Rational Homotopy Perturbation Method - Project Euclid

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which is a Van der Pol oscillator problem, we compare RHPM, HPM, and VIM, finding ..... would like to thank Roberto Castaneda-Sheissa, Uriel Filobello-Nino, ...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012, Article ID 490342, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2012/490342

Research Article Rational Homotopy Perturbation Method ´ ´ Hector Vazquez-Leal Electronic Instrumentation and Atmospheric Sciences School, University of Veracruz, Circuito Gonzalo Aguirre Beltr´an S/N, 91000 Xalapa, VER, Mexico Correspondence should be addressed to H´ector V´azquez-Leal, [email protected] Received 28 June 2012; Accepted 16 August 2012 ¨ ¸ Academic Editor: Turgut Ozis Copyright q 2012 H´ector V´azquez-Leal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The solution methods of nonlinear differential equations are very important because most of the physical phenomena are modelled by using such kind of equations. Therefore, this work presents a rational version of homotopy perturbation method RHPM as a novel tool with high potential to find approximate solutions for nonlinear differential equations. We present two case studies; for the first example, a comparison between the proposed method and the HPM method is presented; it will show how the RHPM generates highly accurate approximate solutions requiring less iteration, in comparison to results obtained by the HPM method. For the second example, which is a Van der Pol oscillator problem, we compare RHPM, HPM, and VIM, finding out that RHPM method generates the most accurate approximated solution.

1. Introduction Solving nonlinear differential equations is an important issue in sciences because many physical phenomena are modelled using such equations. One of the most powerful methods to approximately solve nonlinear differential equations is the homotopy perturbation method HPM 1–28. The HPM is based on the use of a power series, which transforms the original nonlinear differential equation into a series of linear differential equations. In this paper, we propose a generalization of the aforementioned concept by using a quotient of two power series of homotopy parameter, which will be called rational homotopy perturbation method RHPM. In the same fashion, like HPM, the use of that quotient of power series transforms the nonlinear differential equation into a series of linear differential equations. We will present two case studies; for the first example, a comparison between the proposed method and the HPM method is presented; it will show how the RHPM generates highly accurate approximate solutions requiring less iteration steps, in comparison to results from HPM method. For the second example, the Van der Pol oscillator problem 3, 29, we compare


Journal of Applied Mathematics

RHPM, HPM 3, and variational iteration method VIM 3, resulting that RHPM method generates the most accurate approximated solution. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce the basic concept of the RHPM method. In Section 3, we present a study of convergence for the proposed method. In Sections 4 and 5, we present the solution of two nonlinear differential equations. In Section 6, numerical simulations and a discussion about the results are provided. Finally, a brief conclusion is given in Section 7.

2. Basic Concept of RHPM The RHPM and HPM share common foundations. Thus, for both methods, it can be considered that a nonlinear differential equation can be expressed as Lu  Nu − fr  0,

where r ∈ Ω,


having as boundary condition 

 ∂u B u, , ∂η

where r ∈ Γ,


where L and N are a linear and a nonlinear operator, respectively, fr is a known analytic function, B is a boundary operator, Γ is the boundary of domain Ω, and ∂u/∂η denotes differentiation along the normal drawn outwards from Ω 27. Now, a possible homotopy formulation is       H v, p  1 − p Lv − Lu0   p Lv  Nv − fr  0,

p ∈ 0, 1,


where u0 is the initial approximation for 2.1 which satisfies the boundary conditions and p is known as the perturbation homotopy parameter. Analysing 2.3, can be concluded that Hv, 0  Lv − Lu0   0, Hv, 1  Lv  Nv − fr  0.


For the HPM 8–11, we assume that the solution for 2.3 can be written as a power series of p: v  p0 v0  p1 v1  p2 v2  · · · .


Considering that p → 1, it results that the approximate solution for 2.1 is u  lim v  v0  v1  v2  · · · . p→1

The series 2.6 is convergent for most cases 1, 2, 8, 11.


