Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Metamaterial Devices - Tiger Lab

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H. Tao and X. Zhang are with the Department of Mechanical Engineer- ing, Boston ... W. J. Padilla is with the Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut ...... from the University of California, San Diego, in 2002 and 2004 respectively.


Recent Progress in Electromagnetic Metamaterial Devices for Terahertz Applications Hu Tao, Willie J. Padilla, Xin Zhang, and Richard D. Averitt (Invited Paper)

Abstract—Recent advances in metamaterials (MMs) research have highlighted the possibility to create novel devices with unique electromagnetic (EM) functionality. Indeed, the power of MMs lies in the fact that it is possible to construct materials with a userdesigned EM response at a precisely controlled target frequency. This is especially important for the technologically relevant terahertz (THz) frequency regime with a view toward creating new component technologies to manipulate radiation in this hard to access wavelength range. Considerable progress has been made in the design, fabrication, and characterization of MMs at THz frequencies. This article reviews the latest trends in THz MM research. Index Terms—Metamaterials (MMs), terahertz (THz).

I. INTRODUCTION ECENTLY, artificially structured electromagnetic (EM) materials have become an extremely active research area because of the possibility of creating materials which exhibit novel EM responses not available in natural materials. This includes negative refractive index [1]–[6], superlensing [7]–[9], cloaking [10]–[12], and more generally, coordinating transformation materials [13]–[16]. This has generated tremendous worldwide interdisciplinary efforts including physicists, material scientists and engineers. For the most part, these composites, often called metamaterials (MMs), are subwavelength composites, where the EM response originates from oscillating electrons in highly conducting metals such as gold or copper allowing for a designed specific resonant response of the electrical permittivity (ε = ε1 + iε2 ) or magnetic permeability (μ = μ1 + iμ2 ). Continuous media with negative parameters, namely, with negative εr or μr have been known in EM theory for a long time. The Drude–Lorentz model, applicable to many materials in nature, predicts that above resonance there exists a region, where ε1 or μ1 is negative. If the losses are sufficiently low, it becomes possible to take advantage of this negative response. Media with negative ε1 over a broad frequency range are found


Manuscript received February 11, 2010; revised March 22, 2010; accepted March 23, 2010. Date of publication June 1, 2010; date of current version February 4, 2011. H. Tao and X. Zhang are with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). W. J. Padilla is with the Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). R. D. Averitt is with the Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTQE.2010.2047847

Fig. 1. Negative refractive index materials with a periodic array of SRRs interleaved with metallic thin wires for the magnetic responses and electric responses, respectively.

in nature [17], [18]. The best-known examples are metals or doped semiconductors, where ε1 is negative below the plasma frequency [19]–[21]. However, media with negative μ1 are less common in nature, which is partly due to the weak magnetic interactions in most of the naturally existing materials. At terahertz (THz) frequencies, it has long been known that antiferromagnets such as FeF2 or MnF2 exhibit a resonant magnetic response. In artificial materials, negative μ1 was first realized with split-ring resonators (SRRs). SRRs are composed of metallic rings with gaps as theoretically introduced by Pendry et al. [22] and experimentally verified by Smith et al. in 2000 [23]. As shown in Fig. 1, an appropriately designed combination of two sets of resonators, namely, metallic wires and SRRs, can yield negative ε1 and μ1 in the same frequency band resulting in a negative refractive index. Furthermore, these MM structures are scalable to operate over most of EM spectrum spanning from microwaves to optical frequencies [24]. The THz regime of the EM spectrum extends from 100 GHz to 10 THz (1 THz = 1012 Hz, where 1 THz corresponds to a wavelength of 300 μm and photon energy of 4.1 meV) [25], [26]. This region, alternatively called the far-IR, lies below the visible and IR frequencies and above the microwave frequencies, as shown in Fig. 2. The response of natural materials, arising from interactions of the EM field with the electron, forms the basis for the construction of most modern devices. However, the nature of the EM response of materials changes as a function of frequency. At frequencies of a few hundred gigahertz and lower, the motion of free electrons forms the basis of most EM devices. On the other hand, at IR through optical/UV wavelengths, photon-based

