Reachability of Discrete Time ARMA Representations

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IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information Page 1 of 24 .... been extended to continuous and discrete time descriptor systems in Berger and Reis (2013); Coll et al. ...... 978-1-4614-2684-4/pbk; 978-1-4419-6397-0/ebook. doi: 10.1007/ .... K. Ogata. Modern Control Engineering. Instrumentation and controls series.
IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information Page 1 of 24 doi:10.1093/imamci/dri000

Reachability of Discrete Time ARMA Representations L AZAROS M OYSIS and N ICHOLAS P. K ARAMPETAKIS † School of Mathematical Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece 54124. [Received on October 2015] A new formula for the solution of discrete time Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) representations is provided. Then, the concept of reachability (also known as controllability-from-the-origin) is examined by showcasing the reachable subspace of the system and the consistent inputs that drive the system to a desired state, taking into account the admissible initial conditions. The theory is illustrated by an example and the study of the special cases of ARMA representations i.e. state space systems, descriptor systems and causal systems. Keywords: discrete-time systems; reachability; ARMA representations; control systems; singular systems; descriptor systems; causality; linear systems; multivariable systems; matrix theory.

1. Introduction Let R be the field of reals, R [σ ] the ring of polynomials with coefficients from R and R(σ ) the field of rational functions. By R[σ ] p×m , R(σ ) p×m , R pr (σ ) p×m we denote the sets of p × m polynomial, rational and proper rational matrices with real coefficients. We are going to study the behavior of nonhomogenous systems of linear algebraic and difference equations, described by the matrix equation A(σ )β (k) = B(σ )u(k)


A(σ ) = A0 + A1 σ + ... + Aq σ q


where k ∈ N and B(σ ) = B0 + B1 σ + ... + Bq σ q with Ai ∈ Rr×r , Bi ∈ Rr×m , at least one of Aq , Bq is a non zero matrix and det A(σ ) 6= 0. The discrete time functions u(k) : N → Rm and β (k) : N → Rr define the input and output vectors of the system respectively, whereas σ denotes the forward shift operator, i.e. σ i β (k) = β (k + i). Systems described by (1.1) are called ARMA (Auto-Regressive Moving Average) representations. A notable feature is that there is no distinction between states and ouputs, in contrast to the statespace case. Such systems find applications in electrical circuit networks, mechanical, social, biological and economic systems, see for example Dai (1989); Rao (2011). It is easily seen that such representations can be considered as a generalisation of the known descriptor systems. A usual method of approach for the analysis of ARMA representations (1.1) is through the transformation of the system into an equivalent state-space or descriptor system, as in Antsaklis and Michel (2006); Karampetakis and Vologiannidis (2009); Mahmood et al. (1998); Ogata (2010). Descriptor systems have been extensively studied in Brull (2009); Dai (1989); Duan (2010); Lewis and Mertzios † Corresponding

author. Email: [email protected]

The author 2008. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. All rights reserved.

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(1990); Yip and Sincovec (1981) and references therein and results have been extended to positive systems in Kaczorek (2002). Yet, as Antsaklis and Michel (2006) comments, the transformation of the system (1.1) into an equivalent representation may not always be desirable, since it involves a change of the internal variables. This may be inconvenient, since it can lead to the loss of the physical meaning of the original variables. This paper utilises a more direct approach, through the use of the Jordan Pairs of the polynomial matrix A(σ ) and the Laurent expansion of its inverse matrix. The algebraic structure of polynomial matrices and the theory of Jordan pairs has been studied in the early works of Cohen (1983); Gohberg et al. (2009) and later in Bernstein (2009); Kaczorek (2007b); Vardulakis (1991) and references therein. Results regarding the general solution of (1.1) have been previously provided in Fragulis and Vardulakis (1995); Hou et al. (2000); Karampetakis (1997); Vardulakis (1991) for the continuous time case and in Antoniou et al. (1998); Jones et al. (2003); Karampetakis et al. (2001); Karampetakis and Vologiannidis (2009) for the discrete time case. The concept of reachability has been thoroughly examined by numerous authors, initially for state space systems in Antsaklis and Michel (2006); Hespanha (2009); Kailath (1980). These results have been extended to continuous and discrete time descriptor systems in Berger and Reis (2013); Coll et al. (2002); Dai (1989); Duan (2010); Karampetakis and Gregoriadou (2014); Koumboulis and Mertzios (1999); Lewis and Mertzios (1990); Malabre et al. (1990); Yip and Sincovec (1981), in Laub and Arnold (1984); Losse and Mehrmann (2008) for second order descriptor systems, in Ishihara and Terra (2001); Mishra and Tomar (2015); Mishra et al. (2016) for rectangular descriptor systems, in Commault and Alamir (2007); Kaczorek (2007a); Valcher (1996) for positive systems and in Fragulis and Vardulakis (1995); Karampetakis (1997); Mahmood et al. (1998) for continuous time ARMA systems. In contrast to the state-space case though, the following paradox is encountered. Despite the numerous papers studying the concepts of reachability and controllability, there is no in depth analysis regarding the input that drives the system to a desired state. This question goes in pair with the problem of consistent initial conditions, i.e. the equations that the initial values of the state and input need to satisfy, in order for the system to be impulse free for the continuous time case, and causal for the discrete time case. Although consistent initial conditions have been studied by many authors in Brull (2009); Dai (1989); Karampetakis et al. (2001); Lewis and Mertzios (1990); Vardulakis et al. (1999), their effect on the choice of the appropriate input that drives the system to the desired state has been left out of question, up until recently in Karampetakis and Gregoriadou (2014). There, reachability criteria for discrete time descriptor systems have been derived in a constructive way, by providing a consistent input that drives the system to a desired state, taking into account the consistency of initial conditions. As an example, for the descriptor system       −4 −2 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 x(k + 1) =  3 1 1 x(k) + −1 u(k) (1.3) 6 2 1 2 0 0 2 {z } | {z } | {z } | E



the authors of Karampetakis and Gregoriadou (2014) proposed the input sequence 1 3 1 3 u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0, u(2) = 2z1 + z2 , u(3) = z3 , u(4) = z1 + z2 + z3 (1.4) 4 4 4 16 T that drives the state of the system from the origin to any arbitrary state z = z1 z2 z3 ∈ R3 in three time steps, that is x(3) = z and in addition, it satisfies the initial conditions of consistency proposed in Karampetakis et al. (2001).