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For the RHPM, we assume that solution for 2.3 can be written as power series quotient of p: v

p0 v0  p1 v1  p2 v2  · · · , p 0 w0  p 1 w1  p 2 w2  · · ·


where v1 , v2 , . . . are unknown functions to be determined by the RHPM, and w1 , w2 , . . . are known analytic functions of the independent variable. For the HPM, the order of the approximation is determined by the highest power of p. Nevertheless, for the RHPM the order will be given as i, k, where i and k are the highest power of p employed in the numerator and denominator of 2.7. Here, the number of linear differential equations generated is i  1. The limit of 2.7, when p → 1, provides an approximate solution for 2.1 in the form of u  lim v  p→1

v0  v1  v2  · · · . w0  w1  w2  · · ·


The above limit exists in the case that both limits lim





 wi ,


 vi ,





2.9 wi /  0,



3. Convergence of RHPM In order to analyse the convergence of RHPM, 2.3 is rewritten as

Lv  Lu0   p fr − Nv − Lu0   0.


Applying the inverse operator, L−1 , to both sides of 3.1, we obtain v  u0  p L−1 fr − L−1 Nv − u0 .


Assuming that see 2.7

∞ i i0 p vi v  ∞ , i i0 p wi



Journal of Applied Mathematics substituting 3.3 in the right-hand side of 3.2 in the following form     ∞ pi vi i0 − u0 , v  u0  p L fr − L N ∞ i i0 p wi 




the exact solution of 2.1 is obtained in the limit p → 1 of 3.4, resulting in 

    ∞ pi vi i0  u0 − pu0 , u  lim pL fr − p L N ∞ i p→1 i0 p wi   ∞  ∞  v    i −1 −1  L fr − , β L N wi . β i0 i0 −1



In order to study the convergence of the RHPM, we use the Banach theorem as reported in 1, 2. Such theorem relates the solution of 2.1 to the fixed point problem of the nonlinear operator N. Let us state the theorem as follows. Theorem 3.1 Sufficient Condition for Convergence. Suppose that X and Y are Banach spaces and N : X → Y is a contractive nonlinear mapping, that is

∀w, w∗ ∈ X; Nw − Nw∗  ≤ γw − w∗ ; 0 < γ < 1.


Then, according to the banach fixed point theorem, N has a unique fixed point u; that is, Nu  u. Assume that the sequence generated by the RHPM can be written as Wn  NWn−1 ,


 n−1   vi , β i0

n  1, 2, 3, . . . ,


and suppose that W0  v0 /β ∈ Br u, where Br u  {w∗ ∈ X | w∗ − u < r}; then, under these conditions, i Wn ∈ Br u, ii limn → ∞ Wn  u. Proof. i By inductive approach, for n  1 we have W1 − u  NW0  − Nu ≤ γw0 − u.


Assuming that Wn−1 − u ≤ γ n−1 w0 − u, as induction hypothesis, then Wn − u  NWn−1  − Nu ≤ γWn−1 − u ≤ γ n w0 − u.


Using i, we have Wn − u ≤ γ n w0 − u ≤ γ n r < r ⇒ Wn ∈ Br u.


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ii Because of Wn − u ≤ γ n w0 − u and limp → 1 γ n  0, limp → 1 Wn − u  0; that is, lim Wn  u.



4. Case Study 1 Consider the following nonlinear differential equation y x − yx2  1  0,

y0  0,


having exact solution yx  − tanhx.


4.1. Solution Calculated by RHPM We establish the following homotopy equations:  


    1 − p v x  1  p v x − v2 x  1  0,

   v x  vx − v2 x  p v x − v2 x  1  0.

4.3 4.4

Equation 4.3 represents a standard homotopy with linear trial equation 11, and 4.4 is a homotopy with nonlinear trial equation 4. Now, we suppose that solutions for 4.3 and 4.4 have approximations of order 3, 2 and 2, 1, which are expressed as follows:


v0 x  v1 xp  v2 xp2  v3 xp3 , 1  ax2 p  bx4 p2


v0 x  v1 xp  v2 xp2 , 1  cx2 p



respectively. Besides, a, b, and c are adjustment parameters. Substituting 4.5 into 4.3 and 4.6 into 4.4, regrouping and equating terms having the same p-powers, it can be solved for v0 x, v1 x, v2 x, and so on in order to fulfil initial conditions from v0  y0  0; it follows that v0 0  0, v1 0  0, v2 0  0, and so on.