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Fig. 2. THz regime of the EM spectrum extends from 100 GHz to 10 THz, which lies below visible and infrared (IR) wavelengths and above microwave wavelengths.

devices are dominant. In between these two regions, there exists the so-called “THz gap,” where the efficiency of electronic and photonics responses tend to taper off. As such, the THz regime is arguably the least developed and least understood portion of the EM spectrum scientifically and technologically [27], [28]. Recently, there have been important advances using electronic and optical techniques to generate and detect THz radiation. During the past two decades, significant progress has been achieved in THz science and technology. As examples, the emergence of THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) [29]–[32] and THz quantum cascade lasers [33]–[37] have been spectacular in advancing the state of the art. Since the EM response of MMs can be designed over a large portion of the EM spectrum by, to first order, simply scaling the dimensions of the structures, MMs have played an increasingly important role particularly in the construction of functional THz devices. For THz MMs, the unit cell is few tens of microns with critical feature sizes of a few microns. For these length scales, conventional microfabrication techniques offer considerable flexibility to experimentally realize novel MM structures and devices. This paper focuses on MMs that are designed to operate in the THz regime with the emphasis on the recent progress on developing THz MM devices, which may have real-world applicability. II. FUNDAMENTAL STUDIES OF THZ MMS Various types of subwavelength resonators for building MMs have been theoretically designed and experimentally demonstrated during the last decade, as for example, thin metallic wires [38]–[40], Swiss rolls [41], [42], pairs of rods and crosses [43]–[47], fishnet structures [48]–[52], and SRRs [53]–[57]. Among these resonator structures, SRRs are the canonical subwavelength particle used in the majority of THz MMs to date [58]–[63]. SRRs were originally designed and utilized for magnetic responses [64]–[68]. When a time-varying magnetic field is polarized normal to the plane of the SRRs, circulating currents will be induced within the ring, resulting in an out-of-phase or negative magnetic response above the resonant frequency [1]. A potential limitation of SRRs to be used for the magnetic response at THz and higher frequencies is that the magnetic field needs to be perpendicular to the SRR plane for full magnetic field coupling. However, the EM waves are usually incident normal to the planar SRR structure with the magnetic field lying in the SRRs plane, which does not excite the magnetic resonance directly.

Fig. 3. Magnetically coupled SRRs with different geometries excited by a 30◦ off-normal incident wave with an ellipsometer [69].

Fig. 4. Magnetic MMs at (a) ∼100 THz (mid-IR) [70] and (b) ∼200 THz (near-IR) [71].

Nonetheless, the first THz MM was experimentally demonstrated by Yen et al. in 2004, showing a strong magnetic response around 1 THz, using a single planar layer of double SRRs array [69]. The MM sample was put in an ellipsometer measured in a transverse electric (TE) configuration at an angle of incidence of 30◦ off-normal for the excitation of the magnetic response as shown in Fig. 3. The electric field was aligned parallel to the side with the SRR gap to eliminate electric field coupling. By scaling down the SRR size and slightly simplifying the structure for the ease of fabrication, similar measurements have been performed with single SRRs showing a magnetic resonance at mid-IR (100 THz) [70] and near-IR (200 THz) regime [71], as shown in Fig. 4. The scaling rule breaks down beyond ∼200 THz due to the fact that metals cannot be treated as perfect conductors anymore. In principle, SRRs can also be used as electrically resonant particles, as they exhibit a strong resonant permittivity at the same frequency as the magnetic resonance by rotating the incident THz radiation 90◦ with the electric field perpendicular to the gap and the magnetic field lying completely in the SRRs plane. This enables using SRRs as electric MMs with the same SRR structures for constructing magnetic MMs [72], [73]. Of course, the full EM response is complicated, and care must be taken to determine the nature of the response for a given incident field orientation. The SRR can be though of as an LC



Fig. 5. (a) Single SRR excited purely by magnetic field normal to SRR plane with electric field parallel to the gap. (b) Same SRR excited purely by in-plane electric field perpendicular to the SRR gap with magnetic field lying in plane of the SRR. (c) Equivalent circuit of SRR with the gap as the capacitance and the current path as the inductance. (d) Two resonances are present, namely, (e) LC resonance and (f) dipole resonance.

