detail has kind attention on the antiulcer drug of natural origin with their
suggested medicinal ... Keywords: Antiulcer agent, Herbal Drug, traditional
medicine etc.
IJPRD, 2011; Vol 3(11): January-2012 (160 - 170)
International Standard Serial Number 0974 – 9446
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECENT ADVANCES IN RESEARCH OF ANTIULCER DRUG OF NATURAL ORIGIN : A REVIEW Yogesh Sopan Lawande*1, Reshma Subhash Hase1, Dhairyasheel Prataprao Jadhav1, Trupti Arvind Hyalij 2 1
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala, Pune 401410, Maharashtra, India. 2 Department of Pharmacology, Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala, Pune -401410, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT Materia Medica provides lots of information on Folklore practice and tradition aspects of the therapeutically active important products. Herbal Drug are traditionally used in various part of the word to cure different disease. Alternative system of medicine like Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani are very famous medicinal practices in traditional medicine. It provides holistic approach to treat ulcer with success. According to World Health Organization (WHO), many people suffer from different type of ulcers every year. Present review has to focus on variety of medicinal plants which are traditionally used for treatment of ulcers such as Peptic Ulcer, Mouth Ulcer, Esophageal Ulcer, Genital Ulcers etc. A literature detail has kind attention on the antiulcer drug of natural origin with their suggested medicinal part, screening methodology and type of extract used for evaluation and investigation to prove its use. The objective of present review is to compile literature and proved use of certain medicinal plants as antiulcer agent.
Correspondence to Author
YOGESH SOPAN LAWANDE Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Sinhgad Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala, Pune -401410, Maharashtra, India. Email:
[email protected]
Keywords: Antiulcer agent, Herbal Drug, traditional medicine etc
INTRODUCTION The cause of ulceration in patients is mainly due to hyper secretion of gastric juice and also due to hyper secretion of pepsin. An ulcer is basically an inflamed break in the skin or the mucus membrane lining the alimentary tract. Ulceration occurs when there is a disturbance of the normal equilibrium caused by either enhanced aggression or diminished mucosal resistance. About 19 out of 20
peptic ulcers are duodenal. Gastric ulcers, found in the stomach wall, are less common. The gastric mucosa is continuously exposed to potentially injurious agents such as acid, pepsin, bile acids, food ingredients, bacterial products (Helicobacter pylori) and drugs. These agents have been implicated in the pathogenesis of gastric ulcer, including enhanced gastric acid and pepsin secretion, inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development
ISSN: 0974 – 9446
is not surprise, that a considerable interest has cell proliferation growth, diminished gastric blood been taken by researcher to examine these flow and gastric motility.1 number of traditional plant remedies, used for The goals of treating peptic ulcer disease are to treating ulcers. relieve pain, heal the ulcer and prevent ulcer In recent year, investigations have been carried out recurrence. A large number of spices and herbs to provide experimental evidence, conforming that have been evaluated by various researchers for many of plant have antiulcer activity. their antiulcer effects to achieve a favorable Material medica provides lots of information ethno outcome. In spite of being one of the well-known medicinal uses of traditional medicinal plants. medicinal plants used in Indian traditional medicine Among them different plant families mention with to treat several ailments, studies pertaining to the their specific part having antiulcer activity. pharmacological