Islam Syed Jawad Naqvi on September 11, 2012, at the 11th anniversary of the ...
speech debunks the 9/11 drama and more importantly the motives behind it.
Armageddon—the last great war Hujjatul Islam Syed Jawad Naqvi Translation of the speech delivered by His Eminence Hujjatul Islam Syed Jawad Naqvi on September 11, 2012, at the 11th anniversary of the dramatic events of 9/11/2001 which have had seminal effects, especially in the Islamic world. The speech debunks the 9/11 drama and more importantly the motives behind it. The analysis is backed by strong, irrefutable evidences.
Translated by: Syed Muhammad Haider
[email protected]
Table of Contents 9/11—an ominous day .......................................... 3
Targeting elites ................................................... 19
Facts revisited ........................................................ 3
Armageddon against Arabs and Iranians ............ 20
Declaration of war ............................................. 4
9/11—an excuse to start the war ....................... 21
Bush blamed al-Qaeda ...................................... 4
World is not in hands of Zionists ........................ 21
Enforcement of the PATRIOT ACT ..................... 5
Why Christians protect Israel?............................ 22
Ultimatum to Taliban......................................... 5
U.S. behind al-Qaeda .......................................... 23
The world reacts ................................................ 6
Who piloted the crashing planes? ...................... 23
Fear gripped the world ...................................... 6
9/11—an inside job ............................................ 24
War on terror......................................................... 6
Irony of putting blame on al-Qaida .................... 24
Pakistan’s shameful role........................................ 7
Osama’s fake videotape ..................................... 25
Pakistan’s path to perdition .................................. 8
Exploiting the Arab Spring .................................. 25
‘Axis of Evil’ ............................................................ 8
Cunning designs of the Christians....................... 25
Mujahedeen turned terrorists............................... 9
Taliban’s office in Qatar ...................................... 26
Who was Osama? .................................................. 9
NAM Summit and Syrian conflict ........................ 27
Rehabilitating ‘Mujahedeen’ ................................. 9
Why Syria is important? ..................................... 27
Waziristan as sanctuary .......................................10
Signs of Armageddon .......................................... 28
The birth of al-Qaeeda ........................................10
Greater Israel ...................................................... 29
Scourge of sectarianism ......................................10
Christians’ systematic approach ......................... 30
Biblical prophecy of final war ..............................11
Allah’s designs are Supreme ............................... 30
Mahdviat—Islamic globalization .........................12 What is Armageddon? .........................................12 Who will fight the final war? ...............................13 Whom Jesus will fight against? ...........................13 U.S. preparing for the Armageddon ....................13 The new crusaders...............................................14 Christian and Muslim Salafism ............................15 Extremism and Salafism ......................................16 The Wahabi Movement .......................................16 Crimes of Salafists................................................17 Christian Salafism ................................................18 Resurgence of the extremist Christians...............18 2
eptember eleven is a memorable day for Pakistanis as the founder of the nation, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, died that day; but in Pakistan—and abroad—this day is not remembered for that particular reason anymore.
Facts revisited The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001.
This is the most ominous day in modern history for the Islamic world because of the diabolic process that started in its wake and is still going on. This Satanic process has wreaked havoc across the Islamic world and on humanity at large, leaving millions dead and still counting; also, many nations have come in the grips of severe crises because of the repercussions of 9/11. Briefly, a main target of this satanic plan is Pakistan. Since last ten years, Pakistan is being destroyed from all aspects. It was already a country heading towards decline, but in the last decade, it has become a devastated country, whose tale now serves as a lesson for others. 9/11—an ominous day This day will be remembered as an ominous day in the history. Many other such events and days have passed which have proved to be inauspicious for humanity, some particular nation, religion or school of thought, but 9/11 tops the list.
Flames coming out of the WTC following plane crash
On that Tuesday morning, 19 people, allegedly from the militant group hijacked four passenger jets from different airports in the U.S. The hijackers intentionally flew two of those planes into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City; both towers collapsed within two hours. The hijackers also intentionally crashed another jet into the Pentagon, the United States Department of defense, in Arlington, Virginia, and intended to pilot the fourth hijacked jet into 3
the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.; however, the plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers attempted to take control of the jet from the hijackers. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attacks, including all 227 civilians and 19 hijackers aboard the four planes.
American forces stationed across the globe were put on high-alert. The inevitable wave of sensation and awe spread around the world, which was reinforced and invigorated by the powerful media. ‘America under attack’ was the ubiquitous headline.
Almost all the 19 hijackers were Arabs, belonging to Saudia Arabia, Libya, Jordan, and Lebanon. The visuals of the attack were broadcast live across the world at that very moment and for many more days to come. It was about 080:30 in the morning in United States and evening time in our region when the whole world witnessed incredulous visuals on their television screens. Everyone was taken aback. Initially, everyone thought these were visuals from some Hollywood action thriller, but time proved otherwise and people started to realize that this was all fact, not fiction.