Fig. 7. Coupling between the LC and dipole resonances can be tuned by changing the shape of the SRRs [75].

Fig. 8. Designs of novel planar electric MMs with (a) two distinct electric resonances [76], (b) three electric resonances [77], and (c) multiple electrical resonances depending on the fractal level [78].

Fig. 6. THz electric MMs with symmetry geometries along the electric field that suppress the magnetic response in favor of a pure electric response [74].

resonator in a simple representation with a resonance frequency of ω0 ∼ 1/LC, where the inductance results from the current path of the SRR and capacitance is mainly determined by the split gap and the dielectric properties of the substrate. With the polarization of electric field perpendicular to the SRR gap, two resonances are present, namely, an LC resonance (ω0 ) at lower frequency associated with circulating currents and a dipole resonance (ω1 ) at higher frequency, as shown in Fig. 5. The dielectric constant of the substrate affects both resonances, showing a redshift for higher values of the dielectric constant. Furthermore, though SRRs can exhibit either a purely negative electric or a magnetic response by being exposed to different orientations of incident radiation and polarization of electric or magnetic fields, the electric and magnetic resonant responses are coupled. This results in a complicated bianisotropic EM behavior, leading to considerable complexity in characterizing the comprehensive EM response of MMs. A number of alternative SRR structures have been designed to suppress the magnetic response in favor of a pure electric response [74], as shown in Fig. 6. The number and position of the capacitive gaps affect the position and linewidth of the LC resonance. The dipole resonance

can be tuned by changing the distance between SRR sidebars, which are parallel to the electric field [75]. For example, provided that the current path of the SRR is fixed, resulting in a constant LC resonance frequency, the dipole resonance can be shifted to a lower frequency by enlarging the SRR sidebar distance, as shown in Fig. 7. Tuning the LC and dipole resonances is very important in many applications, where the resonance reshaping due to the LC–dipole coupling is undesired. So far, the operation of ordinary MMs is confined with a narrow spectral range due to the nature of the resonator, which is a major impediment to most broadband applications. Efforts have been made on broadening the bandwidth of THz MMs by packing two or more resonators with different geometries into a single unit cell for multiresonant responses, as shown in Fig. 8. III. FABRICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION TECHNIQUES OF THZ MMS A great deal of MMs research has focused on the microwave frequencies due in part to the ease of fabrication and characterization of subwavelength structures at these frequencies. While MMs can theoretically operate from submicrowave through the visible portion of the EM spectrum, some limitations may affect their performance [79], [80]. Currently available microand nanofabrication technologies are the preferred methods for fabricating planar THz MMs, also called metafilms or metasurfaces, with the smallest geometric features down to tens of nanometers. To date, the majority of the reported THz MMs has been on single planar of resonator arrays on semiconductor substrates such as gallium arsenide (GaAs) [58], [74], and high resistance



Fig. 9. (a) Free-standing THz MMs fabricated on polyimide substrates [84]. (b) Out-of-plane THz chiral MMs fabricated using electro-plating technique [85].

