Journal of Comparative Psychology 2004, Vol. 118, No. 2, 140 –148
Copyright 2004 by the American Psychological Association 0735-7036/04/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0735-7036.118.2.140
Recognizing Impossible Object Relations: Intuitions About Support in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Trix Cacchione
Horst Krist
University of Zu¨rich
University of Greifswald
Using looking-time measures, the authors examined untrained chimpanzees’ (Pan troglodytes) ability to distinguish between adequate and inadequate support. In 3 experiments, the chimpanzees’ sensitivity to different support relations between 2 objects was assessed. In each experiment, the chimpanzees saw a possible and an impossible test event, presented as digital video clips. Looking times in the 3 experiments suggest that chimpanzees use amount of contact between 2 objects, but not type of contact, to distinguish between adequate and inadequate support relations. These results indicate that chimpanzees have some intuition about support phenomena but their sensitivity to relational object properties may differ from that of human infants (Homo sapiens) in this domain.
relations between two objects? In the present experiments we approached this question from a comparative perspective, relating it to recent research on human infants’ intuitions about support (Baillargeon, Needham, & DeVos, 1992; Baillargeon, Raschke, & Needham, 1995; Dan, Omori, & Tomiyasu, 2000; Huettel & Needham, 2000; Needham & Baillargeon, 1993a, 1993b). This work has provided evidence that human infants exhibit amazing competencies in distinguishing adequate (stable) and inadequate (instable) support relations. To achieve optimal comparability, we adapted the expectancy violation method used in this research for our chimpanzee experiments. The basic rationale underlying the expectancy violation method is to infer, from a looking preference (usually indicated by looking times) for an “impossible” event over a similar possible event, that the impossible event violated the infant’s expectation. Whether (or which) looking preferences are perceptually or representationally mediated is currently under debate (see Discussion). Nonetheless, the expectancy violation method appears to be among the most sensitive procedures available for uncovering nonverbal forms of various kinds of knowledge. In other words, early competencies that cannot be revealed by this method are unlikely to be diagnosable by other behavioral methods. With research on nonhuman primates, the use of looking-time measures also has important advantages. Most important, lookingtime measures allow researchers to assess cognitive capacities spontaneously, without training or food incentives that may distort the data. Recently, several researchers have successfully used variants of the expectancy violation methodology with nonhuman primates to investigate physical knowledge of tamarins and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) (Hauser & Carey, 1998, 2003; Hauser, MacNeilage, & Ware, 1996; Munakata, Santos, O’Reilly, Hauser, & Spelke, 2000; Santos & Hauser, 2002; Uller, Carey, Xu, & Hauser, 1997; Uller, Hauser, & Carey, 2001) and the theory of mind in chimpanzees (Uller, 2003). Concerning apes’ perception and understanding of object relations, however, investigators have thus far relied exclusively on assessing problem-solving behavior. Most of the pertinent studies
Not only are chimpanzees phylogenetically closely related to humans but they also share a similar environment, governed by the same physical principles. But do chimpanzees also perceive physical objects and their interactions the same way that humans do? One of the first to address the question of a potential evolutionary development of mental capacities was Wolfgang Ko¨hler (1957) in his famous studies on insightful problem solving by nonhuman primates. Would chimpanzees have the insight to stack one box on top of another to gain access to an otherwise inaccessible banana? Ko¨hler found that apes seem to understand that they can diminish the distance between themselves and the target object by stacking one box on top of another. It was in the building process itself that the chimpanzees met the limit of their capacities. Ko¨hler concluded that the difficulty of the task was to “add one box to the other, so that it stays there firmly . . . . [The] total impression of all observations made repeatedly on the animals leads to the conclusion that there is practically no statics to be noted in the chimpanzee” (pp. 128 –130). Apparently, chimpanzees meet with great difficulties when they try to implement their insightful strategy to place one box on top of another, climb onto the boxes, and reach for the food. But is Ko¨hler’s (1957) negative conclusion concerning the “naive statics” of chimpanzees really warranted? Is it true that chimpanzees are unable to distinguish between adequate and inadequate support
