Recombinant human growth hormone treatment of children following renal transplantation. Richard N. Fine 1, 3, Ora Yadin 1, 3, Pauline A. Nelson 1, 3, KimĀ ...
Pediatric Nephrology
Pediatr Nephrol(1991) 5: 147-151 9 IPNA 1991
Original article Recombinant human growth hormone treatment of children following renal transplantation Richard N. Fine 1, 3, Ora Yadin 1, 3, Pauline A. Nelson 1, 3, Kim Pyke-Grimm 1, 3, M. Ines Boechat 2, Barbara H. Lippe 1, 4, Barry M. Sherman5, Robert B. Ettengerl, 3, and Elaine Kamill, a Departments of I Pediatricsand 2 Radiology,and the Divisionsof 3PediatricNephrologyand 4 Endocrinology,UCLACenterfor the Health Sciences, Los Angeles,CA 90024, USA, 5 Genentech,South San Francisco,CA 94080, USA ReceivedJuly 6, 1990
Abstract. Nine growth-retarded renal allograft recipients received either thrice weekly or daily subcutaneous recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) for 6 - 3 0 months. The annualized growth velocity for the initial year of rhGH treatment was significantly greater than that of the preceding year (2.5+2.1 vs 5.7+2.7; P