Rational Unified Process: A Best Practices Approach

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Rational Unified Process. 3. What is the Rational Unified Process (RUP)? There are three central elements that define RUP: 1. An underlying set of principles for ...
Rational Unified Process


IBM Software Group

Rational Unified Process: A Best Practices Approach

© 2003 IBM Corporation


Rational Unified Process

Topics  What is RUP?  RUP best practices  Software economics  Adapt the process

The new RUP language is a unification of different method and process engineering languages such as the SPEM extension to the UML for software process engineering, the languages used for defining content and process for RUP v7.0, IBM Global Services Method, as well as IBM Rational Summit Ascendant.


Rational Unified Process

What is the Rational Unified Process (RUP)? There are three central elements that define RUP: 1. An underlying set of principles for successful software development.  These principles are the foundation on which the RUP has been developed. 2. A framework of reusable method content and process building blocks.  A family of method plug-ins defines a method framework from which you create your own method configurations and tailored processes. 3. The underlying method and process definition language.  A unified method architecture meta-model that provides a language for describing method content and processes.

The new RUP language is a unification of different method and process engineering languages such as the SPEM extension to the UML for software process engineering, the languages used for defining content and process for RUP v7.0, IBM Global Services Method, as well as IBM Rational Summit Ascendant.


Rational Unified Process

History of the Rational Unified Process •Performance Testing •Business Modeling •Configuration and Change Mgt

•OMT •Booch •UML 1.0

•Rational Process Workbench •Major addition of content Improved Process for independent testing

Objectory Process




•Terminology changes •Introduction of RUP Base Concepts •Key Principles for BusinessDriven Development •Delivery processes




Rational Approach •Requirements •Test Process

•UI Design •Data Engineering •UML 1.1

•Project Management •UML 1.3 •RealTime

•Major addition of tool mentors


•Introduction of RUP Platform providing a configurable process framework



•Tree browser upgraded for enhanced capabilities of creating customized My RUP tree


Rational Unified Process

RUP Disciplines and Related Tools

WBI Modeler Rational Requisite Pro Rational Software Modeler Rational Application Developer Rational Performance, Functional, Manual Tester

Tivoli Configuration Manager Rational ClearCase, ClearCase, ClearQuest Rational Team Unifying Platform Eclipse, OS


Rational Unified Process

Symptoms of Software Development Problems  User or business needs not met  Requirements churn  Modules do not integrate  Hard to maintain  Late discovery of flaws  Poor quality or end-user experience  Poor performance under load  No coordinated team effort  Build-and-release issues


Rational Unified Process

Trace Symptoms to Root Causes Symptoms

Root Causes

Needs not met

Insufficient requirements

Requirements churn

Ambiguous communications Ambiguous communications

Modules don’t fit fit Modules do not

Brittle architectures

Hard to maintain

Overwhelming complexity

Late discovery

Undetected inconsistencies Undetected inconsistencies

Poor quality

Poor testing

Poor performance

Subjective assessment

Colliding developers

Waterfall development


Uncontrolled change Insufficient automation

Key Principles Adapt The Process Balance Competing Stakeholder Priorities Collaborate Across Teams Demonstrate Value Iteratively Elevate Level Of Abstraction Focus Continuously On Quality

Treat these root causes, and you will eliminate the symptoms. Eliminate the symptoms, and you will be in a much better position to develop quality software in a repeatable and predictable fashion. The Key principles are a set of commercially-proven approaches to software development, which when used in combination, strike at the root causes of software development problems. These are so-called “key principles,” not because you can precisely quantify their value, but rather because we observe their common use in the industry by successful organizations. The key principles are harvested from thousands of customers on thousands of projects and from industry experts.


Rational Unified Process

Best Practices of Software Engineering Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

Developing iteratively is a technique that is used to deliver the functionality of a system in a successive series of releases of increasing completeness. Each release is developed in a specific, fixed time period called an “iteration.” Each iteration is focused on defining, analyzing, designing, building and testing some set of requirements.


Rational Unified Process

Practice 1: Develop Iteratively Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

Developing iteratively is a technique that is used to deliver the functionality of a system in a successive series of releases of increasing completeness. Each release is developed in a specific, fixed time period called an “iteration.” Each iteration is focused on defining, analyzing, designing, building and testing some set of requirements.


Rational Unified Process

Waterfall Development Characteristics To illustrate a problem with the waterfall model: Suppose I estimate that the project will take two years, and it really takes three years. At the end of two years, what do I have? Nothing useful works. No partial delivery is possible. Diagrams and models are great, but they can not execute.

Waterfall Process Planning Requirements Analysis Design Code and Test Subsystem Integration System Test

 Delays confirmation of critical risk resolution.  Measures progress by assessing work-products that are poor predictors of time-tocompletion.  Delays and aggregates integration and testing.  Precludes early deployment.  Frequently results in major unplanned iterations.

Waterfall is conceptually straightforward because it produces a single deliverable for each step (requirements, analysis model, design model, code, etc), resulting in a single release. The fundamental problem is that it pushes risk forward in time, where it’s costly to undo mistakes from earlier phases. An initial design will likely be flawed with respect to its key requirements, and furthermore, the late discovery of design defects tends to result in costly overruns or project cancellation. The waterfall approach tends to mask the real risks to a project until it is too late to do anything meaningful about them.


Rational Unified Process

Enable Feedback by Delivering Incremental User Value  Divide the project into a set of iterations  In each iteration, we perform some requirements, design, implementation, and testing of the application, producing a deliverable that is one step closer to the solution.  Obtain feedback from stakeholders to find out:  Are we moving in the right direction?  Are stakeholders satisfied so far?  Do we need to change the features implemented so far?  What additional features need to be implemented to add business value?

By assessing stakeholder feedback we are more likely to: • build trust among stakeholders • ensure that the system we are developing will address their needs And less likely to: • over-engineer our approach • add capabilities that are not useful to the end user.