silicon [81]. Recently, directly patterning of the MM resonator structures on soft polymer substrates [82]–[84], which are highly mechanically flexible and transparent to THz radiation, have been demonstrated providing a promising path to creating nonplanar MMs at THz frequencies, as shown in Fig. 9(a). However, single layer THz MMs raise the issue of lack of magnetic coupling for normal incidence THz waves. The magnetic resonance is difficult to access, which, as mentioned earlier, requires a component of the magnetic field to thread the loop-like metallic resonators. Though this issue may be partially solved by using an oblique angle of incidence, full coupling of the magnetic field required the resonators to “stand up” out of the supporting substrates, and complicates the fabrication process. Furthermore, most of these THz MMs are highly anisotropic, which can, for example, complicate the designing transformation optics devices such as perfect lenses and invisibility cloaks. Recently, researchers have demonstrated THz negative index MMs using out-of-plane chiral structures, as shown in Fig. 9(b). However, in order to facilitate the progress in those advanced MM applications, new manufacturing methodologies are indeed needed. THz-TDS is one of the most successful and thus most commonly used technologies to characterize the THz MMs performance, which relies on the generation of broadband EM transients using ultrafast laser pulses. The generation and detection scheme is sensitive to the changes in the amplitude and the phase of the THz radiation [29]. The transmission of the THz electric field is measured for a sample and a reference. The electric field spectral amplitude and phase are calculated through Fourier transformation of the time-domain pulses. Dividing the sample by the reference yields the complex spectral transmission for the far-field characterization of the THz MMs [73], [74]. While THz-TDS measurements provide important macroscopic far-field information of MM samples and enables extraction of the effective permeability and permittivity, understanding the local fields and current distribution of the subwavelength elements is also interesting and challenging. This necessitates the development of new technologies such as near-field optical imaging as shown schematically in Fig. 10(a) and (b). Fig. 10(c) displays the in-plane electric field distribution, shown as black arrows, near the SRR surface, measured using an aperture-based technique. This can be processed to determine the change of the out-of-plane magnetic field as shown in color. The information of the EM fields distribution and variation helps in understand-

Fig. 10. (a) Overview of the THz near-field microscope setup and (b) the cross section of the detector chip and the mounted sample. (c) Measured EM near-field distribution and (d) the simulated current density [86].

ing the origin of the far-field resonances [86], [87], especially in combination with simulations of the surface current density as shown in Fig. 10(d). Therefore, combination of THz-TDS and near-field imaging for tracing the localized near-field electric and magnetic responses provides the opportunity to fully characterize the functional origin and response of THz MMs. Such measurements will be important in gaining a better understanding of interactions between nearest neighbor SRRs, and will in turn, facilitate the design of novel THz MM devices. IV. RECENT PROGRESS IN THZ MM DEVICES MMs play a potentially important role in creating necessary functional devices for THz applications. A variety of THz components/devices based on THz MMs have been presented. This includes perfect absorbers, THz amplitude and phase modulators, structurally reconfigurable THz MMs, and memory THz MMs. In this section, we present a brief review of some recent progress regarding novel THz MM devices for manipulating THz radiation. A. THz MM Absorbers As described earlier, MMs can be regarded as an effective medium characterized by a complex electric permittivity ε = ε1 + iε2 and complex magnetic permeability μ = μ1 + μ2 . Considerable effort has focused on the real parts of permittivity (ε1 ) and permeability (μ1 ) to create a negative refractive material. To create such structures, it is important to minimize losses (over the operating frequency range) associated with the imaginary portions (ε2 and μ2 ) of the effective response



Fig. 11. (a) Schematic of the THz MM absorber with the electric resonator on the top of a polyimide spacer and a cut wire on the GaAs substrate for magnetic coupling. (b) Experimental results (blue) showing the absorber reaches a value of 70% at 1.3 THz, which is in good agreement with the simulation results (red), considering the material loss and fabrication imperfections [88].

