Initial Reading list for MA in Translation Studies. Baker, Mona. In Other Words: a
Coursebook on Translation. (Routledge, 1992, 2nd edition 2011). Baker Mona ...
Initial Reading list for MA in Intercultural Communication Hall, Edward T
The Silent Language
1990 (1st edition was 1959) Anchor books
Burr, V.
An Introduction to Social (1995) Routledge Constructionism
Holliday, A
Intercultural Communication
Agar, M.,
Language shock: 1994, Morrow understanding the culture of conversation
Communicating cultures
2004 Routledge
1999 Guildford ISBN Press, Guildford 15723042 communication 78 series
Trompenaars, Fons & Riding the Waves of 1998, McGraw Hill Culture: Understanding Hampden-Turner, Cultural Diversity in Charles Business Spradley, James P
Participant Observation
ISBN: 068814949-9
1980, Wadsworth
ISBN: 07863112 58 ISBN: 0030445 019
Fetterman, David M
Ethnography: Step by Step
1998 Sage
ISBN: 07619138 58
Fox, Kate
Watching the English: The 2005 Hodder & ISBN: Hidden Rules of English Stoughton 0340818 Behaviour 867
Piller, Ingrid
Intercultural 2011 Edinburgh ISBN 978 Communication: A Critical University Press 0 7846 Introduction. 3284 8
Initial Reading List MA in Multilingual Information Management Recommended: Bowker, Lynne (2002) Computer-aided translation technology: a practical introduction. Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press Esselink, Bert (2000) A Practical Guide to Software Localization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Evans, Tim (1995) The 10 Minute Guide to HTML. Indianapolis: Que Corporation Gottelber, Timothy (1998) Excellent HTML with an Introduction to Java Applets. Boston, USA: Irwin/McGraw Hill Lingo Systems (2004) The guide to translation and localization : preparing for the global marketplace. Portland, OR, USA: Multilingual Computing & Technology Markel, Mike (2002) Technical Communication. 6th Edition. Boston/New York: Bedford/St. Martins Ray, Deborah (2000) HTML 4 for Dummies – Quick Reference. Foster City, California, USA: IDG Yunker, John (2003) Beyond Borders: Web Globalization Strategies. Boston & London: New Riders
Initial Reading list for MA in Translation Studies Baker, Mona
In Other Words: a Coursebook (Routledge, 1992, 2nd on Translation edition 2011)
Baker Mona (ed.)
Critical Readings Translation Studies
in (Routledge 2010)
Chesterman, Andrew The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to (St. Jerome 2002) Doing Research in Translation and Jenny Williams Studies Bassnett-McGuire, Susan
Translation edition
revised (Routledge, 1991)
Boase-Beier, Jean
A Critical Introduction Translation Studies
Bowker, Lynne
Computer-aided translation technology: a practical introduction
(University of Ottawa Press, 2002)
Fawcett, Peter
Translation and Language
(St.Jerome 1997)
to (Continuum 2011)
Linguistic Theories Explained Translator Hatim Basil and Ian The Communicator Mason
as (Routledge, 1997)
Lörscher, Wolfgang
Translation Performance, (Narr 1991)* Translation process and Translation Strategies
Munday, Jeremy .
Introducing Translation (Routledge, 2008) Studies: Theories and Applications
Munday, Jeremy
The Routledge Companion to (Routledge 2009) Translation Studies
Vermeer, Hans
A skopos theory of translation
Venuti, (ed.)
Translation Lawrence The Reader
Reference book:
(TextconText 1996)
Studies Routledge 2000
Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, Mona Baker (ed), 1998.
Initial Reading list for MA in Screen Translation In Other Words: a Coursebook (Routledge, 1992) on Translation
Baker, Mona
Ivarsson, Jan & Mary Subtitling Carroll
(Transedit 1998)
Screen Translation: Special (St. Jerome 1992) Issue of The Translator (9)2
Gambier, Yves Gottlieb, Henrik Yves Gambier
& (Multi) media translation: (John concepts, practices, and 2001) research
Chesterman, Andrew The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to (St. Jerome 2002) Doing Research in Translation & Jenny Williams Studies Diaz Cintas Jorge and Audiovisual Subtitling Aline Remael
Translation: (St. Jerome 2007)
Translation: (Palgrave Macmillan Diaz Cintas Jorge and Audiovisual Language Transfer on Screen Gunilla Anderman 2009) Diaz Cintas Jorge(ed.)
New trends Translation
Audiovisual (Multilingual Matters 2009)
Fawcett, Peter
Translation and Language
(St.Jerome 1997)
Linguistic Theories Explained Hatim Basil Mason
Translator Ian The Communicator
as (Routledge, 1997)
Monaco James
How to Read a Film: The World (Oxford University of Moves, Media and Press 2000) Multimedia Language, History, Theory
Munday, J .
Introducing Translation (Routledge, 2001) Studies: Theories and Applications
Bowker, Lynne
Computer-aided translation technology: a practical introduction
(University of Ottawa Press, 2002)