Rational Unified Process

Iterative Development Characteristics     

Resolves major risks before making large investments. Enables early user feedback. Makes testing and integration continuous. Focuses project short-term objective milestones. Makes possible deployment of partial implementations. Iteration 1

Iteration 2


Iteration 3













Iterative processes were developed in response to these waterfall characteristics. With an iterative process, the waterfall steps are applied iteratively. Instead of developing the whole system in lock step, an increment (that is, a subset of system functionality) is selected and developed, then another increment, and so on. The selection of the first increment to be developed is based on risk, the highest priority risks first. To address the selected risk(s), choose a subset of use cases. Develop the minimal set of use cases that will allow objective verification, for example, through a set of executable tests, of the risks that you have chosen. Then select the next increment to address the next highest risk, and so on. Thus you apply the waterfall within each iteration, and the system evolves incrementally. P: Planning R: Requirements analysis D: Design C: Code and unit test I: Integration T:Test


Rational Unified Process

Iterative Development Produces an Executable Requirements Analysis & Design Planning Implementation

Initial Planning

Management Environment Test Evaluation Each iteration results in an executable release


The earliest iterations address greatest risks. Each iteration produces an executable release. Each iteration includes integration and test. Iterations help: • resolve major risks before making large investments. • enable early user feedback. • make testing and integration continuous. • focus project short-term objective milestones. • make possible deployment of partial implementations. Iterative processes were developed in response to these waterfall characteristics. With an iterative process, the waterfall steps are applied iteratively. Instead of developing the whole system in lock step, an increment (i.e. a subset of system functionality) is selected and developed, then another increment, etc. The selection of the first increment to be developed is based on risk, the highest priority risks first. To address the selected risk(s), choose a subset of use cases. Develop the minimal set of use cases that will allow objective verification (that is, through a set of executable tests) of the risks that you have chosen. Then select the next increment to address the next highest risk, and so on. Thus you apply the waterfall within each iteration and the system evolves incrementally.


Rational Unified Process

Risk Profiles


Waterfall Risk

Risk Reduction Iterative Risk


Iterative development produces the architecture first, allowing integration to occur “as the verification activity” of the design phase and allowing design flaws to be detected and resolved earlier in the lifecycle. Continuous integration throughout the project replaces the “big bang” integration at the end of a project. Iterative development also provides much better insight into quality, because of system characteristics that are largely inherent in the architecture. For example, performance, fault tolerance, and maintainability are tangible earlier in the process. Thus, issues are still correctable without jeopardizing target costs and schedules.


Rational Unified Process

Reduce Scrap/Rework: Use an Iterative Process Prototypes


Functional Releases

Product Release


Iterative Project Profile Development Progress (% coded)

Waterfall Project Profile

Project Schedule

How you can avoid late life-cycle design breakages and project plan slippages? Get your teams to use an iterative development process. This graphic depicts how an iterative development would compare to a conventional project from the development progress perspective and how the project schedule can actually be shortened. The architecture-first approach forces integration into the elaboration phase, with demonstrations validating the design and requirements. The demonstrations do not eliminate the design breakage, they just make it happen in the design phase where it can be fixed more efficiently. This reduces the risk of the project by confronting it early in the development process. In an iterative process, the system is “grown” from an immature prototype to a baseline architectural skeleton to increments of useful capabilities and then finally, complete product releases. The downstream integration nightmare is avoided along with late patches and shoe-horned software fixes, thereby resulting in a more robust and maintainable design.


Rational Unified Process

RUP Organization Along Time Time

Organization by phases helps minimize the risks of resource allocation.

The time aspect of the process is enacted through phases, iterations, and milestones (end of phase objectives). Progressing by meeting milestones helps minimize wasted resources since they are allocated only on a firm basis.


Rational Unified Process

Inception Phase: Objectives  Establish project scope and boundary conditions  Determine the use cases and primary scenarios that will drive the major design trade-offs  Demonstrate a candidate architecture against some of the primary scenarios  Estimate the overall cost and schedule  Identify potential risks (the sources of unpredictability)  Prepare the supporting environment for the project 17

Note: In addition to an estimate for the Elaboration phase, an overall estimate of cost and schedule to complete the project is usually made at this time. However, this estimate must be recognized as being very rough (low confidence) and subject to revision at the end of Elaboration.


Rational Unified Process

Elaboration Phase: Objectives  Define, validate, and baseline the architecture as rapidly as is practical  Address architectural significant risks  Baseline the vision  Baseline a detailed plan for the Construction phase  Demonstrate that the baseline architecture will support the vision at a reasonable cost in a reasonable period of time  Refine support environment 18

The cost and schedule to complete are re-estimated at the end of this phase. At this point, they are considered stable (high confidence), and firm commitments can be made.


Rational Unified Process

Construction Phase: Objectives  Complete the software product for transition to production  Minimize development costs by optimizing resources and avoiding unnecessary scrap and rework  Achieve adequate quality as rapidly as is practical  Achieve useful versions (alpha, beta, and other test releases) as rapidly as possible



Rational Unified Process

Transition Phase: Objectives  Achieve user self-supportability  Achieve stakeholder concurrence that deployment baselines are complete and consistent with the evaluation criteria of the vision  Achieve final product baseline in a rapid and cost-effective manner


During the Transition phase, a decision is made whether to release the product.


Rational Unified Process

One Iteration Start Iteration Using Iteration Plan Complete Planned Iteration Work

•Consider risks

Artifact: Iteration Assessment

•Add Change Control Board approved changes

Assess Iteration

Reduce risk

Stop Continue

Project Stopped

Adjust Objectives

Accept change

Adjust Target Product

Steer project

Adjust Remaining Plan Plan Next Iteration

Start Next Iteration

Artifact: Iteration Plan 21

Definition of Artifact – a subtype of Work Product: A piece of information that: 1) is produced, modified, or used by a process, 2) defines an area of responsibility, and 3) is subject to version control. An artifact can be a model, a model element, or a document. A document can enclose other documents. Two iteration planning artifacts in RUP are the Iteration Plan and the Iteration Assessment. In combination, they facilitate decisions that allow you to reduce risk, accept change, and steer the project through each iteration. After an iteration starts, the teams complete the work specified in the Iteration Plan. When work is complete, the Iteration Assessment is performed to determine if and how the iteration goals were achieved, using as many objective measurements as possible. Based on the assessment, a determination is made whether or not to continue the project. If you decide to continue, you have to analyze Change Control Board (CCB)-approved project changes, revise your risk list and possibly modify the product’s objectives (requirements) or the specifications of the product itself (architecture and design). This revised specification for the project becomes the new target and allows you to steer the project, taking into consideration requirements and product changes. Based on this adjusted set of objectives, you can plan the next iteration, creating a new Iteration Plan.


Rational Unified Process

Practice 2: Manage Requirements Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

A report from the Standish Group confirms that a distinct minority of software development projects is completed on-time and on-budget. In their report, the success rate was only 16.2 percent, while challenged projects (operational, but late and over-budget) accounted for 52.7 percent. Impaired projects (canceled) accounted for 31.1 percent. These failures are attributed to poor requirements management, incorrect definition of requirements from the start of the project, and poor requirements management throughout the development lifecycle. (Source: Chaos Report, http://www.standishgroup.com)


Rational Unified Process

Requirements Management Making sure you  solve the right problem  build the right system by taking a systematic approach to  eliciting  organizing  documenting  managing the changing requirements of a software application.


Rational Unified Process

Definitions  Requirement  A condition or capability to which the system must conform.

 Requirements management  A systematic approach to: • Eliciting, organizing, and documenting requirements. • Establishing and maintaining agreement between customer/user and the project team on the changing requirements.

