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E-mail address: [email protected]. @hak cipta pusat ... Dalam teks deskriptif, penulis biasanya menggunakan tense bentuk .... In modern ATM, costumers authenticate themselves by using a plastic card with a magnetic stripe. It.
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C. READING I. Memahami teks tulis monolog esei pendek berbentuk descriptive (descriptive dan report) dan narrative ( recount dan narrative) serta procedure yang meliputi : - gagasan utama - gagasan pendukung - informasi rinci - informasi tersirat - informasi factual - rujukan kata - makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat (termasuk kosakata, tatabahasa, dan ciri – ciri kebahasaan lainnya yang terkait dengan jenis teks dan tema) II. Memahami teks tulis fungsional pendek (teks berbentuk khusus seperti : pesan pendek, pengumuman, kartu ucapan, label, iklan, brosur, surat pribadi dsb) I. TEKS TULIS MONOLOG ESEI PENDEK

DESCRIPTIVE a. Descriptive Text Teks Deskriptif adalah sebuah teks yang menggambarkan seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu secara khusus. Dalam teks deskriptif, penulis biasanya menggunakan tense bentuk Simple Present Tense. Berikut ini adalah struktur/susunan teks deskriptif : ● Title : judul dari teks ● Identification : mengidentifikasi/mengenalkan seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan/diceritakan. ● Description : menggambarkan seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan/diceritakan, seperti : - bagian –bagian, - kualitas, - ciri – ciri : bentuk, ukuran, warna - tingkah laku/kebiasaan. Contoh – Contoh Teks Descriptive Title Identification

My Timmy I have some pets. However, my favorite pet is Timmy. Timmy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meows when he feels hungry. Actually, his voice is not suitable with his giant body. When I come home, he usually gives me a kiss.

Description Timmy is a nice playmate. I am happy to spend my time with him. Most of the time, he’s a good boy. It’s almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In the morning, he always wakes up early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits quietly by my bedside untill I wake up. @hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

1. My lovely home My house is only a five minute-walk from school. It is not very big, but very cosy and quiet. This is the place where we can relax and find our own space. In our home, we really enjoy our relaxing time from the pressure of school and work. It has a nice and warm living room. There is a beautiful painting of scenery hanging on the wall. My father is a keen gardener. He puts some pots of indoor plants near the door. In low cabinet, you will see the trophies, pictures of my fmily, small toys, and some books. I am lucky to have a room to myself. I paint the wall olive green. It’s my favorite color. There is a desk. I do my homework there. I lso put a portable radio-tape there. The kitchen is my mother’s domain. My mother keeps it clean all day. There is a blue wall cabinet in it. It harmonizes with the grey wall tiles. However, only few will give my home a second glance. Still we are very proud of it. It may not be a perfect one but, all the same, it is home sweet home.

2 There are about forty teachers in my school. Most of them are kind and helpful. But my favorite one is Mr. Henry, my English teacher. Mr. Henry is tall and slim enough. He is about thirty years old. Mr. Henry is always neatly dressed. To school, he always carries a briefcase. He uses it to keep his books and other things. I always look forward to Mr. Henry’s class because it is never boring. His jokes make his lessons interesting and lively. He always advises us to read more story books to improve our English. He also encourages us to do excercises during the weekend, like jogging and swimming. Although Mr.Henry is usually humorous, he can be very strict at times. He likes to give a punishment to errant students. He asks them to write a letter of confession. Mr. Henry is also a caring person. Once I fell off my bike and had a deep cut on my knee. He washed my wound and put medicine on it. I was touched by his kindness. I am lucky to have a teacher like Mr. Henry. He is friendly, dedicated, and experienced in his work.

3 One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. This is the giraffe we saw at the zoo. It is male and it is about six meters tall. The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very thick lashes. The giraffe has brown spots on the skin. The coloring helps protect the giraffe. It also has two short horns on its head. Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. One source of water is the leaves which it eats from trees. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. The giraffe has two methods of self protection. If something frightens an adult giraffe, it can gallop away at about fifty kilometers per hour or stay to fight with its strong legs.

