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Sep 27, 2010 ... We have enjoyed reading and retelling 'The Bad Tempered Ladybird' by. Eric Carle. Through the area of Personal, social and emotional ...
Reception Newsletter Monday 27th September 2010  This term out topic is mini beasts. We have enjoyed reading and retelling ‘The Bad Tempered Ladybird’ by


Eric Carle. Through the area of Personal, social and emotional development we discussed what makes a good friend  and why and in our communication, language and literacy activities we wrote down what makes a good friend and made a poster. In Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy we developed our counting skills by


playing ladbybird games, counting spots and ordering numbers 1 to 10 and beyond. Through   our Knowledge and understanding of the world activities we explored our environment looking for

mini beasts. We used magnifying glasses to take a closer look. On returning to the classroom, children were keen  to discuss what they had found and what they look like. In their PE lessons children moved around like animals exploring different sizes and speeds. In the classroom children discussed the different activities we


do such as swimming, mini gym, ballet and games. All the children agreed they like running around and being active.   In creative development children explored colours and textures by collaging, painting, printing, drawing and shading animals for The Bad Tempered Ladybird display. Children also used the creative area


independently to make 3D models and cards. Children are showing increasing confidence using a range of tools  and materials to build, construct and create. In music with Mr Rowley children have enjoyed learning a number song and listening to different types of music.


This week we are sharing another Eric Carle story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be sequencing the story  and exploring all the foods he ate during his life cycle.


Communication Language and Literacy  


Retells narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Dresses and undresses independently and manages own personal   hygiene. We







demonstrating how to do fastenings and encouraging

  to have a go. Now the weather has changed children children will be putting on their wellington boots and


coats for outdoor play.


Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy


Relates addition to combining two groups. Using  counting objects adults will demonstrate adding 1 more and 2 more by combining two groups together and


counting how many there are all together. Adults will show how   to record simple additions and encourage

children to record their calculations while playing games.


language patterns of stories. We will be reading the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and using puppets and props to the



This Early Learning Goal links with Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Children will have the opportunity to access a wide range of materials and resources to create and build in 2D and 3D.




sequence and retell the story. Knowledge and Understanding of the World Builds and constructs with a wide range of objects selecting appropriate resources, tools and techniques and adapting his/her work where necessary. Using a wide range of junk materials and construction kits children will be encouraged to make insects. Adults will support children with their constructions and demonstrate how to use tools safely.

Creative Development

three  dimensions.

re-enact and retell


encouraged to cut and stick pictures in the correct

Physical Development

  Explores colour, texture, shape, form and space in two or


 Recognises the importance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute to this. Recognises the changes that happen to her/his body when s/he is active. Through our focused story this week we will be exploring the fruits and food using our senses. At the end of the week we will be making a fruit cocktail with the fruits from the story.




PE Kit Children need to wear their PE kit into school on Wednesday for mini gym and have their swimming kit in their bag. Miss Dalby’s class needs their PE kit on a Tuesday, Mrs Key’s class needs their PE kit on a Thursday and Mrs Simm’s class needs their PE kit on a Friday. Extra Activities Please let your child’s class teacher know if your child is attending short tennis on a Monday, ball skills on a Tuesday or ballet on a Thursday. Collections If you have any junk materials such as kitchen rolls, boxes, food trays, bottle tops or yogurt pots please can we have them so that we can design and make. School Uniform Please make sure that all of your child’s clothing is clearly named. Lost property can be found in the green box on top of the tray units.

Thank you for your continued support and positive feedback. If you have any questions with regards to our curriculum or your child’s learning and development please arrange an appointment with a member of staff at a convenient time.