functions. Conversely, for many applications, it would be desirable to maximize the loss, which is an aspect of MM research that, to date, has received less attention. Such an absorber would be of particular importance at THz frequencies, where it is difficult to find naturally occurring materials with strong absorption coefficients that, further, would be compatible with standard microfabrication techniques. Tao et al. experimentally demonstrated a MM-based absorber with an absorptivity of 0.70 at 1.3 THz [88]. A single unit of the absorber consists of two distinct metallic elements: an electrical ring resonator and a magnetic resonator, as shown in Fig. 11. The electrical ring resonator consists of two single split rings sitting back to back, which couple strongly to the electric field, and negligibly to the magnetic field. The magnetic coupling is realized by combining the center wire of the electric resonator on the top layer with a cut wire on the bottom layer in a parallel plane separated by an 8-μm-thick polyimide spacer. The magnetic response can be tuned by changing the geometry of the cut wire and the thickness of the polymer spacer. The EM responses are tuned to match the impedance to the free space and minimize the transmission at specific frequency. Given the 8 μm thickness of the MM, this corresponds to a power absorption coefficient of 2000 cm−1 , which is significant at THz frequencies, making this low-volume structure a promising candidate for the realization of enhanced, spectrally selective, thermal detectors. This study has been extended to a polarization insensitive design with a demonstrated absorptivity of 0.65 at 1.15 THz [90]. Tao et al. reported a resonant MM absorber fabricated on a metallic ground plane showing an absorptivity of 0.97 at 1.6 THz [89]. The absorber design is on a highly flexible polyimide substrate, which enables its use in nonplanar applications. In addition, the absorber can operate over a very wide range of incident angles for both TE and transverse magnetic (TM) configurations (see Fig. 12). Those MM absorbers may find numerous applications ranging from the active element in a thermal detector to THz stealth technology. B. THz Quarter Waveplates Birefringent crystals have long been used as quarter waveplates (QWPs) in optics for converting linear polarization to

Fig. 12. (a) Schematic of flexible wide angle THz MM absorber. (b) Absorber can be applied to nonplanar surfaces. (c) and (d) Numerical calculations show that the absorber has high absorption over a wide range of angles of incidence for both TE and TM radiation [89].

Fig. 13. Individual unit cells for (a) MM QWP and (b) meanderline QWP. Simulated (blue) and measured (purple) circular polarization percentage for (c) MM QWP and (d) meanderline QWP [98].

circular and vice versa. The meanderline polarizer is an artificial alternative to the crystal-based QWPs for use at millimeter wave and near-IR frequencies partly due to its low cost and ease of fabrication [91]–[94]. Recently, MMs and meanderlines have been investigated at microwave and THz frequencies [95]–[97]. Strikwerda et al. reported a meanderline QWP and an electricsplit-ring resonator (ELC)-based QWP with a center frequency of 639 GHz [98]. As shown in Fig. 13, the 70-μm-thick meanderline QWP with double layer meanderline structures achieved 99.6% circular polarization, while ELC-based QWP achieved 99.9% with much thinner structure of 20 μm. The meanderlinebased QWP showed a larger bandwidth of operation with over 99% circular polarization from 615 to 743 GHz, while the ELC-based QWP displayed 99% from 626 to 660 GHz, both


Fig. 14. (a) THz MM modulator with electrically controlled modulation. (b) MM elements are connected together with metal wires to serve as Schottky gate. (c) Electrons in the n-GaAs layer are driven away from the interface by a reverse-bias voltage, which forms a depletion region near the split gap resulting in a restoration of the resonance [99].


Fig. 15. (a) Schematic and (b) optical microscopy photograph of the electrically driven THz MM phase modulator. (c) Measured transmission phase spectra of the devices at 0 V and reverse-bias voltages of 4 and 16 V. (d) Phase shift (red) and amplitude modulation depth (blue) show a linear dependence of the applied voltage [100].