4 Krakatoa is one of the volcanoes of the Sunda volcanic arc. The volcano was formed by the subduction of the Indian-Australian plate under the Eurasian plate. Krakatoa (krakatau) is located in Sunda strait, 40 km of the west coast of Java on the island of Rakata in Indonesia. The geographical coordinates of Krakatoa are 16.7 south latitude and 105.4 east longitude. At its peak, Krakatoa reached a height of 790 m (2,600 ft.) above sea level. Its first known eruption occurred in 416 A.D. However, this eruption destroyed the volcano of Krakatoa which collapsed and formed a four-mile wide caldera. The islands of Verlaten and Lang are remnants of this older volcano. Subsequently, three volcanoes combined to form the island of Krakatau.

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

b. Report Text Teks Report adalah sebuah teks yang menggambarkan seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu secara umum. Perbedaan dengan teks deskriptif adalah pada objek yang akan dideskripsikan, kalau teks deskriptif menjelaskan objek yang khusus(tertentu) sedangkan pada teks report secara umum. Berikut ini adalah struktur/susunan teks Report: ● Title : judul dari teks ● General Clssification: mengidentifikasi/mengenalkan seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan/diceritakan. ● Description : menjelaskan seperti apa bentuk/ciri-ciri seseorang, tempat, atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan/diceritakan seperti : - bagian-bagian (fungsinya) - kualitas, - ciri – ciri : bentuk, ukuran, warna - tingkah laku/kebiasaan. Contoh – Contoh Teks Report Title General Clssification

Television Television. Or TV, is one of humanity’s most important means of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes.

People with a television set can sit in their house and watch the president makes a speech or visits a foreign country. They can see a war being fought, and they can watch government leaders try to bring about peace. Through television, viewers at home can see and learn about peoples, places, and things in far away lands. Television even takes viewers out of this world as the astronauts explore outer space. In addition to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kind of information media. The programs include action packed dramas, light comedies, soap operas, sport events, cartoons, quizzes, variety shows, and motion pictures.

Description More than 83 million homes in the United States-or 98 % of all the country’s homes-have at least one television set. On the average, a television set is in use in each home for about 6 ¾ hours each day. As a result, television has an important influence on how people spend their time, as well as on what they see and learn. After they arrive from work, they usually watch TV. Then, the importance of television is proven.

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

1 Whales Whales are sea living mammals. They are therefore breathe air but cannot survive on earth. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks raher like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure; its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles(the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat(blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids. (source: p.4, Panduan Materi, Balitbang, Depdiknas, 2006)

2 An automatic teller machine (ATM) is machine permitting a bank’s customer to make cash withdrawals at any time and without a human teller. ATM has a variety of names, such as: Automatic Teller Machine, Automated Banking Machine, Hole-inthe wall, Cash Dispenser, and some other names. ATM allows people to deposit cash or checks, checks their account balances, transfers money between their bank accounts, and many others. In modern ATM, costumers authenticate themselves by using a plastic card with a magnetic stripe. It encodes the customer’s account number. By entering a pass code called a PIN (Personal Identification Number), a customer can make withdrawals. If the costumer enters it incorrectly several times in row, most ATMs will retain the card as a security precaution. Most ATMs are connected to interbank networks. It enables the customers to withdraw in places where their bank has no branches. Besides, it is also possible to withdraw local currency in a foreign currrency. Many banks charge a fee for the use of their ATMs by non –depositors. Nowadays, many banks place ATMs in grocery stores, shopping malls, and other locations. (source:….,p170, Let’s Talk IX)

3 A hospital is the largest and most complex form of medical facility. It deals with patients who need complex diagnostic procedures. Treatment in a hospital is a team effort. The physicians are directly responsible for a patient’s welfare. All of the hospital personnel sport the work of the physicians. A hospital has many departments in it. They are medical and surgical service, food service, laboratory, scanning and X-ray department, medical records department, pharmacy, and rehabilitation department. There are many kinds of hospitals. Acute-care hospitals include primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions. The low-technology primary hospitals are located in rural areas. The secondary hospitals provide a greater range of physicians skills and modern technology than the primary hospitals. Meanwhile, the tertiary hospitals provide the latest medical equipment. Other types of hospitals are specialty hospitals. They admit only those patients who fit a restricted group of diagnoses. Psychiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals. They have the largest patient population. (source: Grolier Encyclopedia of Knowledge, p.166, Let’s Talk IX)

