Rangelands using innovations like the NRM. Spatial Hub/FarmMap4D. This work has multiple outcomes ranging from reporting
Rangeland NRM Alliance Update May - October 2017
May to October 2017 The Rangeland NRM Alliance has been active for 10 years. The members cover 80% of Australia.
Turning plans into action 2017: The Alliance has been working to achieve its 2017 aims to improve rangeland NRM delivery undertaking work in the areas of policy, program, projects and partnerships.
National Landcare Program (NLP) The Alliance developed a rangeland investment program and promoted this via Australian Government agencies, Local parliamentarians and Ministerial officers. The quality of the program and aims was well received. However the desire to demonstrate transparency in allocation of funds via competitive funding rounds saw the downfall of a dedicated investment. The NLP2 program has been announced and the Alliance and its members are now working to put in quality applications for important rangeland issues to support the communities, environment and industries of the rangelands. If you want to discuss our ideas, or yours, please give Kate a call. Rangeland Monitoring and Reporting The Alliance is working with the Australian Government, Industry bodies and monitoring agencies to develop monitoring and reporting tools for NRM and Landcare activities in the Rangelands using innovations like the NRM Spatial Hub/FarmMap4D. This work has multiple outcomes ranging from reporting on regional projects, evidence of improved management practices, demonstrating groundcover changes and demonstrating transparency for agricultural production sustainability. The Rangeland Alliance is working to bring together a multi-level monitoring and
The Rangeland NRM Alliance
reporting system that is useful to multiple stakeholders. This will take some time however there seems to b appetite and technology to make headway on this in the near future.
Total Grazing Pressure Review The Addressing feed supply and demand through total grazing pressure management project is funded by MLA and is being delivered through a partnership of state government agencies, regional NRM bodies and research organizations. You can contribute your views via this survey surveymonkey.com/r/RangelandsTGP The survey is collecting information about the number of domestic and non-domestic grazing animals and their impacts on soils, pastures and business profitability. It is gauging what management practices are most effective for TGP management in different regions, as well as views on important information gaps. More information https://www.mla.com.au/newsand-events/industry-news/investing-in-totalgrazing-pressure-management/
Outback Alliance This cross sector network is developing steadily. The Rangeland NRM Alliance is a founding member working with representatives from Pew Charitable Trusts, RFDS, NintiOne, Desert Knowledge Australia, CSIRO, Regional Development Australia, Kimberley Land Council, pastoral industry, 10 Deserts, Indigenous Desert Alliance and Isolated Children and Parents Association. The Outback Alliance has secured funds from its members to employ secretariat support over the next 3 years. The major focus will be to run two Outback policy forums in Canberra each year on important issues for the rangelands.
Snippets: National Landcare Program – Design and Funding
The 19th Australian Rangeland Society (ARS) Conference 2017
The Rangeland NRM Alliance proudly supported the ARS Conference in Port Augusta, September 25-28 2017. As a participant and sponsor we want to congratulate the ARS and the organising committee on this quality event.
NAB Foundation Sustainable Regions Grants The Rangeland NRM Alliance coordinated an EOI application to the NAB Foundation Grants. The components of this were:
The National Landcare Program components have been announced. The major components are:
SmartFarms Partnership Grants (Open) SmartFarms Small Grants (Open) NLP Regional Partnerships (Tender to be announced)
You can find more information at http://www.nrm.gov.au/national-landcareprogram
Thank you to Rangeland MPs The Alliance spent quite a bit of time in Canberra talking to local Rangeland MPs about NRM and NLP. They were extremely helpful and provided support in many ways that assisted in securing the new NLP and promoting rangeland needs. We appreciate the time and support they gave us by writing letters and advocating to Ministers.
Support for a land managers network to link across Australia and with research and innovation, particularly focussed on Total Grazing Pressure management Support to enable rangeland NRM to be represented at important government and industry policy forums and events
Fingers crossed we get to the next round. We will keep you posted on progress.
If you want more information please contact us via Kate Forrest on 0499 367 077
[email protected] You can also spot us on-line at www.rangelandNRMalliance.org.au Twitter: @nrmalliance
The Rangeland NRM Alliance