Two. Important Publications: Wei, H., J. Gou, Y.Yordanov, H. Zhang, R.C. Thakur,
W. Jones, A. Burton. 2012. Global transcriptome profiling of aspen trees under ...
Mailing: 182, School of Forest Resources & Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI- 49931-1295 E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (906) 487-2703 Education: B.Sc., 1983, Agriculture University, Palampur, India Major: Agriculture Minor: Horticulture M.Sc., 1986, Agriculture University, Palampur, India Major: Horticulture (Pomology and Fruit Technology) Minor: Plant Physiology and Soil Science
Ph.D., 1989, University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India Major: Forestry Minor: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry MBA, 2012, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, USA Major: Business Administration Minor: Innovation and technology Appointments / Professional Assignments: Graduate Faculty Research Scientist-II Adjunct Faculty Visiting Scientist Visiting Scholar Post-doctoral Fellow Post-doctoral Fellow Scientist/Associate Professor Assistant Scientist/Assistant Professor -
Michigan Technological University, USA Michigan Technological University, USA Michigan Technological University, USA Michigan Technological University, USA Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Japan University of Freiburg, Germany Univ. of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India Univ. of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India
Teaching Experience: More than 15-years of graduate and undergraduate level teaching. Research Interests: • • • • •
International Business and Global Entrepreneurship Forest Tree Improvement and Genetic Resources Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culturing Air Pollution and Climate Change Biomass and Energy
Scholarly Publications: Theses Post-doctoral research reports Research Publications Books/ Proceedings
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Important Publications:
Wei, H., J. Gou, Y.Yordanov, H. Zhang, R.C. Thakur, W. Jones, A. Burton. 2012. Global transcriptome profiling of aspen trees under elevated [CO2] for identifying potential molecular mechanisms responsible for enhanced growth. Journal of Plant Research: DOI 10.1007/s10265-012-0524-4. Thakur R.C., L. J. Cseke,A. Kirakosyan, and P. B. Kaufman.(2011) Gene Transfer and Expression in Plants. In: L.J. Cseke, A. Kirakosyan, P. B. Kaufman and M. W. Westfall (eds.), Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine, Third Edition. CRC Press. pp 637-661. Thakur R.C., and K Ishii. (2011). Detection and fingerprinting of narrow-leaf mutants in micropropagated hybrid poplar (Populus sieboldii x P grandidentata) using random amplified polymorphic DNA. International Journal of Farm Sciences 2(1): 79-84. Kontunen-Soppela, S., J. Parviainen, H. Ruhanen, M. Brosché, M. Keinänen, R.C. Thakur, M. Kolehmainen, J. Kangasjärvi, E. Oksanen, D. F. Karnosky, E. Vapaavuori. (2009) Gene expression responses of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) to elevated CO2 and O3 during leaf maturation and senescence. Environmental Pollution 158:959-968. Thakur, R.C., and D.F. Karnosky. (2007). Micropropagation and germplasm conservation of Central Park Splendor Chinese elm (Ulmus parvifolia Jacq. ‘A/Ross Central Park’) Trees. Plant Cell Reports DOI 10.1007/s00299-007-0334-7. Plant Cell Rep. 26(8):1171-7. Cseke, L.J., S.B. Cornwell, A. Shankar, B. Sen, L.C. Taylor, R. Thakur, D.F. Karnosky, and GK Podila. (2005). SEP-class genes in Populus tremuloides and their likely role in reproductive survival of poplar trees. Gene 358 (2005) 1-16. Karnosky, D.F., and R.C. Thakur. (2004). Genetic aspects of air pollution and climate change. In: J. Burley, J.Evans, and J. Youngquist (Eds.), Genetics and Genetic Resources, Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. AcademicPress. London, pp. 223-229. Karnosky DF, Zak DR, Pregitzer KS, Awmack CS, Bockheim JG, Dickson RE, Hendrey GR, Host GE, King JS, Kopper BJ, Kruger EL, Kubiske ME, Lindroth RL, Mattson WJ, McDonald EP, Noormets A, Oksanen E, Parsons WFJ, Percy KE, Podila GK, Riemenschneider DE, Sharma P, Thakur R, Sober A, J. Sober J, Jones WS, S. Anttonen S, E. Vapaavuori E, and J.G. Isebrands JG. (2003). Tropospheric O3 moderates responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO2: a synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project. Functional Ecology 17: 289-304. Karnosky, DF, KE Percy, RC Thakur, and Honrath Jr. RE (2003). Air pollution and global change: A double challenge to forest ecosystems. In: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium. DF Karnosky, KE Percy, AH Chappelka, C Simpson, and JM Pikkarainen (eds.). Elsevier Press, Amsterdam, pp 1-41. Karnosky, DF, P. Sharma, RC Thakur, M kinnouchi, and King J (2003). Changing atmospheric carbon dioxide: A threat or benefit? In: Air Pollution, Global Change and Forests in the New Millennium. DF Karnosky, KE Percy, AH Chappelka, C Simpson, and JM Pikkarainen (eds.). Elsevier Press, Amsterdam, pp 57-84.
