RDRPOSTagger: A Ripple Down Rules-based Part-Of-Speech Tagger Dat Quoc Nguyen1 and Dai Quoc Nguyen1 and Dang Duc Pham2 and Son Bao Pham1 1 Faculty of Information Technology University of Engineering and Technology Vietnam National University, Hanoi {datnq, dainq, sonpb}@vnu.edu.vn 2 L3S Research Center, Germany
[email protected] Abstract This paper describes our robust, easyto-use and language independent toolkit namely RDRPOSTagger which employs an error-driven approach to automatically construct a Single Classification Ripple Down Rules tree of transformation rules for POS tagging task. During the demonstration session, we will run the tagger on data sets in 15 different languages.
As one of the most important tasks in Natural Language Processing, Part-of-speech (POS) tagging is to assign a tag representing its lexical category to each word in a text. Recently, POS taggers employing machine learning techniques are still mainstream toolkits obtaining state-ofthe-art performances1 . However, most of them are time-consuming in learning process and require a powerful computer for possibly training machine learning models. Turning to rule-based approaches, the most well-known method is proposed by Brill (1995). He proposed an approach to automatically learn transformation rules for the POS tagging problem. In the Brill’s tagger, a new selected rule is learned on a context that is generated by all previous rules, where a following rule will modify the outputs of all the preceding rules. Hence, this procedure returns a difficulty to control the interactions among a large number of rules. Our RDRPOSTagger is presented to overcome the problems mentioned above. The RDRPOSTagger exploits a failure-driven approach to automatically restructure transformation rules in the form of a Single Classification Ripple Down Rules (SCRDR) tree (Richards, 2009). It accepts interactions between rules, but a rule only changes the 1
outputs of some previous rules in a controlled context. All rules are structured in a SCRDR tree which allows a new exception rule to be added when the tree returns an incorrect classification. A specific description of our new RDRPOSTagger approach is detailed in (Nguyen et al., 2011). Packaged in a 0.6MB zip file, implementations in Python and Java can be found at the tagger’s website http://rdrpostagger.sourceforge.net/. The following items exhibit properties of the tagger: • The RDRPOSTagger is easy to configure and train. There are only two threshold parameters utilized to learn the rule-based model. Besides, the tagger is very simple to use with standard input and output, having clear usage and instructions available on its website. • The RDRPOSTagger is language independent. This POS tagging toolkit has been successfully applied to English and Vietnamese. To train the toolkit for other languages, users just provide a lexicon of words and the most frequent associated tags. Moreover, it can be easily combined with existing POS taggers to reach an even better result. • The RDRPOSTagger obtains very competitive accuracies. On Penn WSJ Treebank corpus (Marcus et al., 1993), taking WSJ sections 0-18 as the training set, the tagger achieves a competitive performance compared to other state-of-the-art English POS taggers on the test set of WSJ sections 22-24. For Vietnamese, it outperforms all previous machine learning-based POS tagging systems to obtain an up-to-date highest result on the Vietnamese Treebank corpus (Nguyen et al., 2009). • The RDRPOSTagger is fast. For instance in English, the time2 taken to train the tagger on the WSJ sections 0-18 is 40 minutes. The tagging speed on the test set of the WSJ sections 22-24 is 2800 words/second accounted for the latest implementation in Python whilst it is 92k words/second 2 Training and tagging times are computed on a Windows7 OS computer of Core 2Duo 2.4GHz & 3GB of memory.
Figure 1: A part of our SCRDR tree for English POS tagging.
for the implementation in Java.
SCRDR methodology
A SCRDR tree (Richards, 2009) is a binary tree with two distinct types of edges. These edges are typically called except and if-not edges. Associated with each node in a tree is a rule. A rule has the form: if α then β where α is called the condition and β is referred to as the conclusion. Cases in SCRDR are evaluated by passing a case to the root of the tree. At any node in the tree, if the condition of a node N ’s rule is satisfied by the case, the case is passed on to the exception child of N using the except link if it exists. Otherwise, the case is passed on to the N ’s if-not child. The conclusion given by this process is the conclusion from the last node in the SCRDR tree which fired (satisfied by the case). To ensure that a conclusion is always given, the root node typically contains a trivial condition which is always satisfied. This node is called the default node. A new node containing a new rule (i.e. a new exception rule) is added to an SCRDR tree when the evaluation process returns the wrong conclusion. The new node is attached to the last node in the evaluation path of the given case with the except link if the last node is the fired one. Otherwise, it is attached with the if-not link. For example with the SCRDR tree in the figure 1, given a case “as/IN investors/NNS anticipate/VB a/DT recovery/NN” where “anticipate/VB” is the current word and tag pair, the case satisfies the conditions of the rules at nodes (0), (1) and (3), it then is passed to the node (6) (utilizing except links). As the case does not satisfy the condition of the rule at node (6), it will be transferred to node (7) using if-not link. Since the case does not fulfill the conditions of the rules at nodes (7) and (8), we have the evaluation path (0)-(1)(3)-(6)-(7)-(8) with fired node (3). Therefore, the tag for “anticipate” is concluded as “VBP”.
