Review Kenneth Rose rehabilitates interreligious comparison as a necessary and powerful tool of Religious Studies. Moreo
[16:03:58] - Read Yoga- Meditation- and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks Where to Find Books for Free Online
* Read or Download This Book * Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks
Review Kenneth Rose rehabilitates interreligious comparison as a necessary and powerful tool of Religious Studies. Moreover, he shows how comparative work on religious experience benefits from the insights of cognitive science and neuro-physiology without falling into the trap of materialistic reductionism. Studies like his created a constructive and much needed link between Comparative Religion and Interreligious Theology. * Perry Schmidt-Leukel, Professor of Religious Studies and Intercultural Theology, University of Muenster, Germany * Kenneth Rose's Yoga, Meditation and Mysticism breaks through the somewhat stagnant discussion between the impoverished arguments of the perennialist/essentialist proponents of mysticism and the by now predictable rebuttals to these from the contructionists. His project is to recover or rehabilitate religious essentialism, but not, like his perennialist predecessors, based on a search for shared underlying concepts or universal symbols, which are easy targets for constructivist deconstruction, but based on the trans-cultural commonalities of contemplative experiences themselves. Using deeply researched case studies from Buddhism, Yoga and the Christian traditions, Rose identifies five 'contemplative universals' or shared landmarks of the meditative journey common to these traditions. In other words, he identifies an almost identical set of meditative experiences accompanying the deepening focus of consciousness in these traditions precisely because they are based in experience rather than preconditioned doctrine. Rose harness neurobiology to his cause here (ironically, given it is a field primarily inhabited by materialists convinced of a neurological correlate of consciousness), where meditative states show repeatable, observable neurological chemistry that is shared trans-culturally, and trans-doctrinally and therefore not socially constructed. Part of Rose's stated purpose is to seek to loosen the all too often dogmatic materialistic presuppositions and reductionistic ideologies that hold sway over the production of much scholarship in the academic field of Religion, and secure a sui generis grounding for the religious life, at least in its contemplative forms, eschewing the pitfalls of previous efforts in this regard. Thus Yoga, Meditation and Mysticism will likely be welcomed by intellectually responsible meditation practitioners who seek a spirituality grounded in a trans-sectarian metaphysics of meditation that resonates with cutting edge research in the emerging field of contemplative neuroscience. And I envision it will
certainly be a seminal text for the next generation in the academic study of mysticism. * Edwin Bryant, Professor of Hindu Religion and Philosopy, Rutgers University, US and author of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Insights from the Traditional Commentators (2009). * Insofar as theorizing on religion and mysticism, on comparison and approaches to religious experience, Rose's latest book is a must-read: the argument is compelling, carefully researched, effectively structured, and convincingly presented. * Reading Religion * Read more Book Description Kenneth Rose explores the unity of meditative experience by illustrating similarities between contemplative itineraries in Hindu classical yoga, Buddhist bhavana, and Catholic mystical theology. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition. Read more See all Editorial Reviews Click Here to Read Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks Online! Hiya My name is Max Giles and I am here to tell you my views on this excellent book written Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks labeled as Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks. With a multitude of fake Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks reviews shared on the internet a lot of people find it frustrating finding trusted material while searching Yahoo for 'where to download Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks PDF free', or perhaps 'where to download Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks torrent'. I realize that this must be a difficult task when making a choice if an individual ought to buy Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks ebook for ereader, or each and every well known device where the reader loves to read their digital books. Having said that, by browsing this review people can be assured that Yoga, Meditation, and Mysticism: Contemplative Universals and Meditative Landmarks is a great book as detailed.
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