The New York Times front-page, September 12, 2001
Declaration of war
Bush blamed al-Qaeda
Within an hour, it was publically announced that America was under attack, war had started, and nationwide state of emergency was declared. George Walker Bush was in power back then. Precautionary measures were announced, and
The first few hours of the attack were spent in awe and shock as the news channels were telecasting live pictures of the Twin Towers being destroyed. Meanwhile, high-level meetings continued and different statements came out, but after eight 4
hours of the dramatic attack it was officially announced that the attack was undertaken by Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden who is currently living in Afghanistan. In the meantime, search for other planes also ensued, but most of the coverage was focused on the World Trade Centre in Manhattan. After few hours, the other two planes’ visuals were also televised as one had crashed into Pentagon; and the other, in a desert. George W. Bush officially proclaimed war and preparations started for the same. They also took precautionary measure as White House was evacuated and the American president, who was out of Washington, was flown back, albeit to a different location, and not in the White House. He was kept at some safe place for the following few days. Enforcement of the PATRIOT ACT
American war laws were enforced in the United Sates and in all the American army bases abroad. A special USA Patriot Act was signed into law by the President Bush. The title of the act is a ten letter ‘backronym’ (USA PATRIOT) that stands for Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools
Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001. George Bush was in Nebraska at the time the buildings were hit; he was immediately flown back to Washington where he called highlevel meetings to deliberate the issue at length. It was, however, already announced that the attack was an act of Al-Qaeda and that USA was in a state of war. After the meeting, it was announced that few countries—without naming any—were also involved in this activity and that all the perpetrators would be punished. President George W. Bush, in an address to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001 said, "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." It meant that there was no room for neutrality in the so-called war against terrorism. Also, it was a warning to all the nations that if they did not support America, they would be deemed as enemy. Ultimatum to Taliban
On 20 September 2001, the U.S. stated that Osama bin Laden was behind the 11 September attacks in 2001. The U.S. made a five point ultimatum to the Taliban: 1. Deliver to the U.S. all of the leaders of al-Qaeda
2. Release all imprisoned foreign nationals 3. Close immediately every terrorist training camp 4. Hand over every terrorist and their supporters to appropriate authorities 5. Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps for inspection On 21 September 2001, however, the Taliban rejected this ultimatum, stating there was no evidence in their possession linking bin Laden to the 11 September attacks. The world reacts
Condemnations of the attacks had started to pour in from almost all countries of the world, except Iraq. Saddam did not condemn these attacks rather said that it was a chastisement for American crimes. American public opinion was heavily tilted towards the assumption that Saddam was behind those attacks, but American media and the establishment kept pointing finger towards Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, all the countries, whether they were friends of America or not, started expressing their position, and the American tone had now become so fierce that it was not possible for anyone to stay indifferent, except for one nation—Iran explicitly stated that we are neither a partner of
America in this war, nor are we in a state of war against her. In the early days, all the focus was on Afghanistan as America demanded the Taliban regime to handover AlQaeda militants, especially Osama bin Laden. Taliban were holding dialogues with the Americans and issuing statements. The statements, however, which they gave on screens, were different from what was being discussed in the dialogues; while Americans were issuing ferocious statements and the practical steps that were being taken were also quite frightening for the world. Fear gripped the world
Nations were so intimidated that almost everyone offered voluntary support to America, even India, which was not even asked for help and was not a party to all this, offered its military and air force bases to America that those would be available if America needed them. War on terror The war that America had started was called the war on terror and AlQaeda was named as the terrorist group to be targeted. On Sunday 7 October 2001, American and British forces began an aerial bombing campaign targeting Taliban forces and al-Qaeda. Intense and 6
fierce bombing started in every nook and corner of Afghanistan without any regards to purely civilian sites. The bombing was so intense that the American fighter pilots would say, ‘we are running short of targets.’ The total bombs that were fired during these few days of carpet bombing outnumbered the total number of bombs that were used in the Second World War. This caused more fear in the world and especially in the Afghan neighborhood. Pakistan’s shameful role The worst role was played by Pakistan in this war on terror. Many countries aided America in this war but their rulers or the nation itself might have garnered a few benefits along the way, too. In Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf had been in power for about two years. As he had toppled an apparently democratic government through a military coup, so he direly needed some international support to run his government smoothly. This was the perfect opportunity for him; he not only decided to enter into an alliance with the U.S., rather he extended much more support that was actually demanded.
war on terror. Pervez Musharraf agreed to back the U.S. led war against terror, fearing the threats made by that time U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on a phone call to him. He said "You are either with us or against us". The next day, he says, Powell's then deputy, Richard Armitage, telephoned the chief of Pakistan's top spy agency, and threatened to bomb Pakistan back to the Stone Age. On the pressure aforementioned, Musharraf accepted all the seven points, set before him as demands, by Colin Powell. This readiness amazed Washington and has been criticized since in Pakistan. Musharraf thought that this acceptance would lend credence to his military government, and America indeed accepted his government. Other Western countries, too, soon followed suit; thus Musharraf’s role became important. Previously, Pakistan’s land had been used against the Soviets when America was funding and helping the so-called ‘Jihad’; and this time again, this land was used in favor of America but against the very same ‘Mujahedeen’ and Taliban which were nurtured by the America itself in the first place.
Musharraf, in his memoir, says, he had little choice after the September 11 attacks but to back the U.S.-led 7
Pakistan’s path to perdition From this point on, Pakistan’s economy, politics, and peace— whatever was left of it— drifted towards complete destruction and Pakistan was completely handed over to America. Many airbases and many key land routes were handed over to America. Their troops were stationed in different areas in Pakistan, even the Islamabad airport was given in their control. Pakistanis were only allowed entry in the day time; and by the night, the airports remained in American control. Their logistics planes would fly from the U.S. and land straight in Islamabad, Peshawar, Jacobabad or in other areas of Baluchistan—full-scale offensive had been launched. ‘Axis of Evil’ Although the war had ostensibly been started against al-Qaeda, America also released a list of several countries, which it considered as arch-enemies because of allegedly supporting terrorism and for possessing weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration classified its rival countries under different terms: Axis of Evil (Iraq, Iran and North Korea), Beyond Axis of Evil
(Cuba, Libya, Syria), and outposts of Tyranny (Belarus, Burma, Zimbabwe). This was the immediate post-9/11 scenario. War on Terror started and Pakistan became a part of it only to become the biggest victim of terrorism itself. The war was against the so-called Mujahedeen which were nurtured by Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and the U.S. itself in the first place. Yesterday’s Mujahedeen were now declared terrorists. These terrorists had been fostered in the Pakistani tribal belt to fight against the Soviets during the Afghan War days. All these ‘Mujahedeen’ were gathered from the Arab nations, Central Asia and from within Pakistan as well; training camps were setup openly in Afghanistan and Pakistan where these militants were given necessary training for guerilla warfare under the pretext of Jihad.
'Mujahedeen' in an Afghan training camp
Mujahedeen turned terrorists These Mujahedeen were made by America itself in the first place, but now they have been labeled as terrorists and offensive has been launched against them. Since then, Pakistan has not seen a day of peace. There was unrest before the war, but the turmoil in the aftermath of the war on terror is unprecedented. Hitherto, there was no such phenomenon as suicide bombing, but this canker has since wreaked havoc across Pakistan. These suicide bombers targeted every community in Pakistan, especially the Shia Muslims, and this has not stopped yet.
has shares in the oil and construction industry.