Definitions: • RUP: A requirement describes a condition or capability to which a system must conform, either derived directly from user needs, or stated in a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed document. • UML: A desired feature, property, or behavior of the system. Requirements specify what the system must do rather than how the system does it. There are many kinds of requirements. For example, feature requirements are requirements that are directly tied to user needs, and software requirements give the detailed requirements for the software. These different types of requirements are discussed later in the course. Do not expect to “get it right first time”. Requirements management is successful only if it allows for uncertainty of the requirements early in the project. However, requirements management also ensures that requirements become better defined over time.


Rational Unified Process

Map of the Territory Problem

Problem Space


ity bil cea Tra


Solution Space The Product to Be Built

Software Requirements

Test Scripts Design

User Docs

Managing requirements involves the translation of stakeholder requests into a set of key stakeholder needs and system features. These in turn are detailed into specifications for functional and nonfunctional requirements. Detailed specifications are translated into test procedures, design, and user documentation. Traceability allows us to: • Assess the project impact of a change in a requirement • Assess the impact of a failure of a test on requirements (that is, if the test fails, the requirement may not be satisfied) • Manage the scope of the project • Verify that all requirements of the system are fulfilled by the implementation • Verify that the application does only what it was intended to do • Manage change


Rational Unified Process

Requirements Are Accessible to the Whole Team Project Management

QA and Test RequisitePro Re t. qt. Req Req t. t. t. Req Req qt. Re

Design and Development Documentation

Change Management

Effective requirements management requires you to organize your requirements so that they are available to the whole team. It also requires you to control change and ensure that your project does not spiral out of control as changes occur. When a change occurs, it must be communicated effectively, and the impact of the change must be fully understood.


Rational Unified Process

RequisitePro Project structure Views


trace to/from





based on

Revision History Requirement have default Types have associated

Document Types

associated with

based on Outlines (templates)

may be saved as


may be used to create

contain Packages


RequisitePro Project


RequisitePro Documents

MS Word

Your Requirements Management Plan dictates your project structure in RequisitePro. Your RM Plan specifies the types of requirements you want to capture, the relationships between the requirement types, and the attributes you want to capture with each requirement. This slide shows a high-level overview of all the components in a RequisitePro project and how they relate to each other. Requirement types, attributes, and document types define RequisitePro project structure. Every requirement is associated with a requirement type. All requirements are maintained in the project database but can be located in documents as well. Requirements may have relationships among or dependencies upon one another. They can be traced from one requirement to another.


Rational Unified Process

Practice 3: Use Component Architectures Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

Software architecture is the development product that gives the highest return on investment with respect to quality, schedule, and cost, according to the authors of Software Architecture in Practice (Len Bass, Paul Clements & Rick Kazman [1998] Addison-Wesley). The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has an effort underway called the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis (ATA) Initiative to focus on software architecture, a discipline much misunderstood in the software industry. The SEI has been evaluating software architectures for some time and would like to see architecture evaluation in wider use. By performing architecture evaluations, AT&T reported a 10 percent productivity increase (from news@sei, Vol. 1, No. 2).


Rational Unified Process

Focus on Architecture First  Design, implement, and test the architecture early in the project.  Focus on the following goals:  Define the high-level building blocks and the most important components, their responsibilities, and their interfaces.  Design and implement architectural mechanisms. Getting the architecture right early-on makes it easier to manage complexity. It also helps to identify what reusable assets we can leverage, and what aspects of the system need to be custom built.


Rational Unified Process

Resilient Component-Based Architectures  Resilient    

Meets current and future requirements Improves extensibility Enables reuse Encapsulates system dependencies

 Component-based  Reuse or customize components  Select from commercially available components  Evolve existing software incrementally

Architecture is a part of design. It is about making decisions on how the system will be built. But it is not all of the design. It stops at the major abstractions, or in other words, the elements that have some pervasive and long-lasting effect on the system’s performance and ability to evolve. A software system’s architecture is perhaps the most important aspect that can be used to control the iterative and incremental development of a system throughout its lifecycle. The most important property of an architecture is resilience—flexibility in the face of change. To achieve it, architects must anticipate evolution in both the problem domain and implementation technologies to produce a design that can gracefully accommodate such changes. Key techniques are abstraction, encapsulation, and object-oriented analysis and design. The result is that applications are fundamentally more maintainable and extensible.


Rational Unified Process

Practice 4: Model Visually (UML) Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

A model is a simplification of reality that provides a complete description of a system from a particular perspective. We build models so that we can better understand the system we are modeling. We build models of complex systems because we cannot comprehend any such system in its entirety.


Rational Unified Process

Why Model Visually?  Capture structure and behavior.  Show how system elements fit together.  Keep design and implementation consistent.  Hide or expose details as appropriate.  Promote unambiguous communication. Sequence Diagrams Collaboration Diagrams

Dynamic Diagrams

Statechart Diagrams

Use-Case Diagrams

Class Diagrams


Activity Diagrams

Object Diagrams Component Diagrams

Deployment Diagrams

Static Diagrams

UML provides one language for all practitioners.

Modeling is important because it helps the development team visualize, specify, construct, and document the structure and behavior of a system’s architecture. Using a standard modeling language, such as the Unified Modeling Language (UML), different members of the development team can communicate their decisions unambiguously to one another. Using visual modeling tools facilitates the management of these models, letting you hide or expose details as necessary. Visual modeling also helps you maintain consistency among a system’s artifacts—its requirements, designs, and implementations. In short, visual modeling helps improve a team’s ability to manage software complexity.


Rational Unified Process

Use Higher-Level Tools and Languages  Leverage higher-level tools, frameworks, and languages:  Standard languages such as UML and EGL facilitate collaboration around high-level constructs while hiding unnecessary details.  Design and construction tools can automate moving from high-level constructs to working code.  Portfolio management tools allow you to manage financial and other aspects of multiple projects as one entity versus as a set of separate entities. High-level tools capture key information graphically, which is a powerful and attractive way to present this information.

UML: Unified Modeling Language EGL: Enterprise Generation Language


Rational Unified Process

Common Language for Process and Design  The UML is a common language for    

Visualizing Specifying Constructing Documenting

 RUP is a common language for     

Process Roles Activities Workflows Iterations

To increase comprehension, use a common language like the Unified Modeling Language to express models. The UML has been adopted as an industry standard. It is platformindependent. It defines a graphical language for presenting models and defines the semantics for each graphical element.


