offense involving weapons, alcohol or drugs, or for the willful infliction of injury to another person or for any act of
Cocalico High School Every Child…Every Chance…Every Day…
To Whom It May Concern:
, D.O.B. , who was enrolled in your school, is starting the process of enrollment to the Cocalico School District. We are requesting that you forward the items below: Health and Dental Records Official transcript of work completed Record of current standing this semester Other standard test results PA Secure ID (if applicable) Special Education records Discipline records (Act 26) The ACT 26 Safe Schools Act of the Pennsylvania Public School Code provides for information to be shared between schools on any suspension or expulsion of a student from any public or private school of the Commonwealth or any other State for an act of offense involving weapons, alcohol or drugs, or for the willful infliction of injury to another person or for any act of violence committed on school property. Please provide such information if relevant to this student.
Name of Former School
Mailing Address
Phone number
Fax number
Signature of Parent/Guardian Please send records to: Cocalico High School Counseling Office 810 South 4th Street PO Box 800 Denver PA 17517
South Fourth Street, P.O. Box 800, Denver PA 17517-0800 – Phone: 717-336-1427 or 717-336-1442 Fax: 717-336-1418