management team see your magazines as they are created. ... interrupting your
production manager, and production managers have a suite of pagination tools ...
Recent Enhancements Mirabel’s Digital Studio 3.0 Pagination & Digital Edition Software: Mirabel’s Digital Studio 3.0 allows you to paginate your magazines and then create and publish digital editions to the iPad tablet in an HTML5 version, allowing readers to view them online using desktops, laptops or iPad. The pagination system fosters a collaborative effort within your company where your sales force and management team see your magazines as they are created. Sales reps have access to ad material without interrupting your production manager, and production managers have a suite of pagination tools that will cut down on the time to plan and paginate your publications. The latest release includes extensive enhancements to our Magazine Central Newsstand app as well as the iPad Branded App on the Apple Newsstand, both options for publishing your magazine to the iPad. The 3.0 release also populates pagination data into key reports in The Magazine Manager, including the new run sheet. The Digital Studio online pagination/flat planning tool is now a standard feature within the Production module of The Magazine Manager software. Thumbnails of ad material will also be displayed on the Sales and Production Run sheets and the Ad Manager report. This online pagination tool has been completely redesigned to streamline the process of populating pages with insertions. Reports: The latest release of the software includes a new Management Reporting Suite capable of creating dozens of reporting variations, with daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly displays, including: Sales By Rep Report, Sales By Product Report, Sales Run sheet, Sales By Customer Report, Production Run Sheet and Ad Manager Report. The default location will be under the Reports menu. As with any Nav bar item, you have the ability to restrict access by user or by department. Admin users may add new Flex Reports directly to the NAV Bar from the Flex Report Setup Page. Flex Report displays may now be sorted in Ascending or Descending Order. The standard Circulation Subscription export now includes the Billing address information. Mailing List Upgrade: The Mailing List tool has been enhanced to include a wizard to guide users in creating, editing and using mailing lists of contacts within your Magazine Manager site. Delivery of emails through a third-party email provider to ensure deliverability of emails from The Magazine Manager will be part of Phase II of this integration. Invoicing & Accounts Receivable: Users have the option to group multiple invoices together by Billing Contact and Invoice Date via a Consolidated Invoice to subsequently print, email or fax. An enhanced A/R Aging Summary with Apply Pre-Payments Report allows the option to apply pre-payments to current invoices in batch. Users are able to apply one payment to multiple invoices. The Unbilled Charges Report now gives users the ability to run the report by billed or unbilled contracts. Users may now create Statements by Billing Contact. The Accounts Receivable Batch Billing Report now displays which credit cards are being processed real-time as they occur.
Invoicing & Accounts Receivable (continued): Users are able to search invoices and statements by Bill To company name or Bill To first name and last name (the full Bill To company name, first name and last time is now displayed on the search results). The number of statements users may select at one time to display and send has been increased from 50 to 500. Users may now close multiple issues by date range instead of manually selecting each issue to close.
Dashboard Widgets: A new framework for adding dashboard widgets more easily is available. New widgets are available for clients use to form their own dashboards. This also includes a Customer Search panel. Customer Support & Help Documentation: 81 new videos of common help topics/applications within the software which reside within the Help section of The Magazine Manager. This library of videos will continue to expand with new topics. Implementation of Adobe® RoboHelp® 10 software for search/display of Help content within The Magazine Manager site, including over 250 pages and 62,544 words of Help documentation. The addition of 4 new Customer Support Team members, 8 programmers, and 2 software consultants. Proposals and Contracts: Users now have the ability to set the font sizes for the various portions of the line item block (header, line item details and total) within the proposal and invoice templates. Notes/Activity: A note is now left in the client’s record when a contract is reassigned using the Reassignment Tool. A note is now left in the contact record and the activity is recorded as “email” in the Activity Report when an email is sent using any one of the Email links on the company main profile screen (similar to the use of the Email tab on the contact record). Management/Other: Import Tool exceptions are now exportable to Excel to display skipped/non-imported items. New restriction for viewing/hiding the right hand navigational panel has been added. The update allows admins to set the site to prevent non-admins from opening the sidebar. Products may be deactivated from Site wide Settings under the Management Tab. Users may now close multiple issues at once using an enhanced interface. The COPY rate card function is available. Distribution points have been updated to include Ad Agencies. iPad scrolling update. Nav Bar items now have the ability be identified with an icon and/or a tool tip. Mobile Site: Users may now enter more detailed notes, calls and calendar items from the Mobile Site. "Activity Type" drop downs are available to allow the user to categorize sales and prospect data more accurately.