Volume II)


tephen White is a graduate of the Trinity Rep. Theatre Conservatory in Providence, Rhode Island, and the British American Acting Academy in London. He has worked as an actor, director, and stage combat fight choreographer with the Camden Shakespeare Co., the National Shakespeare Co., the Montana Shakespeare Co., Washington D.C.,’s Arena Stage, Seattle’s Group Theatre and many others, including three of his own theater companies in Fairfield, Iowa. Stephen, a long-time practitioner and teacher of Transcendental Meditation®, is originally from Los Angeles, where his father was a cameraman for Cecille B. DeMille and his uncles were pioneer film producers and directors in the “Golden Age” of Hollywood.



Produced by Michael Sternfeld (Volume III)

Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) fter being the Director of Volumes I and II of this production, Michael switched to the other side E. Madison, Fairfield,III IA(see 52556biographical USA of the microphone as the306 Reader on Volume notes at left). To order cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 International: (641)(Volume 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com Director III): Scott Smith


This production by express of between art and the nature of s an ardentisexplorer of permission the relationship Vighneswara Publishing life, Scott Rodman SmithHouse has expressed his talents in the fields of writ-


19, 12thing, Mainvisual Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055and India arts, performing arts, music, the pure spoken word. He has performed on stage and film, during an eight -year sojourn in Hong exclusive copyright holder of and the book Kong, directed the dubbing Asian films into English. He has also voiced Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N.ofRaghunathan. several ESL proficiency tapes for Oxford University Press and Macmillan Publishers Limited. A longtime practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation® program, Scott became a teacher of the program in 1975. Scott is currently flexing his creative muscles in the visual arts and working to foster a deeper appreciation of art in society as a necessity for spiritual transformation.

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ith deepest gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who has kindled the Light of Life within us, and inspired us to experience the truth of the Veda and Vedic literature in our own hearts.


Producer/Director Digital Remastering/Project Mentor Audio Consultant Project Consultant Production Assistant Mastering Graphic Design

Michael Sternfeld Allen Cobb Tim Britton, Pied Piper Productions Jeffrey Hedquist, Hedquist Productions Inc. Richard Rosen RSRT Inc. & World Media Group Richard Ross & Allen Cobb

Acknowledgements The

n memory and honor of my mother, who inspired greatness…and to my father, who taught me the value of perseverance.



This production made possible, in part, by major grants by Humanities Iowa and the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) wishes to give heartfelt thanks to all those who have helped to make this production possible. Most special thanks goes to Allen Cobb for his extraordinary patience throughout the digital remastering process, and to Rick Rosen for his continued service way beyond the call of duty during the entire production. Deep appreciation goes to Katherine Lawrence for all her love and support, and to the many supportive people behind the scenes— Cherie Sampson, Lu Wiggins, Shanti Iskra, Bruce Grady, the Bargerstocks, Michael Chelnov, Gary Todt, Heavenly Mountain Resort, Dr. Tom Egenesbyand Amita Nathwani for pronunciation Produced coaching, David Sykes for legal counsel, Eileen Elsinger for grant Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK)writing, Royal Scanlon at RSRT and Bill Kardokus at World Media Group for superb engineering, and to the entire Hoose 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA family for graphic and technical support, especially Scott Smith for preserving direction. To orderand cassettes, call toll-free: (888) 867-4396 Also thanks to Marc LindenInternational: and the Fairfield Film• www.RamayanAudio.com Society for supporting the NEH grant of (641) 469-2802 Volume III, to Maharishi University of Management, and to the Purusha program for their This production is by express permission of silence and support. Special thanks goes to Mr. R. Sethuraman of Vighneswara Publishing Vighneswarawho Publishing House House and the memory of Mr. N. Balasundaram, graciously helped VAK to license and pro19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India duce this historic recording.

exclusive copyright holder of the book

Volumes I and II of the Ramayana were recorded at the Spiritual Center of America and Heavenly Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam by N. Raghunathan. Mountain Resort in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Volume III was recorded at Rukmapura Park Hotel in Vedic City in Fairfield, Iowa.

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To Order: Contact Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK) Toll free: 888-867-4396 From outside the USA, call: 641-472-8697 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.RamayanAudio.com Or write The VAK, 306 E. Madison, Fairfield, IA 52556 USA



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For a complete Glossary of Terms used in this recording, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope and $2.00 to above address. Under license, Vedic Audio Knowledge holds exclusive production rights to the audio recording of the book Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam.

This production is by express permission of Vighneswara Publishing House—19, 12th Main Rd., Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India—who holds the exclusive copyright on the book Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam, by N. Raghunathan, published in 3 volumes. The Ramayana, Volume III, has been produced Produced by under the auspices of the Fairfield Film Society, a non-profit organization.

Vedic Audio Knowledge (VAK)

Duplication of these tapes is Madison, prohibited by law; no part 306 E. Fairfield, IA 52556 USA of this program may be reproduced in any form without permission thecall producer and867-4396 the copyright holder. To orderfrom cassettes, toll-free: (888) International: (641) in 469-2802 • www.RamayanAudio.com The views or findings expressed this production do not necessarily represent the view of

production is by express permission of Humanities Iowa or theThis National Endowment for the Humanities. Vighneswara Publishing House

19, 12th Main Rd, Malleswaram West, Bangalore 560 055 India Notes: Minor changes in the textexclusive were made to accommodate between the written and spoken word. copyright holder ofthetheshift book Also, the original Sanskrit ‘tapas’ was used often in the of the word ‘austerities’. Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam byplace N. Raghunathan.

r;m r;m r;m r;m r;m Booklet Design: Tara Winkler