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The novelty of the present work lies in the extension of these results to the general case of discrete time ARMA representations. Hence, the main aim of this work is twofold. Firstly, to present the solution of (1.1) in terms of the finite and infinite Jordan Pairs of A(σ ) and secondly, to construct the reachable subspace from the zero state, i.e. R(0) of (1.1) by proposing the consistent inputs that drive the system from the origin to any vector in R(0). This constructive method will yield a simple criterion for the reachability of the system, which is a generalised version of the already known results for state space and descriptor systems. In addition, these results are examined for the special case where the system (1.1) is causal. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, some preliminary concepts from the theory of polynomial matrices are presented. A new expression for the solution of (1.1) is given, in terms of the finite and infinite Jordan Pairs of A(σ ). Section 3 describes the reachable subspace of (1.1) and proposes a criterion for the reachability of the system. In Section 4, causal systems are studied and in the last section, the established theory is illustrated by an example. 2. Preliminaries In this section we provide some background from the theory of polynomial matrices. Results regarding the finite and infinite zero structure of a polynomial matrix shall be used extensively in the following sections. The general solution and admissible initial conditions of (1.1) are also presented. 2.1

Matrix Polynomials

Consider a polynomial matrix A(σ ) = Aq σ q + Aq−1 σ q−1 + ... + A1 σ + A0


with Ai ∈ Rr×r , Aq 6= 0 and det (A(σ )) 6= 0. D EFINITION 2.1 Vardulakis (1991) A square polynomial matrix A(σ ) ∈ R[σ ]r×r is called unimodular if det A(σ ) = c ∈ R, c 6= 0. A rational matrix A(σ ) ∈ R pr (σ )r×r is called biproper if limσ →∞ A(σ ) = E ∈ Rr×r with rankE = r. T HEOREM 2.1 Vardulakis (1991) Let A(σ ) as in (2.1). There exist unimodular matrices UL (σ ) ∈ R[σ ]r×r ,UR (σ ) ∈ R[σ ]r×r such that C SA(σ ) (σ ) = UL (σ )A(σ )UR (σ ) = diag (1, ..., 1, f z (σ ), f z+1 (σ ), ..., f r (σ ))


C (σ ) is called the Smith form of A(σ ), with 1 6 z 6 r and f j (σ )/ f j+1 (σ ), for j = z, z + 1, ..., r. SA(σ ) where f j (σ ) ∈ R [σ ] are the invariant polynomials of A(σ ). The zeros λi ∈ C of f j (σ ), j = z, z + 1, ..., r are called finite zeros of A(σ ). Assume that A(σ ) has ` finite, distinct zeros. The partial multiplicities ni, j of each zero λi ∈ C, i = 1, ..., ` satisfy

0 6 ni,z 6 ni,z+1 6 ... 6 ni,r


f j (σ ) = (σ − λi )ni, j fˆj (σ )


with ni, j

j = z, ..., r and fˆj (λi ) 6= 0. The terms (σ − λi )

are called finite elementary divisors of A(σ ) at λi .

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Denote by n the sum of the degrees of the finite elementary divisors of A(σ ), i.e. # " `


n := deg det (A(σ )) = deg

∏ f j (σ ) j=z


= ∑ ∑ ni, j


i=1 j=z

Similarly, we can find UL (σ ) ∈ R(σ )r×r , UR (σ ) ∈ R(σ )r×r having no poles and zeros at σ = λ0 such that λ0 SA(σ (σ ) = UL (σ )A(σ )UR (σ ) = diag (1, ..., 1, (σ − λ0 )nz , ..., (σ − λ0 )nr ) (2.6) ) λ

0 SA(σ (σ ) is called the Smith form of A(σ ) at the local point λ0 . )

T HEOREM 2.2 Vardulakis (1991); Vardulakis et al. (1982) Let A(σ ) as in (2.1). There exist biproper matrices UL (σ ) ∈ R pr (σ )r×r , UR (σ ) ∈ R pr (σ )r×r such that r−u

 {  q q 1  ∞  1 , σ 2 , ..., σ qu , 1 , UL (σ )A(σ )UR (σ ) = SA(σ , ..., qˆ  ) (σ ) = diag σ q ˆ q ˆ u+1 u+2 | {z } σ σ r σ


q1 > . . . > qu > 0


qˆr > qˆr−1 > . . . qˆu+1 > 0



}| 1



∞ and 1 6 u 6 r. SA(σ ) (σ ) is called the Smith form of A(σ ) at infinity. If p∞ is the number of qi ’s in (2.8) with qi > 0, then we say that A(σ ) has p∞ poles at infinity, each one of order qi > 0. Also, if z∞ is the number of qˆi ’s in (2.9), then we say that A(σ ) has z∞ zeros at infinity, each one of order qˆi > 0. It is proved in Vardulakis (1991) that q1 = q.

D EFINITION 2.2 Vardulakis (1991) The dual polynomial matrix of A(σ ) is defined as ˜ ) := σ q A( 1 ) = A0 σ q + A1 σ q−1 + ... + Aq A(σ σ


˜ ) as in (2.10). There exist matrices U˜ L (σ ) ∈ R(σ )r×r , T HEOREM 2.3 Vardulakis (1991) Let A(σ r×r U˜ R (σ ) ∈ R(σ ) having no poles or zeros at σ = 0, such that 0 µ1 µr ˜ ˜ ˜ SA(σ ˜ ) (σ ) = UL (σ )A(σ )UR (σ ) = diag [σ , . . . , σ ]


µ j are the finite elementary divisors of 0 ˜ SA(σ ˜ ) (σ ) is the local Smith form of A(σ ) at σ = 0. The terms σ ˜ ) at zero and are called the infinite elementary divisors (i.e.d.) of A(σ ). A(σ

The connection between the Smith form at infinity of A(σ ) and the Smith form at zero of the dual matrix is given in Hayton et al. (1988); Vardulakis (1991):     0 q−q2 SA(σ , . . . , σ q−qu , σ q+qˆu+1 , . . . , σ q+qˆr  = diag [σ µ1 , σ µ2 , . . . , σ µr ] ˜ ) (σ ) = diag 1, σ | {z }| {z } i.p.e.d.




