Recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission.PDF - Google ...

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Page 1 of 1. 'ix? S. No. PC-Vtf/ 4 z. No. PC-V/2017iNTA,t1. GOVERNIVIENT OF INDIA/,Tfftr S|m.r{. MISJISTRY OF RAILWAYSAH


RArLwAyBoARD/H t6 S. No. PC-Vtf/4 z No. PC-V/2017iNTA,t1

r, ..RBFNo. 9g leOtZ New Delhi,datedM

The GenerafManagers AIIlndianRaifways a pUs (As per mailinglist) subject: - Recommendations of the 7thcentraI pay commission Grant of Transport Atfowil.l;

iairilav ernpfoyees.

partiatmodification of.r,?,ly{ ^^ ]n of even numberdated 03'08'201 Fotg'r- retterpiyH;Tission 7 resarding t".o*enoations,irtn"?il b*i;?l to grantof rransportAllowan""t" ii"ii-i;;iltoj""s, rerating presidenr the preased decidethatRairwav rs to emprove"Jill?:p_dr.w;$;y of Rs.24 - Levei-1 z*at_cabovein pav & 2 of the-Pay'rvr"itii, rnallbeerigibreToi sjranr"ii;;rpoi ntro*rnce Rs'3600 plusD'A'theieon g Annexure io Board's tne above letterand@ Rs.1B00 cited "itr," D;-ih#;ffi riro*,",ptaces. ;td"iti";;;;iffi"a"lnp9. 2'

All other contentsof - the Y above - v v v v t r s s go"rd's L t t J G l r u letterdated 03.0g.2017 shaff "it.o

remain unchanged.



Theseorders sharfbe effeetivefrom 1"rJury, 2017. ' ""' 4. This issuerwith the concurrenceof the FinanceDirectorateof the Ministry Railways. of 5.

Hindiversionwifffollow, {MoF's OM No.2t/S/, dt. fd August,Zht4

{1,r fi

v/])A \ *ry nrr nir.aa#arrqv rr-.. ^^ !w'f'sjns!l Fr''r'vv'[v''


No, PC-V/2A17tNTAtj

New Defhi,dated 11 nilZ}fi

forwarded toDeputv comprrotler andAuditor Generat ofIndia ,?"jil$l:l i'l1trs:T]. No. I/S(F)

.rarioaalF"d"rorio,,@ 3,. Chelmsford _,.__l_Road,\.e., New Delhi. uc.,.,.




toUFiwggrgiagfi issioner, Railways

Copyforwatded to the General secretqries of affiliated (lnions of NFIR for information and gaidance. C/: Media Centre/NFIR C/: File No. IV/NFIM7 CpC (mp)/2016/R.8._part I. C/: File No. IV/NFIR/7 CpC (Imp)/2016/Ailowunce_purt I.


(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) General Secretary