Rational Unified Process

Visual Modeling Using UML Diagrams Use-Case Diagram

Class Diagram

Statechart Diagram

add file


Us e Case 1


Actor A

Actor B

Document add( ) delete( )

fetchDoc( ) sortByName( )

name : int docid : int numField : int get( ) open( ) close( ) read( ) sortFileList( ) create( ) fillDocument( )

Us e Case 2 FileList fList add( ) delete( )


add file [ numberOffile==MAX ] / flag OFF read() fill the code..


close file


Us e Case 3

close file Reading


rep Repository (from Persistence)


read( )


name : char * = 0 readDoc( ) readFile( )

Collaboration Diagram


mainWnd : MainWnd

1: Doc view request ( )

read( ) open( ) create( ) fillFile( )

9: sortByName ( )

Docum entList

Deployment Diagram Windows95





2: fetchDoc( )

¹®¼-°ü¸® Ŭ¶óÀ̾ðÆ®.EXE

Docum ent

gFile : GrpFile

4: create ( )

¹®¼-°ü¸® ¾ÖÇø´


8: fillFile ( )


user : Clerk


fileMgr : FileMgr

¹®¼-°ü¸® ¿£Áø.EXE


3: create ( )

Alpha UNIX ÀÀ¿ë¼-¹ö.EXE

6: fillDocument ( )



5: readDoc ( )

mainWnd user

Ư Á¤¹®¼-¿¡ ´ëÇÑ º¸±â¸¦ »ç¿ëÀÚ°¡ ¿äûÇÑ´Ù.

fileMgr : FileMgr

Windows NT

IBM Mainframe

7: readFile ( )

document : Document

repository : Repository


document : Document

1: Doc view request ( )

2: fetchDoc( )



Component Diagram

3: create ( )

4: create ( )

5: readDoc ( )

È-ÀÏ°ü¸®ÀÚ´Â Àоî¿Â ¹®¼-ÀÇ Á¤º¸¸¦ ÇØ´ç ¹®¼°´Ã¼¿¡ ¼³Á¤À» ¿äûÇÑ´Ù.

6: fillDocument ( )

7: readFile ( )

8: fillFile ( )

È-¸é °´Ã¼´Â ÀоîµéÀÎ °´Ã¼µé¿¡ ´ëÇØ À̸§º°·Î Á¤·ÄÀ» ½ÃÄÑ È-¸é¿¡ º¸¿©ÁØ´Ù.

9: sortByName ( )

Sequence Diagram

Forward and Reverse Engineering

Target System

Visual modeling with the UML makes an application’s architecture tangible, permitting us to assess it in multiple dimensions. How portable is it? Can it exploit expected advances in parallel processing? How might we modify it to support a family of applications? We’ve discussed the importance of architectural resilience and quality. The UML enables us to evaluate these key characteristics during early iterations—at a point when design defects can be corrected before threatening project success. Advances in forward and reverse engineering techniques permit changes to an application’s model to be automatically reflected in its source code, and changes to its source code to be automatically reflected in its model. This is critical when using an iterative process, where we expect such changes with each iteration.


Rational Unified Process

IBM Rational Software Architect IBM Rational Software Architect

IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere

IBM Rational Web Developer

IBM Rational Software Modeler

For software architects and senior developers developing applications for the Java platform or in C++. Rational Software Architect unifies UML modeling, Java structural analysis, Web Services, Java/J2EE, Data, XML, Web development, and process guidance.

Rational Application Developer is for web, Java, and J2EE developers and development teams building web applications, web services, Java applications, J2EE applications, and portal applications.

For corporate and web developers building dynamic web applications, web services, or java applications. Rational Web Developer is an easy-to-use IDE for visually constructing, testing, and deploying applications. Leverages JSF and EGL rapid tooling.

Rational Software Modeler is a visual modeling and design tool that leverages UML to document and communicate the different views required to support analysis and design. All built on Eclipse 3.0

RSA - For software architects and senior developers developing applications for the Java platform or in C++, Software Architect is a design and construction tool for developing well architected applications, including applications on a Service Oriented Architecture. Software Architect unifies UML modeling, Java structural analysis, Web Services, Java/J2EE, Data, XML, Web development, and process guidance. RAD – For web, Java, and J2EE developers and development teams building web applications, web services, Java applications, J2EE applications, and portal applications. Application Developer is a comprehensive IDE for visually designing, constructing, testing, profiling, and deploying applications. Application Developer improves application design and performance while increasing individual and team productivity.

RWD – For corporate and web developers building dynamic web applications, web services, or java applications. Web Developer is an easy-to-use IDE for visually constructing, testing, and deploying applications. Leverages JSF and EGL rapid tooling.

RSM - For architects, system analysts, and designers that need to ensure that their specifications, architecture, and designs are clearly defined and communicated with their stakeholders. Software Modeler is a visual modeling and design tool that leverages UML to document and communicate


Rational Unified Process

IBM Rational Software Architect Overview “Application Analyzer” • Automatic anti-pattern and pattern detection • Architectural discovery, analysis, metrics, and stability reporting • Implementation level architectural rules “Modeler” • UML 2.0 Diagrams for Class, Communication, Component, Composite Structure, Deployment, Activity, Sequence, State, and Use Case • OCL Support • Automatic diagram generation • Pattern content • Pattern/Transform authoring framework and services • Extensive open API • Java-based “scripting” for extensibility • HTML and XML based data extraction and reporting • Extensive printing • RAS tools

IBM Rational Software Architect Java Structural Analysis

• Sample UML-to-code transforms for EJB, Java, and C++ • Selective language to UML harvesting

UML Language Transforms Software Modeler

• C/C++ editors and build management • Compiler and debugger integration • UML code editors “WSAD v6”

C/C++ Development Tools Application Developer RUP Configuration for SW Architects ClearCase LT

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

JSF, SDO, Struts Java GUI editor Web diagram editor Site designer Web Services development tools Database editing tools EGL EJB development tools UML code editors for EJB, Java, and Data Static Analysis Runtime Analysis Component test automation Portal/Portlet development tools


Rational Unified Process

Practice 5: Continuously Verify Quality Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

Quality, as used within RUP, is defined as "The characteristic of having demonstrated the achievement of producing a product which meets or exceeds agreed-upon requirements, as measured by agreed-upon measures and criteria, and is produced by an agreed upon process." Given this definition, achieving quality is not simply "meeting requirements" or producing a product that meets user needs and expectations. Quality also includes identifying the measures and criteria (to demonstrate the achievement of quality), and the implementation of a process to ensure that the resulting product has achieved the desired degree of quality (and can be repeated and managed). In many organizations, software testing accounts for 30 percent to 50 percent of software development costs. Yet most people believe that software is not well-tested before it is delivered. This contradiction is rooted in two clear facts. First, testing software is enormously difficult. The different ways a particular program can behave are almost infinite. Second, testing is typically done without a clear methodology and without the required automation or tool support. While the complexity of software makes complete testing an impossible goal, a well-conceived methodology and use of state-of-the-art tools can greatly improve the productivity and effectiveness of the software testing.


Rational Unified Process

Continuously Verify Your Software’s Quality Many people remember Barry Boehm’s groundbreaking work in Software Economics where he quantified the relative expense to fix a bug at different times in the development lifecycle. Be cautious, however, since his work was based on the waterfall model, not an iterative development model. The iterative model fundamentally changes how and when we test.