A caricature of OBL criticizing CIA's narrative on 9/11
Simply put, this family has a substantial share in the wealth of Saudi Arabia. They are stalwarts of Coming back to 9/11, nearly three the royal al-Saud family. OBL was a thousand people died in New York, billionaire prince who became but there was not a single Jew in ‘Mujahid’, was taken to Pakistan and them despite the fact that it was Afghanistan where he Tuesday, a working settled in and led the Arab day. In a 2004 BBC article Mujahedeen during the entitled "Al-Qaeda's Afghan war. He was a longorigins and links", Who was Osama? term CIA agent with the BBC wrote: When the war against powerful allies in the US During the anti-Soviet terrorism and albanking and oil industries. jihad Bin Laden and Qaeda started, many his fighters received members of Bin Laden Rehabilitating American and Saudi family were in ‘Mujahedeen’ funding. Some America. Bin Laden’s When the Afghan war analysts believe Bin family is a business ended, many of these Laden himself had tycoon in Saudi Arabia fighters went back to their security training from which owns many the CIA. homelands but since they giant companies and 9
were accustomed to the everhappening environment of war, adjusting to the mundane civil life was hard for them. They started the same militant activities in their areas hence their governments soon expelled them from their countries to keep the law and order situation from deteriorating. Osama went to Sudan, but returned to Afghanistan after a while. The Arab Mujahedeen also reverted to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their resettlement was an issue; some thought that they should be sent back to their native lands, but their countries wouldn’t accept them because they had become masterful warriors and warriors are ferocious beings whose only activity is to shed blood. America and others did not want these Arab warriors to stay in Afghanistan anymore, especially Taliban—who had risen to power in the wake of the Afghan civil war— were not willing to accept them. Waziristan as sanctuary Pakistan used to consider these Mujahedeen—Taliban, Arab warriors, and the Afghan warriors— as its sub-army. One decision that was reached at was to inhabit these warriors in Pakistan’s tribal area,
Waziristan. Thus, according an agreement, those Uzbiks, Tajiks and other Arab Mujahedeen were allowed to live in Waziristan— divided into two agencies ‘South Waziristan’ and ‘North Waziristan’ for administrative purposes—under a condition that they would not undertake militant activities there. These militants were inhabited there; they entered into marriages with the locals, started building their personal armies and kept fighting each other for some while. The birth of al-Qaeeda The foundation of al-Qaeda was laid in Peshawar at some point between August 1988 and late 1989 by an Egyptian, and Osama bin Laden had him slain first. In short, al-Qaeda was a group formed by three countries: U.S., Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Saudis contributed with their ‘petrodollars’, Pakistan trained them, while logistical support and weapons were provided by America. Scourge of sectarianism These Mujahedeen had been successfully used against the Soviets, and now it was being deliberated upon how to use these so-called ‘strategic assets’ for any future venture. Meanwhile, the war against Shias continued unabated—Shias 10
were being killed when Afghan war was underway, and the carnage continued relentlessly even after the Soviet pullout. This spate of Shia killings was reinvigorated when Taliban rose to power in Afghanistan and the sectarian outfits like Sipah e Sahaba and its hardcore offshoot Lashkar Jhangvi joined the ranks of these ‘Mujahedeen’. In the meantime, Pervez Musharraf banned these sectarian outfits charging them with involvement in sectarian killings and disturbing law and order situation, but it was just a legal ban and had no effect on the operations of these assassin groups, rather they gained more strength than before because now they were not answerable to the law as such. When they were legally banned, they got free. Many of these people migrated to Waziristan and joined their ideological ilk. Their activities kept on going in Pakistan and then happened 9/11. They gained more importance after that incident. Biblical prophecy of final war This was the brief background of the current scenario in the world and from here on, history took a new turn. It was actually a war which they themselves named as the final war.
Who started this? Who were its instigators? What were its objectives? And what were the objectives behind staging that drama on 9/11? This war has been started by two groups: Arab Salafists and the Western or Christian Salafists. This war is mentioned as ‘the final war’ in Christian books, like there is mention of reappearance of Imam al-Mehdi (as) in the Holy Quran:
“And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention that the land [of Paradise] is inherited by My righteous servants.” (21: 105)
“And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritors” (28: 5) Or,
“Allah has written, "I will surely overcome, I and My messengers." Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.” (58; 21)
Similarly, there are many other verses in the Holy Quran which allude to the fact that there will come a time when the righteousness and the oppressed will attain dominance, and a global system of government will be formed bases on divine justice. Mahdviat—Islamic globalization Shias have a clear ideology, Mahdviat, about this global government. It means that Imam al-Mehdi (as), who is alive by the Will of Allah, will reappear from the occultation and will form a global government based in divine justice; it will be the age when the oppressed will rule the earth. A similar ideology is also present in Christianity as well. They believe that in the ‘end days’ there will be a war which is called the ‘final war’. Basically, this concept was present in the Jewish books which later on entered in the early Christian books. Christians have many Bibles unlike our one Holy Book, Quran.
of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church canon. Bible was written by the Disciples of Christ according to their own choice and leanings which have some commonalities as well. What is Armageddon? Armageddon will be, according to the Book of Revelation, the site of a battle during the end times. The word "Armageddon" appears only once in the Greek New Testament, in Revelation. The word may come from Hebrew ‘har magiddô’, meaning "Mountain of Megiddo". Megiddo is a hill in modern Israel near Kibbutz Megiddo, about 30km south-east of Haifa, known for its historical, geographical, and theological importance, especially under its Greek name Armageddon.
