Oct 22, 2017 - M Bakhshi, RA Borzooei (2013) Ordered polygroups. Ratio Mathematica ..... Dalle premesse agli infiniti modelli Attuali. Ratio Mathematica ...
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Metrics Publication years: 1990-2017 Citation years: 27 (1990-2017) Papers: 266 Citations: 506 Citations/year: 18.74 Citations/paper: 1.90 Citations/author: 342.92 Papers/author: 184.00 Authors/paper: 1.74/2.0/1 (mean/median/mode) Hirsch h-index (a, m): 12 (3.51, 0.44) Egghe g-index (g/h): 16 (1.33) PoP hI,norm: 9 PoP hI,annual: 0.33
Results PK Kapur, D Gupta, A Gupta, PC Jha (2008) Effect of introduction of fault and imperfect debugging on release time. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 27 (3.00 per year) S Innamorati, A Maturo (1991) On irreducible blocking sets in projective planes. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 26 (1.00 per year) P Corsini, R MAHJOOB (2010) Multivalued functions, fuzzy subsets and join spaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 20 (2.86 per year) B Davvaz (1999) Lower and upper approximations in Hv-groups. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 20 (1.11 per year) T Vougiouklis (2005) A hyperoperation defined on a groupoid equipped with a map. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 18 (1.50 per year) R Ameri, R Sadeghi (2010) Gamma modules. Ratio mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 15 (2.14 per year) GG Massouros (1999) Hypercompositional structures from the computer theory. Ratio
Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 14 (0.78 per year) PK Kapur, PC Jha, AK Bardhan (2003) Dynamic programming approach to testing resource allocation problem for modular software. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 14 (1.00 per year) BK Dass, R Verma (2009) Repeated burst error detecting linear codes. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 13 (1.63 per year) A Beutelspacher, U Rosenbaum (1990) Geometric authentication systems. Ratio Math, eiris.it, cited by 13 (0.48 per year) H Hedayati, R Ameri (2005) Construction of k-Hyperideals by P-Hyperoperations. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 10 (0.83 per year) T SZONYI (1992) Bloking sets in finite planes and spaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 10 (0.40 per year) CG Massouros, GG Massouros (2011) The transposition axiom in hypercompositional structures. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 10 (1.67 per year) GG Massouros, CG Massouros (1999) Homomorphic relation on hyperingoinds and join hyperrings. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 9 (0.50 per year) L Tibiletti (1995) Quasi-concavity property of multivariate distribution functions. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 10 (0.45 per year) BK Dass, P Garg (2009) On 2-repeated burst codes. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 9 (1.13 per year) N Lygeros, T Vougiouklis (2013) The LV-hyperstructures. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 8 (2.00 per year) M Bakhshi, RA Borzooei (2013) Ordered polygroups. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 8 (2.00 per year) T Vougiouklis, S Spartalis, M Kessoglides (1997) Weak hyperstructures on small sets. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 8 (0.40 per year) BK Dass, S Jain (2003) MODERATE-DENSITY CLOSE-CLOSED LOOP BURST ERROR DETECTING CODES. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Bucci, A Germano, C Landi (1995) A Recursive Algorithm Suitable for Real-Time Measurement. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it L Tibiletti, E Volpe (1996) Higher order moments of a sum of random variables: remarks and applications.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 4 (0.19 per year) R Ameri, R Moradian, RA Borzooei (2014) Rough Set Theory Applied To Hyper BCK-Algebra. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it BK Dass, R Arora (2010) Error Locating Codes Dealing with Repeated Low-Density Burst Errors. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A La Forgia (1992) Inequalities for some special functions. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.04 per year) PK Das, V Tyagi (2012) Codes on s-periodic errors. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 6 (1.20 per year)
MS Tallini (2012) Hypergroups and Geometric Spaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it J Mittas (1999) Sur la valuation stricte des Hypergrupes polysymmetriques canoniques. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it B Cavallo, L D'Apuzzo (2012) About a definition of metric over an abelian linearly ordered group. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it V Isastia, S Meo, M Scarano (1996) A new mathematical approach oriented to friendly computer evaluation of air-gap functions of induction machines.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.10 per year) M Motameni, R Ameri, R Sadeghi (2013) Hypermatrix based on Krasner hypervector spaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.50 per year) R Ameri, T Nozari (2013) Fuzzy hyperalgebras and direct product. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.25 per year) P Caravani (1992) A SIMPLE CONSTRUCTIVE PROOF OF VON NEUMANN EQUILIBRIUM. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it O Becherovį (2015) Aplication of point method in risk evaluation for railway transport. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.50 per year) M Ciampoli (1992) A procedure aimed at programming inspections and interventions on existing constructions using the results of experimental tests. Ratio Mathematica, cited by 2 (0.08 per year) R Ameri, T Nozari (2010) Term functions and fundamental relation of fuzzy hyperalgebras. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.29 per year) G Quattrocchi (1992) Intersection problems for STSs and SQSs: A short survey. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.04 per year) P Rackova (2012) Closed, Re exive, Invertible, and Normal Subhypergroups of Special Hypergroups. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it R Potucek (2013) The sum of the reduced harmonic series generated by four primes determined analytically and computed by using CAS Maple. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it BK Dass, G Sobha (2003) MODERATE-DENSITY BURST ERROR CORRECTING LINEAR CODES. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it M Olivieri, M Squillante, V Ventre (2016) Information and Intertemporal Choices in Multi-Agent Decision Problems. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it RA Borzooei, A Radfar (2013) Classification of Hyper MV-algebras of Order 3. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.25 per year) A Longo, V Ventre (2017) Influence of information on behavioral effects in decision processes. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it R Rota, R Procesi (1998) Over the construction of an hyperstructure of quotients for a multiplicative hyperring. RATIO MATHEMATICA, iris.uniroma3.it M Bolurian, A Hasankhani (1997) Hyper BCK-algebra. Ratio Math, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.05 per year) M Novak (2012) EL-hyperstructures: an overview. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 5 (1.00 per year)
RA Borzooei, A Rezazadeh, R Ameri (2012) Classifications of Hyper Pseudo BCK-algebras of Order 3. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.20 per year) SC Rambaud (2011) Combination of survival probabilities of the components in a system. An application to long-term financial valuation. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.17 per year) RA Borzooei, HR Varasteh, K Borna (2017) Fundamental hoop-algebras. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Maturo (2016) Dealing with randomness and vagueness in business and management sciences: the fuzzy-probabilistic approach as a tool for the study of statistical …. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 8 (8.00 per year) R Lupini, RG Messia (1992) ON STATIONARY MODES OF NONLINEAR DIELECTRIC SLAB STRUCTURES: A NEW MATHEMATICAL APPROACH. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Taghavi, R Hosseinzadeh (2012) Operators on weak hypervector spaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.40 per year) E Cardona (2003) ON DAVIDSON'S PROBLEM IN THE COLLECTIVE RISK THEORY. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it R Ameri, RA Borzooei, K Ghadimi (2014) Multivalued linear transformations of hyperspaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Rezaei, AB Saeid, F Smarandache (2017) Neutrosophic filters in BE-algebras. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it C Mamaloukas, S Spartalis (2008) DECOMPOSITION METHOD IN COMPARISON WITH NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF BURGERS EQUATION. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.33 per year) R Ameri, H Hedayati, Z Bandpey (2015) Rough sets applied in sublattices and ideals of lattices. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (1.00 per year) S Onar, S Yavuz, BA Ersoy (2017) Soft Γ-Modules. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it P Nikolaidou, T Vougiouklis (2014) The Lie-Santilli admissible hyperalgebras of type An. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 5 (1.67 per year) C Gutan (1997) Les hypertreillis tres fins. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.15 per year) MK Mehlawat, S Kumar (2014) A multiobjective optimization model for optimal supplier selection in multiple sourcing environment. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Fedullo (2003) Kalman filters and arma models. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.07 per year) R Vincenti (1992) A GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION OF THE FIGUEROA PLANES. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it M Haddadi (2013) Some algebraic properties of fuzzy S-acts. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.75 per year) M Asghari-Larimi, I Cristea (2012) Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy index of hypergroupoids. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.20 per year) I Cristea (2012) (Intuitionistic) Fuzzy Grade of a Hypergroupoid: A Survey of Some Recent Researches. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it
A Maturo, B Ferri (1997) Hyperstructures as tool to compare urban projects. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.15 per year) R Ameri, H Hedayati (2010) Homomorphism and quotient of fuzzy k-hyperideals. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.43 per year) R Potucek (2015) Sums of generalized convergent harmonic series with eight periodically repeated numerators. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it L Berardi, BK Dass (1993) A bound for codes correcting random and low-density closed-loop burst errors. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Monaco, A Fedullo (2017) Teaching Least Squares in Matrix Notation. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Kalampakas, O Louscou-Bozapalidou, S Spartalis (2014) Recognizability in Stochastic Monoids. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it S Innamorati, F Zaunni (1993) Note on cipher hypersystem. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it M Kumar, V Bist, MI Kumar (2017) Some Improved Mixed Regression Estimators and their Comparison when Disturbance Terms follow Multivariate T-Distribution. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it I Tofan (2013) On some probability concepts in fuzzy framework. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.25 per year) T Scozzafava (1992) CALCULATION OF THE POLARIZATION PARAMETERS FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Caliņ, E Marchetti (1995) PRACTICAL ASPECTS IN SOME NOT CLASSICAL METHODS FOR THE NUMERICAL EVALUATION OF CPV-INTEGRALS. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it T Vougiouklis, S Vougiouklis (2016) Helix-Hopes on Finite Hyperfields. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it R Procesi, R Rota (1997) OVER THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN HYPERSTRUCTURE OF QUOTIENTS FOR A MULTIPLICATIIVE HYPERRING. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.10 per year) M Biancardi, A Gallo (1995) PERIODIC SOLUTIONS OF A SECOND ORDER EVOLUTIVE VARIATIONAL INEQUALITY. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it BK Dass, G Sobha, M Zannetti (2003) Burst error correcting perfect codes.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it S Aggarwala, A Guptab, PC Jhaa (2017) Multi-criteria media mix decision model for advertising multiple product with segment specific and mass media. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Dramalidis, T Vougiouklis (2012) Hv-semigroups as noise pollution models in urban areas. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.20 per year) A Dramalidis (2013) The Divisors' Hyperoperations. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it P Wijayatunga (2016) A geometric view on Pearson's correlation coefficient and a generalization of it to non-linear dependencies. Ratio Mathematica, researchgate.net F Paolone, F De Luca, J Prather-Kinsey (2015) The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Earnings Management: Empirical Evidence from the Top 5,000 Non-Listed Stock Italian Companies. Ratio
Mathematica, eiris.it MA Yau, B Rahman (2016) A Delayed Mathematical Model to break the life cycle of Anopheles Mosquito. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (1.00 per year) D Rıhovį, L Viskotova (2014) Some applications of linear difference equations in finance with wolfram| alpha and maple. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it M Bureš, F Dohnal (2016) Verification of the mathematically computed impact of the relief gradient to vehicle speed. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it J Mittas, CN Yatras (1997) M-polysymmetrical Hyperrings. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.10 per year) E Fechovį (2015) Application of mathematical software in solving the problems of electricity. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Dramalidis (2011) On geometrical hyperstructures of finite order. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.17 per year) R Ameri, R Sadeghi (2013) On Fuzzy Gamma Hypermodules. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.50 per year) R Borzooei, H Varasteh, K Borna (2016) On hyper hoop-algebras. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (3.00 per year) S Kant, V Sharma, BK Dass (2005) On recognition of cipher bit stream from different sources using majority voting fusion rule. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.17 per year) C Giordano, A La Forgia, LG Rodono (1992) ADDITIONAL MONOTONICITY PROPERTIES AND INEQUALITIES FOR THE ZEROS OF BESSEL FUNCTIONS. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it GH Baralis (2014) The views of primary education teachers on the verification of multiplication. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Di Cola, T Morrea, M Pennacchio (1992) THE INVERSE POTENTIAL PROBLEM OF ELETTROCARDIOLOGY IN, TERMS OF SOURCES. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.04 per year) D Lenzi (1999) CLOSURE SYSTEMS AND CLOSURE HYPERGROUPS. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it B Rohtagi, BD Sharma (2014) On weights of 2-repeated bursts. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Kalampakas, S Spartalis, K Skoulariki (2012) Directed Graphs representing isomorphism classes of C-Hypergroupoids. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.60 per year) A Maturo (2003) Cooperative Games, Finite Geometries and Hyperstructures. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 5 (0.36 per year) R Potucek (2017) The sum of the series of reciprocals of the quadratic polynomial with different negative integer roots. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it BK Dass, S Madan (2010) Blockwise Repeated Burst Error Correcting Linear Codes. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.29 per year) P Nath, DK Singh (2017) On a Functional Equation Related to Information Theory. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it