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where by i.p.e.d. and i.z.e.d. we denote the infinite pole and infinite zero elementary divisors respectively. From the above formula it is seen that the the orders of the infinite elementary divisors of A(σ ) are given by q=q


= q − q1 = 1 0


= q−qj

j = 2, 3, ..., u


= q + qˆ j

j = u + 1, ..., r


We denote by µ the sum of the degrees of the infinite elementary divisors of A(σ ) i.e. r

µ :=

∑ µj



 T HEOREM Let C J and  2.4 Cohen (1983); Gohberg and Rodman (1978); Gohbergr×net al. (2009) C¯∞ J¯∞ be the finite and infinite Jordan Pairs of A(σ ), with C ∈ R , J ∈ Rn×n , C¯∞ ∈ Rr×µ , J¯∞ ∈ Rµ×µ . The Jordan Pairs determine A(σ ) uniquely and satisfy the following properties: T • rank C CJ · · · CJ q−1 = n • ∑qi=0 AiCJ i = 0 and ˜ has a zero at λ = 0 of multiplicity µ. • det A(s)  T • rank C¯∞ C¯∞ J¯∞ · · · C¯∞ J¯∞q−1 = µ • ∑qi=0 AiC¯∞ J¯q−i = 0 T HEOREM 2.5 Vardulakis (1991) Let A(σ )−1 be the inverse of A(σ ). Then A(σ )−1 has the representation A(σ )−1 = C(σ In − J)−1 BF +C∞ (Iµˆ − σ J∞ )−1 B∞ (2.15) where the matrix triples (C, J, BF ) and (C∞ , J∞ , B∞ ) are the minimal realizations of the strictly proper and ˆ µˆ polynomial parts of A(σ )−1 respectively, with C ∈ Rr×n , J ∈ Rn×n , BF ∈ Rn×r , C∞ ∈ Rr×µˆ , J∞ ∈ Rµ× , ˆ r µ×r B∞ ∈ R , µˆ = ∑i=u+1 (qˆi + 1) 6 µ and J∞ = blockdiag(J∞,r , ..., J∞,u+1 )   0 1 ··· 0  . ..  . ..  J∞,i = 0 0  ∈ R(qˆi +1)×(qˆi +1) 0 0 · · · 1 0 0 ··· 0



for i = u + 1, ..., r. It holds that (σ In − J)−1 = σ −1 In + σ −2 J + σ −3 J 2 + . . . −1 Iµˆ − σ J∞ = Iµˆ + σ J∞ + σ 2 J∞ 2 + ... + σ qˆr J∞ qˆr

(2.18) (2.19)

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L EMMA 2.1 Vardulakis (1991) The Laurent expansion of A(σ )−1 at infinity is given by A(σ )−1 = Hqˆr σ qˆr + Hqˆr −1 σ qˆr −1 + · · · + H1 σ + H0 + H−1 σ −1 + H−2 σ −2 + . . .


By equating the coefficients of the powers of σ i of the last two expressions for A(σ )−1 we get Hi = C∞ J∞ i B∞ H−i = CJ 2.2


i = 0, 1, 2, ..., qˆr


i = 1, 2, . . .



The Solution Space of A(σ )B(k) = B(σ )u(k)

The aim of this section is to present the solution of (1.1) in terms of the finite and infinite Jordan pairs. T HEOREM 2.6 The solution of A(σ )β (k) = B(σ )u(k) is given by   k i−1 Ω u(k − i) J ∑ q−1  q−1   i=1  + ∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(k + i) −CJ k ∑ Φi+1 u(i) +CJ k β f (0) β (k) = C C∞   qˆr  i=0 i=0 ∑ J∞ i Ω˜ u(k + q + i) i=0

(2.22) where β f (0) = J q−1 BF


 Aq  . BF  .. A1

··· .. . ···

  0 β (0)  ..  ..  .  . Aq β (q − 1)


Ω = J q BF Bq + J q−1 BF Bq−1 + ... + JBF B1 + BF B0 Ω˜ = B∞ Bq + J∞ B∞ Bq−1 + ... + J∞q B∞ B0 q− j

Φj =

(2.24) (2.25)


∑ J i BF Bi+ j


Zq− j = ∑ J∞ i B∞ Bq− j−i



with j = 1, 2, ..., q and Bk ≡ 0 for k < 0. Proof. The general solution of the system, given in Jones et al. (2003); Karampetakis et al. (2001), is

β (k) = H−k−q


 Aq  . H−k−1  .. A1 + H−k

··· .. . ··· ···

  0 β (0)  ..   .. + .  . β (q − 1) Aq  B0 · · · Bq · · ·  Hqˆr  ... . . . . . . . . . 0 · · · B0 · · ·

 0 ..   .  Bq

u(0) .. .

  u(k + q + qˆr )


By replacing in (2.27) the fundamental matrix sequences Hi given in and (2.21a),(2.21b) and taking into account that   Bq  .  q Ω = J BF · · · JBF BF  ..  (2.28) B0

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J∞ Ω˜

 J∞qˆr Ω˜ = B∞



 Bq  ..   .  J∞qˆr B∞ B0   

 ..

.. ..

. ..

. B0

  Ω˜

J∞ Ω˜

J∞qˆr Ω˜




 = B∞


 Φq = J q−1 BF




 = B∞


J∞qˆr B∞

 

    ,   


Bq .. .

. ...


. ···

Bq−qˆr  Bq  . . .. · · · BF  .. B1 · · ·   B0 · · ·  q−1 .. J∞ B∞  .

q 6 qˆr (2.29)

Bq   ,

q > qˆr


Bq   


 Bq−1 ..  . 




we obtain after a number of calculations the formula given in (2.22).