Christian Bibles range from the sixty-six books of the Protestant canon to the eighty-one books Ruins atop Tel Megiddo
It is mentioned in the ancient Christian Books that the final war will take place around this hill, although many wars have already been fought in this area before. Prophet Sulaiman (as) also fought many battles in this area as the capital of his government was also Jerusalem. Who will fight the final war? It will take place after the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (Prophet Isa). Christians have two groups: One says that Prophet Isa (as) was crucified, but will reappear, and the other group says that Jesus was not crucified, rather he is alive. Islam also says Jesus is alive and will return to earth in end times and will wage the war. Whom Jesus will fight against? Christian books of antiquity clearly mention the groups or people whom Jesus will fight against. They include Arabs and Iranians; the books also foretell that Jesus will fight against false prophet, Christianity will overwhelm all other religions and ideologies, and a justice-based global Christian government will be formed. The books state that peace will prevail for 7 years and then antiChrist or ‘al-Masih ad-Dajjal’ (or
simply, Dajjal) will appear, capture Jerusalem or invade Armageddon and battle will be fought against it for a while. As we say that those 313 faithful companions of Imam al-Mehdi (as) who would accompany him (as) will be the most virtuous and the blessed humans, the Christians also believe that those who fight the Armageddon will be the most pious beings on earth; especially their commanders and the leaders will be the loved by God. Armageddon is actually the name of that hill in occupied Palestine, but even in dictionaries the word Armageddon is now translated as “the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil”— Merriam Webster. U.S. preparing for the Armageddon In 2001, a book was published in America which expounded upon the role of America in Armageddon. This book can be termed as similar to the ones which are published in the Islamic world on the subject of reappearance of Imam al-Mehdi (as) and the war that he (as) will wage. The said book was the ‘best-seller’ in 2001, and it discussed whether America has a role in the Armageddon; if so, of what kind. In 13
this book it has been proved with numerous historical references, afflatuses and sayings of pastors and popes, and the dreams of their revered personalities that America will lead this final and conclusive war. The book also details the signs that will be present in the person who will lead the war in America. The new crusaders George W. Bush, when he announced the so-called war on terrorism, said: "this crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while." The word "crusade" was used by US President George W. Bush first on the day of the September 11, 2001 attacks, and on the national day of mourning which honored the death of the more than 3,000 victims of the attacks.
A caricature of former U.S. President, George W. Bush, showing him as an archaic crusader
Another Republican, Ronald Reagan—the 40th President of the United States (1981–89). Prior to
that, he was the 33rd Governor of California (1967–75), and a radio, film and television actor—clearly declared after Bush’s statement that it was the final battle, the Armageddon. He called upon the people of America to prepare for this battle as this battle would prove the supremacy of Americans over others as God had willed. America, therefore, assumed the role of a leader of this ‘conclusive war’.
Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the U.S.
It was not after the incident of 9/11 that they realized it was the Armageddon. The book that was written in 2001 had forwarded the idea that at that time America was the only superpower in the world; hence it should seize the opportunity and start that final, conclusive war to stamp its authority on the world before the likes of, say, China, Russia, European Union or even the resurgent Iran gained enough clout to challenge America’s might. The author proposed to start the Armageddon early so that no country, or a military or political alliance, 14
would be in a position to challenge America’s supremacy. He proposed that it was the perfect time to start the concluding war.
(Sahabah), the "Followers" (Tabi‘un) and the "Followers of the Followers" (Tabi‘ al-Tabi‘in). Salafists are fast spreading in Pakistan, albeit with the name of Ahle-Hadees. At some places they are called Salafists; and at others, AhleHadees. But they are in essence Salafists.
Christian and Muslim Salafism These were devoutly religious people and their religion was also like that of the Arab Salafists. A Salafi is a Muslim who emphasizes Salafists do not consider the Salaf ("predecessors the four traditional " or "ancestors"), the Salafists do not schools of Sunni Islam— earliest Muslims, as consider the four Hanafi , Maliki , Shafi'i , model examples of traditional schools of Hanbali—as righteous Islamic practice. The because none of their Sunni Islam—Hanafi , term has been in use founding jurists was since the Middle Ages Maliki , Shafi'i , amongst the as-Salaf asbut today refers Hanbali—as righteous Saleh or the Pious especially to a follower Predecessors. According because none of their of a modern Sunni to them there was no Islamic movement founding jurists was Ijtehad for three known as amongst the as-Salaf generations following Salafiyyah or Salafism, as-Saleh or the Pious Prophet Muhammad which is related to or (PBUH) and all these includes Wahhabism (a Predecessors. schools were established name which some of its from the fourth proponents consider generation. derogatory, preferring the term Salafism), so that the two terms are Those three generations, per often viewed as synonymous. Salafists’ claims, only followed the With predecessors or ancestors they mean the first three generations of Muslims who are collectively referred to as the "Pious Predecessors" (as-Salaf asSaleh), and include the "Companions"
sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Sunnah—there was no institution of jurists back then. Therefore they (Salafists) claim that they will only follow Islam—Islam of "Companions" (Sahabah), the 15
"Followers" (Tabi‘un) and the "Followers of the Followers" (Tabi‘ al-Tabi‘in)—and the actions of other generations or any other jurists, if those are different from the actions of the Pious Predecessors, hold no significance and are not an authority for them to follow. Rather, anything different from them is in fact innovation and deviance from the pure Islam and must be censured and fought against in the shape of Jihad.
A Salafist Jihadist
Extremism and Salafism Extremism is inherent in Salafism as they consider whatever was done by the first three generations was right, the rest is all innovation and deviance; therefore, Jihad is must against the innovators. Salafists consider that anyone who’s following a different path from the processors is an infidel and an apostate—this is a Takfiri mindset which considers anyone but them as infidels. They are extremists in the sense that they
want to exterminate all the ideologies and sects of Islam with armed means. This ideology gained traction with the works if Ibn-e-Taimia in the eighth century; there was not much inclination towards Salafism before that. Ibn e Taimia invigorated this ideology. Ibn-e-Taimia was quite a learned person but he was extremist and Takfiri in his ideology and did not consider anyone Muslim except himself. Whether they be pious Muslims, those who regularly said prayers, virtuous or any other Muslim, whoever did not accept Ibne-Taimia’s ideology was branded an infidel. He believed that those Muslims should repent else they would be killed. After the demise of Ibn-e-Taimia, his ideology faced stern opposition from the Muslim world, especially from those belonging to the Sunni school of thought; hence, his ideology subsided for about good two centuries. The Wahabi Movement After that, a person named Abdul Wahab took birth in Najd in the twelfth century A.D. who revived the ideology of Ibn-e-Taimia. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab was an Arabian Islamic Salafi theologian and the 16
founder of Wahhabi movement. It was that age in which the British exploited this ideology in the Arab world to further their imperialistic agenda, and at the other hand backed the al-Saud family as a political force. British forged an alliance between the al-Saud family and the Wahabi brand of Islam and hence formed a religio-political alliance to bifurcate the Ottoman Empire.