properties of some medicinal Among the folklore data, plants species of plants are very scarce. We studied the antiulcer different families are reported as antiulcer activity activity and acute toxicity of some medicinal plants. and evaluate for their protective mechanism. The Many researchers interpreted that the herbal aim of present work is to demonstrate ethno medicine are used for various ulcerative condition medicinal properties of folklore medicinal plants to improve health o sufferer. Present review focus with their experimental evidence and proved used has to on folklore medicinal plants, which are as a antiulcer. Present survey has attention and traditionally used as antiulcer agent and focus on certain herbs that are screened, evaluated enumerated review has attention on their and proved as antiulcer. medicinal part, screening methodology and type of Plant investigated for its antiulcer activity extract used to investigate and compile data of Material medica provides lots of information about recent advances in their research as a antiulcer. ethno medicinal herbs, which are valuable as Review of Literature antiulcer agent and its use experimentally Traditional medicinal practitioners have claimed for evaluated and proved by many researcher for its centuries that extracts from plant can be antiulcer activity. Following compiled data effectively used for the evaluation of different type suggested that medicinal plant those are evidently of ulcers. Except for the use of appropriate vaccine reported for its antiulcer activity (Table.1). for the treatment ulcers caused by infection, some treatments are available today to cure ulceration. It Table.1 – List of medicinal plant investigated for its antiulcer activity Sr. Plant part Methods of no Plant name Family used Type of Extract Screening CE, AE and EE ( 7) 1 Abies pindrow Royle Pinaceae Leaves extracts CRS (8) 2 Abutilon indicum Malvaceae Leaves Methanolic extract PL, Acetone & EI 3 Adhatoda zylanica (9) Acanthaceae Leaves Water ,AE EI Aegle marmelos Methanolic,Aq(7,10) 4 Correa Rutaceae Seeds ueous extract PL, ASP, GU PL,EI, Indomethacin (12) 5 Albizzia lebbeck Mimosaceae Leaves EE induced EI, Indomethacin, Cold RS,CYS (13,14) 7 Allium sativum Liliaceae Bulb Bulb juice induced (15,16) 8 Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae Leaves EE PL Available online on 161
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Amomum subulatum Anacardium occidentale (17) Andrographis paniculata (13,18)
Methanolic extract
EE Hydroalcoholic extact
Annona squamosa (19) Asparagus acemosus
HCl/EI CYS induced duodenal ulcer CRU, AL, ASP, PL, HA
Fresh juice
Fresh juice Methanolic extracts
10 11
Asparagus racemosus 14
Aspilia africana(15,22)
Azadirachta indica 16 17
Bacopa monniera(7,21,24,25)
Bauhinia racemosa Bauhinia variegata
PL, CRU, Indomethacin, AL, HST, induced PL, Stress induced, EI, ASP,AA,CRS
Bark water extract
Whole plant
Methanolic extract
Fruit, StemBark
Paracetamol Aqueous, alcoholic induceds
Stem- Bark
Aqueous extract
EI, ASP induced, PL CRU, AL, ASP, PL
Allophylus serratus
Benincasa hispida
Methanolic fruit extract
22 23
Bidens pilosa (21,29) Bixa orellana (20)
Compositae Bixaceae.
Aerial parts -
EE Methanolic extract
Calotropis procera (13)
Root extract
27 27
Carica papaya(15,33) Centella asiatica
Caricaceae Apiaceae
Fruit Whole plant
Hot water extract Aqueous & Methanolic extract Fresh juice
Bupleurum falcatum -
Camellia sinensis
HCl/ EI, Indomethacin-HCl, ASP,PL AL, PL, Indomethacin induced EI,HClEthanol,PL,Stress induced, EI,ASP,PL,Stress induced ASP , Indomithacin, serotonin,CRS, induced Indomethacininduced CRS.CRU, EI, ASP,
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development
29 30 31
Chinese cinnamon
Cissampelos mucronata Menispermaceae Convolvulus pluricaulis (7) Convolvulaceae (13,35) Curcuma longa Zingiberaceae
ISSN: 0974 – 9446
Stem bark
Aqueous extract
Methanolic extract
Whole plant Rizomes
