Unit 4: Music; uses poetry, fiction, photographs, and interviews to describe music.
Reading Advantage focuses on applying before, during, and after reading ...
Reading Advantage Syllabus Instructor: Mr. Crowley Email:
[email protected]
Phone: (301) 840-4660
Course Mission & Objectives The goal of this program is to help the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) student learn English to function academically, socially, and culturally in Montgomery County Public School System (MCPS) and in American Society. Lessons will focus on improving the reading skills of the students, which will improve overall academic success. ESOL Outcomes According to the MCPS ESOL handbook, the student will: Outcome I: Demonstrate positive attitude towards using the English language in social and academic settings. Outcome II: Demonstrate ability to read, write, listen and speak in English in a variety of forms and situations for a variety of purposed and outcomes. Outcome III: Demonstrate ability to use strategies to construct, extend, and examine meaning in content areas. Outcome IV: Demonstrate ability to use English creatively in a variety of social and academic situations. Outcome V: Demonstrate in English global understanding, interpretation, and critical analysis.
Textbook - Reading Advantage Unit 1: Flight; explores the history, literature, myths, narratives, and other aspects of flight. Unit 2: Underground; looks at the amazing things that happen below the surface of the earth. Unit 3: Heroism; contains poetry, fiction, biographies, memoirs and myths related to heroes. Unit 4: Music; uses poetry, fiction, photographs, and interviews to describe music. Reading Advantage focuses on applying before, during, and after reading strategies to the texts. It also focuses on the development of high frequency tier 2 and 3 words. Tier 2 words are general academic vocabulary such as, “apply, persuade, explain, predict, and interpret.” Tier 3 words are specific academic vocabulary such as, “lift, excavation, treaty, and membrane.” Class DesignThe first 5-10 minutes of the class will focus on whole group instruction to introduce the topic and the reading strategies that will be used. The next 20 minutes will be used to apply reading strategies and discussion of the text independently or in small groups. The last 5-10 minutes will be devoted to reinforcing and summarizing what we’ve learned and working on weekly projects. CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Materials – bring every day: • pen, pencil, eraser, and binder (may be stored in class) - Keep your binder organized!
Attendance - Be on time every day. Be in your seat when the bell rings. 1 st tardy = warning. 2 nd tardy = parent and teacher contact. 3 rd tardy = parent call, grade level teacher conference, and detention. 4 th tardy = administrative referral. Absences: • Get the assignments you missed from the missed work binder. • Make up your work and hand it in at the start of the next class. GRADING Overall scale: 90%-100% = A, 80%-89% = B, 70%-79% = C, 60%-69% = D, 0 – 59% = E 60% of your grade will be on formative assessments: • Assignments: To receive full credit, students must hand in their assignments by the due date. Assignments may be handed in the following class period, but they will be marked down one letter grade. After this deadline, assignments WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 30% of your grade will be on summative assessments: • Tests: If you miss a test due to an excused absence, you need to take it when you return. Tests need to be made up during lunch or after school. • Projects: There may be one or two major projects each marking period. Late projects will lose one letter grade and must be handed in by the next class period. 10% of your grade will be • Homew ork: Some homework assignments will be given only for practice. Practice assignments will not be graded for content, but rather checked for completion. Reassessment/Making up poor grades = Redo • Students will be offered opportunities to make-up a poor grade. • The grade on the Redo, whether higher or lower, replaces the original grade. • Students may only make up a grade if they have completed all practice assignments and homework related to the assessment. • End of unit tests and projects may not be made up. We are looking forward to a productive school year! _______________________ Dr. Malker, Princ ipal
Mr. Davis, Assistant Princ ipal
Mr. Chandler, Language B Content S pec ialist
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me via email at
[email protected]. I understand the objectives and expectations of Reading Advantage class. _________________________ ____________
Student’s signature
_____________________________ Parent/guardian’s signature
___________ date