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, founder of Wahhabi movement
Ottoman Empire, with Turkey as its hub, was the strongest opposition to the British in that era. Ottoman Empire was even considered stronger than the Russia and it was deemed as the strongest force. The British formed and invigorated this religio-political alliance to culminate the Ottoman might. This Wahabi brand of Islam, thus, spread rapidly after this ploy of British because they had formed a government in a particular place,
thus gaining the requisite political clout. Crimes of Salafists This extremism is inherent in Salafism because they consider anyone who is not following their ideology as infidel and an apostate. They not only spewed hatred in their decrees (fatwas) or books, rather they took practical measures to suppress the ‘deviant’ and ‘innovative’ ideologies. Salafists went on a killing spree, mercilessly beheading whole villages in the Arab, invaded Iraq and rampaged Karbala. The bloodshed was callous and unprecedented. This inherent extremism took the shape of modern-day jihad. They called killing ‘innovative’ and ‘deviant’ Muslims as Jihad. They never did Jihad agains the infidels, and there is no historic proof that Salafists ever did Jihad against the infidels. They always did the socalled internal Jihad. First, they would declare Muslims as infidels, and then kill them in the name of Jihad. This practice is still going on. Hence this extremism is part and parcel of Salafism. But how this Salafism was revived and where did the British take this ideology from? 17
Christian Salafism This Salafism is a copy of Christian Salfism. Christian Salafism is way more antique than the Muslim Salafism. Christians also have an extremist group in them, just like the Takfiri Muslims, who consider all other Christians as heathens.
hiding and did not openly express their views for the fear of being guillotined, as it was the trend following the French Revolution.
Because of the different phases that the Christianity went through— Enlightenment and stuff—they couldn’t make this ideology popular among the common Christians but this ideology remained ingrained in their clergy and religious leaders.
Resurgence of the extremist Christians These extremist Christians resurfaced in this century, and openly expressed their opinions benefitting from the notions such as ‘freedom of speech’.
This extremist ideology was present in the religious leaders of the Christianity but it did not pervade the masses, which has its own reasons and are beyond the purview of this discussion. Pope used to be the sole sovereign in the Christian world and the traditional kings used to be under his guardianship. This was the condition of the Christian world before the Renaissance. After the French Revolution, 1789, and because of the massive impact of the Enlightenment thinkers, this extremist brand of Christianity— which can be called Christian Salfism for the sake of building an analogy with the Arab Salafism—went into hiding after these movements; the clergy, although they still believed in their extremist ideals, went into
According to them the centre of this world is the Vatican, Italy, where the Pope lives. Pope Benedict XVI also lives there nowadays. Apparently, Vatican is part of the Italy, but in fact it is a sovereign state itself, ruled by the Pope.
These extremist Christians assumed a passive role but did not give up their ideals.
This Christianity believes that the right to rule this world belongs to the Christianity and the capital of this world should be the Vatican, but this authority will not be attained with ease. Christianity has to fight many wars for that, therefore they formed a combat group and promoted it in the same pattern as, say, Qadianit or Baha’ism were promoted in Pakistan and Iran respectively. They formed a new religion and tried to focus on the elites and noted personalities instead 18
of the common people and public. In Pakistan, for example, Qadianis were influential landlords, politicians, rulers, feudal and bureaucrats. There was a time when Qadianis were present on influential posts in the Pakistani military, bureaucracy, and in the all the departments of the government, because their theory is that they cannot attain the government through the masses, but they can reach through the elites— this is the easy way. Baha’ism also adopted this theory. Targeting elites Christian Salafism, in contrast to the Arabic Salafism, adopted the path of targeting the elites. Arab Salafists targeted the masses, and tried to make common people their allies and that, too, by force and extremist measures. They would force people to repent for their ‘sins’ of introducing innovations and deviations in the pure religion. They would say if you celebrate the birth of Holy Prophet (PBUH), it’s an innovation (Bidah); if you send darood (prayers and greetings) on the Prophet (PBUH), it is an innovation; if you say Bismillah aloud in prayers, it’s an innovation— everything is a Bidah. Everything which, according to their own interpretations, the ‘Pious
Predecessors’ had not done is a Bidah. They forced people to repent, or else face death. People, of course, don’t leave their religion, so these Salfists committed widespread homicides. This Christian Salafism only focused on the elites who had enough potential to reach the top echelons of governments, and that, too, in the most influential countries like the U.S., Britain, or France. Apparently, it is democracy in the U.S, but in fact there are only a handful of families that wield true power. Bush family, for example, is one of those. It is a renowned family having a German origin. The family moved to the U.S. and kept their religious identity intact. The team which they had built to assist them also had the same religious views which were the result of the preaching of the same school. The pattern of preaching is similar to that of the Muslim evangelicals aka Tablighi Jamaat. TJ first used to focus on the masses to propagate their message, but recently they have started to focus on the noted personalities and elites as well. For example, they have attracted powerful people like General Ehsan who is now a staunch member of their community; he does not come in front of the camera as taking pictures is a Bidah according to him, because 19
the predecessors did not do any such act. There are also many other examples to this. The Christian Salafism, however, focused primarily on the elites. They targeted the influential lot in the Democratic and the Republican parties and made them their associates. They were Christians in the first place but were not extremist in their ideology; they were liberals but were imparted the Christian education by these evangelicals— they turned those politicians into diehard Christians. Those Christian preachers also ingrained the feeling in them that they were the chosen people of God and for the great battle of Armageddon. Arabic Salafists also use the similar tactics while recruiting Muslims to Jihad. They entice them by telling that they are the chosen people of Allah for this Jihad and that they have a same stature as that of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), followers, or followers of followers. They name these recruits after those predecessors as well, like Abu Obaida, Hanzala et al. These aliases are used as their Jihadi names because they don’t consider any other names as worth following.
