Real Time Communication in Sensor Networks - Google Sites
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Wireless Sensor networks represent a new generation of Real-time systems with ... biological detection, domestic securit
The communication medium is assumed to be shared by all nodes in ..... they share a vertex). ..... a common endpoint in , and the cardinality of the coloring, i.e.,.
monitoring), environment observation (e.g., highway traffic monitoring), health control .... are reported assuming the network to be error-free during transmission.
Wireless sensor networks represent a new generation of real time traffic communications and high data ... For example, a date collected by a temperature sensor could be irrelevant after a certain time. ..... of generality we assume that tk < tl.
scheduling 3] is a dynamic priority algorithm, whereas rate monotonic ... monotonic scheduling, the priority assigned to a channel is related to the frequency of.
Even though originally research on sensor networks was motivated my mili- ... to help rescuing efforts at disaster sites, or they could monitor conditions at a.
Feb 17, 2004 - A similar idea as used in Canvas has been investigated in [2] for the .... Forwarding stops when the message has reached its final destination.
novel communication protocol named SOFA (Stop On First Ack). SOFA .... Since nodes wake up periodically in a com- ... (a) Rendezvous time of SOFA com-.
real time, distributed computing, artificial neural networks, robotics. 1. INTRODUCTION. The projects Leto and Promethe
networks for real-time flood monitoring and warning system. ..... dissemination, such as Short Message Service (SMS), email, radio, TV .... programming software.
Real Time Communication in Sensor Networks - Google Sites
Only immediate neighbor information. Uses the concept of ‘speed’ to achieve the soft Real-Time guarantee. Can co-exist with existing BE MAC. Uses feedback control and nondeterministic geographic forwarding.
The issues that concern Real-time communication between sensor networks has been presented.
A protocol called SPEED has been presented.
Tian He, John A. Stankovic, Chenyang Lu. SPEED : A Stateless protocol for Real-Time Communication in Sensor Networks. International Conference of Distributed Computing Systems, May 2003.
John A. Stankovic, Chenyang Lu, Lui Sha, Tarek F. Abdelzaher and Jennifer Hou. Real-time Communication and Co-ordination in Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE, July 2003.
Ian F. Akyildiz, Weilian Su, Yogesh Sankarasubramaniam and Erdal Cayirci. A Survey on Sensor Networks. IEEE Communication Magazine, 40(8):102-114, August 2002.