Trix Cacchione, Department of Psychology, University of Zu¨rich, Zurich, Switzerland; Horst Krist, Department of Psychology, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. We thank David Bjorklund, Marc Hauser, and Friedrich Wilkening for their insightful comments; Ernst Federer and the Walter Zoo staff for their cooperation and assistance in conducting the research; and Henri Gossweiler and Walter Schmid for their help with the apparatus and stimulus design. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Trix Cacchione, Allgemeine und Entwicklungspsychologie, Psychologisches Institut, Universita¨t Zu¨rich, Attenhoferstrasse 9, CH-8032 Zu¨rich, Switzerland. E-mail:
[email protected] 140
have involved numerous trials, in which the apes were motivated by the prospect of obtaining real food. A number of other researchers have investigated chimpanzees’ ability to solve the so-called classical support problem using such methodology. This problem was originally used by Piaget (1952) in his seminal work on sensorimotor intelligence in infants. Piaget found that, at approximately 12 months old, infants could obtain a target object out of reach by pulling a support. Spinozzi and Potı´ (1993) confronted 2 chimpanzees with Piaget’s support problem. In a choice task, the animals were required to assess which of two pieces of cloth would give access to a food reward. One of the 2 chimpanzees successfully differentiated between object-on-cloth and object-off-cloth conditions. Hauser, Kralik, and Botto-Mahan (1999) conducted similar experiments with cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus). In the first task (on problem), tamarins had to choose between food (a pellet) located on a cloth versus off a cloth. Tamarins performed well on this task, consistently selecting an on-cloth over an off-cloth food pellet. In the second task (connected problem), the tamarins had to choose between a food pellet resting on a regular cloth and a second food pellet resting on a cloth that consisted of two pieces separated by a visible gap. The tamarins correctly ignored irrelevant feature differences (e.g., color, size, and shape of cloth or food), but they failed to consider some relevant feature differences (e.g., position, shape, and orientation of the gap). Using traditional operant procedures (a classification task), Kralik and Hauser (2002) tried to determine the limits of the tamarins’ ability to perceive and respond to the abstract relational concept of connectedness. Their results suggest that the tamarins had not acquired a completely abstract relational concept of connectedness. The tamarins used not only connectedness to some degree but also nonrelational information to solve a picture-classification task. Although most researchers have interpreted the classical support problem as a test for understanding means– end relations, Povinelli (2000) addressed the support problem as a special case of a weak physical connection between two objects (afforded by the weight of the object resting on a support). Povinelli argued that if the Ko¨hlerian position1 is correct, then use of the basic version of the classic support task cannot help one determine if apes can distinguish between relevant and irrelevant types of contact. After conducting a series of experiments with choice tasks, Povinelli concluded that chimpanzees solve the support problem on the basis of specific perceptual features related to the spatial arrangement of goal object and support. These perceptual judgments, Povinelli said, have nothing to do with an underlying conceptual representation of the support phenomenon as an instance of physical connection. Irrespective of the validity of Povinelli’s (2000) conclusion, the studies (Hauser, Kralik, & Botto-Mahan, 1999; Kralik & Hauser, 2002; Spinozzi & Potı´, 1993) on nonhuman primates’ consideration of the connectedness relation clearly indicate that (up to a certain degree) these animals can use the existence or nonexistence of visible contact between objects to discriminate between different spatial arrangements of objects. These studies are of particular interest for the present research because sensitivity to (a) contact (vs. no contact), (b) type of contact, and (c) amount of contact between an object and a supporting platform has been shown to emerge in this order with human infants. On the basis of their examination of looking-time data from experiments in which
the expectancy violation method was used (Baillargeon et al., 1992; Baillargeon, Raschke, & Needham, 1995; Needham & Baillargeon, 1993a, 1993b), Baillargeon, Kotovsky, and Needham (1995) postulated the following developmental sequence (see also Baillargeon, 1995, 2002): (a) At age 3 months, human infants acquire an initial concept of support, (contact or no contact) in which they expect that two objects form a stable relation if and only if there is any kind of contact between them; (b) at age 4.5 months, infants show the first differentiation of this global support notion and also comprehend the type of contact between two objects— only if one object is placed on top of another object is it assumed to remain stable; and (c) by age 6.5 months, infants are aware that the amount of contact between two objects must also be considered. The present chimpanzee studies were modeled after this developmental sequence. In three consecutive experiments, designed to be as comparable to the corresponding infant studies (Baillargeon et al., 1992; Baillargeon, Raschke, & Needham, 1995; Needham & Baillargeon, 1993b) as possible, we investigated chimpanzees’ sensitivity to the visible features of