C Corsi, DD Berardino, T Di Cimbrini (2015) Beneish M-score and detection of earnings management in Italian SMEs. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it N Acocella, G Di Bartolomeo (2008) Existence and Policy Effectiveness in Feedback Nash LQ-Games. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Di Martino, S Sessa (2016) Max-Min Fuzzy Relation Equations for a Problem of Spatial Analysis. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Bubenık, P Mayer (2016) A Recursive Variant of Schwarz Type Domain Decomposition Methods. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it R Ameri, M Amiri-Bideshki, AB Saeid (2014) Some properties of residual mapping and convexity in∧-hyperlattices. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it S Hoškovį-Mayerovį (2017) Quasi-Order Hypergroups determinated by T-Hypergroups. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it K Chaudhary, Y Singh, PC Jha (2013) Optimal Control Policy of a Production and Inventory System for multi-product in Segmented Market. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Dramalidis (2013) Visualization of Algebraic Properties of special HV-structures. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.25 per year) C Di Mitri, C Guido (1992) A local property of hamiltonian Moon tournaments. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.08 per year) R Potucek (2014) The sum of the series of reciprocals of the cubic polynomials with triple non-positive integer root. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it PC Jha, R Arora, UD Kumar (2011) An Optimization Framework for “Build-or-Buy” Strategy for component Selection in a Fault Tolerant Modular Software System under Recovery Block Scheme. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.17 per year) A Gallo, AM Piccirillo (1996) On a first order unilateral evolutive periodic problem.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it T Vougiouklis (2011) Hyperstructures as a models in social sciences. Ratio Math, cited by 1 (0.17 per year) A Maturo, B Ferri (1999) On some applications of fuzzy sets and commutative hypergroups to evaluation in architecture and town-planning. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 4 (0.22 per year) A Di Porto, W Wolfowics (1993) Pseudorandom generators based on Lucas Sequences. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it SC Rambaud, F Maturo, AM Sįnchez (2017) Approach of the value of an annuity when non-central moments of the capitalization factor are known: an R application with interest rates following normal and …. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (1.00 per year) L Tibiletti (1994) Connectedness, arcwise-connectedness and convexity for level-sets of multidimensional distribution functions. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.13 per year) H Hedayati (2009) On properties of fuzzy subspaces of vectorspaces. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 3 (0.38 per year) G Di Bartolomeo (2007) Existence and policy effectiveness in feedback Nash LQ-games. RATIO MATHEMATICA, sapienza.pure.elsevier.com
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S D'Andrea (1994) I PROCESSI COGNITIVI DELL'ARITNIETICA IN RUSSEL E PIAGET. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.04 per year) D Tondini, F Eugeni, A Viceconte (2006) Una presentazione dei quaternioni. RATIO MATHEMATICA, research.unite.it A Maturo, B Ferri (1996) Un modello matematico per la valutazione di fattibilitą dei Programmi Integrati d'intervento urbano. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 4 (0.19 per year) F Mercanti (1992) INTERPRETAZIONE ECONOMICA DEI PREDECATI Dl CANALE IN UNSESTEMA DIGITALE MULTICANALE. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 4 (0.16 per year) R Parroni (2005) L'elaborazione statistica dei dati. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it L Peccati (1992) ALCUNE OSSERVAZIONI SULLA VALUTAZDNE DELLA CAPACITA'DI UNA FUNZIONE D'UTILITĄ. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Bonisoli, F Eugeni (1991) IL PROBLEMA DELLA PROTEZIONE DELL'INFORMAZIONE II. LA GESTIONE E LO SVILUPPO DEI SISTEMI INFORMATIVI: SICUREZZA CONTRO COSTO. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Melzi (1991) Sistemi dinamici digitali e loro possibili applicazioni. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 5 (0.19 per year) G Tommasini (2008) Notizie sulla vita e sulle opere di 'Gioseffo Mari'matematico e idraulico nella Mantova del Settecento. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 2 (0.22 per year) S Ferri (1996) Una caratterizzazione delle coniche di PG (2, q). Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Eugeni, G Moro (1993) Osservazioni sulla distribuzione dei numeri primi dei tipi (6n-1) e (6n+ 1)-n>= 1 intero.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it F Eugeni, D TONDINI, A VICECONTE (2005) I Numeri Reali. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it E Ballone, V Colagrande (1994) LA DIMENSIONE CAMPIONARIA NELLA VERIFICA DI IPOTESI STATISTICHE. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it C Tosone (1994) CONSIDERAZIONI SUL TEOREMA DI HEINE-PINCHERLE-BOREL. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Visini (1992) SULL'AUTOCORRELAZIONE SPAZIALE DI FENOMENI QUALITATIVI. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it A Maturo (1990) Numeri pseudocasuali ottenuti a partire da successioni in algebre finite su Zm.. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it, cited by 1 (0.04 per year) A Maturo, F Paccapelo, L Renzullo (1994) TEORIA DELLA DIVISIBILITA'E ALGORITMO EUCLIDEO NELL'INSEGNAMENTO NELLE SCUOLE SUPERIORI. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it L Stefanini (1991) UN PROBLEMA DI OTTIMIZZAZIONE NON-SMOOTH IN STATISTICA ROBUSTA. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it G Varone (1994) CALCOLO DI AREE E VOLUMI PER MEZZO DI SUCCESSIONI DI NUMERI A CASO. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it S Doria (1994) SISTEMI DINAMICI CAOTICI: UN ESEMPIO IN CAMPO NEUROBIOLOGICO. Ratio Mathematica, eiris.it
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