migration on Mars and in the Mars Science Laboratory landing site in Gale Crater
. ... dune fields and sediment transport systems on regional and local scales).
SIMONE SILVESTRO SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center, 189 N. Bernardo Avenue, 94040, Mountain View (CA), USA
[email protected]
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Study of active aeolian processes on Mars with particular emphasis on ripple and dune migration on Mars and in the Mars Science Laboratory landing site in Gale Crater. Aeolian geomorphology and climatic changes recorded in aeolian structures (complex dunes, complex dune fields and sediment transport systems on regional and local scales). Geological mapping of desert areas on Mars and Earth. Use of atmospheric models and precision photogrammetry tools (SOCET SET, NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline) to build 3D models and investigate the geologic and sedimentary history of Mars.
EDUCATION International Research School of Planetary Sciences Ph.D. in Planetary Sciences Thesis: Complex Aeolian Systems in the Martian Southern Hemisphere Advisor: Prof. Gian Gabriele Ori
Università di Torino Degree in Natural Sciences Thesis: The Geology of Impact Craters Advisors: Prof. Pierangelo Clari, Dott. Mario Di Martino
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Research Associate SETI Institute, Carl Sagan Center 2010-present NASA Mars Data Analysis Program - Dune Morphology and Atmospheric Models: Implications for Present-Day Martian Aeolian Activity (Science PI) Postdoctoral Research Associate International Research School of Planetary Science 2009 EXOMARS, Environmental Terrain Support Analysis (ETSA) Project Graduate student, International Research School of Planetary Sciences 2006 – 2009 Complex Aeolian System on Mars
OTHER ABROAD EXPERIENCES Universitè C. Bernard Lyon 1 (France) University of Guelph, Ontario (Canada)
(6 months) 2008 (3 months) 2007
LANGUAGE SKILLS Italian, English, French
COMPUTER SKILLS Operative system: Windows 7, Linux (Ubuntu, Suse) Image processing: ISIS, VICAR, ENVI, NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline, SOCET SET GIS Software: ArcGIS Desktop 10
PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED PAPERS Silvestro, S., Vaz, D.A., Ewing, R.C.E., A.P. Rossi, L.K. Fenton, T.I. Michaels, J. Flahaut and P.E. Geissler (2013), Pervasive Aeolian Activity along rover Curiosoty’s traverse in Gale Crater on Mars, Geology, doi:10.1130/G34162.1. Bridges, N., Geissler, P.E., Silvestro, S and M. Banks (2013), Bedform Migration on Mars: Current Results and Future Plans, Aeolian Research (in press). Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton, T.I. Michaels, A. Valdez and G.G. Ori, Interpretation of the Complex Dune Morphlogy on Mars: Dune Activity, Modelling and a Terrestrial Analogue (2012), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, p. 1424-1436, doi:10.1002/esp.3286. Cardinale M., Komatsu, G., Silvestro, S. and D. Tirsch, The Influence of Local Topography for wind direction on Mars: Two Examples of Dune Fields in Crater Basins (2012), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Geissler P.E., N.W. Stantzos, N.T. Bridges, M.C. Bourke, S. Silvestro and L.K. Fenton (2012), Shifting Sand on Mars: 3Case Studies, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Gardin E., P. Allemand, C. Quantin, S. Silvestro and C. Delacourt (2012), Dune Fields on Mars: Recorders of a Climate Changes? Planetary and Space Science. Silvestro S., D.A. Vaz, L.K. Fenton and P.E. Geissler (2011), Active Aeolian Processes on Mars: A Regional Study in Arabia and Meridiani Terrae, Geophysical Research Letters 38, L20201, doi:10.1029/2011GL048955. Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton, D.A. Vaz, N.T. Bridges and G.G. Ori (2010), Ripple Migration and Dune Activity on Mars: Evidence for Dynamic Wind Processes, Geophysical Research Letters 37 – L20203, doi:10.1029/2010GL044743. Silvestro S., G. Di Achille and G.G. Ori (2010), Dune Morphology, Sand Transport Pathways and Possible Source Areas in East Thaumasia Region (Mars), Geomorphology 121, 84-97. BOOKS/CHAPTERS Brookfield M.E. and S. Silvestro, (2010), Eolian systems. In: Dalrymple, R. W. and James, N.P. (editors), Facies Models. Geological Society of Canada, St Johns, Newfoundland. SELECTED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS (EXTENDED ABSTRACT ONLY) Silvestro S., D.A. Vaz, A.P. Rossi, J. Flahaut, L.K. Fenton, R.C. Ewing and P.E. Geissler (2012), Active Aeolian Processes along Curiosity’s Traverses in Gale Crater, 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst. 1659, LPI, Houston. Silvestro S. and L.K. Fenton (2011), Present-Day Aeolian Activity in Arabia Terra. First Results from a Global Mapping of Active Dune Fields on Mars, 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst.1608, LPI, Houston. Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton and D.A. Vaz, (2010), Ripple Migration and Small Modifications of Active Dark Dunes in Nili Patera (Mars), 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst. 1820, LPI, Houston. Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton and D.A. Vaz, (2010), Active and Fossil Dunes as Evidences of Different Constructional Events in Gale Crater (Mars), 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst. 1838, LPI, Houston. Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton, T.I. Michaels and & G.G. Ori, (2009), Complex dark dune fields in Noachis Terra, Mars. Relationship between morphologies and wind regimes, 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst. 1862, LPI, Houston. Silvestro S., L.K. Fenton and G.G Ori, (2008), Complex dunes in the southern hemisphere of Mars: age and wind regimes, 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abst. 1893, LPI, Houston.