contact or no contact (Experiment 1), type of contact (Experiment 2), and amount of contact (Experiment 3). This sequence allowed us to assess how chimpanzees’ level of competence relates to the developmental progression found with human infants. In particular, we wanted to establish whether chimpanzees would exhibit longer looking times for an impossible no-contact event than for a possible contact event but would not otherwise distinguish between adequate and inadequate support relations. Such a result would support Ko¨hler’s (1957) as well as Povinelli’s (2000) negative conclusions about the naive statics of chimpanzees. Additional looking preferences for an impossible type of contact and/or an impossible amount of contact in Experiments 2 and 3, respectively, would provide a first piece of evidence that chimpanzees’ intuitions about support are subtler than previously thought.
Experiment 1 Experiment 1 examined whether chimpanzees are sensitive to the basic contact relation between an object and a potential support. In all three experiments we used a new expectancy violation procedure, which offered the possibility to test untrained animals of a wide age range (from 1 to 44 years).
Method Participants. Experiment 1 was conducted on a group of 10 chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) ranging in age from 1.5 to 44.1 years (7 females and 3 males). All chimpanzees were housed at the Walter Zoo in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and lived in a single social group. There were substantial differences in their rearing histories: 4 were born in the Walter Zoo, 2 were born in other Swiss zoos, 1 was found as an orphan in the wild, and 3 were former performers in a circus (1 of these 3 was raised by humans). None of them had ever participated in an experimental investigation. One chimpanzee had to be excluded from the sample because he did not attend to the display adequately.
1 Ko¨hler (1957) wrote, “It appears doubtful whether the conception of ‘connexion’ in our practical human sense signifies more for the chimpanzee than visual contact in a higher or lower degree” (p. 33).
The living area of the apes covered 1,250 m2 and included a covered dome with natural floor, two outside areas with trees and water, and a night house with a conventional floor that could be divided into separate sleeping chambers. In the dome an artificial termites’ nest, ropes for climbing and swinging, and a few human artifacts (toys and blankets) were provided to keep the chimpanzees busy. Testing environment and apparatus. Testing was done in the mornings and early afternoons. The separable sleeping chambers (3.4 m ⫻ 2.17 m ⫻ 3.4 m) of the night house and one of the dome compartments served as testing environments. We used two notebooks to record looking times and to present three events as digital video clips: (a) a familiarization event, (b) a possible test event, and (c) an impossible test event. Each event was presented in a continuous loop until a certain criterion was met (see below). Figure 1 illustrates the experimental setting. The first computer was used to present the video clips, which were embedded in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and displayed on an external monitor (33 cm ⫻ 24 cm). On the second computer, a program designed for infant-habituation studies was installed. It was used to record looking times. The experimenter (serving as the primary observer) pressed and released the Control key of the second computer to record the ape’s looking at the monitor and his looking away, respectively. Analogously, the second caretaker (serving as the secondary observer) recorded looking times by pressing and releasing the left button of a mouse connected to the same computer. The presentation of each video clip was controlled by automatically triggering click events on the first computer, thereby starting and stopping the clip depending on the ape’s looking behavior as registered by the experimenter on the first computer. This coupling was achieved by connecting a modified mouse to both computers. The modified mouse sent regular mouse inputs to the first computer based on electronic inputs from the second computer (via one of its serial ports). The mouse clicks were triggered by an optoelectronic switch. With this setup, we were able to use a novel method of an animalcontrolled stimulus presentation. The presentation of each event loop was continued only as long as the ape kept looking at the monitor, as recorded by the primary observer. As soon as the ape looked away, the video clip presentation was stopped (frozen) until the ape resumed looking at the monitor or until the computer program signaled the end of the trial. This procedure was chosen to make sure that the ape would see all the information necessary to comprehend the possibility or impossibility of the physical phenomenon presented. The caretakers could not see the video clips during testing and were blind to the experimental condition on which the chimpanzee was being tested. Design. All participants were assigned to one familiarization event and two test trials. One test trial demonstrated a physically possible event, and
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the experimental setting. C1 ⫽ computer 1; C2 ⫽ computer 2.