Journal of Applied Mathematics The results are the following two systems of differential equations: p0 : v0 x  1  0,

v0 0  0,

p1 : v1 x  2ax2 − 2axv0 x − v0 x2  av0 xx2  0,

v1 0  0,

  p2 : v2 x  2b  a2 x4 − 2v0 xv1 x  bv0 xx4 − 4bx3 v0 x  av1 xx2 − 2axv1 x  0,

v2 0  0,


p3 : v3 x − 2v0 xv2 x − 2axv2 x  av2 xx2 − v1 x2  2abx6  bv1 xx4 − 4bx3 v1 x  0, p0 : v0 x  v0 x − v0 x2  0,

v3 0  0,

v0 0  0,

p1 : v1 x  1 − 2cxv0 x  cv0 xx2 − v0 x  v1 x  cv0 xx2 − 2v0 xv1 x  0,


v1 0  0,

p2 : v2 x  cv1 xx2  2cx2 − v1 x2  cv1 xx2 − v1 x  v2 x − cv0 xx2 − 2cxv1 x − 2v0 xv2 x  0,

v2 0  0,

related to 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. Solving 4.7 results in

v0 x  −x,

v1 x  −

3a − 1 3 x , 3

v2 x 

−15b  5a − 2 5 x , 15

−105b  42a − 17 7 v3 x  − x . 315


Substituting 4.9 into 4.5 and calculating the limit when p → 1, we obtain

yx  lim v  p→1

−x − 3a − 1/3x3  −15b  5a − 2/15x5 − −105b  42a − 17/315x7 . 1  ax2  bx4 4.10

Choosing the adjustment parameters for 4.10 as a  74/165 and b  26/1485, results in yx 

−x − 19/165x3 − 2/1485x5  1/155925x7 . 1  74/165x2  26/1485x4


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Now, solving 4.8 results in v0 x  0, v1 x  −1  exp−x,   v2 x  −x  cx2  1 exp−x − cx2 − exp−2x.


In the same manner, substituting 4.12 into 4.6, calculating the limit when p → 1, and rearranging terms, we find   −x  1 − exp−x . yx  lim v  −1  exp−x 1  p→1 1  cx2


Selecting the adjustment parameter as c  0.129677062 with the procedure reported in 4, 5, 26, 4.13 shows good accuracy for positive values of x; thus, we propose the use of the odd symmetry of exact solution 4.2 to establish a solution with good accuracy throughout the range of x : 

yx  sgnx −1  exp−|x| 1 

−|x|  1 − exp−|x|

1  0.129677062|x|2



4.2. Solution Obtained by Using HPM We apply the standard HPM using homotopies 4.3 and 4.4. Next, we suppose that solution for 4.3 and 4.4 has the form vx  v0 x  v1 xp  v2 xp2  v3 xp3  · · · .


Substituting 4.15 of order 10 and order 2 into 4.3 and 4.4, respectively, regrouping and equalling terms having the same order p-powers, it can be solved for v0 x, v1 x, v2 x, and so on in order to fulfil initial conditions from v0  y0  0, it follows that v0 0  0, v1 0  0, v2 0  0 and so on. The result is the following two sets of differential equations p0 : v0 x  1  0,

v0 0  0,

p1 : v1 x − v0 x2  0,

v1 0  0,

p2 : v2 x − 2v0 xv1 x  0,

v2 0  0,

p3 : v3 x − 2v0 xv2 x − v1 x2  0,

v3 0  0,

p4 : v4 x − 2v1 xv2 x − 2v0 xv3 x  0, p5 : v5 x − 2v1 xv3 x − v2 x2 − 2v0 xv4 x  0,

v4 0  0, v5 0  0,


Journal of Applied Mathematics p6 : v6 x − 2v2 xv3 x − 2v1 xv4 x − 2v0 xv5 x  0,

v6 0  0,

p7 : v7 x − 2v2 xv4 x − 2v1 xv5 x − v3 x2 − 2v0 xv6 x  0,

v7 0  0,

p8 : v8 x − 2v1 xv6 x − 2v3 xv4 x − 2v2 xv5 x − 2v0 xv7 x  0,

v8 0  0,

p9 : v9 x − v4 x2 − 2v0 xv8 x − 2v2 xv6 x − 2v3 xv5 x − 2v1 xv7 x  0,

v9 0  0,

p10 : v10 x − 2v3 xv6 x − 2v4 xv5 x − 2v0 xv9 x

− 2v1 xv8 x − 2v2 xv7 x  0, 0

p :

v0 x

v10 0  0, 4.16


 v0 x − v0 x  0,

v0 0  0,

p1 : v1 x  1 − v0 x  v1 x − 2v0 xv1 x  0,

v1 0  0,

p2 : v2 x − v1 x2 − v1 x  v2 x − 2v0 xv2 x  0,

v2 0  0, 4.17

related to 4.3 and 4.4, respectively. By solving 4.2, we obtain v0 x  − x, v4 x  −