The last formula for the general solution of the system, offers a great convenience. It showcases which parts of the input are connected with the finite or infinite Jordan Pairs. So we can see that for an arbitrary k, the first k inputs, from u(0) to u(k − 1) are connected to the finite Jordan Pairs, the next u(k) to u(k + q − 1) are connected to both finite and infinite Jordan Pairs and the last u(k + q) to u(k + q + qˆr ) are connected only to the infinite Jordan Pairs. This separation will be of utmost importance in the creation of the reachable subspace. In order for the above formula to be a solution of (1.1), it needs to satisfy (1.1) for k = 0, 1, ..., q − 1. This brings us to the following definition and theorem. D EFINITION 2.3 The set of all {u(k), β (k)} that satisfy (1.1) for k = 0, 1, ..., q − 1 is called the set of Admissible Initial Conditions of the system and is denoted by Had . T HEOREM 2.7 Karampetakis et al. (2001) The set of all Had is given by ( Had :=

β (k), k = 0, ..., q − 1 and u(k), k = 0, ..., 2q + qˆr − 1 :  A0  .. . 0

··· .. . ···

 Aq−1 H0 ..   .. .  . A0 H−q+1

··· ···

 Hq−1 A0 ..   .. .  . 0


··· .. . ···

  Aq−1 β (0)  ..   .. = .  . A0 β (q − 1) | {z } βin

A0  =  ... 0

··· .. . ···


Aq−1 H0 ..  .. .  . A0 H−q+1


Hqˆr .. .


Hqˆr −q+1

··· .. . ···



B0  .. 0  . Hqˆr 0

··· .. . ···

Bq B0

··· .. . ···



0 u(0)    ..  ..  .  .   Bq u(2q + qˆr − 1)


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3. Reachable Subspace In this section the Reacability of system (1.1) is considered. We present a constructive proof to showcase the reachable subspace of the system and provide a criterion to test when a system is reachable. The results are illustrated by an example. D EFINITION 3.1 We say that a vector z ∈ Rr is reachable (controllable from the origin) if there exists an input u(k) that transfers β (k) from the origin βin = 0 to z in some finite time k0 ∈ N i.e. β (k0 ) = z


The set of all reachable outputs from 0 ∈ Had is denoted by R(0). D EFINITION 3.2 The system (1.1) is called reachable (controllable from the origin) if every point z∈ Rr is reachable. In mathematical terms, a system is reachable iff R(0) = Rr


To describe R(0), we first need to introduce the following formulas C hJ/ Im Ω i := C Im Ω +CJ Im Ω + ... +CJ n−1 Im Ω

C∞ J∞ / Im Ω˜ := C∞ Im Ω˜ +C∞ J∞ Im Ω˜ + ... +C∞ J∞ qˆr Im Ω˜ Im Ω := {x/x ∈ Rn , ∃u ∈ Rm : x = Ω u} ⊂ Rn n o Im Ω˜ := x/x ∈ Rµˆ , ∃u ∈ Rm : x = Ω˜ u ⊂ Rµˆ

(3.3) (3.4) (3.5) (3.6)

where n = deg det (A(σ )) is the sum of the finite elementary divisors of A(σ ) and µˆ = ∑ri=u+1 (qˆi + 1). n

L EMMA 3.1 Define W (1, n) := ∑ CJ i−1 Ω Ω T J T


CT . We shall prove that


ImW (1, n) = C hJ/ Im Ω i


Proof. It is clear that C hJ/ Im Ω i is produced by the linearly independent columns of Q = CΩ



CJ n−1 Ω


It is sufficient to show that kerW T (1, n) = ker QT ⇔ kerW (1, n) =

n−1 \

i ker Ω T J T CT


since W (1, n) is symmetric, i.e. W T (1, n) = W (1, n). n−1 i T First, we prove that kerW (1, n) ⊆ ker Ω T J T CT . Let x ∈ kerW (1, n), then i=0

W (1, n) x = 0 ⇒ xT W (1, n) x = 0 ⇒ n i−1 T i−1 T

2 C x = 0 ⇒ ∑ Ω T J T C x = 0 ⇒ ∑ xT CJ i−1 Ω Ω T J T i=1 i=1 n−1 T T T T T T Ω C x = 0, Ω J C x = 0, . . . , Ω T J T C x=0 n



So x ∈

n−1 T

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i ker Ω T J T CT , therefore


kerW (1, n) ⊆

n−1 \

i ker Ω T J T CT



Now we shall prove that

n−1 T

n−1 i i T ker Ω T J T CT ⊆ kerW (1, n). Let x ∈ ker Ω T J T CT , then


i=0 n

W (1, n) x = ∑ CJ i−1 Ω Ω T J T

i−1 T C x=


 q−1 T T n−1 T J C x = 0 ⇒ x ∈ kerW (1, n) ΩΩ C }x +JΩ Ω | J{zC }x +... + J Ω Ω | {z | {z } T




n−1 T





i ker Ω T J T CT ⊆ kerW (1, n).


L EMMA 3.2 ImW (1, n) = ImW (1, k) for k > n. Proof. We know according to the Cayley-Hamilton theorem that each matrix satisfies its characteristic polynomial. So the matrix J, which as we know is in block diagonal form, has the characteristic n−1

polynomial p(λ ) = det (λ In − J) = λ n + ∑ pi λ i . Hence, J satisfies its characteristic equation i.e. i=0

p(J) = J n + pn−1 J n−1 + ... + p0 In = 0


This means that the matrix J n = −pn−1 J n−1 − ... − p0 In is linearly dependent to the matrices J n−1 , J n−2 ,..., J, In . Multiplying the above equation from the right by J and replacing J n , we get that the same holds for J n+1 . Following this procedure, we get that all J k , k > n are linearly dependent to J n−1 ,J n−2 ,. . . , J, In . As a result   CIm Ω JΩ · · · J n−1 Ω = CIm Ω JΩ · · · J k−1 Ω ⇔ (3.12) ImW (1, n) = ImW (1, k) for k > n.


qˆr i L EMMA 3.3 Define W˜ (0, qˆr ) := ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ Ω˜ T J∞ T C∞T . Then i=0

ImW˜ (0, qˆr ) = C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ Proof. The proof follows the same procedure as in Lemma 3.1 and therefore shall be omitted.