They brainwash the impressionable lot that the latter are the soldiers of Islam and their position will be same as that of the martyrs of Battle of Badr or Qadsia. These impressionable minds accept such indoctrination with ease get ready to, say, blow themselves up, for killing fellow Muslims. Christian Salafism also used the similar tactics in their preaching. They said to their target-audience that those who would take part in the last battle would be the special Disciples of Jesus and if they took part in that battle, the Armageddon, they’d be enjoying the similar status. Therefore, they preached that those who would take part in this Armageddon would have a special divine position. The conditions that they stipulated were that it must be fought against the people and in the lands which are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. Armageddon against Arabs and Iranians It is worth noting that among five continents, there are many countries who are rivals of the U.S. like North Korea which is also a nuclear power. But no one talks about invading it. Similarly Fidel Castro of Cuba who heads the Communist Party and the 20
whole China itself refuse to obey U.S. and does not take dictations from it, but they steer clear of these countries. Why? This is because it is written in their holy books that the last war will be fought against the Arabs and Iranians. There is no mention of Koreans, Chinese, Cuban or any other country for that matter. The war, as per their books, will be fought near Jerusalem. If you see in modern day’s terms, this area is now Syria. Syria is close to Haifa, a place which is nearest to the Armageddon. Syria, Lebanon and Palestine—this forms a whole triangle where this final war will be fought. 9/11—an excuse to start the war According to them, it is unknown when this final war will be fought, but they consider that as U.S. is in a strong position these days so they should initiate the war themselves and take the advantage of their unparalleled military might. But whom this war will be fought against? This will be started by the Arabs, and America will defend it. Arabs don’t have the potential and the courage to fight against the U.S.; therefore, they fabricated all this scenario of 9/11 where they portrayed to the world that Arabs had attacked the U.S.
All those hijackers were American citizens who were taking formal aviation training in the U.S. Few of them were civilians and the rest were commissioned in the Saudi army who were receiving training in the U.S. These men were chosen because it was important for them to be Arabs; no Indian, Pakistani or South Asian would have served their purpose—it is in the teachings of Christianity that Arabs will start this war; therefore, they formed al-Qaeda which is primarily composed of Arabs. These Christians first used these Arabs against the Soviets, and now they are being used for starting the Armageddon. World is not in hands of Zionists It is important to note that, contrary to the popular belief, it is not the Jews who exercise the real power on this world and it is not the Zionists who are manipulating the world’s affairs. All this mess has been caused by the Christianity and even the Jews are mere tools in the hands of Christianity—the fundamentalist, extremist Christians. Even creation of Israel was a Christian plan. Enmity between Christians and Jews is unmatched. Quran has also discussed this animosity, but why is the Christian world the strongest 21
supporter of Israel then? Israel was made by the British, and U.S. is the staunchest supporter of Israel today. Both of them are predominantly Christian states. Why Christians protect Israel? Christians say that it is their Godordained duty to protect Israel. This, keeping in view their historic hostility with the Jews, is quite astonishing to hear.
was the Rome, ruled by the Christians, who had to suffer the most at the hands of the Muslims. They conquered the most part of Roman Empire; hence Christianity has a deep-rooted grudge against Muslims, too.
But why does the Christianity guard Jews? It does so because it is written in their scriptures that the ingathering of Jews in the Holy Land (Jerusalem) is a prerequisite for the Our dimwitted Second Coming of analysts do not focus Christianity guards the Jesus. America has on this point and one Jewish state if Israel repeatedly stated that reason that they give because it is written in Jerusalem is the for America’s support their scriptures that the capital of Israel. They to Israel is that the ingathering of Jews in believe that Jesus, on former is controlled by the Holy Land his Second Coming, the Jews and America (Jerusalem) is a prewill miraculously has no option but to requisite for the Second convert all the Jews of protect Israel—nay, Coming of Jesus. Israel to Christianity, U.S. is not coerced into America has repeatedly but before that helping Israel because stated that Jerusalem is ingathering of the it is not in playing in the capital of Israel. Jews in that land and the hands of Israel. the protection of It was the Christianity Israel is a must. which fought Crusades with Muslims When Jesus will come, the and was severely battered by the Armageddon would have started latter. All the countries which are already and Jesus will decide the war; now termed “Islamic” were once part this is the Armageddon which will be of the Christian world once. For waged against the Arabs and the example, the present day Syria, Muslims. Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq were once part of the Roman Empire. It 22
U.S. behind al-Qaeda The alleged hijackers were being trained in American aviation institutes and the U.S. was awarding them full scholarships. Those Arab youth were not some vagabonds; they hailed from prestigious, learned families. Similarly, those which were assorted together to form al-Qaeda were all Arabs, because as per the Christian scriptures, it is Arabs who will start the Armageddon. They formed al-Qaeda to give the impression that Muslim Arabs have started the final war. U.S. formed al-Qaeda to serve its own purposes. First, they used these Arab warriors against the Soviets during the Afghan war; and now they are being used as a justification to start the Armageddon. Who piloted the crashing planes? It is highly possible that those passenger jets that crashed into twin towers of the world trade centre were remote-controlled. According to the aviation experts, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to maneuver the gigantic passenger jets and change their course quickly at such low altitudes. It is easier for the fighter jets to change course—which they do in split seconds—but for the mammoth passenger jets, it is a different ball game altogether. It is
highly probable, therefore, that these passenger jets were being operated remotely operated through electronic means. Although the pilots and those alleged hijackers were sitting in them, but they did not wield any control on the planes at the time they crashed into the towers, because in the presence of the highly sophisticated security apparatus of the U.S., it is next to impossible for any plane to be hijacked. U.S., undoubtedly, is the world leader in technology. They themselves claim that they can watch even an ant running on the streets through their satellites; and true it is. This is, hence, next to impossible that four planes got hijacked simultaneously from different airports of the U.S. and 19 hijackers got into these jets without prior knowledge of the aviation authorities. With all the sophisticated security apparatus in place, they could have forced these jets to land at the very start of the journey, or could have changed their course by scrambling lightning fast fighter jets, but none of this happened. The ‘hijacked’ jets easily took their course and banged into their targets. Well informed analysts and commentators believe that there were transponders fitted in the airplanes and the targets which automatically guided these planes. 23