v1 x 

62 9 x , 2835

1 3 x , 3

v5 x 

929569 15 v7 x  x , 638512875 v9 x 

443861162 x19 , 1856156927625

v2 x  −

2 5 x , 15

1382 11 x , 155925

v3 x 

v6 x  −

17 7 x , 315

21844 13 x , 6081075

6404582 x17 , v8 x  − 10854718875 v10 x  −


18888466084 x21 . 194896477400625

Substituting solutions 4.18 into 4.15 and calculating the limit when p → 1, it results that 1 2 17 7 62 9 x − x yx  lim v  − x  x3 − x5  p→1 3 15 315 2835 

1382 11 21844 13 929569 15 x − x  x 155925 6081075 638512875

6404582 443861162 18888466084 x17  x19 − x21 . 10854718875 1856156927625 194896477400625


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Solving 4.17, we obtain v0 x  0, v1 x  −1  exp−x,   v2 x  − x  exp−x − 1 exp−x.


Substituting solutions 4.20 into 4.15 and calculating the limit when p → 1, it results that yx  − exp−2x − 1  2 − x exp−x.


Equation 4.21 shows good accuracy for positive values of x. Therefore, we propose the use of the odd symmetry of exact solution 4.2 to establish a fairly accurate solution throughout the range of x   yx  sgnx − exp−2|x| − 1  2 − |x| exp−|x| .


5. Case Study 2 Consider the Van der Pol oscillator problem 3, 29 du d2 u du  u  u2  2 cost − cos3 t,  dt dt dt2

u0  0,

u 0  1,


with exact solution ut  sint.


To solve 5.1 by means of RHPM, we establish the following homotopy equation:      d2 v d2 v dv 2 dv 3 p vv − 2 cost  cos t  0.  1−p dt dt dt2 dt2


We suppose that solution for 5.3 has the following rational form:


v0  v1 p . 1  at2 p



Journal of Applied Mathematics

Substituting 5.4 into 5.3, rearranging and equating terms having the same ppowers, d2 v0  0, v0 0  0, dt2  2 d2 v1  2 dv0 2 d v0  3at p1 :  −4at  1  v 0 dt dt2 dt2 p0 :

 −2a  1v0 − 2 cost  cos3 t  0,

v0 0  1, 5.5 v1 0  0,

v1 0  0.

By solving 5.5, we obtain v0 t  t, v1 t 

1 1 1 11 1 4 cos3 t − cost  at3 − t3 − t4 − t2  . 9 3 6 12 2 9


Substituting solutions 5.6 into 5.4 and calculating the limit when p → 1, we obtain the first-order RHPM approximation: ut  lim v  p→1

1 36t  4cos3 t − 48 cost  36a − 6t3 − 3t4 − 18t2  44 . 36 1  at2


Finally, we select the adjustment parameter as a  0.407946126513 using the procedure reported in 4, 5, 26.

6. Numerical Simulation and Discussion Figure 1 and Table 1 show a comparison between the exact solution 4.2 for the nonlinear differential equation 4.1 and the analytic approximations 4.11, 4.14, 4.19, and 4.22. Considering the odd symmetry from the exact solution and approximations, Table 1 presents the relative error only for positive values of x. In the range of x ∈ 0, 5, the maximum relative error for 4.11 is 0.0022083, while the maximum error for 4.19 in the same range is −4.206E10 see Figure 1. Besides, the table also shows the relative error for 4.11 at x  8, which is 0.0372487, that is, fifteen orders of magnitude lower than the relative error obtained for 4.19. Also, the RHPM is required to solve 4.7 using just three iterations to obtain 4.11; while in order to obtain 4.19, HPM required to solve the system 4.2 containing ten differential equations. Therefore, for this case study, RHPM reached results having higher precision and wider range requiring less iteration than HPM. If we perform the Pad´e 30, 31 approximant of order 7/4 to the exact solution 4.2, the result is exactly the same to the approximate solution 4.11 calculated by using the RHPM. This result is interesting and deserves deeper study in a future work. The differential equation 4.1 was solved using homotopy 4.4 in its RHPM and HPM versions, resulting in approximations 4.14 and 4.22, respectively. From Table 1, it is possible to observe that the lowest relative error in the range x ∈ 0, 5 for 4.14 is 0.000282807, while the minimum relative error for 4.22 is −0.0203519. In fact, there is a

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0.5 0

−0.5 −1 −5











x RHPM (4.11) Exact (4.2) HPM (4.22)

HPM (4.19) RHPM (4.14)

Figure 1: Exact solution 4.2 diagonal cross for 4.1 and its approximate solutions 4.11 solid line, 4.14 solid diamond, 4.19 empty diamonds, and 4.22 dashed.