Software problems are 100 to 1000 times more costly to find and repair after deployment  Cost to Repair Software  Cost of Lost Opportunities Cost

 Cost of Lost Customers





This principle is driven by a fundamental and well-known property of software development: it’s a lot less expensive to correct defects during development than to correct them after deployment. • Tests for key scenarios ensure that all requirements are properly implemented • Poor application performance hurts as much as poor reliability • Verify software reliability—memory leaks, bottlenecks • Test every iteration—automate test!


Rational Unified Process

Testing Dimensions of Quality Usability Functionality  Test the accurate workings of each usage scenario

Supportability  Test the ability to maintain and support application under production use

 Test application from the perspective of convenience to end-user.

Reliability  Test the application behaves consistently and predictably.

Performance  Test online response under average and peak loading

Functional testing verifies that a system executes the required usecase scenarios as intended. Functional tests may include the testing of features, usage scenarios and security. Usability testing evaluates the application from the user’s perspective. Usability tests focus on human factors, aesthetics, consistency in the user interface, online and context-sensitive help, wizards and agents, user documentation, and training materials. Reliability testing verifies that the application performs reliably and is not prone to failures during execution (crashes, hangs, memory leaks). Effective reliability testing requires specialized tools. Reliability tests include integrity, structure, stress, contention and volume tests. Performance testing checks that the target system works functionally and reliably under production load. Performance tests include benchmark tests, load tests, and performance profile tests. Supportability testing verifies that the application can be deployed as intended. Supportability tests include installation and configuration tests.


Rational Unified Process

Test Each Iteration Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Iteration 4

Test Suite 1

Test Suite 2

Test Suite 3

Test Suite 4

UML Model and Implementation


In each iteration, automated tests are created that test the requirements addressed in that iteration. As new requirements are added in subsequent iterations, new tests are generated and run. At times, a requirement may be changed in a later iteration. In that case, the tests associated with the changed requirement may be modified or simply regenerated by an automated tool.


Rational Unified Process

Incrementally Build Test Automation  Incrementally build test automation to:  Detect defects early  Minimize up-front investments  Generating test code directly from the design models:  Saves time  Provides incentives for early testing  Increases the quality of testing by minimizing the number of bugs in the test software Making the right design decisions can greatly improve our ability to automate testing.

Automated testing has been a key area of focus for, among others, the agile community. The aim is to automate testing of all code and tests are written before the code is written (test-first design).


Rational Unified Process

Mature processes & integrated tools CMM Level 1 CMM Level 3

Requirements 4.5 Months

Design 6.6 Months

Requirements 4.0 Months

Design 6.0 Months

Code 8.8 Months

Code 6.8 Months

Test 9.4 Months

Test 3.75 Months

A clear testing strategy & efficient testing processes can result in spending 50% less on testing costs and 20% improvement in development productivity!



Early, iterative testing delivers 80% less defects to production, resulting in significantly less rework and 45% more overall productivity!

Note: CMM Level 1 organizations spend 30%+ of project dollars on testing. CMM Level 3 organizations spend 15%.

SEI (Software Engineering Institute) claims that CMMi level 3 projects will show around 20% productivity increase. This requires institutionalization of common processes, methods and tools across an organization with a common line of business, plus objective metrics, plus maturity in best practices gets an organization to improving return on investment from project to project. This benefit is mostly visible during the testing activities : defining a clear testing strategy and implementing an efficient testing process can drive to a 50% decrease of the global testing costs. More, with earlier and smarter tests, the applications are delivered with 80% bug less, reducing the rework (working on residual bugs) and the overall productivity is increased by 45%. That’s why the testing strategy must be the concern of all the organization, at all levels.


Rational Unified Process

IBM Rational Functional Tester Overview Automated functional regression testing GUI Technologies • Automates regression testing of Java, .NET, Web and terminal emulator-based applications

Data-driven Testing • Simplified data-driven testing enabled by wizards and Excellike data tables

Eclipse availability • When using Java scripting, runs inside Eclipse/RSA/RAD shell • Full Eclipse JDT features are accessible • Accessible to developers from within their IDE

IBM Rational Functional Tester Tests Java, .NET, Web and terminal emulator-based apps Java and VB.NET-based test scripts Wizard and table-assisted data-driven tests Linux-based test authoring

Improved Linux support • Users can author and modify test scripts on Linux (no script recorder) • Scripts can also be executed on Linux

Eclipse Java Development Tools Manual Tester

ClearCaseLT in the box • Supports parallel development of manual tests • Enables remote test access for distributed teams

Test Script Language • User has choice of two test script languages – Java and VB.NET • Use of Java implies editing and debugging in Eclipse/RAD/RSAbased editor • Use of VB.NET implies usage of Microsoft VS.NET-based editor/debugger • Identical capabilities in both editors

ClearCase LT

Manual Tester in the box • Customers receive one Manual Tester license per Functional Tester license • Improve return on manual testing efforts while adopting automated test methods


Rational Unified Process

IBM Rational Manual Tester Overview Rich Text Editor • Modify test font, size, color; attach images and files • Supports creation of both test steps and verification points • Ensures clarity of test step direction and consistency of test execution

IBM Rational Manual Tester

Rich test editor

Test step reuse library Tool Assistance • Automated data entry • Automated data comparison and results storage • Reduces opportunity for manual error during test execution

Data entry & validation assistance

Test Import / Results Export

Manual test authoring and execution

Reuse Library • Library for common test procedures • Drag-and-drop construction of new tests • Automatic global update when modifying any one instance of linked content

Import/Export • Imports manual test source files from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Rational TestManager • Exports test results to CSV format for additional analysis

Custom test fields Customizable • Add new data fields to individual test steps • Apply internally-defined naming conventions

ClearCase LT

ClearCaseLT in the box • Supports parallel development of manual tests • Enables remote test access for distributed teams


Rational Unified Process

IBM Rational Performance Tester Overview New load testing technology • New load test recorder and execution engine • Supports HTTP/S; additional protocol support (e.g. ERP) planned for late 2004/early 2005 High scalability • High scalability, low footprint due to hyperthreaded architecture • Significant improvement over Robot technology

Platform Support • Multiple platform support for load generation

Load and performance testing

IBM Rational Performance Tester HTTP/S load testing Visual test construction and editing High scalability hyper-threaded execution architecture Graphical test scheduler and user profiler Windows and Linux load generation support Eclipse Java Development Tools

ClearCaseLT in the box • Supports parallel development of manual tests • Enables remote test access for distributed teams

Visual Test Editor • Test viewer requires no coding for test modification and execution • Automated identification and variation of dynamic data • Insertion of Java code is supported for advanced customization needs

Test scheduler • Graphical user profiling and transaction modeling • Eases modeling of user populations

Eclipse-based • Runs inside Eclipse/RSA/RAD shell • Accessible to developers from within their IDE

ClearCase LT


Rational Unified Process

Practice 6: Manage Change Best Practices Process Made Practical

Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML) Continuously Verify Quality Manage Change

As we indicated earlier, we cannot stop change from being introduced into our project. However, we must control how and when changes are introduced into project artifacts, and who introduces the changes. We also must synchronize change across development teams and locations. Unified Change Management (UCM) is Rational Software's approach to managing change in software system development, from requirements to release.


