The Zohar, five volumes, translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice. Simon
Sepher Yetzirah, by Aryeh Kaplan. Bahir, by Aryeh Kaplan. The Generations of
Adam, ...
Recommended Reading List Foundation Books: The Gift of Kabbalah, by Tamar Frankiel Tarot, A Key to the Wisdom of the Ages, by Paul Foster Case Coming of the Cosmic Christ, by Matthew Fox Prayers of the Cosmos, by Neil Douglas-Klotz The Gnostic Gospel of St. Thomas, by Tau Malachi The Gnosis of the Cosmic Christ, by Tau Malachi Living Gnosis, By Tau Malachi The Gnostic Bible, by Willis Barnstone The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, by Jean-Yves Leloup
Source Works: The Zohar, five volumes, translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon Sepher Yetzirah, by Aryeh Kaplan Bahir, by Aryeh Kaplan The Generations of Adam, by Isaiah Horowitz Gates of Light, by Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla The Essential Kabbalah, by Daniel C. Matt (good for those who can't afford the Zohar and other Source Works) The Nag Hammadi Library The Likutei Amarim Tanya, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
Beginning Books: Book of Tokens, by Paul Foster Case God & the Big Bang, by Daniel C. Matt God Is A Verb, by David A. Cooper The River of Light, by Lawrence Kushner God was in this Place, by Lawrence Kushner The Book of Letters, by Lawrence Kushner Jewish Meditation, by Aryeh Kaplan The Hidden Gospel, by Neil Douglas-Klotz The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels
Kinship With All Life, by J. Allen Boone The Man Nobody Knows, by Bruce Barton
The Woman With the Alabaster Jar, by Margaret Starbird Invoking Mary Magdalene:Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine, by Siobhan Houston
Intermediate Books: Meditation and the Bible, by Aryeh Kaplan Inner Space, by Aryeh Kaplan True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, by Paul Foster Case The Hebrew Goddess, by Raphael Patai Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, by Caitlin Matthews Sophia-Maria: A Holistic Vision of Creation, by Thomas Schipflinger The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet, by Rabbi Michael L. Munk No Boundary, by Ken Wilber
Advanced Books: Meditation and Kabbalah, by Aryeh Kaplan Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine, the Ten Mahavidyas, by David Kinsley Reference Books: Dictionary of Angels, by Gustav Davidson Godwin's Cabalistic Encyclopedia, by David Godwin Extended Studies: Christ the Yogi, by Ravi Ravindra Yeshua Buddha, by Jay G. Williams The Way of Passion, by Andrew Harvey Light Upon Light, by Andrew Harvey That Which Transpires Behind That Which Appears, by Pir Vilayat Khan Living Presence, by Kabir Edmund Helminski Jesus Christ, Sun of God, by David Fideler The Beginnings of Christianity, by Andrew Welburn Wisdom of the Kabbalah, by Alexandre Safran The Practice of Kabbalah, by Steven A. Fisdel Gnosis, by Kurt Rudolph The Origin of Satan, by Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Religion, by Hans Jonas Gnosticism, by Benjamin Walker Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism, by Chogyam Trungpa Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, by Sogyal Rinpoche The Healing Power of Mind, by Tulku Thondup Introduction to Tantra, by Lama Yeshe Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bahkti Yoga, by Vivekananda The Awakening of Intelligence, by J. Krishnamurti Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses, by David Frawley Sri Aurobindo on The Adventure of Consciousness, by Satprem
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