Real vs Fake Honor Societies

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Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), has designated the following ... Student Name, Address, Email address, Year
Real vs Fake Honor Societies You may invitations to join various honor societies, but a lot of them are really scams. If you’re getting so many that seem suspicious, you’re likely to delete all of them and miss out on genuine opportunities. It can be difficult for you to determine if you have been contacted by a legitimate honor society or a fake one that just wants your money. How can you tell the difference? Real college honor societies are all certified by the Association of Collegiate Honor Societies, an organization that identifies real honor societies from fake ones. In engineering, Tau Beta Pi is the only honor society representing the entire engineering profession. It is equivalent to Phi Beta Kappa in the liberal arts. There are also honor societies in individual academic majors. The honor societies in the individual UWM engineering majors are listed below. Please don’t miss the opportunity to join one if you’re invited!

CEAS Engineering Major

Corresponding Honor Society

Biomedical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Computing and Information Disciplines Electrical and Computer Engineering Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Engineering Material Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering

Alpha Eta Mu Beta Chi Epsilon Upsilon Pi Epsilon Eta Kappa Nu Alpha Pi Mu Alpha Sigma Mu Pi Tau Sigma

How do all the fake honor societies get your name and address? UWM, in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), has designated the following categories of information about individual students as public information (see: Student Directory Information Request Form):

Student Name, Address, Email address, Year in school, and Major field of study This information is routinely released to any inquirer unless the student specifically requests that all the items on the above list be withheld.