Rule (1) - the rule at node (1) - is the exception rule3 of the default rule (0). As node (2) is the ifnot child node of the node (1), the associated rule (2) is also an exception rule of the rule (0). Similarly, both rules (3) and (4) are exception rules of the rule (1) whereas all rules (6), (7) and (8) are exception rules of the rule (3), and so on. Thus, the exception structure of the SCRDR tree extends to 4 levels: rules (1) and (2) at layer 1, rules (3), (4) and (5) at layer 2, rules (6), (7) and (8) at layer 3, and rule (9) at layer 4.
The RDRPOSTagger toolkit
The toolkit consists of four main components: Utility, Initial-tagger, SCRDR-learner and SCRDR-tagger. 3.1
The Utility
The major functions of this component are to evaluate tagging performances (displaying accuracy results), and to create a lexicon of words and the most frequent associated tags as well as to extract Raw corpus from an input golden training corpus. 3.2
The Initial-tagger
The initial-tagger developed in the RDRPOSTagger toolkit is based on the lexicon which is generated in the use of the Utility component to assign a tag for each word. To deal with unknown words, the initial-tagger utilizes several regular expressions or heuristics for English and Vietnamese whereas the most frequent tag in the training corpus is exploited to label unknown-words when adapting to other languages. 3.3
The SCRDR-learner
The SCRDR-learner component uses a failuredriven method to automatically build a SCRDR tree of transformation rules. Figure 3 describes the learning process of the learner. 3
The default rule is the unique rule which is not an exception rule of any other rule. Every rule in layer n is an exception rule of a rule in layer n − 1.
#12: if next1st Tag == “object.next1st Tag” then tag = “correctTag” #14: if prev1st Tag == “object.prev1st Tag” then tag = “correctTag” #18: if word == “object.word” && next1st Tag == “object.next1st Tag” then tag = “correctTag” Figure 2: Rule template examples.
Figure 3: The diagram of the learning process of the learner.
The Initialized corpus is returned by performing the Initial-tagger on the Raw corpus. By comparing the initialized one with the Golden corpus, an Object-driven dictionary of pairs (Object, correctTag) is produced in which Object captures the 5-word window context covering the current word and its tag in following format (previous 2nd word / previous 2nd tag, previous 1st word / previous 1st tag, word / currentTag, next 1st word / next 1st tag, next 2nd word / next 2nd tag) from the initialized corpus, and the correctTag is the corresponding tag of the current word in the golden corpus. There are 27 Rule templates applied for Rule selector which is to select the most suitable rules to build the SCRDR tree. Examples of the rule templates are shown in figure 2 where elements in bold will be replaced by concrete values from Objects in the object-driven dictionary to create concrete rules. The SCRDR tree of rules is initialized by building the default rule and all exception rules of the default one in form of if currentTag = “TAG” then tag = “TAG” at the layer-1 exception structure, for example rules (1) and (2) in the figure 1, and the like. The learning approach to construct new exception rules to the tree is as follows: • At a node-F in the SCRDR tree, let SO be the set of Objects from the object-driven dictionary, which those Objects are fired at the node-F but their initialized tags are incorrect (the currentTag is not the correctTag associated). It means that node-F gives wrong conclusions to all Objects in the SO set. • In order to select a new exception rule of the rule at node-F from all concrete rules which are
generated for all Objects in the SO set, the selected rule have to satisfy constraints: (i) The rule must be unsatisfied by cases for which node-F has already given correct conclusions. This constraint does not apply to node-F at layer-1 exception structure. (ii) The rule must associate to a highest score value of subtracting B from A in comparison to other ones, where A and B are the numbers of the SO’s Objects which are correctly and incorrectly concluded by the rule respectively. (iii) And the highest value is not smaller than a given threshold. The SCRDR-learner applies two threshold parameters: first threshold is to choose exception rules at the layer-2 exception structure (e.g rules (3), (4) and (5) in figure 1), and second threshold is to select rules for higher exception layers. • The process to add new exception rules is repeated until there is no rule satisfying the constraints above. At each iteration, a new rule is added to the current SCRDR tree to correct error conclusions made by the tree. 3.4
The SCRDR-tagger
The SCRDR-tagger component is to perform the POS tagging on a raw text corpus where each line is a sequence of words separated by white space characters. The component labels the text corpus by using the Initial-tagger. It slides due to a leftto-right direction on a 5-word window context to generate a corresponding Object for each initially tagged word. The Object is then classified by the learned SCRDR tree model to produce final conclusion tag of the word as illustrated in the example in the section 2.