the other demonstrated a physically impossible event. The order of the test trials was counterbalanced across participants. In contrast to human infants, untrained chimpanzees could not be expected to attend to the stimuli over many trials. For this reason, only one familiarization trial was administered to introduce all the materials that were used in the subsequent test events (cf. Hauser et al., 1996).2 To prevent the perceptual novelty of the display from distorting the looking times in the direction of the expected effect, we designed the impossible test event, as much as was feasible, to be perceptually more similar to the familiarization event than to the possible test event. We believed that if the chimpanzees simply preferred perceptual novelty, they would tend to look longer at the possible test event. Stimuli. To make sure that all the video clips had an identical time structure, they were recorded using a metronome beating at 54 beats per minute. Each video clip lasted 11 beats or 12.2 s. The critical moment in the impossible test event (the moment showing the physical impossibility) was reached after 7 beats or 8 s.3 Figure 2 shows the possible and impossible test events. The impression of physical impossibility was achieved by using a Perspex base over which the banana was pushed and white lighting to make the Perspex base invisible in the video clip. The video clip demonstrating the possible test event showed a gloved hand entering the scene from the left side (2 beats), pushing a banana from the left to the right side of a platform (3 beats), then releasing it and retreating for a short distance (2 beats), then taking the banana again (1 beat) and pulling it back to the starting position (3 beats). In the impossible test event, the participants saw the same sequence, with the exception that beginning in the middle of the platform, the gloved hand pushed the banana entirely off the right side of the platform so that the banana stayed suspended in midair. The familiarization video clip showed the same sequence, with the exception that the gloved hand pushed the banana from the middle to the right side of the platform. Procedure. Because none of the chimpanzees had prior experience with experimental testing, a strict experimental control could not be maintained in every detail. Instead, the chimpanzees’ emotional well-being and balance had priority. This made two major adjustments necessary. First, the chimpanzees were allowed to “select” the place of the testing, within certain limits (see further discussion below). Second, the infants (younger than 3 years) were allowed to stay with their mothers during the testing. In addition, some irregular behavior (e.g., movement between trials, individual delays between trials) was tolerated. Participants that did not watch the display for the necessary 8 s or showed very disturbing behaviors (e.g., standing headfirst or begging for food), however, were excluded. All participants were tested individually, except for infants with their mothers. Each session lasted a maximum of 15 min. So the chimpanzees would not be distressed in any way, they were not forced to go into the testing chamber. The first caretaker waited for 1 chimpanzee to isolate herself or himself from the rest of the group in the night house and then closed the connecting doors. If the chimpanzee went into a sleeping chamber by herself or himself, the sliding doors were closed. If not, the first caretaker lured the chimpanzee into the nearest sleeping chamber, if necessary by tempting the ape with some food as a reward. Participants that did not separate themselves easily from the group and never entered the night house alone were tested in a side room of the dome.
2 Hauser et al. (1996) were confronted with a similar problem while studying wild rhesus monkeys. They decided to administer only one test trial to each monkey in a between-subjects design. Because we did not have a great number of participants available, we used a within-subjects design with one familiarization trial. 3 Strictly measured, the critical moment was reached after 7 beats or 7.7 s. However, because the video clips were embedded in a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, a short delay at the start of the clip made it necessary for us to fix the criterion at 8 s.
Figure 2.
Possible (left) and impossible (right) test events in Experiment 1.