Now we proceed to the main theorem of this paper. T HEOREM 3.1 The reachable subspace R(0) of (1.1) is

q−1 R(0) = ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) i=0


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Proof. Firstly, we prove that

q−1 R(0) ⊆ ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )



Let β (k) ∈ R(0). This means that the initial conditions vector is     β (0) 0    . . .. βin =   =  ..  β (q − 1)



and the above vector, along with the first 2q + qˆr input values   u(0)   ..   .


u(2q + qˆr − 1) need to satisfy the equation of consistency (2.33). The simplest choice of initial input values, for (2.33) to hold true is u(i) = 0 i = 0, . . . , 2q + qˆr − 1 (3.19) For an arbitrary k0 > q the output of the system becomes  k  0 i−1 Ω u(k − i) J ∑ 0  q−1   i=1  + ∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(k0 + i) β (k0 ) = C C∞   qˆr  i i=0 ∑ J∞ Ω˜ u(k0 + q + i)



and it is easy to see that k0

C ∑ J i−1 Ω u(k0 − i) ∈ ImW (1, k0 ) ⊆C hJ/ImΩ i



˜ C∞ ∑ J∞ i Ω˜ u(k0 + q + i) ∈ ImW(0, qˆ r ) = C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜



i=0 q−1


q−1 R(0) ⊆ ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )



and thus


∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(k0 + i) ∈ ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) i=0


Now we shall prove the opposite, that

q−1 R(0) ⊇ ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) i=0



11 of 24


q−1 z ∈ ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )


z = β1 + β2 + β3





where β1 ∈ C hJ/ImΩ i, β2 ∈ C∞ J∞ / Im Ω˜ and β3 ∈ ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ). We need to construct a i=0

consistent input u(k), so that for a certain k, we have β (k) = z


We shall show that this control sequence can be constructed for k = 2q + qˆr + n. For this choice of k the output is 2q+qˆr +n

β (2q + qˆr + n) =

CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i)+








+ ∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(2q + qˆr + n + i) + ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ u(3q + qˆr + n + i) (3.29) i=0



{z B

} |

{z G


where 2q+qˆr +n


CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) =



2q+qˆr +n



∑ CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) + ∑

CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) (3.30)

corresponds to the input sequence u(0),. . . , u(2q + qˆr + n − 1). q−1


∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(2q + qˆr + n + i)



corresponds to the input sequence u(2q + qˆr + n), . . . , u(3q + qˆr + n − 1). qˆr

G = ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ u(3q + qˆr + n + i)



corresponds to the input sequence u(3q + qˆr + n), . . . , u(3q + 2qˆr + n). Since β1 ∈ C hJ/ Im Ω i ≡ ImW (1, n), there exists a vector w ∈ Rr such that n

n−1 T i−1 T C w = CΩ Ω T CT w + ... +CJ n−1 Ω Ω T J T C w


∑ CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) = CΩ u(2q + qˆr + n − 1) + ... +CJ n−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr )


β1 = ∑ CJ i−1 Ω Ω T J T i=1

and since n i=1

12 of 24


by choosing u(i) = Ω T J T 0, . . . , 2q + qˆr − 1 we get 2q+qˆr +n



2q+qˆr +n−1−i

CT w for i = 2q + qˆr , ..., 2q + qˆr + n − 1 and u(i) = 0 for i = n

CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) = ∑ CJ i−1 Ω u(2q + qˆr + n − i) = β 1




Since β3 ∈ ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ), there exist vectors β3i ∈ Rm such that i=0


β3 =

∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )β3i



By choosing u(2q + qˆr + n) = β3,0 u(2q + qˆr + n + 1) = β3,1 .. .


u(3q + qˆr + n − 1) = β3,q−1 we get q−1



∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(2q + qˆr + n + i) = ∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )β3i = β3




Since β2 ∈ C∞ J∞ / Im Ω˜ ≡ Im W˜ (0, qr ), there exists a vector v ∈ Rr such that qˆr i qˆ β2 = ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ Ω˜ T J∞ T C∞T v = C∞ Ω˜ Ω˜ T C∞T v + ... +C∞ J∞ qˆr Ω˜ Ω˜ T J∞ T r C∞T v



and since qˆr

∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ u(3q + qˆr + n + i) = C∞ Ω˜ u(3q + qˆr + n) + ... +C∞ J∞ qˆr Ω˜ u(3q + 2qˆr + n)



by choosing u(i) = Ω˜ T J∞ T

i−3q−qˆr −n T C∞ v for i = 3q + qˆr + n, ..., 3q + 2qˆr + n we get

qˆr qˆr i C = ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ u(3q + qˆr + n + i) = ∑ C∞ J∞ i Ω˜ Ω˜ T J∞ T C∞T v = β2 i=0



Overall, by choosing as an input  0 k = 0, ..., 2q + qˆr − 1    T T 2q+qˆr +n−1−k T C w k = 2q + qˆr , ..., 2q + qˆr + n − 1 Ω J u(k) = β k = 2q + qˆr + n, ..., 3q + qˆr + n − 1  3,k−2q− q ˆ −n  rk−3q−qˆr −n T  T T ˜ Ω J∞ C∞ v k = 3q + qˆr + n, ..., 3q + 2qˆr + n


we end up with β (2q + qˆr + n) = β1 + β2 + β3 = z



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which proves that

q−1 R(0) ⊇ ChJ/ImΩ i +C∞ J∞ /ImΩ˜ + ∑ Im (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi )



 In the above proof, it was shown that any desired output can be reached within 2q + qˆr + n time steps. However, an admissible input sequence could possibly be constructed in less steps, as will be shown in the illustrative example of the last section. So far we have managed to describe the reachable subspace R(0) by the use of the finite and infinite Jordan Pairs of A(σ ). Since the system is reachable when R(0) = Rr we can easily conclude to the following theorem that provides a reachability test for the system. T HEOREM 3.2 The system (1.1) is reachable from the origin, iff  rank Q1 Q2 Q3 = r


where  Q1 = CJ n−1 Ω · · · CΩ  CΦq +C∞ Zq−1 Q2 = CΦ1 +C∞ Z0 · · ·  Q3 = C∞ Ω˜ · · · C∞ J∞ qˆr Ω˜

(3.46a) (3.46b) (3.46c)

By expanding the matrices in (3.46) and rewriting their coefficients in terms of the Laurent series expansion using (2.21a),(2.21b), bearing in mind that J∞ i = 0 for i > qˆr + 1, since qˆr + 1 is the index of nilpotency of J∞ we get     Bq Bq  .. . .   .. . .      . .    .  .    B B H · · · H B B Q1 = H−q−n · · · H−1  Q = q −q q  0 q  (3.47) 2  0     . . . . . . ..  . . ..    B0 B0   Bq  .. . .  .  .     . .. Q3 = H0 · · · Hqˆr B0 (3.48)      .. ..   . . B0 . . . Bq By replacing (3.47),(3.48) in (3.45) we obtain an equivalent reachability test:   Bq  .. . .  .  .     .. rank H−q−n · · · Hqˆr B0 =r .     . . .. ..   B0 Bq


14 of 24


 (3.49) indicates that the matrix Q = Q1 Q2 Q3 which contains the first q + n + qˆr + 1 terms of the Laurent expansion of A(σ )−1 B(σ ) does not lose rank if and only if the system (1.1) is reachable. This result is comparable to the one presented in Karampetakis and Vologiannidis (2009) where a different approximation was used. The advantage of the approximation used here is that we find the consistent input that drives the system from the zero initial conditions to the desired output z. R EMARK 3.1 In the special case of state space systems β (k + 1) = Aβ (k) + Bu(k)


(σ Ir − A)β (k) = Bu(k)


or equivalently

the system’s matrices are A0 = −A, A1 = Ir , B0 = B, with q = 1 and n = r. Now, by using the formula (σ Ir − A)−1 = σ −1 Ir + σ −2 A + σ −3 A2 + . . .


we get H−1 = Ir

H−2 = A

H−3 = A2



and the reachability criterion takes the form rank An−1 B . . .

 B =r


which is the reachability criterion for discrete time state space systems provided in Antsaklis and Michel (2006); Kailath (1980). R EMARK 3.2 In the special case of generalised state space or descriptor systems Eβ (k + 1) = Aβ (k) + Bu(k)


(Eσ − A)β (k) = Bu(k)


or equivalently

with det E = 0, the system’s matrices are A0 = −A, A1 = E, B0 = B, with q = 1. The reachability criterion takes the form  rank H−n−1 B . . . Hqˆr B = r (3.57) This result is comparable to the ones presented in Lewis and Mertzios (1990) and later in Karampetakis and Gregoriadou (2014): rank(Un ) = rank φ−µ B


φ−1 B φ0 B


 φn−1 B = r


where the coefficients φi are computed from the Laurent expansion of (σ E − A)−1 : (σ E − A)−1 = φ−µ σ µ−1 + ... + φ−1 σ 0 + φ0 σ −1 + ...



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4. Causal Systems In this section, the solution and reachable subspace of causal systems is presented. D EFINITION 4.1 The ARMA representation A(σ )β (k) = B(σ )u(k) is called causal iff for every admissible input u(k) such that u(k) = 0, k < 0 the solution β (k) of A(σ )β (k) = B(σ )u(k) depends only on the initial conditions of β (k) and the present and past values of u(k). Following a procedure similar to Vardulakis et al. (1999) it can be shown that the system (1.1) is causal iff: 1. A(σ )−1 ∈ R pr (σ )r×r 2. A(σ )−1 B(σ ) ∈ R pr (σ )r×r Under the condition that A(σ )−1 is proper, the Laurent expansion of A(σ )−1 becomes A(σ )−1 = H0 + H−1 σ −1 + H−2 σ −2 + . . .


A(σ )−1 = C(σ In − J)−1 BF + H0


or equivalently

so H0 = ... = Hqˆr = 0, and the matrix A(σ ) has no zeros at infinity. By equating coefficients in (4.1) and (4.2) we get H−i = CJ i−1 BF

i = 1, 2, . . .


In addition, from A(σ )−1 A(σ ) = Ir , we obtain the relations Hi−q Aq + ... + Hi A0 = δi Ir ,


where δi denotes the Kronecker delta. In this special case the admissible initial conditions of (1.1) are the following. C OROLLARY 4.1 If the system (1.1) is causal, the input/output initial conditions become      A0 · · · Aq−1 H0 ··· 0 A0 · · · Aq−1 β (0)  .. . .  ..   .. ..   .. . . ..   .. .. . = . . . .  . .  . .  . 0



H−q+1 

A0  .. = . 0

··· .. . ···


H0 


Aq−1 H0 ..   .. .  . A0 H−q+1

··· ··· .. . ···

A0 β (q − 1)    0 B0 · · · Bq−1 u(0)  ..   .. . . ..   ..  . .  . .  . H0 0 ··· B0 u(q − 1)


C OROLLARY 4.2 From (2.22), under the conditions that A(σ )−1 ∈ R pr (σ )r×r and A(σ )−1 B(σ ) ∈ R pr (σ )r×r , the solution of the causal system (1.1) is   B0 · · · Bq    .. ..   u(0) . .      ..  .. β (k) = CJ k β f (0) + CJ k−1 BF · · · CBF H0  (4.6)  .  . Bq      u(k) . . . . ..   B0

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Using the same method as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 we derive the reachable subspace of the causal system. T HEOREM 4.1 The reachable subspace R(0) of the causal system is        R(0) = Im  CJ q+n−1 BF      |

       Bq   ..   .   B0  }



Bq  ..   . H0  B0  

.. ..

. .




