PSI Intern Position title: Rachel Carson College Sustainable Systems Intern. Please describe the role of the primary sta
Provost’s Sustainability Internship Program Mentorship Application 2017-18 Instructions: Please download a copy of this document, fill it out, and email it to
[email protected] by March 27, 2017. Mentor’s (staff/faculty supervisor) name and department:
1. Ronnie D. Lipschutz, Provost of College Eight & Professor & Chair of Politics 121 Rachel Carson College 2. Tamara Ball, Project Scientist Engineering & IDEASS Director 545B Engineering-2 Students often work most effectively in teams of 2. Are you interested in hiring 1, 2 or 3 interns? No PSI Intern Position title: Rachel Carson College Sustainable Systems Intern Please describe the role of the primary staff/faculty mentor:
Ronnie Lipschutz will supervise & direct intern in helping to organize and manage various aspects of the RCC Sustainable Systems Program (SSP). Tamara Ball will oversee intern outreach activities for both programs (Sustainability Minor + IDEASS) and coordinate outreach plans including website updates and improvements. Interns are most successful when their mentor has a specific goal and project in mind. What is the goal of this internship? Why are you recruiting an intern?
This is the third year of SSP intern, who will be responsible for organizing events, supporting class needs, researching funding possibilities, writing grant proposals and alumni & donor outreach for the college, gather information for a biweekly calendar of events, and attend campus events relevant to RCC’s focus, under the supervision of the College Provost and his assistant. The intern will also work with Tamara Ball to coordinate outreach efforts focused on recruiting students for the capstone course in the minor (IDEASS). What identifiable product or result do you expect the intern to achieve by the end of their internship?
Organized support for the RCC SSP, sustainability projects, several external funding proposals, reports and broad publicity for the minor and the program, biweekly environment & sustainability calendar updates to Sustainability Office calendar; work with students to advise & enroll them in new RCC Sustainability Minor requirements.
Please provide a brief summary of your proposed internship, including bulleted list of duties, description and estimated % of time for each.
Fall (6 hrs./wk): 50%: learning how to research & write proposals & reports; 35%: event
Provost’s Sustainability Internship Program Mentorship Application 2017-18
planning; 15% prepare outreach materials and updated websites. Winter/Spring (13 hrs.wk): 20%: event planning & coordinating; 25% updates to websites and graphic design; publicity & outreach for SSP and IDEASS 25%: co-managing RCC sustainability projects; biweekly calendar; 25%: proposal preparation; documentary work, How much time each week can you realistically give to your intern, including weekly meetings, quick emails and intermittent check ins for quick questions, and quarterly planning meetings to re-prioritize goals? 1 hour/wk + emails + quarterly meetings of 1-2 hours
What value does this internship have for your unit/department and for the campus as a whole?
Will help to support academic classes on sustainability and stabilize RCC’s sustainable systems program as well as supporting IDEASS. Together with the S-Lab, these constitute one of the major campus centers for undergraduate sustainability education and project-based learning.
What staff/faculty, other than you, will the student intern interact with regularly and in what capacity? Asako Kinase-Leggett, College Academic Programs Coordinator Sustainability Studies minor faculty Staff in the Sustainability Office Staff affiliated with CITRIS Project Teams associated with S-LAB Please download a copy of this document, fill it out, and email it to
[email protected] by March 27, 2017.