of which are broad enough for use with continuous wave (CW) sources. C. THz MM Switches and Modulators As existing THz switches and modulators prove to be insufficient for practical applications, MMs offer a promising alternative for the dynamic control and manipulation of THz radiation. Various THz MM switches and modulators have been proposed through various modifications to the existing MMs. Functionalizing these MM modulators is mainly achieved via dynamic modification of the surrounding environment using external electrical, thermal, or optical stimuli, leading to a modulation of the resonance strength in the transmission amplitude. Padilla et al. reported the first THz MM switch fabricated on GaAs substrates with the potential for creating dynamic MM resonance responses [73]. The electric resonance could be turn ON/OFF by photoexcitation of the free carriers in the GaAs substrate to short or open the resonator gap, which leads to a modulation on the THz radiation transmission. Another type of THz modulator via an external electric bias was reported by Chen et al. [99]. The SRR structures were fabricated on a thin n-type GaAs layer, where the conductivity can be externally modified by applying a voltage bias through a group of metallic wires connecting those resonators to a voltage source. No resonance is observed, as the n-type GaAs substrate electrically shorts out the resonator gaps. The resonators serve as a Schottky contact with the substrate. A reverse voltage bias depletes carriers in the capacitive regions, thereby, isolating the metal from the doped substrate, resulting in the restoration of the resonance. A schematic of the device is shown in Fig. 14. This device could modulate the THz transmission by 50% at a few KHz. An improved version with a similar modulation mechanism but having a reduced RC time constant through judicious layout design enabled modulation at over 2 MHz [101]. It has also been demonstrated that the phase of THz radiation can be modulated by a THz MM modulator with a similar design

Fig. 16. (a) SEM photograph of frequency-agile THz MM. (b) Experimentally measured transmission spectrum as a function of photoexcitation power [102].

to [99]. The device achieves a voltage-controlled linear phase shift at 0.89 THz, with a modulation of ∼π/6 rad at 16 V [100], as shown in Fig. 15. As mentioned earlier, the resonant frequency of MMs is fixed by the geometry, dielectric properties, and dimensions of the resonators. Chen et al. reported a frequency-agile MM device, which is able to shift the center resonance frequency by 20% with external optical pumping [102]. The MMs were fabricated on a silicon on sapphire wafer. The resistive silicon layer is ∼600 nm thick and is patterned as the capacitor plates of the SRRs. Fig. 16 shows that as the conductivity of the silicon capacitor plates is increased through photoexcitation, the resonance redshifts from 1.06 THz to 850 GHz. As these examples highlight, this new class of THz MM switches/modulators demonstrate a promising approach toward promoting real-world applications such as THz communication and THz wave detections. D. Structurally Reconfigurable THz MMs It is well known that the overall properties of a material are not only determined by the nature of the constituent atoms, but also depend dramatically on the lattice structure. The same rule



Fig. 17. (a) Schematic and (b) optical microscopy photograph of the structurally reconfigurable THz MM fabricated on bimaterial cantilevers. Measured transmission phase spectra of the tunable (c) magnetic response and (d) electric response as a function of frequency for (e) various orientations of the SRRs set by rapid thermal annealing process at successive temperatures up to 550 ◦ C [104].

applies to MMs, and even better to some extent. Compared with natural materials, where the tunability of their properties through tuning the crystal lattice is determined by the chemical bonding and nature of the atoms themselves, the range of tunability for MMs is more accessible, as the “lattice effects” can be made much stronger by an appropriate design [103]. Tao et al. reported a novel structurally reconfigurable THz MM with tunable electrically and magnetically resonant responses through mechanically reorienting the microfabricated resonators within their unit cells [104]. The SRR structures were fabricated on bimaterial cantilevers designed to bend out of plane in response to a thermal stimulus, as shown in Fig. 17. A 30% and 50% tunability of the electric and magnetic resonance in the transmission spectrum are experimentally observed at ∼0.5 THz, respectively, which can be potentially used for reconfigurable filters, cloaks, and concentrators. E. THz MMs With Memory Effects Though most MMs are designed to operate at a single resonant frequency, decent progress has been made on developing frequency-agile MMs at THz frequencies that allow their resonant frequency to be tuned with certain stimulus, as mentioned earlier. However, the tuning is lost when the stimulus is taken away. Driscoll et al. reported a new THz MM device that can remember the new frequency of operation by incorporating vanadium dioxide (VO2 ) into the conventional SRR structures [105]. It is known that the metal-to-insulator phase transition of VO2 can be controlled with external optical or electrical stimulus and exhibiting hysteresis enables programming of the MMs response [106], [107]. The resonant frequency of the SRRs depends on the VO2 ’s capacitive properties and is set until the phase changes back. In their device, the resonant frequency was shifted from 1.65 THz by as much as 20% and persisted for at least 20 min, as shown in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18. (a) Schematic of the memory metamaterial device at THz frequencies with a gold array of SRRs patterned on a VO2 film. (b) Measured transmission spectrum of the device as a function of frequency under various ambient temperatures, showing that the resonance frequency was shifted to the lower frequencies with increased temperature. (c) Resonance frequency can be also modified by applying electric pulse (top), and the tuned resonance persisted for at least 20 min until the device was thermally reset (bottom) [105].

