Recent Books and Periodicals - Library

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raiEG, WAITER, 'UnserWeg ging hmanf; Hedwig Courths-Mahler and ihre T&htcr als ... Werkes von H. Conrths-Mahler nnd ihrer beiden TSchter Margarete Elzer ...
Recent Books and Periodicals The Editor would be glad to receive copies of new books for inclusion in this list in future numbers. He would also be glad if members of the Bibliographical Society would draw his attention to new books or articles, wherever published, in thefield of bibliography. Inclusion in this list does not preclude subsequent review in THE UMLAUT. DOSAN, MADELEINE, Endeavors of Ait: A study of form in Elizabethan drama. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1954. Pp. rtv+482. $6. Index translationum. Repertoire international des Inductions. International Bibliography of Translations. 5. UNESCO, Paris, 1953. Pp. 511. raiEG, WAITER, 'UnserWeg ging hmanf; Hedwig Courths-Mahler and ihre T&htcr als Iiterarisches PhSnomen. Ein Beitrag zor Theorie fiber den Erfolgsroman and zar Gcirlij^titp nnd Bibliographic des modcmen Volkslesestoffes. (-|-Bibliographic des gedmckten Werkes von H. Conrths-Mahler nnd ihrer beiden TSchter Margarete Elzer nnd Friedc Birkner.) Privatdrnck. Wien, 1953-4. PASS, joHNSTONB, Tambnrlaine's Malady, and other Essays on Astrology in Elizabethan drama. University of Alabama Press, 1953. Pp. ariv+158. $3.50. Contains (pp. 11a—50) an extensive short-entry bibliography of astrological textbooks f| " t**it in g

hrmn-n lyft and 161J, prrrrArA hy an f-tay m nSfir .vnTinTKfy and pnpnhrily tn England

WASD, WILLIAM s., Index and rinding list of Serials published in die British Isles, 1789-1832. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, 1953. Pp. xv+180. $6. TOi Index is ^ftgi»fi^ for complenientiry me with the Am^rw-in XJnion-Ust of Serials and tn*» British Union Catalogue of the PtrioJktri Publication! in the University Libraries of the British Isles. It tlto ihnes a common tet of Biituh library fymboli with the fortbeoming British Union Catalogue of Ptrio&cals. By direct citation or crojwe&rence to ULS and UCP it leguteii the hnldingi of 1,080 Anvriran C ^ " n i tnd British firmrifi and newspaper ofBcet.

Das Antiquariat. Jahrg. ix (1953), nos. 21/22, 23/24; x (1934), nos. 3/4. Contents inclnHf: Not. 21/23: George A. Marhey, Ignarx Wicmekr; nos. 23/24: A. von ^ Die Bibliographic des Dichtets and BibHophilen JBdoard Grisehach; nos. 3/4; J. Bcnong, Druckr und Verlagsvennerke im fil^ rn dentschen Buch.

Biographical Studies, 1534-1839. Materials towards a biographical Dictionary of Catholic History in the British Isles from die VinMrti with Rome to C^thnMr Emancipation. Published under die editorial direction of die Catholic Record Society. (Editors, A. F. Allison and D. M. Rogers.) VoL 2, no. 3. The Arundcl Press, Bognor Regis, 1954. (Reproduced from typescript) Contents: A. F. Affirm, An eady-teventeenth century translator Thomas Everard, S.J. A study o the bibliographical evidence; W. K. L. Webb, Thomas Preston, O.SJ3., alias Roger Widdrington (1567-1640).

Huntington library Quarterly. VoL xvii, no. 1 (November 1953). Contents include: Thomas S. K. Scott-Craig, The Craftsmanship and Theological Significance of Milton's Ait of Logic; W3Eam D. Templeman,Warbtnton and Brown Continue the Battle over Ridicule; Frederick B. ToSes, Franklin and the Pulteney Mission; Franklin Walker, Jack London's Use of Smrhir Lewis Plots; Robert W. Dent, Pierre Mathirn: Another Source for Webster; George R. Price, The Huntington MS. o(A Came at Chase



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Recent Books and Periodicak library Notes. A Bulletin issued for die Friends of Duke University Library. No. 28 (November 1953). Content! include: Louis J. Budd, More New Letters ofJune* RoaeH Lowell; E. MilKcent Sowerby, Jeflenon and His Books; W. F. Stinespring, A Syriac Manuscript of the Gospels; Pauline C Been, The Coronation of Queen Victoria as seen by an American. Nordisk Tidskrift for Bok- och BMoteksvasen. Arg. 40, no. 3 (1953). Contents: Wflbelm Mnnthe, Stoibibliotekenes aHmnrefrasjonsproblcme; Georg Leyh. Eirdge Bemerfamgen m der Wnfaamkeit des Intemationaleii Verbandes der BibHothekaTvereine (FIAB); N. L. Rasmtisson, Det H^twVa Salve Goarde-trycket 1563 och andra lnm^n^i* tryck; Brox Olsson* FSz&ttaren till Thtetnm trcgiaaa tbrbsorum (169$). The Yak University library Gazette. VoL 38, no. 3 (January 19J4). Contents: Barbara Damon Siraitr>Ti, Poems by Edward Taylor; Thomas E. Manton, An additional Group of Incunabula [pirrnlcd by Edwin J. Beinecke]; Zara Jones Powers, A Memorial to Eli Whitney, 1765-1815; Donald Gallop, Gertrude Stein and the Atlantic, George Heard Hamilton, Kathcrine S. Drcicr's Library on Modem Art; Archibald Hanna, jr^ Recent Additioos to the "Wcstcxu A i Collection.

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