Once the chimpanzee had entered the testing place, the first caretaker called the ape by his or her name, pointed with the index finger at the monitor, and encouraged the chimpanzee to watch the display by saying, “Look, look!” As soon as the chimpanzee watched the monitor, the first caretaker withdrew her hand and sat quietly next to the monitor. At the same time, the familiarization trial was started, and the experimenter and the second caretaker recorded the looking times online, as described above. Each trial was finished after the ape had looked at the display for at least 8 s cumulatively (the duration necessary to see all the important features of the video clip) and then looked away for 2 s continuously, or after the ape had looked at the display for 120 s (whichever came first; in the present study, however, no participant looked for 120 s). If the ape left his or her position in front of the monitor before he or she had watched the video clip for 8 s cumulatively (and therefore had not yet seen the critical features of the event), the first caretaker repeated the starting procedure, called the ape, and encouraged her or him to watch. The same procedure was used for the subsequent test trials. At the end of the session, all of the chimpanzees got a food reward, regardless of their performance and whether or not they completed the experimental trials. Analysis. Looking times in the test trials were subjected to a 2 ⫻ 2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures on the factor type of event (physically possible or impossible) and the between-subjects factor trial order (possible test event first, or impossible test event first). For exploratory purposes, we also tested for possible age effects by calculating the correlation between age (in months) and the individual differences in looking times for the impossible and possible test events.
showed that all participants looked longer at the impossible test event than at the possible test event. There was a significant effect for type of event, F(1, 7) ⫽ 7.96, p ⬍ .05, but no effect for trial order. Thus, the participants looked longer at the physically impossible test event in both experimental conditions, irrespective of the order of the presented events. None of the interactions was significant. This effect was independent of age (r ⫽ ⫺.13, p ⫽ .75).
Experiment 2 In Experiment 2 we examined whether chimpanzees are sensitive to type of contact and if they detect the difference between horizontal and vertical contact.
Method Participants. Experiment 2 was conducted on the same group of 10 chimpanzees, now ranging in age from 1.6 to 44.3 years (7 females and 3 males). Experiments 1 and 2 were spaced between 14 and 70 days apart,
Results Interobserver agreement ranged from 86.7% to 99.3% for the familiarization and test trials. Agreement was defined as the proportion of total trial time in which both observers indicated either that the participant was looking at the display or that the participant was not looking at the display. All statistical analyses were done on the primary observer’s data. Figure 3 shows the mean looking times for the familiarization and test events of Experiment 1. The apes tended to look longer at the familiarization event (M ⫽ 10.89 s, SD ⫽ 2.53 s) than at the possible test event (M ⫽ 9.39 s, SD ⫽ 1.48 s), and they looked longer at the impossible test event (M ⫽ 16.01 s, SD ⫽ 7.91 s) than at the possible test event. Examination of the individual data
Figure 3. Mean looking times in Experiment 1 (n ⫽ 9).
depending on the cooperation of each individual. Two animals had to be excluded from the sample because of behavioral inadequacies. Testing environment, apparatus, and design. Testing environment, apparatus, and design were identical to those of Experiment 1. Stimuli. Video clips were recorded using a metronome beating at 54 beats per minute. The video clips lasted 11 beats or 12.2 s. The critical moment in the impossible test event (the moment demonstrating the physical impossibility) was reached after 7 beats or 8 s. Figure 4 illustrates the possible and impossible test events. The impression of physical impossibility was achieved by using magnets to fix the apple at the side of the platform. In the possible test event, the participants saw a gloved hand holding an apple entering the scene from the right side (2 beats), then depositing the apple against the right side of a platform on top of a smaller box (3 beats) and retreating for a short distance (2 beats), then taking the apple again (1 beat) and bringing it back to the starting position (3 beats). The impossible test event was identical to the possible test event, with the exception that the apple was not positioned on top of the small box but well above it. The familiarization video clip was identical to the impossible test event, with the exception that the gloved hand retained its grasp on the apple and never released it. Procedure. The same procedure was used as in Experiment 1, and the same analyses were carried out.