4 Fish are animals that live in water. Fish have fins that help them to swim. Most fish have slimy skins covered with scales which are very small and can hardly be seen. Fish breathe through gills. These look like a comb and lie on each side of the head. Fish take in water all the time. The water flows in through the mouth, over the gills, and out through the sides of the head. When a fish takes in water, it is not drinking but breathing, and gills absorbe oxygen from the water. The body of a fih is made up of the head, the trunk, and the tail fins. There are many kinds of fih which have many different shapes and colors. Some fish are long and thin, while others are flat and rounded. Most fish have bodies which are broad at the trunk region and narrow towards the head and tail. @hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

NARRATIVE a. Narrative Text Teks Narrative adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang cerita – cerita termasuk cerita rakyat(folktale), dongeng(folklore), mitos(myth) dan legenda(legend). Teks narrative biasanya mempunyai pesan moral (moral value) .tujuan penulisan teks ini adalah untuk menghibur merangsang emosi atau mendidik pembaca. Teks narrative menggunakan Simple Past Tense. Teks narrative mempunyai struktur/susunan sbb.: ● Title : judul dari teks ● Orientation : memperkenalkan pelaku utama, setting tempat dan waktu, biasanya terletak di awal cerita. ● Complication : permasaalahan yang terjadi dalam cerita tsb. Dan bagaimana pemeran utama memecahkannya, berisi situasi, kergiatan, atau kejadian yag mengarah ke puncak masalah, biasanya terletak di tengah. ● Resolution : akhir dari cerita, disini permasalahan diselesaikan/penyelesian masalah, biasanya terletak diakhir cerita. (p.31,LT. VIII)

Contoh – Contoh Teks Narrative Title Orientation



A SHEPHERD BOY Once there was a shepherd boy. He had to look after a flock of sheep everyday. One day, he felt very lonely and bored. He decided to play trick on the villagers. He ran into the village, shouting very loudly,”Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers heard his cries and came running to chase away the wolf. When they reach the meadow, they asked the boy,”Where is the wolf?” The shepherd boy said, “Oh! It was here, but now it is gone.” The next day, he played the same trick again. He shouted, “Help! Wolf!” The villagers ran to help the boy. But once again they did not see the wolf. A few days laler, the shepherd boy once again shouted, “Help! Help! Wolf! Wolf!” Now the villagers did not help the boy. They laughed and said to each other,” He is trying to trick us again!” But this time a wolf really came and killed the sheep and no one came to help the boy. The boy was very sorry. He promised not to trick people again.

1 The Lion and the Mouse One day a lion slept in the jungle. A tiny mouse ran over the Lion’s head and down his nose. The Lion awoke with a loud roar. He was very angry. His paw caught the little Mouse. The Lion opened his huge jaws to swallow the Mouse. “Pardon me, O king, I beg of you,” cried the frightened mouse. “If you forgive me this time, I will never forget your kindness. I meant no harm and I certainly didn,ta want to disturb your majesty. If you let me satay alive, I can do you a good turn, too.” The Lion began to laugh. He laughed and laughed.

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

“How could a tiny creature like you ever do anything to help me?” and he shook with laughter. “Oh well,” he shrugged, looking down at he frightened mouse, “you’re not so much of a meal anyway.” Then, he released his paw from the mouse and the mous quickly ran away. Some time after this, some hunters tried to capture the lion alive. They set up rope nets in the jungle. The lion fell into the trap. He roared and thrashed. His thunderous bellows sent through the jungle. The tiny mouse heard the lion’s roars. “That may be the lion who once freed me,” he said, remembering his promise. And he ran to see whether he could help. Discovering the sad lion, the mouse said to him,”Stop, stop! You must not roar. If you make so much noise, the hunters will come and capture you. I’ll get you out of this trap.” With his sharp little teeth, the mouse gnawed at the ropes untill they broke. The lion stepped out of the net and was free. Then the mouse said,”Now, was I not right?” “Thank you, good mouse,” said the lion gently. “You did help me. I see now that kindness is always worth while.”