Rational Unified Process

Embrace and Manage Change  Today’s applications are too complex for requirements, design, implementation, and testing to align perfectly the first time through.  Most effective application development methods embrace the inevitability of change.  The iterative approach provides us with the opportunity to implement those changes incrementally.

Change needs to be managed by having the processes and tools in place to avoid hindering creativity.


Rational Unified Process

The Configuration and Change Management (CCM) Cube

The CCM cube summarizes the interdependence of these functions. The three aspects are closely connected.


Rational Unified Process

Change Request Management Concepts Change requests come from many sources throughout the product lifecycle.

New Feature Single Channel for Approval Approved Decision Process Change Control Board (CCB)

New Requirement Bug Change Request (CR)

Customer and User input Reqt




Marketing Coders input Testers input Help Desk User input

Maint Weinberg, ‘95

Change Request Management (CRM) addresses the organizational infrastructure required to assess the cost and schedule impact of a requested change to the existing product. CRM addresses the workings of a Change Review Team or Change Control Board. Configuration Status Accounting (Measurement) is used to describe the “state” of the product based on the type, number, rate, and severity of defects found and fixed during the course of product development. Metrics derived under this aspect, either through audits or raw data, are useful in determining the overall completeness of the project. Configuration Management (CM) describes the product structure and identifies its constituent configuration items that are treated as single versionable entities in the configuration management process. CM deals with defining configurations, building and labeling, and collecting versioned artifacts into constituent sets and maintaining traceability between these versions. Change Tracking describes what is done to components for what reason and at what time. It serves as the history and rationale of changes. It is quite separate from assessing the impact of proposed changes as described under Change Request Management. Version Selection is to ensure that the right versions of configuration items are selected for change or implementation. Version selection relies on a solid foundation of “configuration identification.” Software Manufacture covers the need to automate the steps to compile, test, and package software for distribution.


Rational Unified Process

Eliminate Errors: Automate Change Management Did requirement Add promotion 462 make it into calculation Bug 849 this release ? Bug 527 New platform New GUI button

Analyst Of course I didn’t forget a file...

How many severity 1 bugs are left?

New customer New web design transaction Bug 348 Bug 251

Bug 98

Bug 179

Project Manager

Why did the build break?

Is bug 873 fixed in this build?

Build 3 Build 2 Build 1 Testers Developers


“What’s the big deal with change? The software team usually experiences it as a blizzard of requests -- to make enhancements, fix bugs, you name it. “If you think about how artifacts move through the software development process, you see that each member of the team experiences all these changes differently. Project managers try to assess the project status and analysts want to know what features are arriving in builds. Developers change a huge collection of different files, and they have to assure they have them all checked in for the builds. The integrator, or build manager has to figure out why builds break and testers who receive new builds on a regular basis need to know what’s new and needs testing.” With an automated change management application, the entire team cab become more aware of changes for a given iteration and the team cab


Rational Unified Process

UCM Tools: ClearCase and ClearQuest

 You can relate the changes you make to artifacts to the change requests  You can quickly access the right versions of artifacts  You can work in a parallel or serial development environment

 You work in isolation without being affected by others' changes  You can track, manage, and report activities

Rational ClearCase is a robust software artifact management tool that provides automated parallel development. Rational ClearQuest is a flexible, customizable defect and changetracking application. ClearCase UCM can be used independently of ClearQuest. You will have artifact management, but no defect and change-tracking capabilities.


Rational Unified Process

Trace Symptoms to Root Causes Symptoms

Root Causes

Needs not met

Insufficient requirements

Requirements churn

Ambiguous communications

Modules don’t don’t fit fit Modules

Brittle architectures

Hard to maintain

Overwhelming complexity

Late discovery

Undetected inconsistencies

Poor quality

Poor testing

Poor performance

Subjective assessment

Colliding developers

Waterfall development


Uncontrolled change Insufficient automation

Best Practices Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually Visually (UML) (UML) Model Continuously Verify Verify Quality Quality Continuously Manage Change

Treat these root causes, and you’ll eliminate the symptoms. Eliminate the symptoms, and you’ll be in a much better position to develop quality software in a repeatable and predictable fashion. Best practices are a set of commercially proven approaches to software development, which, when used in combination, strike at the root causes of software development problems. These are so-called “best practices,” not so much because we can precisely quantify their value, but rather because they are observed to be commonly used in the industry by successful organizations. The best practices are harvested from thousands of customers on thousands of projects and from industry experts.


Rational Unified Process

Best Practices Reinforce Each Other Best Practices Develop Iteratively Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Model Visually (UML)

Ensures users involved as requirements evolve Validates architectural decisions early on Addresses complexity of design/implementation incrementally

Continuously Verify Quality

Measures quality early and often

Manage Change

Evolves baselines incrementally

In the case of our six Best Practices, the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts. Each of the Best Practices reinforces and, in some cases, enables the others. The slide shows just one example: how iterative development leverages the other five Best Practices. However, each of the other five practices also enhances iterative development. For example, iterative development done without adequate requirements management can easily fail to converge on a solution. Requirements change at will, users can’t agree, and the iterations can go on forever. When requirements are managed, this is less likely to happen. Changes to requirements are visible, and the impact on the development process is assessed before they are accepted. Convergence on a stable set of requirements is assured. Similarly, each pair of Best Practices provides mutual support. Hence, although it is possible to use one Best Practice without the others, it is not recommended, since the resulting benefits will be significantly decreased.


Rational Unified Process

The Impact of Improving Software Economics Target Project Profile

Modern Project Profile

Conventional Project Profile


Development Progress (% Coded)

Project Schedule

A modern process framework attacks the primary sources of the diseconomy of scale inherent in the conventional software process. This graphic illustrates the next generation of software project performance by depicting the development progress versus time, where progress is defined as percent coded, i.e., demonstrable in its target form. The goal of this presentation has been to explain how to move onto the upper shaded region, with a modern process supported by an advanced, fully integrated environment and a component-based architecture. Organizations that succeed should be capable of deploying software products that are constructed largely out of existing components in substantially reduced time, with substantially less development resources and substantially improved quality Today, about 60% of the world’s software organization still operate on conventional project profiles. About 30% have transitioned to modern project profiles and perhaps 10% are already achieving improved software economics and experiencing results similar to the target project profiles. For more information, see Royce, pages 247-253.