R EMARK 4.1 Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1, we find that an admissible input can be constructed that drives the system from the origin to an arbitrary z ∈ R(0) in q + n steps, that is β (q + n) = z. Writing z as z = β1 + β2 , with β1 ∈ C hJ/ImΩ i and β2 ∈ ImM, with Ω = J q BBq + J q−1 BBq−1 + ... + JBB1 + BB0 M = CJ



BBq + · · · +CBB1 + H0 B0


we find that the admissible input is  k = 0, ..., q − 1 0 u(k) = Ω T (J T )q+n−1−kCT w k = q, ..., q + n − 1  MT v k = q+n


where w, v ∈ Rr , such that n

i−1 T

β1 = ∑ CJ i−1 Ω Ω T (J T )

C w,

β2 = MM T v



and so the output for k = q + n is   u(q) n−1   .. i β (q + n) = Λ   = ∑ CJ Ω u(q + n − 1 − i) + Mu(q + n) = β1 + β2 = z . u(q + n)



The above results lead to the following reachability criterion. T HEOREM 4.2 The causal system (1.1) is reachable from the origin iff   Bq   .. . .   .   . q+n−1 B  B CJ . . . CB H rank  F F 0  0    ..   .

     Bq   = r ..  .  B0


17 of 24


or equivalently     rank   H−q−n  



 Bq  ..   . H0  B0  

 .. ..

. .

    Bq   = r ..  .  B0


5. An Illustrative Example E XAMPLE 5.1 Let   2 7−3σ −3σ +σ 2 2+σ σ 0  −5+2σ 2 1−2σ  β (k) =  0 1 σ 0 −5+5σ −σ 2 −σ −3σ +σ 2 | {z | {z } 

B(σ )

A(σ )

 0 1 u(k) 1 }


 0 0 σ4


For the matrix A(σ ) we have  1 C 0 SA(σ (σ ) = ) 0

0 1 0

 0 0 , (σ − 2)2

 1 0  0 SA(σ (σ ) = ˜ ) 0

0 1 0

and so q = 2, n = 2, µ = 4, with µ = q + qˆ3 = 4 ⇒ qˆ3 = 4 − q = 2. So µˆ = qˆ3 + 1 = 3 and a realization of A(s)−1 is given by       2 1 2 0 0 2 1 5 C = 1 0 , (5.3) J= , BF = 0 2 −1 − 65 − 15 0 1       1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 5 3 (5.4) C∞ = 0 2 1 , J∞ = 0 0 1 , B∞ = 0 − 25  5 1 1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 −5 0 The matrices Ω , Ω˜ are  21 −5 − 22 5

− 65

− 57

 2 −5 Ω˜ = B∞ B2 + J∞ B∞ B1 + J∞2 B∞ B0 =  0 0

− 15 0 0

 − 51 0  0

Ω = J 2 BF B2 + JBF B1 + BF B0 =

2 5

2 5


with rank(Ω ) = 2 and

with rank(Ω˜ ) = 1. Computing Φ1 ,Φ2 and Z0 , Z1 in the same fashion, we get     −1 0 0 0 0 0 Φ1 = JBF B2 + BF B1 = , Φ = B B = F 2 2 −1 0 0 − 11 0 0 5



18 of 24


 0 Z0 = B∞ B0 = 0 0

0 3 5

− 51

1 5 1 5

− 15

Z1 = B∞ B1 + J∞ B∞ B0 = − 25 0


−2 5 2 5 −6 5

−3 5 2 5 −7  215 −5

 −64

Q1 = CΩ


Q2 = CΦ1 +C∞ Z0

Q3 = C∞ Ω˜

C∞ J∞ Ω˜

1 5

5 =  −21 5 −22 5

CΦ2 +C∞ Z1 =  −1 − 11 5  2 1 − − 5 5  2 0 C∞ J∞ Ω˜ =  0 − 25 − 51

3 5

− 15 0

 −16 −172 −4 5 5 −64 −2 −3  5 5 5 −12 −14 −44 5 5 5 2 1 2 6 − 5 5 5 5 1 4 1 − 5 − 25 5 4 − 35 0 − 25 5 − 15 0 0 0 0 0 − 15

0 0

0 0

0 0

1 5

− 15  0


(5.9)  0 − 25 

0 0


2 5

0 0 0

 0 0 0


Overall rank Q1


 Q3 = 3


So the above system is reachable. That means that every vector in R3 can be reached from the origin within a finite number of time steps. We will now construct such an input using the methodology presented in the Proof of Theorem 3.1. First of all, we need to choose the appropriate admissible initial conditions for the input, so that (2.33) is satisfied. Thus, select the inputs     u(0) u(0)    ..  .. (5.13)  = .  . u(2q + qˆ3 − 1)


to belong to the kernel of:  A0 0

A1 A0

H0 H− 1

H1 H0

H2 H1

  B0 0  0 H2  0 0

B1 B0 0 0

B2 B1 B0 0

0 B2 B1 B0

0 0 B2 B1

 0 0  0 B2


The simplest choice is 

   u(0) 0  ..   ..   .  = . u(5)



Now, since rankQ2 = 3, every vector in R3 can be written as a linear combination of the columns of Q2 . So we only require the input time sequences corresponding to Q2 to reach any output in R3 . Let an arbitrary vector   β1 β2  ∈ R3 (5.16) β3


19 of 24

The above vector can be written as a linear combination of CΦ1 + C∞ Z0 and CΦ2 + C∞ Z1 . That is, ∃c1 , c2 ∈ R3 such that   β1 β2  = (CΦ1 +C∞ Z0 )c1 + (CΦ2 +C∞ Z1 )c2 (5.17) β3 Solving the system we get 

   c11 −β1 + β2 + β3  c12 c1 = c12  =  c13 c13     c21 c21 21β3 c13 2  c2 = c22  =  −8β1 + 21β 2 + 2 − c12 − 2 + 3c21 21β 31β 7c 1 2 12 c23 2 − 2 − 13β3 + 2 + c13 − 5c21 where c12 , c13 , c21 ∈ R are arbitrary. To reach the Choosing as an input    03×1  c1 u(k) = c2    03×1



desired output, we need to set k = 2q + qˆr = 6. k = 0, ..., 5 k=6 k=7 k = 8, ...