Results Agreement between the two observers ranged from 84.31% to 98.0% per trial. All statistical analyses were conducted on the primary observer’s data. Figure 5 depicts the mean looking times for the familiarization and test events of Experiment 2. At first glance, the same tendencies as those shown in Experiment 1 seem to be noticeable. On average, the participants looked slightly longer at the familiarization event (M ⫽ 11.91 s, SD ⫽ 4.20 s) than at the possible test event (M ⫽ 11.55 s, SD ⫽ 4.80 s), and they looked longer at the impossible test event (M ⫽ 12.57 s, SD ⫽ 4.58 s) than at the possible test event. But examination of the individual data revealed an entirely different picture. In contrast to the first experiment, in Experiment 2 half of the participants looked longer at the possible test event, and half of them looked longer at the impossible test
Figure 4.
Figure 5. Mean looking times in Experiment 2 (n ⫽ 8).
event. The ANOVA yielded no significant effects in Experiment 2, and the difference in looking times for the possible and impossible test event was independent of age (r ⫽ .44, p ⫽ .27).
Experiment 3 In Experiment 3 we investigated whether chimpanzees are sensitive to the amount of contact (between object and platform) that is needed for the object to maintain its position.
Method Participants. In Experiment 3 the same group of 10 chimpanzees participated, now ranging in age from 1.9 to 44.4 years (7 females and 3 males). Experiments 2 and 3 were spaced between 42 and 98 days apart, depending on the cooperation of each individual. Three animals had to be excluded from the sample because of behavioral inadequacies.
Possible (left) and impossible (right) test events in Experiment 2.
RECOGNIZING IMPOSSIBLE OBJECT RELATIONS Testing environment, apparatus, and design. Testing environment, apparatus, and design were the same as in Experiments 1 and 2. Stimuli. Video clips were recorded using a metronome beating at 54 beats per minute. The video clips lasted 11 beats or 12.2 s. The critical moment in the impossible test event (the moment demonstrating the physical impossibility) was reached after 7 beats or 8 s. Figure 6 shows the possible and impossible test events. As in Experiment 1, we achieved the impression of physical impossibility by using a Perspex base and white lighting to make the base seem invisible. In the possible test event, the chimpanzee saw a gloved hand entering the scene from the left side (2 beats), pushing a banana from the left to the right side of a platform so that 70% of the banana’s bottom surface remained on the platform (3 beats), then releasing the banana and retreating for a short distance (2 beats), then taking the banana again (1 beat) and pulling it back to the starting position (3 beats). In the impossible test event, the hand pushed the banana from the left to the right side of the platform so that only 15% of its bottom surface remained on the platform. Again, the familiarization event was identical to the impossible test event, except that a second platform was placed against the right side of the first platform so that the banana always remained fully supported. Procedure. The same procedure was used as in Experiments 1 and 2, and the same analyses were carried out.
Figure 7. Mean looking times in Experiment 3 (n ⫽ 7).
Experiments 1 and 2, the difference in looking times was statistically independent of age (r ⫽ ⫺.33, p ⫽ .48).
Results Interobserver agreement ranged from 84.4% to 99.6% per trial. Figure 7 summarizes the mean looking times for the familiarization and test events of Experiment 3. On average, the participants looked longer at the familiarization event (M ⫽ 10.68 s, SD ⫽ 1.67 s) than at the possible test event (M ⫽ 9.26 s, SD ⫽ 0.68 s), and they looked longer at the impossible test event (M ⫽ 11.42 s, SD ⫽ 1.54 s) than at the possible test event. Examination of the individual data showed that all participants tended to look longer at the impossible test event than at the possible test event. The ANOVA revealed a significant main effect for type of event, F(1, 5) ⫽ 9.95, p ⬍ .05, but no effect for trial order. Again, all interactions were not significant. Thus, the chimpanzees looked reliably longer at the impossible test event than at the possible test event, irrespective of the order of the presented events. As in
Figure 6.