Rational Unified Process

Software Economics

Project Cost


(Complexity) (Process) * (Team) * (Tools)

Where: Project Cost = Effort or time Complexity


Volume of human-generated artifacts



Methods, notations, maturity



Skill set, experience, motivation



Software process automation

COCOMO II formula for estimating project cost


Rational Unified Process

Lower Cost  Reducing costs is predominantly achieved through improved software economics:  Reduce Complexity  Improve the Process  Increase Team Efficiency  More SDLC Automation


Rational Unified Process

Reduce Complexity (Build less stuff)  Reduce the size of the problem  Manage scope of the requirements

 Reduce complexity by raising the level of abstraction  Create component-based architectures • Modularity, layers, interfaces • Reuse framework

 Employ visual modelling (UML)

 Reduce the proportion of hand written code  Employ more commercial components & reuse other components  Automated code generators


Rational Unified Process

Improve the Process (Build it more efficiently)  Reduce scrap and rework  Controlled iterative & incremental process

 Attack significant risks early  Continuously assessing, prioritizing, and attacking top risks  Build the architecture first

 Employ best practices  Iterative Development, Manage Requirements, Component Architectures, Visual Modelling (UML), Continuous Verification of Quality, Manage Change  Right-size the process


Rational Unified Process

Increase Team Efficiency (Better collaboration)  Coordination & communication among team members    

Smaller cross-functional teams Team organized based on architecture Central location for project artifacts UML

 Increase individual proficiency  Motivation (ownership of plans, reward based on results)  Teamwork (shared objectives, access to expertise)  Skills (education & mentoring in technology, best practices & tools)  Experience (domain & software development experience)


Rational Unified Process

Increase Automation (with tooling)  Reduce error-prone manual tasks  Utilize tools for the entire lifecycle, including code generation & round trip engineering

 Increase communication  Team unifying platform in a common development environment

 Better project management  Tools automate assignment of activities, managing change, monitoring of progress, & measurement of quality

 Automate best practices  Tools support modern software development best practices


Rational Unified Process

Time-Cost-Quality Tradeoff


Scope Scope

Scope Scope




Rational Unified Process

Shorten Development Time  Iterative Development  Controlled iterative (assessing early & often give us less scrap & rework)  Incremental development (Smaller pieces have better economy of scale)  Risk driven approach

 Manage Requirements  Managing scope

 Use Component Architectures  Reuse  Abstraction (Simplifying the solution)  Modularity (Resilient to change)

 Model Visually (UML)  Common communication language  Raise level of abstraction

 Manage Change  Configuration Management (Parallel development & workspace management)  Change Request Management (controlling scope creep)

Controlled Iterative and Incremental gives us two things: 1) With Controlled Iterative development we assess earlier and often so we get less scrap and rework. 2) In Incremental Development we end up working on smaller chunks which are less complex (less dependencies between all the pieces) so development goes quicker


Rational Unified Process

Increase Quality  Iterative Development  Controlled iterative (Based on prioritized requirements)  Demonstration based approach  Continuous integration

 Manage Requirements  Requirements best practices  Traceability (find holes)  Manage change (ensuing the right changes are made)  Use Component Architectures  Modularity (Resilient to change)  Continuously Verify Quality  Different types of testing (regression, performance, usability, etc.)  Testing early, often, and base on priority (Iteratively)  Manage Change  Unified Change Management including Configuration Management (build management) & Change Request Management  Metrics


Rational Unified Process

The Value of RUP Practices Reduced Complexity

Business Driven Development

Improved Process More Efficient Teams More Automation

Old way Loads2 Custom Crafted: Artifacts Processes Plans Methods Tools Training

Rational way Much Less

Human Developed Stuff

Existing artifacts, practices

~ Cost ~ Time

Project Tailoring

Automated Content Generation

Existing starting points


Rational Unified Process

Why is Process Important?  Consistency  Enable clear, consistent communication for all team members  Help team members understand their responsibilities and their relationship with other team members

 Predictability  Help identify what resources are needed and when  “Compare to” baseline for addressing bottlenecks and failure points  Enables metric development to support future planning and estimation  Defines decision points to reduce surprises

 Quality  Focus on risk reduction  Roadmap of how value will be delivered to the customer


Rational Unified Process

Principle: Adapt The Process A

It is critical to right-size the development process to the needs of the project. More is not better, less is not better. The amount of ceremony, precision, and control present in a project must be tailored according to a variety of factors including the size and distribution of teams, the amount of externally imposed constraints, and the phase the project is in. Benefits • Lifecycle efficiency • Open and honest communication of risks Pattern 1. Right-size the process to project needs. 2. Adapt process ceremony to lifecycle phase and allow formality to evolve from light to heavy as uncertainties are resolved. 3. Improve the process continuously. 4. Balance plans and estimates with level of uncertainty.


The most recognizable "anti-patterns" or behaviors contrary to this principle that can harm software development projects: Always see more process and more detailed upfront planning as better: • Force early estimates and stick to those estimates. • Develop precise plans and manage project by tracking against a static plan. • Always use the same degree of process throughout the lifecycle.


Rational Unified Process

Right-Size the Process to Project Needs  More process is not necessarily better:  Artifacts and detailed documentation  Models that need to be synchronized  Formal reviews

 For smaller projects with co-located teams and known technology, the process should be lightweight.  As a project grows in size, the process needs to become more disciplined.


More process, such as usage of more artifacts, production of more detailed documentation, development and maintenance of more models that need to be synchronized, and more formal reviews, is not necessarily better. Rather, we need to right-size the process to project needs. As a project grows in size, becomes more distributed, uses more complex technology, has larger number of stakeholders, and needs to adhere to more stringent compliance standards, the process needs to become more disciplined. But, for smaller projects with co-located teams and known technology, the process should be more lightweight.


Rational Unified Process

Factors that affect process right-sizing  Many factors steer how disciplined a process you need, including:  project size

 number of stakeholders

 team distributions

 compliance requirements

 complexity of technology

 the phase of the project lifecycle.

How much process is necessary?



