"Engineering Management: Challenges In The New Millennium,” Chang,
Pearson –. Prentice Hill, 2005. "The Engineering Manager's Functions and
Activities" in ...
Readings for EAS590: Case Studies in Engineering Management Spring 2007
Introductory Material "Engineering Management: Challenges In The New Millennium,” Chang, Pearson – Prentice Hill, 2005. "The Engineering Manager's Functions and Activities" in The Management of Engineering, Bennett, pp. 14-16, Wiley, 1996. "The Manager's Job" by Dipietro in Handbook of Engineering Management, Ullman, ed., pp. 109-129, Wiley, 1986.
Case 1: The View from the Top: Organizational Development – Executive "Innovate Your Organization," industrial management, november/december, 2002 "Eight Steps to Sustainable Change," industrial management, november/december, 2002 "Measure Internal Customer Satisfaction," industrial management, november/december, 2002 "Are You a Leader?," industrial management, september/october, 2002 "How Does Your Garden Grow," industrial management, september/october, 2002 "Improve Employee Commitment," industrial management, july/august, 2002 "Trust Is the Key," industrial management, july/august, 2002 Strategic Planning FAQs – www.allianceonline.org Then click on "FAQs" in left side bar, then click on "Strategic Planning" in list top right. 10 Greatest CEO’s of all time, Fortune, July 21, 2003
Case 2: Top Engineering Managers and Core Competencies “Spread the Wealth of Knowledge,” IIE Solutions, July 2002
“Dynamics of Core Competencies in Leading Multinational Companies” California Management Review; Berkeley; Summer 1998 Authors: Briance Mascarenhas; Alok Baveja; Mamnoon Jamil; Volume: Issue: Start Page:
40 4 117-132
Case 3: Engineering Design: Addressing Critical Parameters Upfront and Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma New York State Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation, UB School of Engineering and Applied Sciences www.nyscedii.eng.buffalo.edu
Design for Six Sigma Roadmap http://www.isixsigma.com/library/content/c010910a.asp
SixSigma.us http://www.6sigma.us/
“The Price of Leanness,” industrial management, january/february 2005 “Evidence of Lean,” Industrial Engineer, December 2004 “Setting Lean Priorities,” Industrial Engineer, October 2004 “Claiming Six Sigma,” Industrial Engineer, February 2004 “A Good Fit In Argentina,” Industrial Engineer, January 2004 “The Race to Six Sigma,” Industrial Engineer, October 2003 “The Bare Necessities of Lean,” Industrial Engineer, August, 2003
“A Quality World, A Quality Life,” Industrial Engineer, January, 2003 “Instill Lean Thinking,” industrial management, september/october, 2002 “Leading the Lean Enterprise,” industrial management, september/october, 2002 “Eleven Step Recovery Plan,” IIE Solutions, February 2002 “Lean Aerospace Initiative,” IIE Solutions, November 1998 “Taylor to TQM, Part II: A Century of Manufacturing Systems,” IIE Solutions, November 1998