They believe that it is next to impossible to maneuver such huge planes at such low altitudes manually. Even no ace fighter pilot or a stuntman could have done this. The planes were automatically guided to hit the targets. A plane gets hijacked in one state, travels all the way to another and hits its target; and that, too, a Boeing which can’t move very fast. But they neither chased those planes, nor made any attempt to take them down as an extreme measure. No one had any information on the hijacking and they only got to know when the planes had struck. Truth is that they only wanted to create an excuse and a justification to start the war. They concocted a scenario first to show that it was a war; and second, to show that Arabs were involved in it. Overwhelming possibility is that all those planes were being controlled remotely and made to hit targets by the CIA or Pentagon itself just to create a warlike scenario in which Arabs were involved. 9/11—an inside job Strong evidences suggest that 9/11 was an inside job. Leading civil engineers who work for world’s top construction firms have openly
expressed that a structure as solid and huge as the WTC could not fall by a mere plane hitting its top floors. They believe that the collapse of the World Trade Centre was a controlled demolition and arrangements had been made prior to the hitting of the planes to take that building down. Such huge structure of solid steel and concrete could not melt and shatter into pieces only by a plane crash; for one, it alone could not raise temperatures to such extreme levels. Another astonishing fact is that all the Jews were absent from World Trade centre that Tuesday. Irony of putting blame on al-Qaida Bush, however, was quick to announce that al-Qaeda was behind the attack. A country which did not even know that its four planes had been hijacked from its most important airports, it actually discovered in a few hours after the attack that who was behind it— strange! One reason that they gave to justify their claim was that they had found passports of Arab passengers and a list which had names on. All these things were found from the pocket of an Arab. It’s also incredulous how a piece of paper survived burning in
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false” – William Casey, CIA Director. From first staff meeting in 1981 those extreme temperatures when even steel had melted—bunch of lies. Media can, obviously, portray lies as truth because of its immense power to influence the public opinion. It can speak lies with such authority that nobody even dares contradict. Osama’s fake videotape After Bush’s proclamation, Osama bin Laden released a video tape in which he admitted the responsibility of the attack. When the tape was released, Bin Laden was himself admitted in a military hospital in Rawalpindi for treatment of some kidney-related ailment. The tape, in fact, was recorded prior to the attack and released afterwards to create the illusion it really was the act of alQaeda. So, they staged this drama to start the Armageddon, the final war, which will be fought in the same region. They started this war and the objective was to invade Muslim countries—no other country was the target. It all started from Afghanistan in October, 2001 and Iraq was attacked two years later. It was their plan to attack several other countries. Pakistan has already submitted to them, and it is in even worse
condition than the countries U.S. actually invaded. Exploiting the Arab Spring Next phase was ushered in with active interventions in the Middle East. Libyan regime was toppled through aggressive NATO intervention. Similarly, changes took place in Yemen, Egypt and Tunisia. This is really a war which, according to them, is the final one, the Armageddon, but we believe that although it is a war, it is not the conclusive battle yet. They will be defeated in this battle and in the last one, too. Arab Salafists, Arab monarchs, their governments and the religious class which is providing them with manpower —al-Qaeda— are all serving as the vanguard and army of Christian world in this war. They started this war in 2001 under the pretext of war on terror. Fast forward to 2012, and the battle has finally reached in the Mountain of Megiddo’s neighborhood, Syria. Cunning designs of the Christians The war was designed cleverly and its title kept vague so that it does not apply to any specific country or 25
region; rather, war on terror was a general term and a befitting excuse to intervene in any country of their choice. If, for example, they had announced war specifically against Afghanistan, they would not have any excuse to invade other countries. They have created a group al-Qaeda and use it as an excuse to intervene and invade. They recruit Arabs, use them for terrorist activities, put the blame on al-Qaeda, propagate it through media and give the impression that Arabs are attacking everywhere. This, according to them, is Armageddon and the last bout of this fight will be fought against the Iranians. They believe that Iranians will lose it eventually. They believe this theory so staunchly that so far they have made numerous movies and cartoon series on this subject which give the impression that America will emerge victorious in the final and conclusive conflict. They are interfering in Syria ostensibly to bring democracy and to end the despotism of the Assad regime; but if you look closely into the matter, it is clear that unlike Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, no massive public demonstrations have so far been witnessed against the incumbents in Syria, and only the planted rebels are wreaking havoc.
They are trying to topple the Syrian government in which Muslim Brotherhood is in the forefront. They are all al-Qaeda—American force. It is easier to build such a militant group. All you have to do is to hire assassins, pay them well, provide them with weaponry and give them a flag—you have an alQaeda on your hands. They are all assorted thugs who have grown beards and don’t even know how to pray. They have collected seventy to eighty thousand militants from different parts of the world and formed the Free Syrian Army, the rebels who are fighting against the Assad regime. The real plan is of the “Christian Salafism” and they have reached very close to the Armageddon and those signs are clear here as U.S. and Iran are facing each other in Syria, albeit through other groups. U.S. has kept Saudi Arabia and Qatar in front and the latter is practically involved in recruiting and facilitating these Arab fighters. Taliban’s office in Qatar Taliban have been provided an office in Qatar with the permission of the U.N., conveniently ignoring the fact that Taliban have been declared terrorists by the same U.N. They 26
have created this Salafist army whom Muslim Brotherhood is providing the manpower. NAM Summit and Syrian conflict In the recent NAM conference in Tehran, Muhammad Mursi of Muslim Brotherhood openly backed the Salafist rebels and prayed for their success in Syria, to which the participants of the conference, most of them Christians, said amen. Even Manmohan Singh of India said amen to this.