2 There was a porcupine named Landi. He was lonely. No one wanted to play with him because they were afraid of his spikes. “Dear Landi. We don’t want to play with you because your spikes are too sharp. We don’t want you to hurt us,” said Cici the rabbit one day. “Cici is right, Landi. It is not because you are bad or rude to us. No, Landi! Just because of your spikes. They will stab us when we cone close to you,”said Tito the rooster. Landi felt lonely. He murmured,”Why don’t they want to play with me”? Landi spent most of the time day dreaming at the river bank. “I would have lots af friends and play with them if no spikes were on my body. I would be happy. I would not be lonely like this. What a shame!” Suddenly, Kuku the turtle appeared from the river. He came to Landi and said,”Landi, what are you thinking of?” “Oh, nothing,” Landi replied. “Don’t lie to me, Landi. Please tell me your problem. Who knows I can help you,” Kuku said wisely. Then he sat beside Landi. He wasn’t afraid of Landi’s spikes. Shortly, Landi told Kuku his problem. Kuku nodded his head. He said,”poor you. But it is not your fault. I know, your spikes are very useful and helpful to you. Your friends will realize it some day. Trust me, Landi.” “Thanks, Kuku. You are really my best friend. You are the only one here who wants to be my friend.” One day, Sam the frog held his birthday party. He invited all his friends, including Landi. But he decided not to come. He didn’t want to mess up the party. “I’ll come with you, Landi. I’ll tell everyone that you are harmless,” said Kuku. Finally, Landi attended the party. Everyone enjoyed it. Suddenly, Tito ran here and there screaming. “Help…help…! The evil wolf is coming. Save yourselves!” Then everyone ran to save their lives, except Kuku and Landi. Kuku pulled his head and legs into his shell. Landi rolled his body into a ball. Unintentionally, the evil wolf stepped his foot on Landi. Of course, the spikes pricked him. He screamed, “Ouch!” Since his foot was bleeding, he didn’t chase Landi’s friends any longer. Then he ran away. “Horray…horray…! Long live Landi! He saved our lives,” said Cici and her friends. Everyone shook Landi’s hand and thanked him. From then on, Landi wasn’t lonely anymore. His friends knew that his spikes would not hurt anyone, unless they wanted to hurt Landi. (Source:http:/,p.40.Let’s Talk)

b.Recount Text Teks Recount adalah sebuah teks yang menceritakan tentang kejadian masa lampau. Teks ini biasanya memfokuskan pada pengalaman masa lampau seseorang, sehingga teks ini biasanya dimulai dengan menggunakan kata “I”(saya) atau “We”(kita/kami). Teks ini menceritakan kejadian – kejadian masa

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

lampau untuk tujuan pemberitahuan (informing) atau menghibur (entertaining). Itulah sebabnya teks ini menggunakan simple past tense. Susunan dari teks ini adalah :

Title Orientation Events Re-orientation

: Judul Teks (boleh ada/boleh tidak) : Memberikan gambaran kepada pembaca latarbelakang informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk memahami teks, seperti siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita(pelaku), apa yang terjadi, dimana terjadinya, dan kapan terjadinya. : Menceritakan urutan kejadian – kejadian secara runtut dan teratur/kronologis. : Ringkasan/kesimpulan dari cerita atau komentar pribadi pada kejadian – kejadian tersebut

Contoh – Contoh Teks Recount


A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of a fashion shop. She hesitated for a moment. Finally, she went in.

Event 1

That woman asked to see a nice dress that was in the window. The shopassistant did not like the way she was dressed. Then he told her that the dress was sold. The woman walked out of the shop angrily. She decided to punish the shop-assistant the next day.

