Reading Quiz #6: Sheila Fitzpatrick's The Russian Revolution. Your TYPED,
completed quiz must be turned in at the beginning of class on NOVEMBER 6th.
Reading Quiz #6: Sheila Fitzpatrick’s The Russian Revolution Your TYPED, completed quiz must be turned in at the beginning of class on NOVEMBER 6th For complete guidelines regarding this assignment, see the course homepage Instructions: Please respond to the following ten (10) questions. Most simply require you to identify a item (person, event, concept, etc.) mentioned in the text or lecture. Other questions require slightly longer responses – though rarely more than 2-‐3 sentences. NOTE: Each response MUST include the page number(s) where the item/answer was first addressed in the book. Responses lacking citations will be awarded zero ("0") points.
1. What is “surplus scarcity?” According to Prof. Palmer, how has it affected Russia’s history and development? 2. What major step was gradually taken by medieval and early modern Russian state leaders to ensure an adequate labor force? 3. Name of the Minister of Finance in the 1890s who tried to rally support among technical specialists and businessmen for the autocracy’s modernization drive. 4. This publication by Vladimir Lenin argued for the importance of strict discipline, centralization, and ideological purity among Marxist party members. 5. Name of the two party members who voiced objection to Lenin’s call for a Bolshevik-‐led insurrection in October 1917. 6. What general attitude did artists and intellectuals have c. 1917 regarding the relationship between art and revolution? 7. What, according to Fitzpatrick, was the “worst blow” suffered by the early Bolshevik regime? 8. How does Fitzpatrick characterize the Bolsheviks’ approach to the peasantry beginning in 1921? 9. Which favored social group reaped the benefits of the First Five-‐Year Plan? 10. What attribute, according to a letter sent out by the Communist Party Central Committee in July 1936, was essential for every Party member to possess?