Jul 1, 2011 ... Delicious collection, either directly or via their own Delicious account .... Web 2.0
tools and strategies for archives and local history collections.
RECOMMENDED READING Version 1 (1 July 2011) The following list of recommended resources (while by no means exhaustive) provides students with a selection of book titles and journal titles that you may find useful in supporting your learning and preparation for assessment tasks in INF506. All book and journal titles have been included on this list because they are available to students through the CSU Library at http://www.csu.edu.au/division/library. You will also find relevant websites listed in the INF206/506 Delicious website at http://delicious.com/sissocialmedia. Students are encouraged to shared useful websites, readings and articles they find about social networking by adding these to the INF206/506 Delicious collection, either directly or via their own Delicious account using the tag 'for:sissocialmedia'. Ahson, S., & Ilyas, M. (2011). Cloud computing and software services theory and techniques. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Bailyn, E., & Bailyn, B. (2011). Outsmarting Google. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que. Bejune, M., Ronan, J., & Association of Research Libraries. (2008). Social software in libraries. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries. Berger, P., & Trexler, S. (2010). Choosing Web 2.0 tools for learning and teaching in a digital world. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. Berube, L. (2008). Do you Web 2.0?: Social networking and library services. Oxford: Chandos Publishing. Bevan, P. (2010). After Web 2.0: Technologies and strategies for the social web. London: Facet. Bradley, P. (2007). How to use Web 2.0 in your library. London: Facet. Bridgewater, R. & Cole, M. (2009). Instant messaging reference: A practical guide. Oxford: Chandos. Brooks‐Young, S. (2010). Teaching with the tools kids really use: Learning with Web and mobile technologies. Thousand Oaks, Calif. :Corwin. Cahill, K. (2009). User‐generated content and its impact on web‐based library services. Oxford: Chandos Publishing. Casey, M. E., Savastinuk, L. C., & NetLibrary Inc. (2007). Library 2.0: A guide to participatory library service. Medford, N.J.: Information Today. INF 506 Recommended Reading List for 201190
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Cohen, L. B. (Ed.). (2008). Library 2.0 initiatives in academic libraries. Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries. Coombs, K.A. & Griffey, J. (2008). Library blogging. Columbus, Ohio: Linworth Pub. Courtney, N. (2007). Library 2.0 and beyond: Innovative technologies and tomorrow's user. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited. Crosby, C., & Kroski, E. (2010). Effective blogging for libraries. London: Facet Pub. Cvetkovic, V.B. & Lackie, R.J. (Eds.). (2009). Teaching Generation M: A handbook for librarians and educators. New York : Neal‐Schuman Publishers. De Rosa, C., Cantrell, J., Havens, A., Hawk, J. & Jenkins, L. (2007). Sharing privacy and trust in our networked world: A report to the OCLC membership. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC. [ebook] Available http://www.oclc.org/reports/pdfs/sharing.pdf Deans, P. C. (Ed.). (2008). Social software and Web 2.0 technology trends. Hershey, NY.: Idea Group Inc. Earnshaw, R. A., & Vince, J. (Eds.). (2008). Digital convergence ‐ Libraries of the future. Berlin: Springer. Ebersbach, A. (2008). Wiki: Web collaboration (2nd ed.). Berlin: Springer. Ellis, K., & Kent, M. (2011). Disability and new media. New York: Routledge. Ellis, M. (2011). Managing and growing a cultural heritage web presence: A strategic guide. London: Facet. Engard, N.C. (Ed.). (2009). Library mashups: Exploring new ways to deliver library data. London: Facet. Erdman, J.M. (2009). Library Web ecology: What you need to know as Web design co‐ordinator. Oxford: Chandos. Evans, W. (2009). Building library 3.0: Issues in creating a culture of participation. Oxford: Chandos. Farkas, M. G. (2007). Social software in libraries: Building collaboration, communication, and community online. Medford, N.J.: Information Today, Inc. Ferriter, W. M., & Garry, A. (2010). Teaching the igeneration : five easy ways to introduce essential skills with web 2.0 tools. Bloomington, IN.: Solution Tree Press. George, C.A. (2008). User‐centered library websites: Usability evaluation methods. Oxford: Chandos. Godwin, P., & Parker, J. (2008). Information literacy meets library 2.0. London: Facet. Governor, J., Hinchcliffe, D, & Nickull, D. (2009). Web 2.0 architectures (1st ed.). Sebastopol, Calif : O’Reilly Media. [ebook] Available http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com.ezproxy.csu.edu.au/9780596514433 INF 506 Recommended Reading List for 201190
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Griffey, J. (2010). Mobile technology and libraries. London: Facet Publishing. Haffner, K. A. (ed.). (2010). Semantic Web : standards, tools and ontologies. Hauppauge, NY.: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Harlan, M.A. (2009). Personal learning networks: Professional development for the isolated school librarian. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited. Hastings, R. (2010). Microblogging and lifestreaming in libraries. London: Facet Publishing. Himma, K.E. & Tavani, H.T. (Eds.). (2008). The handbook of information and computer ethics. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. [ebook] Available http://csuau.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=353290 Jackson, P. D. (2010). Web 2.0 knowledge technologies and the enterprise: Smarter, lighter and cheaper. Oxford: Chandos. Johnson, L., Levine, A., Smith, R., & Smythe, T. (2009). The 2009 Horizon Report: K‐12 Edition. [ebook] Available http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2009‐Horizon‐Report‐K12.pdf Kear, K. L. (2011). Online and social networking communities: A best practice guide for educators. New York: Routledge. Li, C. (2010). Open leadership : how social technology can transform the way you lead. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey‐Bass. Li, C. & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Press. Mackey, T. P., & Jacobson, T. E. (2011). Teaching information literacy online. London: Facet Pub. McFedries, P. (2010). Twitter tips, tricks, and tweets. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, IN.: Wiley. Nissenbaum, H. F. (2010). Privacy in context : [electronic resource] technology, policy, and the integrity of social life. Stanford, Calif.:Stanford University Press. Parkes, D., & Hart, L. (Eds.). (2010). Web 2.0 and libraries: Impacts, technologies and trends. London: Chandos. Porter, J. (2008). Designing for the social web. Berkeley, Calif.: New Riders. Poynter, R. (2010). The handbook of online and social media research: Tools and techniques for market researchers. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley. Pressley, L. (2010). Wikis for libraries. London: Facet Publishing. Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press. Sauers, M.P. (2006). Blogging and RSS: A librarian's guide. Medford, N.J: Information Today. Sauers, M.P. (2009). Searching 2.0. London: Facet.