Fresh juice EE
Davilla rugosa Dalbergia monetaria
Hydroalcoholic extract
33 34
Fabaceae Solanacea
Aqueous extract -
35 36 37 38 39 40
Datura fastuosa Desmodium gagenticum (21)
Dodonaea viscosa (39) Sapindaceae (13) Dombeya buettneri Sterculiaceae. (13,40) Eclipta Alba Compositae Emblica officinalis (7,13,21,41,42, 43) Euphorbiaceae Enantia chlorantha (11,44) Annonaceae
Leaves Leaves Whole plant
Hexane extract Aqueous extract Methanolic extract
Fruit Rhizome, Bark
PL Phenylbutazone, EI, water immersion stress Indomethacin, HIST,stress induced CRS, EI, ASP and PL PL, EI HCl/Ethanol, Immersionrestraint stress & Indomethacine PL, EI,HRS CRS, PL- and ASP CRU, ASP, PL and AL EI , Indomithacine induced EI ASP, PL, EI AL, ASP, CRU, PL, AA PL, EI AL, ASP, PL, AA,Indomithacin
Erythroxylum coca (11) Excoecaria agallocha
Cold water extract
Methanolic extract
Stem bark Leaves & roots
PL, EI CRS, PL,Indomithacin ASP, CRS, PL,
Clusiaceae Ginkgoaceae
Aqueous extract EE
Indomithacin PL, EI
Water decoction
Asclepiadaceae Apocynaceae
Roots Barks
EE Water decoction
PL, CRS ASP, PL, Indomethacin PL, CRS
Ficus arnottiana (21,46)
Ficus religiosa(7,47) Flueggea microcarpa
46 47
Garcinia cambogia
49 50
Ginkgo biloba Glycyrrhiza glabra Hemidesmus indicus(7,21,50, 51) Holarrhena
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development
51 52
antidysenterica(7) Jasminum grandiflorum (52) Kielmeyera coriacea (15,17)
ISSN: 0974 – 9446
Water decoction
Larrea divaricata (17)
HCl induced
Lawsonia inermis(53)
55 56
Bark latex
Methanolic extract Aqueous, Chloroform,EE EE,Methanolic, Dichlorometha-ne extract
Aqueous extract
Methanolic extract
Methanolic extract
Methanolic extract
Mammea americana
Matricaria recutita (13,55) Mikania cordata (13)
58 Momordica charantia (56,57)
Morinda citrifolia (21,58)
61 62
Moringa oleifera (59,60,61) Mucuna pruriens (41) Musa sapientum (7,21)
EI, PL ASP,EI,Phenylbuta zone induce
Neurolaena lobata (13) Nicotiana tabacum (11) Nigella sativa Linn
Asteraceae Solanaceae
EE Hydroalcoholic extract -
Ocimum basilicum (7)
PL, ASP HIST, ASP,5HT,Stress induce, EI ASP,EI,Phenylbuta zone,5HT,PL induce
Leaves Fruits
Methanol extract Water
AA RSI,WSI Indomethacin
67 Ocimum sanctum (7,13,17,21,41, 64)
69 70
HCl induced ASP,EI,Phenylbuta zone induce AA, PL, EI, stress induced, Indomethacin , CYS induced ASP, AI, PL, CYS, HCl induced PL, Ibuprofen induced, Acetylsalicylic acid, serotonin
Indomethacin, PL, EI, HCl induced
63 64 65
Ocimum Suave (63) Lamiaceae Pachysandraterminalis Buxaceae Phyllanthus emblica Euphorbiaceae
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development
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72 73
Phyllanthus niruri (13,67) Panax ginseng (13,65) Piper nigrum (41,68)
Aerial parts
Methanolic extract
Araliaceae Piperaceae
Leaves, Root EE Petroleum Ether Fruit extract
Whole plant
Pongamia pinnata (7)
Seeds, Roots PE, AE, CE, EE
Pistacia lentiscus (13,69) Plectranthus amboinicus (15,70)
Resin Ethyl acetate, EE, Aqueous
Pluchea indica (13,71) Polyalthia Longifolia
Methanolic extract EE, Aqueous extracts
induced Indomethacin, Ethanol acid-, CRS -induced HCl , EI EI,PL PL,ASP,Phenylbuta zon-e Reserpine, RS + cold stress PL Idoxethacin,EI,Ind omith-acin, Acetylsalicylic acid, Serotonin induced EI,PL,ASP
78 79 (17)
80 81
Qualer grandiflora Rauwolfia serpentine
Rhamnaceae Polygonaceae
Whole plant Leaves
Methanol extract
Scrophulariaceae Eurporbiaceae
Aerial parts -
Aqueous extract per se effect
84 85
Sophora flavescens (11) Syzygium aromaticum
Flower bud
Verbenaceae Combretaceae
Bark Fruit
EE Methanolic extract
88 89 90
Aqueous extract
Stress induced
Rhamnus procumbens (7)
82 83
Hydroalcoholic extract
RS,PL EI,CRS,Bethanecho l
Rheum ribes Linn Scoparia dulcis (17) Shilajit (7)
Tectona grandis (7,13) Terminalia chebula Terminalia pallida Brandis (7,21,77,78) Trigonella foenumgraecum (41,78)