Rational Unified Process

Ceremony, Plans and Estimates, and Improvements  Early in a project  Minimize ceremony in the process to enable more creativity  Focus on the big-picture in planning and estimating - precision is not attainable  Aim at driving out uncertainty  Later in a project  Increase ceremony in the process to enable more control  Increase precision in planning  Continuously improve the process  Leverage process experiences after each iteration and at project end to improve the process  Encourage all team members to look for opportunities to improve 70


Rational Unified Process

Why Tailor RUP?  All projects are not the same  Projects evolve  Home-grown processes take time to develop and maintain  You might want tailor your Web site by:  Reducing it  Enhancing it with additions  Modifying its base content



Rational Unified Process

IBM® Rational® Method Composer 7.0 Product  IBM Rational Method Composer 7.0

Tailoring functionality

 Method Library with the following plug-ins          

Rational Unified Process Base Concepts RUP Formal Resources RUP Informal Resources Business Modeling Service-Oriented Architecture RUP for J2EE Rational Software Architect Legacy Evolution Rational Application Development

 Published RUP Configurations  RUP for Large Projects  RUP for Small Projects



Rational Unified Process

What Is a Method Framework? A framework is based on a common set of principles

A Method Framework

 All pieces within a framework fits together  Enables rapid assembly of a diverse set of processes  A process framework can contain sub frameworks


Contains any number of extension plug-ins  Adds additional processes or modifies

existing processes  Adds additional method content

J2EE Distributed Development

Contains a base of standard content

 Base content (principles, practices, roles, work products, tasks, …)  Optionally a base process (lifecycle)



Rational Unified Process

The Rational Method Composer (RMC) Platform • RUP Web site resources • My RUP • Extended Help • Tool Mentors

• RMC • Plug-ins • Selectable components

• RMC • Method configurations • Processes

• DeveloperWorks® RUP section



Rational Unified Process

Two levels of Tailoring  Process tailoring can happen at two levels:  At the organizational level, where a common process is configured, to be used organization-wide. Organizationlevel tailoring takes into consideration application domain, reuse practices, and core technologies mastered by the company.

 At the project level, where a process is configured for a specific project. Project-level tailoring level takes into consideration the size of the project, the reuse of company assets, the type of development lifecycle.



Rational Unified Process

Tailoring Approach  No matter what level in the organization the process is being tailored for, the overall approach to tailoring the RUP is the same:  Identify the scope of the tailoring effort • Identify method content to be used • Identify existing method assets that could be used • Select the content to be tailored (processes, roles, tasks, work products, guidance, and so on)  Select the level of tailoring to be performed • There are different levels at which RUP can be tailored, each with its own costs and benefits.  Tailor the process • Tailor the identified parts of RUP using the selected tailoring level



Rational Unified Process

Key Steps for Tailoring RUP  No matter what level of tailoring you choose, tailoring the RUP generally involves these key steps:  Develop the method elements • Developing new content and refining existing content  Configure the method content • Decide what content to include and what content to exclude  Develop the process for the configuration • Select a type of development lifecycle (for example, waterfall versus iterative) and define a process that fits the exact needs of the organization or project.  Make the process available • Publish the configuration as a process website, and export the process to a project planning tool. 77

Tailoring the process is just one part of implementing a process for a project. When the process has been tailored, the project manager instantiates and executes it for the given project. An "Instantiated" process is an enactable project, iteration, or activity plan (it includes actual activities and work products for an actual project). Such instantiation is done as part of project planning.


Rational Unified Process

Levels of Tailoring Available for RUP  Level 1  Document the tailored process in an external document that refers to an underlying process, as well as customized method assets.  Level 2  Personalize an existing process Web site using My RUP and external documents.  Level 3  Configure a process Web site from existing method content using Rational Method Composer.  Level 4  Add Guidance to the existing method framework using Rational Method Composer  Level 5  Develop a new Delivery Process using Rational Method Composer  Level 6  Extend the existing method framework with new method content using Rational Method Composer 78

Here are some considerations for the levels of tailoring: Level 1 - This level is beneficial if the process you need to tailor cannot be modified for some reason (for example, it is tightly controlled for auditing purposes) or you do not have access to Rational Method Composer. Tailoring at this level only affects the presentation of the Web site, not its underlying content. Level 2 - This level is intended for use by individuals on a personal copy of the process Web site, and is generally not the recommended approach for tailoring the process for an entire project or organization. However, personalization might be a good compromise in those cases where you want to do some minor refinement of the presentation of the Web site and you do not have access to Rational Method Composer. Tailoring at this level only affects the presentation of the Web site, not its underlying content. Level 3 - This level is sometimes referred to as Method Configuration development. Level 4 - This level is sometimes referred to as "thin" Method Plug-ins development. Thin plug-ins only add Guidance (for example, Concepts, Guidelines, Templates, Examples, Tool Mentors). Thin plug-ins are a mechanism that organizations can use to package their organizational assets, such as work product templates, guidelines, examples and other reusable assets for consumption in the individual project. The creation of thin plug-ins is done at very low cost and, as such, is highly applicable to any sized organization and can usually be justified within the budget of one single project. In addition, the creation of thin plug-ins does not affect the processes (Capability Patterns and Delivery Processes) included in a configuration, because no roles, tasks, or work products are added or refined. Level 5 - This level is sometimes referred to as Delivery Process development. Level 6 - This level is sometimes referred to as "structural" plug-in development. A structural plug-in is a plug-in that extends the RUP by adding or refining Roles, Tasks, and/or Work Products.


Rational Unified Process

What Does It Mean To Implement RUP?  Implementing RUP means improving selected parts of your existing process.  Process improvements are selected by considering (for example):    

Current pains and problems, for example, delayed projects Mandates, for example, Reach CMMI Level 2 Certification requirements, for example, ISO 9000 Efficiency improvements necessary to compete, for example, incomplete testing due to schedule compression Process Improvements

Your Process



Rational Unified Process

Factors in Planning Process Improvement

New Process

SoftwareDevelopment Organization

New Tools

New Technology


You rarely introduce a new process such as RUP without facing several other new factors: New Technology • Programming language (Java, C++, VisualBasic) • Component-based development • Internet • Client-Server Architectures • Graphical User Interfaces New Tools • Requirements Management • Modeling • Programming • Configuration Management • Test New Process and Best Practices • Iterative Development • Component-Based Architecture • Manage Requirements • Guidelines, and so on Process, tools, and technology are not separate issues. An organization needs to implement process, technology, and tools together.


Rational Unified Process

Practices for Process Improvement  RUP guidance for process improvement:  See the content of the Environment discipline  Practices recommended in the Concept: Environment Practices  Assess the Project and the Organization  Implement Process and Tools Incrementally  Manage and Plan  Use Mentors  Distribute Process Ownership  Think Return-On-Investment  Keep People Informed and Involved  Educate People 81

• Assess the Project and the Organization: Assess the current state of the project and the organization to better understand what parts of the environment you should improve. • Implement Process and Tools Incrementally: By implementing the environment incrementally, it is possible to focus on a subset of the environment, which increases the probability of success. • Manage and Plan: Manage and plan the environment tasks just as you would with all other tasks in the software development project. • Use Mentors: Use mentors to introduce a new process in a project. • Distribute Process Ownership: Distribute the ownership for the process among the people on the project because they are more likely to adopt and learn the new process faster. • Think Return-On-Investment: Focus on those things that will pay back more than the investment. • Keep People Informed and Involved: The greatest threat to any change in an organization is peoples' attitudes towards the change. • Educate People: They need to understand both the new process and how to use the new tools.


Rational Unified Process