Pathway to Progress (PTP) (2007). ... Toronto, ON: PTP of Toronto .... "Un cours n'
est pas conçu pour celui qui enseigne, mais pour celui qui apprend!":.
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Recommended Resources These resources have been recommended by Summer Institute participants
Definitions and Concepts College Sector Committee for Adult Upgrading (2009). Defining Essential Skills. Belfiore, M.E….et. al. (2004). Reading Work Literacies in the New Workplace. Routledge
Manuals and Guides Brinkerhoff, R.O. (2003). The Success Case Method: Find out quickly what's working and what's not. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Draves , W.A. (1997). How to Teach Adults. LERN Books. Evetts, J. (1996) Document Literacy: A guide for workplace trainers and educators. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council Hammond, K. & Bennett, K. (2000). Sectoral Needs Assessment: A process for essential skills analysis. Alberta Workforce Essential Skills Committee Jordan, D.R., (2000). Understanding and Managing Learning Disabilities in Adults: Professional practices in adult education and human resource development. Melbourne, FL: Krieger Publishing Company LaRoche, L. (2003). Managing Cultural Diversity in Technical Professions. Butterworth- Heinemann LaRoche, L, & Rutherford, D. (2007). Recruiting, Retaining and Promoting Culturally Different Employees. Butterworth-Heinemann Ontario Literacy Coalition (2000). The Level Descriptions Manual: A learning outcomes approach to describing levels of skill in communications & numeracy. Toronto, ON: Ontario Literacy Coalition Reder, S. & Bynner, J. (2009). Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills. New York, NY: Routledge. Saslow, J. (2002). Workplace Plus 2: Living and working in English. Longman Workbase (2003). A Tutor's Guide: Initial Assessment. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from Workplace Education Manitoba (n.d.). Snapshot for Customer Service Representatives. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from
Summer Institute 2010 WORKPLACE LITERACY & ESSENTIAL SKILLS: WHAT COUNTS? AND WHY? June 28-30, 2010, Montreal, QC
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Curricula Pathway to Progress (PTP) (2007). Workforce Literacy & Essential Skills Instructional Guidelines Pathway to Possibilities (2008). Signposts: A Practical Curriculum for Guiding Instruction and Informal Assessment in the Classroom. Toronto, ON: PTP of Toronto Simcoe/Muskoka Literacy Network (2008). Bridging the Employment Gap - Clerical. Retrieved June 11, 2010, from
Resource Binders SkillPlan (1996). Document Use at Work. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council SkillPlan (2003). Numeracy at Work. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council. SkillPlan (2005). Reading at Work: Workplace Reader. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council. SkillPlan (2006). Reading at Work: Facilitator's Guide. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council SkillPlan (2007). Developing Work-Related Learning Materials. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council SkillPlan (2009). Thinking Strategies for Numeracy. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council SkillPlan (2010). Six Steps to Mentoring. Burnaby, BC: SkillPlan, BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council
Research Reports Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2006 reissue). Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey, Summary Results, Australia. Retrieved May 24, 2010, from
[email protected]/Lookup/4228.0Main+Features12006%20(Reissue)?OpenDocument Australian Industry Group. (2010). National Workforce Literacy Project: Employer views on workplace literacy and numeracy skills, their impact on business and the most effective measures for improving skills. Retrieved May 24, 2010, from Bélanger, P. & Daniau, S. (2008). La formation de base dans les petites et moyenne entreprises: pratiques et modèles novateurs : synthèse bibliographique internationale. Montréal, QC : CIRDEP, Université du Québec à Montréal Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (2009). Business Results Through Essential Skills and Literacy. Mississauga, ON: Canadian Manufacturs & Exporters (CME)
Summer Institute 2010 WORKPLACE LITERACY & ESSENTIAL SKILLS: WHAT COUNTS? AND WHY? June 28-30, 2010, Montreal, QC
Page |3 The Centre for Literacy of Quebec. (2009). Workplace Literacy & Essential Skills: What works? and why? [Literature Review]. Montreal, QC: The Centre for Literacy The Conference Board of Canada (2005). Profiting from Literacy: Creating a sustainable workplace literacy program. Toronto, ON: The Conference Board of Canada Construction Sector Council (2010). The Business Case for Essential Skills in Construction. Retrieved from Corbeil, J-P. (2006). Le volet canadien de l’Enquête Internationale sur l’alphabétisation et les compétences des adultes de 2003 (EIACA) : état de la situation chez les minorités de langue officielle. Ottawa : Statistique Canada. Retrieved May 2006 from Miners, R. (2010). People without Jobs, Jobs without People: Ontario’s labour market future. Retrieved June 11, 2010, from http://www.collegesontario.or/research/other/people-without-jobs-jobs-without-people-final.pdf Murray, T.S. (2009). Addressing Canada’s Literacy Challenge: A cost benefit analysis. Data Angel. Retrieved from Praxis Research and Consulting (2008). Impacts of Workplace Supported Literacy and Essential Skills Enhancement in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in Canada. Halifax, NS: Praxis Research and Consulting. PTO (2007). Workforce Literacy and Essential Skills: Increasing student success through contextualized learning. Toronto, ON
Articles Leveson, N. (2004). A New Accident Model for Engineering Safer Systems. Safety Science (42) 4. Retrieved from
Program Information Federal Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Workplace English, Literacy and Language (WELL) program, from
Websites Association of Canadian Community Colleges Website: Association of Workplace Educators of North Amerca (AWENS): Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) – Essential Skills:
Summer Institute 2010 WORKPLACE LITERACY & ESSENTIAL SKILLS: WHAT COUNTS? AND WHY? June 28-30, 2010, Montreal, QC
Page |4 Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. ‘Readers' Guide to Essential Skills Profiles’: Laubach Literacy Ontario, Laubach Training System: Literacy Victoria's Workforce Literacy and Essential Skills: National Centre for Vocational Education Research, ‘Adult literacy resource’: Northern Light's Pre-employment Workplace Essential Skills: Nova Scotia School for Adult Learning (NSSAL): Nova Scotia Workplace Education: Ontario Sklls Passport: http:/ PTP Adult Learning and Employment Programs: "Un cours n’est pas conçu pour celui qui enseigne, mais pour celui qui apprend!":
Miscellaneous Holt, J. (rev. 1995). How Children Fail. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press
Summer Institute 2010 WORKPLACE LITERACY & ESSENTIAL SKILLS: WHAT COUNTS? AND WHY? June 28-30, 2010, Montreal, QC