Table 1: Comparison of the relative error between exact solution 4.2 for 4.1 to the results of approximations 4.11, 4.14, 4.19, and 4.22. Homotopy 4.3

Homotopy 4.3

Homotopy 4.4

Homotopy 4.4

3, 2


2, 1



Exact 4.2

RHPM 4.11

HPM 4.19

RHPM 4.14

HPM 4.22



2.82139e − 13

−9.2001e − 12






7.99295e − 10

−3.6699e − 05





6.27205e − 08






1.12495e − 06






9.09157e − 06






4.49154e − 05







−2.152e  07


−0.0481177 −0.0376627




−3.695e  08





−4.508e  09






−4.206e  10






−8.607e  14

8.27086e − 05





−9.689e  37

3.43629e − 44

−3.64567e − 42

difference of one or two orders of magnitude throughout the domain of solutions favouring the RHPM. Furthermore, for x  100, 4.14 has the lower relative error of all approximations with a value of −3.43629E-44. In case that a better approximation is required, it would be necessary to perform more iteration for both methods. This shows that using a nonlinear trial equation may generate highly accurate results for both HPM and RHPM. In Table 2, the relative error for the exact solution 5.2 of the Van der Pol oscillator 5.1, RHPM solution 5.7, and approximations obtained by HPM and VIM reported in 3 are shown. It can be seen that the approximated solution 5.7 shows the lowest relative error


Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 0.75


0.5 0.25 0










RHPM (5.7) Exact (5.2)

HPM [3] VIM [3]

Figure 2: Exact solution 5.2 diagonal cross for Van der Pol oscillator problem 5.1 and its first order approximate solutions obtained by RHPM 5.7 solid line, HPM 3 dash-dot, and VIM 3 solid diamond. Table 2: Comparison of the relative error between exact solution 5.2 for 5.1 and its first order approximate solutions given by RHPM 5.7, HPM 3, and VIM 3. Order t

Exact 4.2

1, 1 RHPM 5.7

1 HPM 3

1 VIM 3

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

0.47942554 0.84147098 0.99749499 0.90929743 0.59847214 0.14112001

0.00219553 0.00629261 0.00924481 0.01132241 0.00061706 −0.06022780

0.00007743 0.00389778 0.03354518 0.14119662 0.44219762 2.40024981

0.00080698 0.02403725 0.17347474 0.74571902 2.85423607 23.28655437

in the range t ∈ 0, 3 see Figure 2. Besides, the 1, 1 order solution 5.7 has the lowest number of terms compared to the first-order solutions obtained by HPM 3 and VIM 3. For both case studies, w polynomial functions were employed. Nevertheless, w is arbitrary and may contain exponentials, trigonometric functions, among others. Likewise, w terms play a significant role in the accuracy of the resultant approximation. Therefore, thorough study is required to propose a methodology leading to select w functions to obtain more accurate solutions using RHPM method. In this work, by using two case studies, the RHPM is presented as a novel tool with high potential to solve nonlinear differential equations. Given that HPM and RHPM are closely related, it is highly possible that differential equations solved by HPM can be solved by RHPM in order to find more accurate solutions.

7. Conclusions This paper presented the rational homotopy perturbation method as a novel tool with high potential to solve nonlinear differential equations. Also, a comparison between the results

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of applying the proposed method and HPM was shown. Likewise, for the first example, a comparison between the proposed method and the HPM was presented, showing how the RHPM generates highly accurate approximate solutions using less iteration steps, in comparison to results obtained using the HPM. Besides, a Van der Pol oscillator problem was solved by the proposed method and compared to solutions obtained by HPM and VIM; the result was that the RHPM generated the most accurate approximated solution. Finally, there is a possible connection between the Pad´e approximant and the RHPM, which will be studied in future works.

Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico CONACyT through Grant CB-2010-01 #157024. The author would like to thank Roberto Castaneda-Sheissa, Uriel Filobello-Nino, Rogelio-Alejandro Callejas-Molina, and Roberto Ruiz-Gomez for their contribution to this project.

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