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Shariff, S. (2008). Cyber‐bullying: Issues and solutions for the school, the classroom and the home. London: Routledge. Shih, C. C.‐w. (2011). The Facebook era: Tapping online social networks to market, sell, and innovate (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0: New tools, new schools. Eugene, OR: ISTE. Theimer, K. (2010). Web 2.0 tools and strategies for archives and local history collections. New York: Neal‐Schuman Publishers. Vossen, G., & Hagemann, S. (2007). Unleashing Web 2.0: From concepts to creativity. Amsterdam ; Boston, Mass.: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann. Wenger, E., White, N., & Smith, J.D. (2009). Digital habitats: Stewarding technology for communities. Portland, OR: CPsquare. Whittaker, B.M. & Thomas, L.M. (2009). Special collections 2.0: Using new technologies to collect, describe, promote, and preserve rare books, manuscripts, and archival collections. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited. Wood, M.S. (Eds.). (2007). Medical librarian 2.0: Use of Web 2.0 technologies in reference services. New York: Haworth Information Press.
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Some columns & blogs to start monitoring… You might want to set up RSS feeds for some of these this session
Casey/Stephens ‘The Transparent Library’ [column] in The Library Journal http://www.libraryjournal.com/ AnnaLaura Brown’s Social Networking in Libraries [blog] http://socialnetworkinglibrarian.com/ Michael Stephens’ Tame the Web: Libraries, Technology and People [blog] http://tametheweb.com/ Helene Blowers’ LibraryBytes [blog] http://librarybytes.com/ Mashable: The social media guide [blog] http://mashable.com/ Richard MacManus’ The ReadWriteWeb [blog] http://www.readwriteweb.com/ Laurel Papworth’s The Business of Social Media, Online Communities & Social Networks [blog] http://laurelpapworth.com/ Lorcan Dempsey's Weblog: On libraries, services and networks [blog] http://orweblog.oclc.org/ The Library 2.0 Gang hosted by Richard Wallis [podcast] http://librarygang.talis.com/ TechCrunch [blog] http://techcrunch.com/ Erik Qualman’s Socialnomics – Social Media Blog [blog] http://socialnomics.net/ Joyce Valenza’s NeverEnding Journey [blog] via the School Library Journal http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334.html Doug Johnson’s Blue Skunk [blog] http://doug‐johnson.squarespace.com/ Will Richardson’s Weblogg‐ed: Learning with the read/write web [blog] http://weblogg‐ed.com/ Judy O’Connell’s Learning in an Online World [blog] http://heyjude.wordpress.com/ School Library Association of Victoria’s Bright ideas [blog] http://slav.globalteacher.org.au/ Kate Theimer’s ArchivesNext [blog] http://www.archivesnext.com/ Buffy Hamilton’s The Unquiet Librarian [blog] http://theunquietlibrarian.wordpress.com/ David Warlick’s 2c worth [blog] http://davidwarlick.com/2cents/
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Bobby Newmans’ Librarian by Day [blog] http://librarianbyday.net/ Eric Sheninger’s A Principal’s Reflections [blog] http://esheninger.blogspot.com/ Jenny Levine’s The Shifted Librarian [blog] http://theshiftedlibrarian.com/ Sarah Houghton‐Jan’s Librarian in Black [blog] http://librarianinblack.net/librarianinblack/ Tom Whitby’s My Island View [blog] http://tomwhitby.wordpress.com/ danah boyd’s apophenia: making connections where none previously existed [blog] http://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/ Steven W. Anderson’s Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom: A Blend Of Technology And Education [blog] http://web20classroom.blogspot.com/
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