Most recommender systems personalize multimedia content to the users by analyzing two main dimensions of input: content (item), and user (consumer).
(zbahramian, abaspour) KEY WORDS: Recommender System, Ontology, Tourism, Personalization, Point of Interest, Spreading Activation. ABSTRACT:.
on a logistic regression learning process. The work starts from the hypothesis that a learning process improves the performance of the recommendation task.
Jul 28, 2013 - For example, Koren et al. [4] proposed to directly combine ..... [12] Gideon Dror, Noam Koenigstein, Yehuda Koren,. Markus Weimer The Yahoo!
2016 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo. University. ... the movie ratings given by individuals and then recommends ... (O.P. Verma).
problem. As such, many e-commerce sites already use them to facilitate the
buying process. In this paper we present a recommender system for online