Discussion In Experiments 1 and 3, all chimpanzees looked longer at the impossible than at the possible test event, and their mean looking times were reliably longer for the former than for the latter event in both experiments. For Experiment 1, these results might suggest that the chimpanzees assumed the banana could not remain stable without support and believed that the banana was adequately supported only when resting on the platform but not when sustained in midair. Hence, they expected the banana to fall in the impossible test event and were surprised to see that it did not. For Experiment 3, the results might suggest that the apes realized that the banana was adequately supported when 70% but not when 15% of its bottom surface rested on the platform, and therefore expected
Possible (left) and impossible (right) test events in Experiment 3.
the banana to fall in the impossible test event and were surprised when it did not. By contrast, in Experiment 2, the animals tended to look equally long at the possible event (object on top of a platform) as at the impossible event (object is placed against a platform). Thus, chimpanzees appear to know that an object needs sufficient support (amount of contact) to prevent it from falling, whereas they do not consider whether an object is placed on top of or against a platform (type of contact). Admittedly, this is a rich interpretation (Haith, 1998) of our findings; yet, it is equivalent to the interpretation that Baillargeon, Needham, and colleagues gave for their corresponding results obtained with human infants (Baillargeon et al., 1992; Baillargeon, Raschke, & Needham, 1995; Needham & Baillargeon, 1993a, 1993b). Baillargeon, Needham, and colleagues interpreted looking longer at physically impossible events as an indication of conceptual knowledge if certain preconditions are met. Concerning support events, the idea is that conceptual knowledge leads infants to expect inadequately supported objects to fall and to show surprise (indicated by increased looking time) when their expectation is violated. Recently, the appropriate interpretation of the perceptual and cognitive capacities revealed by the expectancy violation method sparked a heated debate (Bogartz, Shinskey, & Schilling, 2000; Bogartz, Shinskey, & Speaker, 1997; Cashon & Cohen, 2000; Haith, 1998; Munakata, 2000; Rivera, Wakeley, & Langer, 1999; Schilling, 2000; Thelen & Smith, 1994; for a rebuttal, see Baillargeon, 2000, 2002). An alternative interpretation of looking preferences in expectancy violation experiments is that perceptual experience alone leads infants to notice that the impossible event is unusual. Looking longer at such events would thus indicate infants’ preference for perceptual novelty or anomaly rather than indicating expectancy violations in any deeper epistemological sense (cf. Mandler, 1998). In the present context, it seems neither necessary nor appropriate to take sides in this ongoing controversy. There is general agreement among researchers that looking-time preferences for impossible over possible events can occur for a variety of reasons, which can only be narrowed down empirically. One ingenious approach to rule out low-level accounts has been reported by Needham and Baillargeon (1993b). Their results suggest that 3-month-old infants can take advantage of prior information to make sense of an impossible test event. Infants that were first shown a second hand holding the back of a box no longer exhibited a preference for an impossible no-contact event, although the supporting hand was no longer visible (for further examples, see Baillargeon, 1994). Whatever interpretation of infants’ physical intuitions will eventually prevail, our present findings indicate that chimpanzees exhibit intuitions concerning support relations similar to those of 6 to 7-month-old human infants. This is a new finding indicating that chimpanzees’ naive statics may be subtler than previously thought. At the same time, the results of Experiment 2 suggest that there might also be fundamental differences between chimpanzees and human infants. These two main aspects of the present findings need to be addressed in further research; the following discussion of these aspects should be considered preliminary. The observation that in Experiment 1, the chimpanzees exhibited preferential looking for the no-contact event is in line with previous results suggesting that nonhuman primates discriminate between adequate and inadequate support on the basis of the qualitative feature of contact or no contact (Hauser et al., 1999;