V. SUMMARY The utilization of and implementation of MMs at THz frequencies holds great promise for advancing applications in this technologically relevant region of the EM spectrum. THz EM MMs have attracted enormous attention and intensive research efforts, and a number of practical MM-based THz devices have been developed, including filters, absorbers, QWPs, switches, and modulators. In many cases, the MM-based THz devices outperform their conventional counterparts, though in many cases such conventional counterparts do not exist at THz frequencies. Though most MM devices operate over a narrow spectral band due to their resonant nature, efforts have been put in making devices with frequency tunability and multiple/broadband functionality, which are favored for applications employing CW THz sources/detectors. New fabrication techniques, advanced near-field characterization and novel MM designs have lead to dramatic advances during the past five years. There will be certain additional fundamental advances during the next decade coupled with the implementation of MMs into real-world THz applications. REFERENCES [1] W. J. Padilla, D. N. Basov, and D. R. Smith, “Negative refractive index metamaterials,” Mater. Today, vol. 9, pp. 28–35, Jul./Aug. 2006. [2] J. Pendry, “Photonics—Metamaterials in the sunshine,” Nature Mater., vol. 5, pp. 599–600, Aug. 2006. [3] J. Pendry, “Optics: All smoke and metamaterials,” Nature, vol. 460, pp. 579–580, Jul. 2009. [4] J. B. Pendry, “Focus issue: Negative refraction and metamaterials— Introduction,” Opt. Exp., vol. 11, p. 639, Apr. 2003.


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Hu Tao received the B.S. degree in mechanical and automation from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2003, and the M.S. degree in physical electronics from the Institute of Electronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2006. He is currently involved in manufacturing engineering at Boston University, Boston, MA. His research interests include design and realization of microthermal detectors and microelectromechanical systems-enhanced active metamaterial devices.

Willie J. Padilla received the B.S. degree in physics from San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, in 1996, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of California, San Diego, in 2002 and 2004 respectively. He was a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 2004 to 2006. In 2006, he joined the Department of Physics, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, as an Assistant Professor, where he is currently involved in the investigation of the infrared, optical, and magneto-optical properties of novel materials.


Xin Zhang received the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China, in 1998. From 1998 to 2001, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher and then a Research Scientist with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge. She joined the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA, in January 2002, where she is currently an Associate Professor. She has authored or coauthored more than 50 journal publications and more than 100 conference proceeding publications and presentations in the field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS). Her research interests include applying materials science, micro-/nanomechanics, and micro-/nanomanufacturing technologies to solve various engineering problems that are motivated by practical applications in MEMS/NEMS and emerging nanobiotechnologies, which has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the Air Force Research Laboratory, the Army Research Laboratory, and a host of industries. Dr. Zhang was in the Technical Program Committee for both the IEEE International Conference on MEMS and the IEEE Solid State Sensors and Actuators Workshop. She is the recipient of the Boston University SPRInG Award (2002), the National Science Foundation Faculty CAREER Award (2003), and the Boston University Technology Development Award (2004), and was an Invitee of the National Academy of Engineering, Frontiers of Engineering (2007).

Richard D. Averitt received the Ph.D. degree in applied physics from Rice University, Houston, TX, in 1998. He was a Director’s Postdoctoral Fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1999 to 2001, and then became a Staff Scientist in 2001. In 2006, he joined the Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA, as an Assistant Professor. His research interests include the optical and electronic properties of artificial and quantum-based multifunctional materials.