Thakur RC, Goto S, Ishii K, and Jain SM (1999) Monitoring genetic stability in Quercus serrata Thunb. somatic embryogenesis using RAPD markers. Journal of Forest Research 4: 157-160. Ishii K, Thakur RC and Jain SM (1999). Somatic embryogenesis and evaluation of variability in somatic seedlings of Quercus serrata by RAPD markers In: Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants. SM Jain, PK Gupta, and RJ Newton (eds.), vol. 4. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp 403414 . Thakur RC, Hosoi Y, and Ishii K (1998) Rapid in vitro propagation of Matteuccia struthiiopteris (L.) Todaro - an edible fern. Plant Cell Reports 18: 203-208. Goto S, Thakur RC, and Ishii K (1998) Determination of genetic stability in long-term micropropagated shoots of Pinus thunburgii Parl. using RAPD markers. Plant Cell Reports 18: 193-197. Chauhan KC, Srivastava A, and Thakur RC (1997). Analysis of genetic divergence in seed stands of Bauhinia variegata Linn Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources 10 (1): 115-121 . Chauhan K, Srivastava A, and Thakur R (1996) Meteroglyph analysis of morphological variation in Bauhinia variegata Linn. seed sources. Journal of Tree Science 15(2): 99-103. Kar PL and Thakur RC (1994) Seasonal fluctuations of foliar iron and manganese contents in non-bearing and bearing olive trees (Olea europea L.). Indian Journal of Hill Farming 7(2): 132-136. Thakur RC and Kaushal AN (1992) Regression models for projecting biomass in Robinia pseudoacacia under mid-hill conditions of Western Himalayas. Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports 10: 200-202. Thakur RC and Kaushal AN (1991) Biomass production and distribution in four different aged plantations of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.). Nitrogen Fixing Tree Research Reports 9: 17-18. Kar PL and Thakur RC (1991) Studies on the seasonal trends in foliar micronutrient composition in nonproductive and productive olive trees. The Horticulture Journal 4(1): 15-19. Thakur RC (1991) Cultural practices for Albizzia lebbeck In: Cultural practices for social forestry species (vol.1: 8-12.) University of Horticulture and Forestry Publication. Thakur RC (1991) Cultural practices for Azadirachta indica. In: Cultural practices for social forestry species 1: 13-16. University of Horticulture and Forestry Publication. Kar PL and Thakur RC (1990) Studies on the foliar calcium and magnesium fluctuations in olive (Olea europea L.) with reference to non-bearing and bearing trees. The Horticulture Journal 3: 1-5. Kar PL and Thakur RC (1990) Seasonal changes of foliar carbohydrate-nitrogen ration and dry matter accumulation in non-bearing and bearing olive trees. Indian Journal of Hill Farming 3(1): 87-89. Awards and honors: - National Merit Scholarship, Secondary School, 1976-79 - UNDP Junior Fellowship at Master’s Level, 1983-86 - University Merit Scholarship – Ph.D. level, 1986-1987 - UNDP Senior Fellowship – Ph.D. level, 1987-1989 - Austrian Govt. Training fellowship, 1991 - German Academic Exchange fellowship, 1993-95 - Science and Technology Agency (STA) Japan Fellowship, 1997-99 - STA Japan visiting fellowship, 2000
- C2E2 award, MTU 2005 - Silicon Valley experience scholarship – 2012 - Member, Beta Gamma Sigma- Business Honor Society - Alumni Leadeshape Institute
Manuscript Reviewer: New Phytologist Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture Biotechnology Journal Scientia Agricola Caspian journal of Environmental Sciences Environmental and Experimental Botany Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Journal of Forestry Research Trees: Structure and Function
Projects at MTU, USA: • • • •
Propagation and Improvement of Central Park Splendor Chinese Elm – Arthur Ross Foundation, NY, USA. 2008-continue. POPulus GENomics to Increase Carbon Sequestration (POPGENICS) – DOE, USA. 2004-2007. Aspen FACE- DOE, USA. 2001-2011 Cellulose Biosynthesis in aspens. USDA. 2007-2008
Projects outside USA: • • • • •
Seed technology of some important social forestry tree species, UHF. ICFRE, India.1997-1999. Propagation techniques for Chilgoza pine, UHF. ICFRE, India. 1999-2001 Improvement and genetic resources of Pinus gerardiana, UHF. ICFRE , India.1995-1997 Micropropagation of some important tree species, Uni. Freiburg. DAAD, Germany.1993-95. Tissue culture and genetic characterization of some forest tree species, FFPRI. STA, Japan.1997-99.
Service and Leadership: • • • • • • • • •
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Member, International Advisory Board. Indian Society of Hill Agriculture (ISHA) (2010-2012) Member, Editorial Board. International Journal of Farm Sciences (current) Member, MTU Senate Election Committee (current) Member (alternate), MTU Senate (current) Advisor/Executive Member, MTU Table tennis Club (2005-current) Judge, UP Science Fair (2006-2012) Graduate Students Government representative, MTU (2011) President MBA Association - MTU 2012 Dean Search Committee Member, Dean SBE MTU, 2012 Chair, Alumni Reunion Week Golf Outing, 2012 Mentor, CleanTech Venture Team, MTU 2012-2013