Event 2

She returned to the shop the following morning. She dressed in a beautiful dress. She had an expensive handbag in her hand. She sought out the rude shop-assistant. Then, she asked for the same dress. The shop-assistant did not know who she was. He was eager to serve her this time. With great difficulty, he climbed into the shop window to get the dress. As soon as she saw it, the woman said she did not like it.


That woman enjoyed herself making the shop-assistant bring almost everything in the window. Finally, she bought the dress she had first asked for. (LT, vii,201)

1 Hi, I am Jundi. I have a twin brother named Fatan. We were born on August 9, 1994. we are in the ninth grade now. Fatan and I do everything together. We are in the same class. We dress alike. We look the same. We always get other people confused. This really makes Fatan and I laugh. Teachers and friends always get us mixed up at school. Even our father has trouble telling us apart. Our mother doesn’t. She always knows which twin is which. Fatan and I often try to confuse her, but it has never happened. One day, told our mother to get one of us a different haircut, so that he could tell us apart. Fatan and I were horrified. We didn’t want to look different. We liked looking the same. Our mother came to the rescue, and refused to make us cut our hair. We were happy just the way we were and didn’t want to change. Our dad just shook his head. He would have to stay confused. Fatan and I didn’t care. We knew which one was which, and that was all that mattered. (adapted from:http:/ 10,2004,LT,viii,65)

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

2 Diving In Bunaken Island Last year I left New Zealand for Bunaken Island. I went there with a group of New Zealand drivers. Getting there was not quite easy. Soon after our arrival at Bunaken, we got a general briefing. It included a description about how to take pictures under water. Then, we began our diving. In our diving, we saw groups of tiny fish. In order to identify them, we needed a good guide. Without some knowledge of their habitat and behavior, it was difficult to identify. In summary, the trip was mostly enjoyable. This place is so impressive with its marine life. (adapted from:http:/,viii,173,February 1,2005)


3 Dr. Mohammad Hatta Every country has its great men and women who are remembered for what they have done for their country. One of Indonesias greatest men is Dr.Mohammad Hatta. He was a man with a dee love for his country and eole. Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 12,1902. while still in Junior High School in Bukittinggi, he became interested in politics and joined the league of Young Sumatrans. He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. Then, he went to the Netherlands. He studied economics and gained a doctorate degree there. During his stay there he was active in the National Movements. Because of his activities, he was arrested. In 1932 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He joined a political organization called “Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia.” One of his goals was to develop political awareness among the Indonesian People. His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial government exiled him to Boven Digul, and later to Banda Neira. Shortly before the Japanese invasion, he was brought back to Java. When Japanese surrended in August 1945, Soekarno and Hatta p[roclaimed Indonesia’s independence. Hatta became the first vice president of the Republic of Indonesia. In 1956 Hatta resigned as vice-president and devoted himself to writing. On March 14, 1981 Dr. Mohammad Hatta passed away in Jakarta. Nowadays, he is no longer living among us. However, his spirit of loving the country and nation is one of the reasons why he is well remembered. (A Biographical recount text//LT./ix,226)

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

II. TEKS TULIS FUNGSIONAL PENDEK 1. Pesan Pendek (Short Message/Note/Memo) a. Short Message Service ( SMS)(LT./vii;181/viii;147) Jundi and Zahrah are friends. They always help each other. One day, Jundi’s mother was sick. Jundi informed Zahrah about it through Short Message Service. Today I do not play with you. I have to look after my mother. She is ill. Sorry. CU next time.

Zahrah relpied Jundi’s SMS, as follow: I’m sorry to hear that. Hoping your mother get better soon. Thanks for telling me. CU 2

b. Notes/notice(LT./vii;155/p.10;4/p.43;15) Dear kids, Mommy is going to the Supermarket. Your lunch is on the table. Love, Mommy

Keep the Room clean c. Memo(LT.ix;145)

Dear sister,

Dear Fatimah,

I lost my color pen. Now, I want to use yours. May I?

Let’s study together at my house this afternoon, O.K? Call me if you can’t.