The RDRPOSTagger has already been successfully applied to English and Vietnamese corpora. 4.1
Results for English
Experiments for English employed the Penn WSJ Treebank corpus to exploit the WSJ sections 0-18 (38219 sentences) for training, the WSJ sections 19-21 (5527 sentences) for validation and the WSJ sections 22-24 (5462 sentences) for test. Using a lexicon created in the use of the train-
ing set, the Initial-tagger obtains an accuracy of 93.51% on the test set. By varying the thresholds on the validation set, we have found the most suitable values4 of 3 and 2 to be used for evaluating the RDRPOSTagger on the test set. Those thresholds return a SCRDR tree model of 2319 rules in a 4-level exception structure. The training time and tagging speed for those thresholds are mentioned in the introduction section. On the same test set, the RDRPOSTagger achieves a performance at 96.49% against 96.46% accounted for the state-ofthe-art POS tagger TnT (Brants, 2000). For another experiment, only in training process: 1-time occurrence words in training set are initially tagged as out-of-dictionary words. With a learned tree model of 2418 rules, the tagger reaches an accuracy of 96.51% on the test set. Retraining the tagger utilizing another initial tagger5 developed in the Brill’s tagger (Brill, 1995) instead of the lexicon-based initial one, the RDRPOSTagger gains an accuracy result of 96.57% which is slightly higher than the performance at 96.53% of the Brill’s. 4.2
Results for Vietnamese
In the first Evaluation Campaign6 on Vietnamese Language Processing, the POS tagging track provided a golden training corpus of 28k sentences (631k words) collected from two sources of the national VLSP project and the Vietnam Lexicography Center, and a raw test corpus of 2100 sentences (66k words). The training process returned a SCRDR tree of 2896 rules7 . Obtaining a highest performance on the test set, the RDRPOSTagger surpassed all other participating systems. We also carry out POS tagging experiments on the golden corpus of 28k sentences and on the Vietnamese Treebank of 10k sentences (Nguyen et al., 2009) according to 5-fold cross-validation scheme8 . The average accuracy results are presented in the table 1. Achieving an accuracy of 92.59% on the Vietnamese Treebank, the RDR4 The thresholds 3 and 2 are reused for all other experiments in English and Vietnamese. 5 The initial tagger gets a result of 93.58% on the test set. 6 http://uet.vnu.edu.vn/rivf2013/campaign.html 7 It took 100 minutes to construct the tree leading to tagging speeds of 1100 words/second and 45k words/second for the implementations in Python and Java, respectively, on the computer of Core 2Duo 2.4GHz & 3GB of memory. 8 In each cross-validation run, one fold is selected as test set, 4 remaining folds are merged as training set. The initial tagger exploits a lexicon generated from the training set. In training process, 1-time occurrence words are initially labeled as out-of-lexicon words.
Table 1: Accuracy results for Vietnamese Corpus 28k 10k
Initial-tagger 91.18% 90.59%
RDRPOSTagger 93.42% 92.59%
POSTagger outperforms previous Maximum Entropy Model, Conditional Random Field and Support Vector Machine-based POS tagging systems (Tran et al., 2009) on the same evaluation scheme.
Demonstration and Conclusion
In addition to English and Vietnamese, in the demonstration session, we will present promising experimental results and run the RDRPOSTagger for other languages including Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Lao, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Thai. We will also let the audiences to contribute their own data sets for retraining and testing the tagger. In this paper, we describe the rule-based POS tagging toolkit RDRPOSTagger to automatically construct transformation rules in form of the SCRDR exception structure. We believe that our robust, easy-to-use and languageindependent toolkit RDRPOSTagger can be useful for NLP/CL-related tasks.
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