we get the output of the system (under zero initial conditions) 6    i−1  J Ω u(6 − i) ∑ 2−1 1        6 i=1 β (6) = C C∞  2 Φi+1 u(i) ⇒   + ∑ (CΦi+1 +C∞ Zi ) u(6 + i) − CJ ∑   iΩ ˜ J∞ u(8 + i) i=0 ∑ i=0   i=0 β (6) = (CΦ1 +C∞ Z0 ) u(6) + (CΦ2 +C∞ Z1 ) u(7) ⇒   β1 β (6) = β2  (5.21) β3 So any arbitrary output can be reached within 6 time steps. Of course, the above input sequence is by no means unique, since it depends on c12 , c13 , c21 that can be chosen arbitrarily. One can find multiple consistent inputs that can drive the system to a desired output. The advantage of our methodology lies in the fact that we take into account the admissible initial conditions (2.33). Another approach for solving this problem might be to use the formula proposed by Karampetakis et al. (2001), Jones et al. (2003). Let the general solution of the system, under zero initial conditions β (0) = β (1) = 03 : 

β (k) = H−k


B0  . H2  ..

B1 .. .





··· .. . B1

  0 u(0)  ..   ..  .  . B2 u(k + 4)


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It is easy to check that for k = 2    rank   H−2 




 B0 0  H2  0 0 0

B1 B0 0 0 0

B2 B1 B0 0 0

0 B2 B1 B0 0

So for an arbitrary vector in R3 , ∃c1 , c2 , ..., c7 ∈ R3 such that:    B0 B1 B2 β1  . . β2  = H−2 · · · H2  ..  .. β3 0 · · · B0

0 0 B2 B1 B0

··· .. . B1

0 0 0 B2 B1

 0  0   0  =3 0  B2

  c1 0 ..   ..  .  .  c7 B2



Solving the above system, we can find a plethora of possible choices for the input. However we need to be careful, since the admissible conditions (2.33) need to be taken into account. For example, by choosing       − 17 0 5 5 − β1 + β2 + β3 227 11 11 16 u(0) = 1 u(1) = −5 u(2) =  15 + 3 β1 − 3 β2 − 3 β3  85β2 95β3 1 0 0 − 209 − 70β 3 + 3 + 3     3 1 0 u(3) = 0 u(k) = 0 k = 4, ... 1 0 as an input, we get that   β1 β (2) = β2  β3


Yet, although we managed to reach the desired output in 2 time steps, the choice of initial conditions is wrong, since they do not satisfy (2.33). So the above input sequence is not feasible. Moreover, if we try to solve the system of equations (5.14), (5.24), we find that they have no solutions in common, so for k = 2 we cannot find an input sequence that will drive the system to any arbitrary output. 6. Conclusions A formula for the general solution of discrete time ARMA representations was provided in terms of the finite and infinite Jordan Pairs of A(σ ). Furthermore, the reachability subspace of discrete time ARMA systems has been defined and criteria regarding the reachability of a system have been proposed. The special case of causal systems has also been studied. The results presented in this work constitute an extension of the results presented in Karampetakis and Gregoriadou (2014) for descriptor systems. The advantage of the method used in this work is that it provides us with the form of the consistent input that drives the system from the zero vector to the desired output. Although the input and output of the system are defined as real vector valued functions, these results can be generalized to an arbitrary field F. Further research still remains for the derivation of a criterion connecting the reachability of (1.1) to   the absence of decoupling zeros of the compound matrix A(σ ) B(σ ) , the controllability to the origin and the extension of these results to positive systems or fractional order systems.


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Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewer for the insightful comments that significantly improved the quality of this paper. Funding This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and Lifelong Learning” of the National StrategicReference Framework (NSRF)—Research Funding Program:ARCHIMEDES III. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund. References E.N. Antoniou, A.I.G. Vardulakis, and N.P. Karampetakis. A spectral characterization of the behavior of discrete time AR-representations over a finite time interval. Kybernetika, 34(5):555–564, 1998. ISSN 0023-5954. Panos J. Antsaklis and Anthony N. Michel. Linear systems. Boston: Birkh¨auser, 2nd corrected printing edition, 2006. ISBN 0-8176-4434-2/hbk. Thomas Berger and Timo Reis. Controllability of linear differential-algebraic systems - a survey. In Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations I, pages 1–61. Springer, 2013. D. S. Bernstein. Matrix mathematics. Theory, facts, and formulas. Princeton, University Press, Second edition, 2009. ISBN 978-0-691-14039-1/pbk; 978-0-691-13287-7/hbk. Tobias Brull. Explicit solutions of regular linear discrete-time descriptor systems with constant coefficients. ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only], 18:317–338, 2009. URL Nir Cohen. Spectral analysis of regular matrix polynomials. Integral Equations Oper. Theory, 6:161– 183, 1983. ISSN 0378-620X; 1420-8989/e. doi: 10.1007/BF01691894. Carmen Coll, M`arius J. Fullana, and Elena S´anchez. Some invariants of discrete-time descriptor systems. Appl. Math. Comput., 127(2-3):277–287, 2002. ISSN 0096-3003. doi: 10.1016/ S0096-3003(01)00005-4. Christian Commault and Mazen Alamir. On the reachability in any fixed time for positive continuoustime linear systems. Syst. Control Lett., 56(4):272–276, 2007. ISSN 0167-6911. doi: 10.1016/j. sysconle.2006.10.021. Liyi Dai. Singular control systems. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag, 1989. ISBN 3-540-50724-8. Guang-Ren Duan. Analysis and design of descriptor linear systems. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010. ISBN 978-1-4419-6396-3/hbk; 978-1-4614-2684-4/pbk; 978-1-4419-6397-0/ebook. doi: 10.1007/ 978-1-4419-6397-0. G.F. Fragulis and A.I.G. Vardulakis. Reachability of polynomial matrix descriptions (PMDs). Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 14(6):787–815, 1995. ISSN 0278-081X. doi: 10.1007/BF01204685. URL

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