Yours, Fatan

No Entry

Yours truly, Zahrah

Beware of Pickpockets

To : Lab. Assistant Rini From : Dr. Agung Date : August 17, 2007 Rini, don’t forget to prepare the materials and equipment for grade 9 biological experiment today at 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Thanks Dr. Agung Nur Latif

Susunan suatu memo terdiri dari : a. b. c.

The opening segment The purpose of the memo The closing segment

2. Pengumuman (Announcement) Pengumuman atau pemberitahuan biasanya dapat bersifat pribadi (personal) ataupun umum, seperti pengumuman sekolah, kantor dll.

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT Saturday morning basket matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from 09:00-11:00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 8. For more information, contact Fatan 08287024019.


Another sweet smile To brighten our day Another small hand To hold on the way Muhammad Fattan Abdul Azis August 9, 2001 at 2:00 p.m.

3 kg 50 cm Ahmad Sanuri & Napsiah

3. Iklan (Advertisement) Adalah catatan-catatan singkat dengan berbagai macam tawaran, seperti segala macam sewa, lowongan kerja, penjualan barang dll.


For Sale Need a nice & comfortable home the area of hills with reasonable cost? Garden castle, palms, lighted drive way, 5 br, 3 ba, 2 lg kitchen, face east. Rp. 2,250 million. Pls call (0828) 702 4019

b. Corona 2.0 AT ’95 Silver Met, CD Changer, Excellent condition Rp. 69 m (nego). Call 08122721041

The Advertisement means : A used car is sold. The brand is Corona 2.0 AT. It was manufactured in 1995. the color is metalic silver. It has a CD changer. The condition is excellent. The price is 69 million, but it is negotiable. For more information, people should dial 08122721041. @hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

4. Brosur (Brochure) Adalah semacam iklan yang berbentuk selebaran yang memuat informasi yang lengkap tentang sesuatu yang ditawarkan kepada pembaca. a. Hotel dan fasilitasnya Nirwana Resort Hotel…..a nice place to stay Swim and splash in the sea. Have fun with boat rowing. Go for a walk on the clean beaches. Enjoy free breakfast on the first day of your stay. You can also use the swimming pool and gym facilities located within our resort. Comfortable in any reason and weather. Come and enjoy. (LT.viii;198) Rp. 375,000 per night Reservation : (0273) 8900056 e-mail: [email protected]

b. Makanan Suplement

Food Supplement Made in USA TAKE ONE DAILY – for your health and beauty as well. Wellness CAPSULES All Items

# Omega – 3 1000 mg # Antioxidant Formula # Ester C 500 mg # And other products NATURE’S HEALTH

# All Items 1% squalen + Omega + EPO 3 IN 1 # DHA Complex 500 mg # And other products Weekend special (discount 25%) AVAILABLE AT ANY DRUGSTORES

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

5. Surat (Letter) Surat adalah gagasan, ide, ungkaan perasaan dalam bentuk tulisan dengan tujuan dan maksud tertentu yang disampaikan kepada pembaca atau penerima. Ditinjau dari tujuan dan maksudnya, surat dapat golongkan kedalam beberapa jenis : 1. Surat minta Izin (asking for permission] a. My dear wife I have got an urgent assignment to Mount Ijen. His Majesty asked me to find a magic flower there. I ask your permission to let me go. I am really sorry since I can not tell you this news in person. It will be a long and hard journey, but I promise I will be back as soon as possible. Please pray for me and keep your faith for me With love,

Paijo b. Dear Teacher, I am, the parent of Dahlia, hereby asking for your permission for her not coming to your class today because of sick. I really hope that you will permit my daughter with pleasure. Thank you very much for your permission. Sincerely,

Paiman c. August 08, 2007 Dear parents, We are asking for your permission for your child to complete any surveys during this school year. We assure you that we will only use surveys that will be useful for improving our school programs. Students participation in the surveys is voluntary. Your child may refuse to take the survey at any time. If you give your permission, please sign your name in the space provided on the attached form. please return the signed youth surveys permission form. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,


@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

2. Surat memberi Izin (giving permission]

I hereby give my child permission to particiate in Youth Surveys to be administered this school year, as described in the letter from the headmaster. Parent’s Name Child’s Name Grade

: Ahmad Sanuri : Muhammad Jundi Abdullah Robbaniy : VII C

Date of Signature : ……………………………………….