Povinelli, 2000; Spinozzi & Potı´, 1993). In Experiment 3, the chimpanzees even distinguished between an adequate and inadequate amount of contact. In conjunction with Ko¨ hler’s (1957) negative findings in this regard, this result may be viewed as pointing to a dissociation between performance displayed in action or problem-solving tasks and performance displayed in a preferential-looking context. Santos and Hauser (2002) found that such a dissociation, which is characteristic of human infants, also exists in rhesus macaques. It is therefore possible that the same holds true for chimpanzees in certain respects. How can it be explained that the same chimpanzees were sensitive to amount of contact but not type of contact in Experiments 3 and 2, respectively, whereas infants appear to take into account type of contact before they consider amount of contact? Do chimpanzees rely on other perceptual features than do human infants, either generally or in the particular context of support? Although there are anatomical and physiological homologies between human and nonhuman vision, many questions remain concerning possible differences between visual representations of humans and nonhuman primates. Nonetheless, previous research (Povinelli, 2000; Thompson & Oden, 2000; Tomasello & Call, 1997) has indicated that chimpanzees use surface features, such as shape, size, color, and texture, to individuate and categorize objects. Further, it can be assumed that chimpanzees are also sensitive to the spatial arrangements of the objects perceived. Thompson and Oden (2000) reported that apes use abstract relational properties (including spatial information, such as “inside of” or “on top of”) to categorize objects; they even appear to do so more readily than do monkeys. Thus, it seems safe to conclude that chimpanzees are capable of perceptually discriminating the events displayed in our experiments and that the perception of these events does not differ fundamentally between chimpanzees and human infants. Yet, if chimpanzees are capable of perceptually discriminating between the two test events in Experiment 2, as we assume, why did they not show a looking preference for the impossible event? To be sure, preference implies discrimination but not vice versa. It could thus be that chimpanzees do not “understand” that an object can be supported only from below, although they perfectly discriminate between an object placed against or on top of another object. At this point, it is interesting to note that Ko¨ hler (1957) tried to make sense of certain errors his chimpanzees made (e.g., pressing a box against the wall and trying to climb onto it or pulling out a box on which they were standing). He wondered whether chimpanzees were ignorant of the fundamental dependence of our statics on the generally firm orientation of above and below, the vertical and horizontal planes. This account appears to be weakened by recent findings showing that nonhuman primates display a strong gravity bias in search tasks (Hauser, Williams, Kralik, & Moskovitz, 2001; Hood, Hauser, Anderson, & Santos, 1999). However, these results show merely that nonhuman primates are sensitive to the vertical orientation of gravity in the context of searching for invisibly displaced objects. It is a different issue whether they are also sensitive to the orientation of gravity in a support context (i.e., when solving support problems or watching support phenomena). The most parsimonious interpretation of the present results is that chimpanzees are sensitive only to amount of contact but not
type of contact when they are watching one object being released in the vicinity of a potential support. There are, however, a number of alternative explanations for the negative result of Experiment 2. Most obvious is the explanation that the video clip for Experiment 2 was the only clip showing an apple instead of a banana. That the chimpanzees simply displayed a preference for the banana over the apple can be ruled out, however, because this possibility cannot explain why they looked longer at the impossible than at the possible test event in the case of the banana but not the apple. Nor can it explain why they tended to look longer at the familiarization and possible test events in Experiment 2 than in Experiments 1 and 3 (see Figures 3, 5, and 7). More plausible is an alternative explanation concerning the production of the video clip. To produce the impossible test event, we had to use magnets in Experiment 2 only. The chimpanzees may have perceived the short jolt that was visible when the hand attached the apple to the side of the platform. They may have interpreted this short jolt, caused by the magnetic forces between apple and platform, to mean that the apple was sticking to the platform; therefore, they did not find the event unusual or impossible. A replication of the second experiment without the use of magnets could help to answer this question. To summarize, our results suggest that untrained chimpanzees have some spontaneous expectations (or anticipations) about the interaction of objects in the context of support. Their expectations appear to be based on the perceived contact relation between two objects, both qualitatively (contact vs. no contact) and quantitatively (sufficient vs. insufficient amount of contact) but not on information about the objects’ absolute orientation in space. Additional research is required to better understand the present findings and to clarify whether chimpanzees form relational categories similar to those of human infants or if their intuitions about support are different from those of human infants.
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Received January 15, 2003 Revision received August 1, 2003 Accepted August 7, 2003 䡲