toppled the anti-Israel Assad regime, then Israel would be the real winning party. Israel has faced real embarrassment in the last three decades at the hands of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, but right now it is feeling most secure because of these Arab countries that are hell-bent to oust Assad. This will have serious effects on Hezbollah and Hamas as well, but Hezbollah is prepared for any sort of result—they have plans in place in case the Syria regime stays or if the converse happens. As Quran says:
“But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.” (8: 30)
Participants of the XVI NAM Summit in Tehran
The war in Syria has entered its final stages. It is evident that the Syrian army does not have enough vigor to counter the brute force with which the West, Arab kingdoms and the Salafist rebels have attacked, and it is Iran which is practically fighting this war through diplomacy and other means. The result of this Syrian war will shape the future of Middle East. If, God Forbid, Salafists won and they
Why Syria is important? U.S plan is that if the Syrian regime falls, Iran’s influence will end, Hamas will become powerless, and Hezbollah will find no friends in extremely hostile neighborhood; all Arab countries will establish diplomatic relations with Israel and when the Israeli state becomes safe, Jesus, according to the Christian Salafists, will come again to rule the earth. They believe that whole Jewish state will miraculously convert to Christianity at the hands of Jesus and then the real Armageddon will follow 27
in which all the Arabs will be fought against and killed. Signs of Armageddon The signs of that last war are written in their books that humans and plants will be burnt into ashes. It’s quite surprising that such conditions are written in their books of antiquity because that clearly refers to a nuclear war. After that Jesus will form a global government and antichrist will appear, but that is a different story. Ousting Assad and defeating Syria and its allies is one expected result of the war, but it’s highly plausible that the contrary will happen. Strong evidence supports this assumption. At least two-third of the planted rebels has been killed. Syrian army has been given shoot-on-sight orders, and they are not interested in keeping captives. Those rebels are now fervently raising pleas for help and even in Pakistan prayers are being held for them as recently seen in ‘Milli Yakjehti Council’ where special prayers were held for the Syrian ‘Mujahedeen’. Jamat e Islami also prays for them in its each and every session. They are profusely fidgeting now and are in urgent need of fresh supply of ‘Mujahedeen.’ Soon there will be a successful operation in Waziristan & all the Arab/non-Arab
fighters will be sent to Syria via Turkey to join the ranks of the Free Syrian Army. This has become necessary because the rebels are losing it there. This is the plan. On the other hand, Syria has strengths, too, in the shape of Hezbollah and Iran. Clearly, this is also the final front for Iran and the Islamic Revolutions as it would face severe problems if the Syrian regime fell. Although they have alternative plans in place as well, but this will be an arduous course. If Syrian regime could keep it from falling, this will be greatly beneficial for Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas; plus, Israel will face renewed predicaments. This Christian Salafism will again be defeated as in the 33 days war against Hezbollah, God Willing. The biggest problem is that they have the power of media which manipulates the public opinion in their favor with the plethora of lies and deception. Pakistani media, too, is a mouthpiece for the Christian Salafism and our analysts have no thinking of their own. They don’t have the caliber to think for themselves; so all they do is surf the internet, find news and analysis from the western media and reproduce it here in Pakistan—this is the saddest part. Least informed people live in Pakistan and our media is also busy 28
in sensationalizing trivial news items instead of focusing on the issues that matter. It does not portray the true image of Pakistan, much less the world affairs. The Christian world is fighting this war with full vigor considering it the final war and the other side is also fighting the war will full zeal and seriousness. Leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenai, is taking special interest in the situation and had arranged that impressive NAM summit at Tehran in this connection to build up political support for the cause in the times when Iran is heavily sanctioned and cornered by the imperious world powers. Many countries participated in this summit and it Iran borne a huge bill for all this, but all of this was necessary to increase its weight on the international forum and to strengthen its cause. Iran, at all costs, wants to convert the changes taking place in the Arab world to an Islamic awakening, but problem is that those who were called in the session to further the cause, they came, enjoyed, ate their Chullo Kababs, prayed for the Syrian rebels or so-called Mujahedeen and left. Supreme Leader himself came to address the Summit but the participants— notably Egypt—instead recited
Fatiha for the army of Christian Salafist (Free Syrian Army) and prayed for the obliteration of the Assad regime. Although the Syrian government is despotic and is not a democracy; it’s not an Islamic government either, but its role in relation to Israel is momentous. Syria is the last front against Israel; if this falls, too, Israel will establish relations with the entire Arab world. One of the signs of Armageddon as given in the Christian books is that the Jewish state will stretch its boundaries from Nile to Euphrates and the Christian Salafists consider themselves duty bound to protect and facilitate Israel in its evil plans, because it is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus. Greater Israel The Bible contains three geographical definitions of the ‘Land of Israel’. The first, found in Genesis 15:18-21, seems to define the land that was given to all of the children of Abraham, including Ishmael, Zimran, Jokshan, Midian, etc. It describes a large territory, "from the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates", comprising all of modern-day Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, 29
and Iraq, as well as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Oman, Yemen, most of Turkey, and all the land east of the Nile river.
A map of the Greater Israel
After the formation of this so-called ‘Greater Israel’, Jesus will reappear and all the Jews will convert to Christianity by Jesus’ miracle and then final defeat will be inflicted upon Muslims. This, if you will, is the biblical plan. Christians’ systematic approach Another problem is that the Christian Salafists have a system in place and do everything with cunning plans, while the Arab Salafists are all dimwitted and have no plans. All they have been taught—rather indoctrinated—is that the best Jihad is to kill the ‘infidels’ who are creating innovations (Bidah) in Islam and you will go straight to paradise by doing that—Kill fellow Muslims, go to Heaven.
Christian Salafists, on the other hand, believe that they can only enjoy the pleasures of paradise if they create Greater Israel and win the Armageddon after that. This is a precondition for them to enter the paradise; while Arab Salafists only need to kill the innovationists to reach the heaven. The latter is completely oblivious of the fact that what will be the repercussions of its acts in Syria and what Israel will do to them afterwards. Allah’s designs are Supreme Arab Salafists have, hitherto, never taken any action against the Christianity, Jews, and the true infidels. Not a single bullet has been shot towards the enemies of Islam. They are only serving as the vanguard of Christian Salafists; but as Allah say in Quran:
“But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.” (8: 30) Allah will entangle them in their own evil designs. This Christian Salafism, Arab Salafism and the Western imperious powers will be defeated by the Will and help of Allah as this is the law of God. Infidels had formed a NATO against Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Battle of Ahzab or Battle of the Trench, 30
but Allah repelled their plans themselves and they were defeated.
Allah has promised that
“And We have already written in the book [of Psalms] after the [previous] mention that the land [of Paradise] is inherited by My righteous servants.” (21: 105) We hope for the day when Allah grant victory to Islam and Muslims and the day when righteous servants will inherit land.
will the His the