Parent’s signature : ………………………………………. Child’s Signature : ……………………………………….

3. Surat memberitahu\menceritakan sesuatu (informing\telling something] Jl. PB Sudirman 20 Metro April 26,2007 Dear Rouf, How are you today? I hope you’re always fine. Fitri, I want to tell you about my new doll. I usually call it Peny. It’s my first barbie doll. It’s so beautiful and elegant. It has blonde hair and red lips. It wears a red dress, too. Peny is a birthday present from my beloved mother. I’m so happy to have it. I can play for hours with her. One more thing that makes me happy. My mother bought barbie cloth pattern and made several outfits for it. My mom is very nice, isn’t she? That’s my new doll. Do you have any dolls? Love Rini

4. Surat Undangan Dear Indri, I want you to come to my house for dinner on Sunday at 7 p.m. Thanks. Untung

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

Komplek Ledeng Jalan Tanggul No.10 Sidorahayu punggur

Your address

September 10, 2008

The date when you write the letter

The address of the addressee


The body of the letter

The end of the letter

To Dewi Komplek sawah Jl. Krokos No. 11 PUjo Basuki Trimurjo Dear Dewi, We are going to have a one-week holiday. Could you come and visit us. Lets go to pasir putih and come there. Could you please reply soon. Yours truly,


5. Kartu Post (poscard] Dear Ratih On my holiday, I went to Borobudur. Over there, I could feel the hugeness Of the temple. How could our ancestors build such a big temple. It was amazing! In the temple, I went ustairs step by step. Walking around the temple, I saw many reliefs on the wall. Actually the reliefs tell a story. It was really a nice exerience! I hope you can go there someday. Love, Ratih


Ratih Jl. Ujung Lor 13 Punggur

6. Daftar Belanja (Shopping List] Sunday

May 20, 2008

1 kilo of beans 1 loaf of bread 2 kilos of sugar 5 cans of soft drink 2 kilos of oranges 1 bottle of soya sauce

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

PROCEDURE Adalah teks yang biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan tentang cara membuat atau melakukan sesuatu kegiatan. Teks ini menerangkan orang melakukan sesuatu dengan langkah – langkah yang berurut\tertib. Teks ini biasa menggunakan tenses Simple present, sering dengan kalimat – kalimat erintah. Teks ini juga sering menggunakan kata penghubung temporal, seperti pertama, kedua, ketiga dst. Susunan dari teks ini adalah : Aim\Goal Materials Steps

: Judul\Tujuan : Bahan – bahan atau alat – alat yang diperlukan dalam kegiatan tersebut. (tidak harus selalu ada ] . : Langkah – langkah kerja dalam kegiatan tersebut. akan tetapi ada teks jenis ini yang hanya terdiri dari judul dan diikuti dengan langkah langkahnya saja.

a. The Basic Operation of a Digital Camera


You need ● a digital camera Materials ● an object Follow the steps below to take pictures. 1. Hold up the camera and center the object in the LCD 2. Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you want. 3. When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter halfway. It is very important, so the camera sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other calculations. This may take a few seconds. 4. A light should appear that lets you know the camera is set to go. 5. Press shutter all the way down. It may be necessary to turn off the LCD and use the view finder when there is extreme sunlight or to conserve battery life. Steps

b. Aim\Goal

How to make a cup of Hot Chocolate.


Prepare a kettle, a cup, some cocoa powder, sugar, and milk.


Fill the kettle with some water. Boil the water. After the water is boiling, pour it into the cup. Put some cocoa powder into the cup. Add some sugar. Add some milk, too. Stir it well. Serve it hot.

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri


E-mail address: [email protected]

@hak cipta pusat kurikulum smpn 3 Trimurjo - Ahmad Sanuri