EI,PL,CRS, HIST EI,PL EI,Indomithacin induced EI,PL,CRS, HIST EI, PL, Indomithacin EI,PL,Indomethaci n induced PL, RS,HIST EI,PL Indomethacin, HIST, AL EI,PL, Water immersion stress and Indomethacin
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Withania somnifera
ISSN: 0974 – 9446 EE
AE-Alcohol; ASP-Aspirin; CE-Chloroform; CRS-Cold restraint stress; CYS-Cysteamine; DU-Duodenal ulcer; EEEthanolic; GP-Guinea pig; GU-Gastric ulcer; HIST-Histamine; PE-Petroleum ether; PL-Pylorus ligation; RSRestraint stress;EI-Ethanol induced, AA-Acetic acid, AL-Alcohol induced 1. Grossman M, Peptic ulcer: A guide for the DISCUSSION Oldest medicinal systems in the world provides practicing physician. Am J Pharm Toxicol. leads to find therapeutically useful compounds Vol.4. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers; from plants. Therefore, ethno meditional 2009 : 79, 89-93. knowledge supported by modern science is 2. Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Ehanol Chapter 18 In: necessary to isolate, characterise, and standardise Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological the active constituents from herbal source. This basis of Therapeutics, 10th Edition,McGraw – combination of traditional and modern knowledge Hill Medical Publishing Division, 2001, 115 can produce better antiulcer drugs with fewer side 3. Harshmohan, The liver, biliary tract and effects. Herbs are widely available in different exocrine pancreas, In : Textbook of Pathology, countries. 4th Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers The present folklore review has to focus on the (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2002,1035 certain herbs, which are traditionally mentioned as 4. Nadkarni KM, Indian Materia Medica, Vol I & a antiulcer in a folk literature of Materia Medica II, Bombay Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1954 and are to be investigated for their antiulcer 5. Kirtikar KR, Basu BD, Indian Medicinal Plants, 2nd activity. Edition, Vol I-IV, International Book Research on natural products often is guided by Distributors., Dehradun, 1992 ethnomedicinal knowledge, and has brought 6. The Wealth of India, Vol I-XII: A-Z, Publication substantial contributions to drug innovation by and Information Directorate, CSIR, First providing novel chemical structures and/or supplement Series (Raw materials), New Delhi, mechanisms of action . Large number of herbal 2004 extracts are used in folk medicine to treat various 7. Goel RK, Sairam K, Anti-ulcer drugs from types of disorders. indigenous sources with emphasis on musa This review has wide scope for researcher to sapientum,tamrabhasma, asparagus compile literature data of antiulcer drug and racemosus and zingiber officinale, Indian intense study on evaluated use of certain herbs for Journal of Pharmacology, 2002; 34 :100 -110 their better acceptability in therapeutics. 8. Dashputre NL, Naikwade NS, Evaluation of Hence the review study is concluded that the Anti-Ulcer Activity of Methanolic Extract of herbal drug possesses antiulcer activity Abutilon indicum Linn Leaves in Experimental and it has been proved by different animal models Rats, International Journal of Pharmaceutical give many links to develop the future trials. Sciences and Drug Research, 2011; 3(2): 97100 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 9. Sayeed A, Garg M, Maksood A, Singh M, Md I express my sincere thanks to our beloved Dr. S.B. Tanwir Athar, Shahid H Ansari, A Bhise,, Principal Sinhgad Institute of phytopharmacological overview on Adhatoda Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lonavala, for his zyelanica Medic.syn.A. Vasica (Linn)Nees, guidance, advice and valuable hints with energizing Natural Product Radiance, 8(5), 2009:549-554 during this review work. 10. Dhankhar S, Ruhil S, Balhara M, Dhankhar S, Chhillar AK, Aegle marmelos (linn.) Correa: a REFERENCES potential source of phytomedicine, Journal of Available online on 166
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